Japan – what can we learn? - Construction Labour Research

Japan – what can we learn? - Construction Labour Research

Japan – what can we learn? - Construction Labour Research


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Coming soon:Nr. 5. Shifting Employment: undeclared labour in construction.Jan Cremers, Jörn Janssen (editor)This report is the result of European research and nationalinvestigations on undeclared labour in 10 European Union MemberStates. The main aim of the research was to analyse the variety offorms of undeclared labour in the construction industry, to assesscurrent measures to prevent and combat it, and to makerecommendations on the basis of best practices.In all countries the shares of undeclared labour output andemployment appear to be much higher in construction than theaverages in gross domestic product and overall employment. From theevidence of the reports the authors concluded that:• the highest incidence of undeclared labour relates to workcarried out by workers in addition to their regular job;• the status of self-employment is abused, with bogus practices bynational citizens as <strong>we</strong>ll as foreign ‘independent’ workersentering the market through labour-only subcontracting;• dubious agencies and labour traffickers supplying cheap illegallabour mainly from abroad have returned. “Illegal nevercomplain and work hard” and only little “persuasion” is neededbecause of their illegal status.This publication includes desktop research, a summary of the findingsand conclusions of the researchers, and 10 country reports.ISBN 978 90 5727 101 4CLR-Studies are distributed by International Bookswww.antenna.nl/i-booksAll CLR-Studies <strong>can</strong> be ordered also via the Brussels secretariat 0032-2-2271041 orclr@mjcpro.nlOur quarterly CLR-News <strong>can</strong> be downloaded for free via:http://www.efbww.org/EN/publications/available_publications/building.phpCLR News No 2/200671

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