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Background:The VoluntaryRegulation CodeApproved Housing Bodies, which are privatenot-for-profit providers of social housing,have a strong track record in the provisionof social housing with over 30,000 homesprovided to date. The Government’s housing policysees a greater role for AHBs in the provision ofsocial housing.Better regulation of the sector is a key aspect ofthis increasing role, and is necessary to access nonexchequerfunding (non-government funding) as wellas to ensure that AHBs are providing the best servicespossible to tenants. It is within this context that theVoluntary Regulation Code (‘the Code’) was publishedin July 2013. The Code sets out key governance, financialand performance management principles that allAHBs signed up to the Code are required to adhere to.The Code is an evolving document and will developfurther over the next year to allow for a smoothtransition to statutory-based regulation.2.1 ProportionalityThe Code is both proportionate and risk-based, meaningthe extent of regulation and what is required by anAHB is dependent on the size, scale and level of risk ofeach individual AHB. Larger scale AHBs and AHBs withsignificant development plans will be subject to morerigorous regulation. A three tier level system is used tocategorise AHBs for regulatory purposes: Tier 1 refers tosmaller AHBs, Tier 2 to medium sized AHBs, and Tier 3refers to larger AHBs.“ The Code sets out key governance, financial andperformance management principles that all AHBssigned up to the Code are required to adhere to.”The Financial Standard and Assessment Framework7

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