Chronicles - Malifaux

Chronicles - Malifaux

Chronicles - Malifaux


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Step 7: BaseStep 8: SkeletonSince the base was going to need Yan Lo positioningcarefully, I built it with him in place, then took himoff it for painting. This guarantees the model willfit on the base at the end, but makes painting botheasier. The base was just green stuff sculpted aroundthe skeleton, with sand on top and strips of plasticardfor grave markers.The underground glow began with white, then GWice blue was mixed in, then this was blended towardsGW liche purple. The color was left brightest at thebottom of the glow, and darker as it got to groundlevel. This was cleaned up with charred brown onthe surface, which was then dry-brushed with earth,khaki and bonewhite in slightly uneven layers to givethe soil variation.The wooden grave markers were painted with leatherbrown first, then grain was painted on using a mixof leather and dark fleshtone, followed by pure darkfleshtone. The text was carefully painted on withdilute black and red. Finally, patchy glazes of greenand blue-grey were used followed by a smatteredwash of brown/black to age the wood.The skeleton began as a base-coat of 2:1 charredbrown/bronze fleshtone which I shaded with purecharred brown followed by a brown/black mix. Ithen glazed in bronze fleshtone, bleached bone andoff-white to highlight the bones, painting the bonejoints on the skull for extra interest. The armor waspainted similarly to Yan Lo’s staff, but I started witha darker gray and used a blue-black for the shade tomake the iron darker than the staff. The highlightswere kept small, but again, built up to pure chainmailsilver. Rusted patches were painted on using roughlystippled charred brown, dark fleshtone and orangefire, before a black/brown wash was applied unevenlyto tarnish it further. The cloth and straps started asGW liche purple, shaded down with black to a 1:1 mix.Then I repainted the original purple and highlightedusing progressively more bonewhite until it was a 1:1ratio. I also cleaned up the base edges with black, asthe messy part was done.Step 9: GrassTo finish the base, I added tufts of grass in places.The I added long grass for variation, trimmed it andadded a mix of static grasses. Finally, I used someautumn ivy for extra tangled foliage. With the baseand Yan Lo both finished, I attached them to make thefinal step easier.29 © Copyright Wyrd Miniatures, LLC

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