Dusts of Avalon - Beastwithin.org

Dusts of Avalon - Beastwithin.org

Dusts of Avalon - Beastwithin.org


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VI. A H M Tsir. It was pit bla in here last time around. Nothing else comes in mind, sir.”“Well, at least we can see something”, Pyrehill said.e group moved in the keep's blue glow. On a closer inspection, the lightseemed to come from regularly placed cras between the walls and the ceiling,and the walls and the floor.“More strange stuff, ma'am!” Haman reported and pointed to the side rooms.Daleworth looked that way. “Right.” She turned to General Pyrehill. “Sir —there were strange stone cubes in the other rooms. Now it seems the boxes areopen — the rooms are filled with lots <strong>of</strong> weird mainery.”“Looks like robot maintenance gear to me, ma'am…” Haman said.“Come again, Sergeant”, Pyrehill said. “All personnel, please swit to theexecutive annel and turn on proximity fading. I guess it's beer if we keepeveryone on the same page here.” Originally, the group had been split on twoannels, one for the Space Marine platoon and one for the President, the historianand the generals, with Daleworth operating on both annels. e people on oneannel could hear the other annel's aer at lower volume. Normally, allradio aer within the range would come at constant volume, and proximityfading would try to simulate more natural speaking experience, while not fadingout all <strong>of</strong> the discussion entirely.“I said it looks like robot maintenance gear, sir.” Haman repeated.“What, is it any similar to the Planner mainery?” President Malory said.“As far as I can tell, this looks… different”, Fyrehart said. “I'd say this approalooks mu less… methodical.”“Agreed”, Pyrehill said. “e recon we have seen suggests that Planner repairfacilities are more like factories. Tightly paed, every lile nut and bolt goingin their own specific conveyors, every bot disassembled and rebuilt with strictprecision. is… looks more like jet plane repair pit to me. Someone's operatinghere.”“Merlin donning overalls and fixing robots?” Daleworth muered, barely remembering,or caring, that she was still on loop.“Ah, foolishness <strong>of</strong> women”, a voice said on the radio. “I am not clothed inmy present form, but if I were, I would still elect to use my old robes. A wizardmust be recognised as one by the common folk.”e group froze.“Merlin?” Daleworth asked, unfazed by the wizard's taunt.“You address the mightiest wizard <strong>of</strong> the world.”e President got ahold <strong>of</strong> the situation. “Good day, wizard. Can you showyourself, please?”“at I unfortunately cannot do, sir Malory. You must help yourself. Pleasetake a look in the room where you looked in moments ago. If you are observantenough, you shall see me.”

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