Japan – what can we learn? - Construction Labour Research

Japan – what can we learn? - Construction Labour Research

Japan – what can we learn? - Construction Labour Research


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1.3 Industrial Federation of Enterprise UnionsThough enterprise-based unions are highly independentorganisationally and financially, they are not totally isolated from oneanother. In many cases, they are coalesced into industrial federations.Industrial federations are composed of enterprise-based unions in thesame industry (such as the <strong>Japan</strong>ese Electrical Electronic &Information Union, DENKI RENGO, and the <strong>Japan</strong> Federation of Ironand Steel Workers' Unions, TEKKO ROREN), which then areorganised into the national centre, RENGO. Also operating are localindustrial union organisations, which unite local units of largeenterprise-based unions as <strong>we</strong>ll as local union councils embracingunions at local enterprises. The federations composed of enterprisebasedunions are engaged in a wide range of activities that theenterprise-unions as such would not be able to undertake - organisingthe unorganised, making and implementing unified action policieswhich are binding on member unions, and adjusting dissimilarinterests of member unions within and beyond the industriesconcerned. Mainly industrial union federations and the national centreundertake the formulation of strategies and policy recommendationssupported by research and investigation. The organisations unitingenterprise-based unions, especially industrial federations, are playingan important role in complementing the widely dispersed state ofoperation of <strong>Japan</strong>ese unionism. But <strong>we</strong> must admit that in spite allthese efforts the said <strong>we</strong>akness still persists. RENGO alone has asmany as over 80 industrial union federations as its members. Inaddition there are 100-200 similar organisations outside of RENGO.Under these circumstances, the important organisational task is up toRENGO to consolidate diverse unions in the same industries so thatthe size of each industrial federation will be enlarged for furtherempo<strong>we</strong>rment.2. Development of Trade Union Functions2.1 Centralized coordination of decentralized collective bargainingGiven the union structure, collective bargaining is undertakenindependently at the enterprise level. The negotiating functions aredecentralized. Ho<strong>we</strong>ver, this does not mean that negotiations are donetotally separately. For <strong>what</strong> is called industrial united struggle linksenterprise-level bargaining with one another, functioning to coordinatethem. This system may be regarded as a functional equivalent of theCLR News No 2/200653

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