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FEATURE FILMSEDENMia Hansen-Løve, France, 201517 July 19:45 Nouveau;19 July 14:15 NouveauEden is an affecting trip into the electronic dance movement in Paris whose rhythms echo itstextures and feeling. Based on the experiences of Hansen-Løve's brother (and co-writer) Sven,the film follows Paul (Félix de Givry), a teenager in the underground scene of early ninetiesParis. Rave parties dominate this culture, but he's drawn to the more soulful rhythms ofChicago's garage house. He forms a DJ collective named Cheers (as, in a parallel storyline, twoof his friends form one called Daft Punk, who float throughout the movie), and together heand his friends plunge into the ephemeral nightlife of sex, drugs, and endless music. AfricanPremiereFrench and English with English subtitles, 131 minTHE EYE OF THE CYCLONE (L'OEIL DU CYCLONE)Sékou Traoré France, 2015 19 July 16:00 Musgrave 6; 21 July 21:45Suncoast 6; 23 July 17:30 Suncoast1Sékou Traoré’s feature debut is a psychological drama about a young lawyer who has beenappointed a case that no one else wants; defending a rebel soldier – violent beyond belief, andhardly recognised as human who refuses to contribute to his own defence. The stronger theresistance from her colleagues and her own family, the more determined the young lawyerbecomes to stand up for her client’s right to a fair trial. South African PremiereFrench with English subtitles, 95 minFADHMA N'SOUMERBelkacem Hadjadj Algeria, 2014 19 July 21:15 Suncoast 7; 22 July 19:15Musgrave 6; 24 July 21:30 Suncoast1Algeria, 1847: at the end of the epic resistance of Emir Abdelkader, the French colonial army turnsits attention to Kabylia, whose people remain rebellious and unconquered. As the French preparefor the conquest of this strategic region, resistance is being organised with the contribution offighters from nearby lands, including Sharif Boubeghla. It is in this world that Fadhma n’Soumerrises to prominence. Brought up in a family of scholars, Fadhma reveals an exceptional personalityfrom a young age, defiantly rejecting 19th century patriarchal traditions for spiritual pursuits.In this stunning biopic, Hadjadj brings to life the extraordinary story of a mystic and resistanceleader, called by the French the ‘Joan of Arc of Kabylia’. South African PremiereAmazigh, French, Arabic with English Subtitles, 116 min5636th Durban International Film Festival

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