Tu B'Shevat Seder - Congregation B'nai Tikvah

Tu B'Shevat Seder - Congregation B'nai Tikvah

Tu B'Shevat Seder - Congregation B'nai Tikvah


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Page 10 HAKOL bnaitikvah.org February 2012 Sh’vat 8 - Adar 6 5772 Volume 33 issue 6YOU’RE INVITED TO DINNER!by Eve CukorHello, my name is Eve Cukor, I'm 12 yearsold, and I’m working on a new program thatbesides being my Bat Mitzvah project, isalso something I hope will become a longstandingtradition at <strong>Congregation</strong> B'Nai<strong>Tikvah</strong>. This new program is called, "BeOur Guest" and the idea is to create a databasethat pairs families and/or individualsfrom our community who would like to attenda Friday night shabbos dinner, or aholiday event such as a Passover <strong>Seder</strong>, thatis being held in the home of a CBT congregant.My goal is that this program will helppeople in our community who may be newto the area or to CBT, or do not have friendsor family nearby, to get to know each otherbetter, see different customs, try differentfoods, and also enable everyone to meetnew people and have a good time. Whetheryou (and your family) would like to attend adinner or whether you want to invite a "newfriend" to attend a dinner at your home --(and you are welcome to sign up for both) --you can easily add your name to our databaseby visiting my website. To kick off theprogram, we'll be signing up people forwould like to attend a PASSOVER SEDERat one of our congregant's homes. To signup to attend a seder or to invite a family orindividual to your own seder, please contactme and I will get in touch with you. Youcan contact me at:www.beourguestcbt.weebly.com, or youcan email me directly atbeouguestcbt@gmail.com (that's: be ourguest cbt at gmail.comThank you, Eve.Trying to find the wordsAs I sit here thinking about what I want to say,many words are running through my mind.Here are a few: compassionate, selfless, dependable,helpful, patient, kind, available. Allof these words define the same thing, theBikur Cholim committee of congregationB’nai <strong>Tikvah</strong>.I broke my leg in May of 2011. Since then Ihave received help with whatever I haveneeded by the amazing people who make upthis committee. They have cooked for me,shopped for me, taken me to and from physicaltherapy, and so much more. As it turns out myfracture has not healed and now requires surgery.I have been told by members of BikurCholim not to worry, they will be there forwhatever I need.If you have never been in the position I was in,which was mostly helpless, you do not knowwhat a gift it is to know there are people whoare ready to do whatever you need. Thatknowledge is so comforting. I can not expressmy gratitude.There is one other person I would like to mention.She has taken me to every Dr. appointmentand showed me how to get in and out ofmy condo, where there is a step. She has shownme how to deal with situations that felt overwhelmingto me. Her name is Rachel Ruchlinand most of you know her.Between her and the committee, I have made itthis far. Knowing they will be there for whatcomes next has given me peace of mind. Itmakes the idea of surgery just a little less scary.I thank each and every person who has helped,I could not have gotten this far without you.Although the committee’s primary purpose isto visit the sick and injured, I urge you tocontact them if you, or anyone you know,is in need of help while healing. Hopefullyyou will never need them but, rememberthey are ready to help if you do.Thank you for taking the time to read this.Jeryl Roller

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