World Health Organization Classification of Tumours Pathology and ...

World Health Organization Classification of Tumours Pathology and ...

World Health Organization Classification of Tumours Pathology and ...


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Multilocular cystic renal cellcarcinomaJ.N. EbleDefinitionA tumour composed entirely <strong>of</strong> numerouscysts, the septa <strong>of</strong> which contain smallgroups <strong>of</strong> clear cells indistinguishablefrom grade Ι clear cell carcinoma.ICD-O code 8310/3Clinical featuresThere is a male:female predominance <strong>of</strong>3:1. All have been adults (age range 20-76 years, mean = 51) {650}. No instance<strong>of</strong> progression <strong>of</strong> multilocular cystic renalcell carcinoma is known.MacroscopyWhile cysts are common in clear cellrenal cell carcinomas, only rarely is thetumour entirely composed <strong>of</strong> cysts. Inthese tumours the number <strong>of</strong> carcinomacells is small <strong>and</strong> diagnosis is challenging{1835}. In order to distinguish thesetumours with excellent outcomes fromother clear cell carcinomas, ones containingexpansive nodules <strong>of</strong> carcinomamust be excluded <strong>and</strong> diagnosed simplyas clear cell renal cell carcinoma {650}.Multilocular cystic renal cell carcinomaconsists <strong>of</strong> a well-circumscribed mass <strong>of</strong>small <strong>and</strong> large cysts filled with serous orhaemorrhagic fluid <strong>and</strong> separated fromthe kidney by a fibrous capsule.Diameters have ranged from 25 mm to130 mm. More than 20% have calcificationin the septa <strong>and</strong> osseous metaplasiaoccasionally occurs.Tumour spread <strong>and</strong> stagingNo tumour with these features has everrecurred or metastasized.HistopathologyThe cysts are usually lined by a singlelayer <strong>of</strong> epithelial cells or lack an epitheliallining. The lining cells may be flat orplump <strong>and</strong> their cytoplasm ranges fromclear to pale. Occasionally, the liningconsists <strong>of</strong> several layers <strong>of</strong> cells or a fewsmall papillae are present {2561}. Thenuclei almost always are small, spherical,<strong>and</strong> have dense chromatin.The septa consist <strong>of</strong> fibrous tissue, <strong>of</strong>tendensely collagenous. Within some <strong>of</strong> thesepta there is a population <strong>of</strong> epithelialcells with clear cytoplasm. The epithelialcells resemble those lining the cysts <strong>and</strong>almost always have small dark nuclei.The clear cells form small collections butFig. 1.23 Multilocular cystic renal cell carcinoma.do not form expansile nodules. Theseepithelial cells <strong>of</strong>ten closely resemblehistiocytes, or lymphocytes surroundedby retraction artefacts. Increased vascularitywithin the cell clusters is a clue totheir nature.Immunopr<strong>of</strong>ileThe cells with clear cytoplasm in thesepta frequently react strongly with antibodiesto cytokeratins <strong>and</strong> epithelialmembrane antigen <strong>and</strong> fail to react withantibodies to markers for histiocytes.ABFig. 1.24 Multilocular cystic renal cell carcinoma. A The septa <strong>of</strong> multilocular cystic renal cell carcinoma contain eptihelial cells which can be mistaken for lymphocytes.B The epithelial cells in the septa <strong>of</strong> multilocular cystic renal cell carcinoma react with antibodies to epithelial markers. EMA expression.26 <strong>Tumours</strong> <strong>of</strong> the kidney

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