The PowerPC 604 RISC Microprocessor - eisber.net

The PowerPC 604 RISC Microprocessor - eisber.net

The PowerPC 604 RISC Microprocessor - eisber.net


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ifleBranch if less than or equal to 0Syntax.ille = 158branchb)te Ibronchbyte2ifgeBranch if greater than or equal to 0Syntax:lige = 156brosichb)te Ibranchb)te?Stack: ..., VA tie =>Stack: ..., value =>value must be an integer. It is popped from the stack. If value is less than or equal to zero, brauchbyteland branchbyte? are used to construct a signed 16-bit offset. Execution proceeds at that offset from theaddress of this instruction. Otherwise execution proceeds at the instruction following the i i le.value must be an integer. It is popped from the stack. If value is greater than or equal to zero,branchbyIel and braruftbyle2 are used to construct a signed 16-bit offset. Execution proceeds at thatoffset from the address of this instruction Otherwise execution proceeds at the instruction followingthe i fge.ifneBranch if not equal to 0Syntax:ifnonnullifgtStack . ..., valise =>ijrtt = 154brosichbyte Ibronchb)te2value must be an integer. It is popped from the stack. If value is not equal to zero, bratichbylel andbranclibyle2 are used to construct a signed 16-bit offset. Execution proceeds at that offset from theaddress of this instruction. Otherwise execution proceeds at the Instruction following the line.Branch if not nullSyntax:Stack: ..., value =>Omission = 199bronchbyte Ibrosichb)tevalue must be a reference to an object. It is popped from the stack. If value is not null, branclibytel andbranchbyte2 arc used to construct a signed 16-bit offset. Execution proceeds at that offset from theaddress of this instruction. Otherwise execution proceeds at the instruction following thenonnu 11 .Branch if greater than 0Syntax:Stack' ., value =>ifgt = 157bronchb)te Ibrusichb)te2valise must be an integer. It is popped from the stack. If value is greater than zero, brancla)ytel andIsras1chlsyle2 are used to construct a signed 16-bit offset. Execution proceeds at that offset from theaddress of this instruction. Otherwise execution proceeds at the instruction following the I fgt.if_icmpegBranch if integers equalSyntax:if_icmpneif_icmpltr_icmprq = 159branchbyie /branclib)te2Stack: ..., uahrel, value?value] and value? must be integers. <strong>The</strong>y are both popped from the stack. If unfurl is equal to valise?,bratichbytel and branchbyle2 are used to construct a signed 16-bit offset. Execution proceeds at thatoffset from the address of this instruction. Otherwise execution proceeds at the instruction followingthe 1 f_icmpeg.Branch if integers not equalSyntax:if icmprir = 160branclibyre 1branchb)ie2Stack: value!, value? =>valuel and value2 must be integers. <strong>The</strong>y are both popped from the stack. It entire! is not equal tovalise?, branchbytel and branchbyte2 are used to construct a signed 16-bit offset. Execution proceeds atthat offset from the address of this instruction. Otherwise execution proceeds at the instructionfollowing the i f _1 cmpne.Branch if integer less thanSyntax:[!f length = 161bronchbyte Ibranchbyte2Stack: ..., value], value2valuel and value? must be integers. <strong>The</strong>y are both popped from the stack. If value; is less than mane?.branchbytel and branchbyle2 are used to construct a signed 16-bit offset. Execution proceeds at thatAugust 22, 1995Java Virtual Machine Specification57 58 Java Virtual Machine Specification August 22. 1995

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