Chronicles - Malifaux

Chronicles - Malifaux

Chronicles - Malifaux


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strengths and weaknesses in other crew types, aswell as train yourself to think a little less rigidly.For instance, I’m most accustomed to using crewslike Marcus or Zoraida, which work very well witha hit and run style of play. But early last year I beganplaying with Lucius, who’s crew works best in closesupport of each other. With Lucius I had to keep mycrew close together as I achieved my objectives, ratherthan spread across the board to harass my opponent.In a sense, such a drastic change in playstyle forcedme to relearn how I played <strong>Malifaux</strong>. But I feel thechallenges I faced by playing with such a differentstyle of crew made me a better <strong>Malifaux</strong> playeroverall, and I’m much better able to understand thestrengths and limitations to the sort of playstyle thata Lucius crew encourages.ConclusionIn writing this article, my aim was to give players,both new and old, some helpfuladvice for improving their skills inplaying <strong>Malifaux</strong>. However, this justscratches the surface ofwhat you can learn aboutStrategies and Tactics for<strong>Malifaux</strong>. I hope to go furtherdown the rabbit hole in future issues of Wyrd<strong>Chronicles</strong>. In the meantime, be sure to checkout the massive amount of other tactical adviceavailable. The previously mentioned Wyrd Forumsand PullMyFinger wiki are always a source of goodinformation, as are the many <strong>Malifaux</strong> Podcasts andblogs currently available.Until next time,Adrian25 © Copyright Wyrd Miniatures, LLC

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