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CITY OF GOD: 10 YEARS LATER (CIDADE DE DEUS - 10 ANOSDEPOIS)Cavi Borges, Luciano Vidigal, Brazil, 2014 22 July 17:15 Suncoast 8;23 July 14:00 ElangeniCity of God:10 Years Later is a 2013 Brazilian documentary film directed by Cavi Borges andLuciano Vidigal. The documentary shows what has changed in the lives of the actors from the2002 feature film, City of God. The actors who portrayed Dadinho, Bené, and Li'l Zé, as well asthe actress Alice Braga and musician and actor Seu Jorge, participated in this documentaryten years after starring in the earlier film, directed by Fernando Meirelles.Portuguese with English subtitles, 70 min African PremiereCOMING OF AGETeboho Edkins, South Africa, Germany,Lesotho, 201518 July 16:30 Musgrave 6; 23 July 17:15Suncoast 6; 25 July 15:00 Suncoast 6Coming of Age is a film that follows teenagers over the course of two years as they grow up inLesotho. A lot is at stake as Lefa, who wears her heart on her sleeve, sees her world fall apartwhen her best friend Senate leaves the village. She too must decide whether to stay or leavein search of a better life. Retabile takes care of the family’s livestock for eight months of theyear. He is helped by his younger brother Mosaku, who watches as Retabile goes through arite of passage that will mark his transition into manhood. The summer of youth is quicklyover and the doors into adulthood open and close. frican PremiereEnglish with English subtitles, 63 minCURSED BE THE PHOSPHATE (MAUDITe SOIT LEPHOSPHATE)Sami Tlili, Tunisia, 2012 17 July 22:15 Suncoast 8;20 July 14:15 ElangeniOn 5 January 2008, a sit-in organised by a group of unemployed youths in front of the townhall of Redeyef, Tunisia, marked the beginning of a movement of civil dissent that lasted sixmonths. He is confronted with his first popular uprising twenty-one years after the ‘medicalcoup d’état’ that brought General Ben Ali to power. Those involved in the uprising areMoudhaffer, Bechir, Adnene, Leila and Adel. They are teachers the unemployed and youngpeople in despair. Some ventured onto the streets to shout their wrath; others were there tosupport the silenced voices that should have been heard. South African PremiereArabic with English subtitles, 82 min36th Durban International Film Festival77

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