Tu B'Shevat Seder - Congregation B'nai Tikvah

Tu B'Shevat Seder - Congregation B'nai Tikvah

Tu B'Shevat Seder - Congregation B'nai Tikvah


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Page 18 HAKOL bnaitikvah.org February 2012 Sh’vat 8 - Adar 6 5772 Volume 33 issue 6Ink Recycle ProgramWe collect used inkjet cartridgesthroughout the year. Bring emptycartridges from your inkjet printersat home or work to the synagogueoffice. We recommend that emptycartridges be brought in a ziploc bag,to prevent any possible leakage onhands, clothing, bags, etc.<strong>Tu</strong>ne in to Rabbi Wolkoff’s Adult Education lectureseries on: “Jewish Law”Call in during a live session or text your questions andopinions to elicit responses from the rabbi during thebroadcast.Clock:A small mechanical device to wake uppeople without children.Compromise:The art of dividing a cake so thateverybody believes he or she got thebiggest piece.Click the BlogTalkRadio icon wherever you see it onthe website to catch up on previous lectures orparticipate with us from the comfort of your home orwherever you happen to be.Next session:Wednesday, February 15th, at 8 pmIn March, on the 28th, at 8:00 pmBE A TATTLE TALEPlease let us know when a congregant can useour caring support.Contact Rabbi Wolkoffor the Bikur Cholim Committeeat bikur@bnaitikvah.org

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