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DOCUMENTARIESGLORY GAME – THE JOOST VAN DER WESTHUIZEN STORYOdette Schwegler, South Africa, Scotland,United Kingdom, United States, Australia,New Zealand, 201423 July 19:00 Supernova;26 July 20:15 ESTFormer South African Springbok captain, Joost van der Westhuizen is no stranger to thespotlight. From fame on the rugby field to his fall from grace amid rumours and deceit, hislife has been public property. Now he tackles a crippling disease that has no regard for hispast triumphs, and again he lays himself bare to the world, fighting for survival, for his familyand for others affected by Motor Neuron Disease. South African PremiereEnglish, Afrikaans with English subtitles, 86 minI AM THE PEOPLEAnna Roussillon, France, 2014 24 July 22:00 Musgrave 6;26 July 11:00 Musgrave 6January 2011 in Egypt was marked by anti-government demonstrations. While tens ofthousands of protesters gathered in Cairo, poor villagers in the country’s south followedthe tense situation in Tahrir Square on their TV screens and in the daily newspapers. It isfrom their perspective that I Am the People captures the political changes in Egypt, from thetoppling of President Mubarak to the election and fall of Mohamed Morsi. The film revealsthe villagers’ hopes and disappointments and shows that despite the wild events, very littlehas actually changed in their lives. South African PremiereArabic with English subtitles, 111 minIMAGINE WAKING UP TOMORROW AND ALL MUSICHAS DISAPPEAREDStefan Schwietert, Germany, Switzerland,201520 July 22:00 Musgrave 5;26 July 18:00 Suncoast 7Imagine waking up and all forms of music have disappeared. Just like that. What will remainwhen it is all gone? When it passes from all memory, Bill Drummond, the man who withThe KLF once conquered the world of pop brings it back to us. He is an anarchic spirit, aneternal punk who now leads the largest choir in the world: The 17. Stefan Schwietert (Echoesof Home) accompanies Drummond as he finds new voices for his choir. It is a journey thathighlights the birth of music. African PremiereEnglish, 86 min8036th Durban International Film Festival

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