Product Manual - Zemic

Product Manual - Zemic

Product Manual - Zemic


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++4.5 Source Milliamps0 to 24.000mAUsed to send milliampsignal to control room orto test or calibrate mAinput devicesIn source mA mode themilliamp output changesfrom measure mA tosource mA with 24V DCdriving voltage. Ensurereceiving end (SCADA,PLC, indicators, recorder,etc.) is a passive input.MEASUREmVSOURCE++-++MEASUREmASOURCE-SCADAmAControl RoomExample: Source MilliampsUse to send a mA signal to the control room or to test or calibrate milliamps inputdevices such as indicators, recorder or PLCs. In the simple mA mode you set avalue on the display using the value set keys, output is activated immediately.Loop error will flash if circuit open. Should you wish to set a mA value and displaythe mass equivalent then you must select mA&mass in the sub-menu and enterthe mA range, 0 (4)mA value, 20mA value, decimal point and units. If you wish toset the mass value and display the mA equivalent then select mass&mA and enterthe same sub-menu values as above.<strong>Zemic</strong> Europe info@zemic.nl www.zemic.nl10

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