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ChemicalReferenceStandardsfor<strong>Plastic</strong>Additives1st EditionAccuStandard ®
The perfect companion for your analysis!This reference book contains the compounds in this catalog, with important reference data toaid in testing and compliance.Each Compound has:Chemical Information➢ Structure➢ CAS Number (where applicable)➢ RTECS Number (where available)➢ Formula➢ Molecular Weight➢ IUPAC Name, other common names andsome popular brand namesPhysical Properties➢ Appearance➢ Melting and Boiling Points➢ Stability➢ Solubilities in several common solventsOther Important Information➢ Application➢ Regulatory➢ Environmental Impact➢ Point of Release➢ Toxicological DataAnalytical Data➢ Mass Spectrum with key Ions tabulated➢ Chromatogram with conditionsAs well as information to help with real worldexamples, tips for analysis in challengingmatrices, and much, much more!The book will be available mid 2007.Part Number: PLAS-CRC-BOOKsee inside back cover for ordering detailsPolymer Additive Reference Standards
<strong>Plastic</strong> AdditivesTable of ContentsIntroductionAccelerants 1Antidegradants 2Antifoams 2Antioxidants 3-11Antiozonates 11Blowing Agents 12Coupling Agents 12-13Cross Linking Agents 13-14Flame Retardants 15-19<strong>Plastic</strong>izers 20-25Processing Aids 25Retarders 25Stearates 26UV Stabilizers 26-27Vegetable Oils 27Dyes & Breakdown Products 28Deuterated Phthalates 29-30IndexAccuStandard has been serving the Analytical Community with high quality Chemical ReferenceStandards for over 20 years.Today we are the largest independent manufacturer specializing exclusively in Chemical ReferenceStandards in the world. We achieved this distinction by concentrating on two goals: to have thewidest range of Chemical Reference Standards (over 35,000 solutions and neats), and to have themost responsive customer service (same day shipment and knowledgeable assistance).If you have not experienced AccuStandard products and services, we welcome you and invite yourcomments. We also invite your suggestions for new products, special formulations and mixtures,and synthesis of new or rare compounds.
Introduction:<strong>Plastic</strong>s and other polymeric materials have become indispensable in our everyday lives. Although they offermany benefits, hazardous chemicals may be present in these materials. These hazardous materials can beintroduced either intentionally as additives, or unintentionally as pollutants.AccuStandard has collected or synthesized many of these polymer adjuncts and is pleased to present them inthis newest unique catalog as Certified Reference Standards for monitoring these chemicals.The occurrence, toxicity and analytical methods used in the detection, monitoring (for both presence andlevels) of these chemical classes and individual compounds within these classes are more thoroughlydescribed in the book the “Handbook for the Chemical Analysis of <strong>Plastic</strong> and Polymer Additives” (publishedin 2007 by CRC Press). Both manufacturers and distributors of plastic and related polymeric materials willfind the CRC book to be an authoritative source of information that compliments this catalog.This catalog contains the most comprehensive list of Certified Reference Materials for Additive Analysisavailable anywhere. Calibrating with Certified Standards adds an additional layer of confidence in theanalysis that can aid in meeting regulations, protecting in challenges from governmental regulations, andproviding protection from legal issues that could be raised by consumers of your products.Below find a list of regulations that require analysis of many of these additives:⇨ EU Directive 2002/96/EC WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) that establisheslimits for the content of a product that must be recyclable or reusable.⇨ EU Directive 2003/11/EC ROHS (Restriction Of the use of certain Hazardous Substances) restrictingthe use of six toxins from most electronic and electrical equipment⇨ EU Directive 90/128/EC for monomers and additives for plastics intended for food contact⇨ EU Directive 2002/72/EC relating to plastic materials and articles intended to come in contact withfoodstuffs⇨ EU Directive 2002/61/EC Aryl Amine Breakdown Products in Azo Dyes⇨ EU Directive 67/548/EEC Carcinogenic and Regulated Dyes⇨ FDA and The United States Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) – 21 CFR Parts 175-178 thatregulate adhesives, components of coatings, paper and paperboard components, polymers andadjuvants and production aids.⇨ United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) – Methods 606, 506-1 and 8061 regulatingPhthalates and AdipatesBoth the catalog and book are organized into classes by additive type. Manufacturers can easily findStandards that match their particular application and product formulation for the followingproduct categories:Medical DevicesFood PackagingPharmaceutical PackagingToysWire and Cableetc.
<strong>Plastic</strong> Additive Standards<strong>Plastic</strong> Additives are used to either aid in the processing of the material, or to make the final product more appealing, durable oruseful. Many of these compounds can be used for multiple functions, and many of them interact synergistically to protect againstheat, light, and oxidation.We have listed the compounds by the most common uses. If you cannot find a particular compound, or are interested in a customsolvent, concentration, or a custom solution containing more that one compound please call our Technical Service Department for aquotation.AcceleratorsAccelerators are additives that, as the name implies, accelerate or speed up the chemical reaction or the curing of the polymers intothe final plastic. Accelerators are also sometimes called promoters. In rubbers accelerators are used to increase the crosslinkingreaction with sulfur in the vulcanization of rubber.Accelerator BBTSAkrochem CorporationN-(1,1-dimethylethyl)2-benzothiazolesulfenamideSCAS Number 95-31-8SPLAS-AC-003S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula C 11H 14N 2S 2N HNPLAS-AC-003N 50 mg M.W. 238.38Accelerator ETU-22 PMAkrochem CorporationEthylene thioureaHNCAS Number 96-45-7SPLAS-AC-002S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula C 3H 6N 2SNPLAS-AC-002N 50 mgHM.W. 102.11Accelerator EZ & EZ-SPAkrochem CorporationZinc diethyldithiocarbamateSSCAS Number 14324-55-1ZnPLAS-AC-006S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL N S S NFormula C 10H 20N 2S 4• ZnPLAS-AC-006N 50 mg M.W. 361.93Accelerator MBT, MBT/MGAkrochem Corporation2-MercaptobenzothiazoleSCAS Number 149-30-4PLAS-AC-001S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL SHFormula C 7H 5S 2NPLAS-AC-001N 50 mg NM.W. 167.25Activator OT UreaAkrochem CorporationUreaOCAS Number 57-13-3PLAS-AC-005S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mLH 2 N NH 2Formula CH 4N 2OPLAS-AC-005N 50 mg M.W. 60.07Cure-Rite ® IBTNoveon, Inc.tetraisobutylthiuram disulfideNCAS Number 3064-73-1PLAS-AC-004S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula C 18H 36N 2S 4PLAS-AC-004N 50 mg M.W. 408.76SSSSNTel. 800-442-5290 / 203-786-5290 • Fax 203-786-5287 •
<strong>Plastic</strong> Additive StandardsAntifoamsAntifoaming agents (sometimes called defoamers) act to stop foaming during processing. Foaming can cause both processingproblems as well as weak spots in the final product.Antifoaming agents typically work by reducing surface tension breaking up the foam. There are many different types of antifoamingagents such as silicones, polysiloxane oils, surfactants, or fatty acids.SF100GE SiliconsDimethyl silicone fluidCH 3CAS Number 9016-00-6PLAS-AF-001S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL * Si O*Formula (C 2H 6OSi) xPLAS-AF-001N 50 mgCH 3 nM.W.AntidegradantsAntidegradants include a broad category of additives used in compounding to slow deterioration that can occur due to oxidation,ozone, light or any combination of these conditions. It is basically a generic term for additives that include antioxidants,antiozonants, and UV Stabilizers.Ethanox ® 3141,3,5-Tris(3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxybenzyl)-1,3,5-triazine-2,4,6-(1H,3H,5H)-trioneAlbemarle CorporationHOCAS Number 27676-62-6PLAS-AX-084S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula C 48H 69N 3O 6PLAS-AX-084N 50 mg OM.W. 784.08N NONOOHOHSantoflex ® 77PDSolutia Inc.N,N’-bis(1,4-dimethylpentyl)-p-phenylenediamineCAS Number 3081-14-9PLAS-AD-002S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula C 20H 30N 2PLAS-AD-002N 50 mg M.W. 304.58HNHNSantoflex ® IPPDSolutia Inc.N-phenyl-N’-propan-2-yl-benzene-1,4-diamineHNNHCAS Number 101-72-4PLAS-AD-003S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula C 15H 18N 2PLAS-AD-003N 50 mg M.W. 226.32Wingstay ® LGoodyear Tire & Rubber CompanyButylated reaction product of p-cresol and dicyclopentadienePLAS-AD-001S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mLOHCAS Number 68610-51-5FormulaC 11H 20OH[C 12H 23OH] nC 4H 9PLAS-AD-001N 50 mg M.W. 600-800xy AccuStandard’s Quality System is Certified to Comply with International ISO 9001 & ISO 17025
<strong>Plastic</strong> Additive StandardsAntioxidantsOxidation during compounding or processing can cause problems such as: loss of strength, breakdown or discoloration. Oxidationcan also occur in the final product causing discoloration, scratching, and loss of strength, flexibility, stiffness or gloss.Antioxidants are used in most hydrocarbon polymers including polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene, and ABS.Antioxidants work to slow down the oxidation cycle, usually by scavenging free radicals. Some types of antioxidants are:organophosphites , sterically hindered phenols, amines, and thioesters.Alkanox ® P27Chemtura CorporationCAS Number 26741-53-7 /OH - OH - OH -Al 3+ OH -OH - O -bis(2,4-di-tert-butylphenyl)pentaerythritol diphosphate and- Omagnesium aluminum hydroxy carbonate hydrate11097-59-9OOFormula C 33H 50O 6P 2•O PP OPLAS-AX-032S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mLH 16Al 2Mg 6O 19OOPLAS-AX-032N 50 mg M.W.MgMg 2+OH -OH - 2+OH -OH - OH - Al 3+ OH -OH - OH - Mg 2+OH - Mg 2+OH - OH - Mg 2+Mg 2+OAlkanox ® TNPPChemtura Corporationtris(mono-nonylphenyl) phosphite with up to 1% triisopropanol amineCAS Number 26523-78-4C 9 H 19PLAS-AX-077S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL P OFormula C 45H 69O 3PPLAS-AX-077N 50 mg 3M.W. 689Antioxidant 60Akrochem Corporation2H-benzimidazole-2-thione, 1,3-di-hydro-4(or 5)-methylCAS Number 53988-10-6HNPLAS-AX-019S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula C 8H 8N 2SPLAS-AX-019N 50 mg S NHM.W. 164.23Antioxidant SAkrochem CorporationBenzenamine, N-phenyl, reaction products with 2,4,4-trimethylpenteneNHCAS Number 68411-46-1PLAS-AX-057S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula C 12H 11N • C 8H 16PLAS-AX-057N 50 mg M.W. 393.66Cyanox ® 1212Cytec Technologylauryl stearylthiopropionateOCAS Number 13103-52-1PLAS-AX-047S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula C36H70O4SPLAS-AX-047N 50 mg M.W. 599.00OSOOSee All 35,000 Organic and Inorganic Standards onwww.AccuStandard.comTel. 800-442-5290 / 203-786-5290 • Fax 203-786-5287 •
<strong>Plastic</strong> Additive StandardsAntioxidants (continued)Cyanox ® 1790Cytec Technology1,3,5-tris(4-tert-butyl-3-hydroxy-2,6-dimethylbenzyl)-1,3,5-triazine-2,4,6-(1h, 3h,5h)-trioneHOCAS Number 4061-76-1OPLAS-AX-005S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula COH42H 57N 3O 6N NPLAS-AX-005N 50 mg M.W. 699.92ONOOHCyanox ® 2246Cytec Technology2,2’-methylene-bis-(4-methyl-6-tert-butyl-phenol)CAS Number 119-47-1PLAS-AX-013S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula C 23H 32O 2PLAS-AX-013N 50 mg M.W. 340.55OHOHCyanox ® 425Cytec Technology2,2’-methylene-bis-(4-ethyl-6-tert-butyl-phenol)CAS Number 88-24-4PLAS-AX-012S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula C 25H 36O 2PLAS-AX-012N 50 mg M.W. 368.55OHOHCyanox ® LTDPCytec TechnologydilaurylthiopropionateCAS Number 123-28-4PLAS-AX-041S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula C 30H 58O 4SPLAS-AX-041N 50 mg OOM.W. 514.85O S OCyanox ® STDPCytec TechnologydistearylthiopropionateO S OCAS Number 693-36-7PLAS-AX-044S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL OOFormula C 42H 82O 4SPLAS-AX-044N 50 mg M.W. 683.3Ethanox ® 310Albemarle Corporationpentaerythritol tetrakis (3-(3,5-di-t-butyl-4-hydroxyphenyl)propionateOHCAS Number 6683-19-8PLAS-AX-086S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula C 73H 108O 12PLAS-AX-086N 50 mg OM.W. 1177.65OC4 AccuStandard’s Quality System is Certified to Comply with International ISO 9001 & ISO 17025
<strong>Plastic</strong> Additive StandardsAntioxidants (continued)Ethanox ® 323Albemarle Corporationnonylphenol disulfide oligomerS SS Sy 1 y 2PLAS-AX-082S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL FormulaC 9H 19C 9H 19 CPLAS-AX-082N 50 mg 9H 19M.W.xOHHOx = 0,1,2y 1 , y 2 = 0,1,2,3HOCAS NumberEthanox ® 330Albemarle Corporation1,3,5-trimethyl-2,4,6-tris(3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxybenzyl) benzeneOHCAS Number 1709-70-2PLAS-AX-021S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula C 54H 78O 3PLAS-AX-021N 50 mg M.W. 775.32OHHOEthanox ® 376Albemarle Corporation3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyhydrocinnamic acid, octadecyl esterOHCAS Number 2082-79-3PLAS-AX-054S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula C 35H 62O 3OPLAS-AX-054N 50 mg M.W. 530.87O C 18H 37Ethanox ® 4702Albemarle Corporation4,4’-methylenebis(2,6-di-tert-butylphenol)HOOHCAS Number 118-82-1PLAS-AX-025S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula C 29H 44O 2PLAS-AX-025N 50 mg M.W. 424.66Ethaphos ® 368Albemarle Corporationtris(2,4-di-tert-butylphenyl) phosphiteCAS Number 31570-04-4PLAS-AX-074S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula C 42H 63O 3PPLAS-AX-074N 50 mg O OM.W. 646.92POIrganox ® 1035Ciba Specialty Chemicalsthiodiethylene bis(3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyhydrocinnamate)HO (CH 2) 2 COO (CH 2) 2 S2CAS Number 41484-35-9PLAS-AX-069S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula C 38H 58O 6SPLAS-AX-069N 50 mg M.W. 642.93Tel. 800-442-5290 / 203-786-5290 • Fax 203-786-5287 •
<strong>Plastic</strong> Additive StandardsAntioxidants (continued)Irganox ® 1081Ciba Specialty Chemicals6,6’-di-tert-butyl-2,2’-thiodi-p-cresolSPLAS-AX-080N 50 mg M.W. 358.54OHOHCAS Number 90-66-4PLAS-AX-080S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula C 22H 30O 2SIrganox ® 1098Ciba Specialty ChemicalsN,N’-1,6-hexanediyl bis[3,5-bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-hydroxy-benzenepropanamide]HOPLAS-AX-050S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL OFormula C 40H 64N 2O 4HNNPLAS-AX-050N 50 mg HM.W. 636.95OOHCAS Number 23128-74-7Irganox ® 1425 WLCiba Specialty Chemicalsethyl 3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxybenzylphosphonate, calcium salt andpolyethylene-wax mixtureHOCa 2+CAS Number65140-91-2 /9002-88-4PLAS-AX-079S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mLOPOhtO*2FormulaPLAS-AX-079N 50 mg M.W. 6952C 17H 29O 4P •Ca(C 2H 4) x*nIrganox ® 245Ciba Specialty Chemicalstriethyleneglycol bis[3-(3’-tert-butyl-4’hydroxy-5’-methylphenol)propionate]HOOCAS Number 36443-68-2PLAS-AX-070S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL OOFormula COO34H 50O 8OPLAS-AX-070N 50 mg OHM.W. 586.76Irganox ® 259Ciba Specialty Chemicalshexamethylene bis(3-(3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyphenyl)propionate)OOHCAS Number 35074-77-2OPLAS-AX-045S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL OFormula C 40H 62O 6OHOPLAS-AX-045N 50 mg M.W. 638.92Irganox ® 3114 FFCiba Specialty Chemicals1,3,5-Tris(3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxybenzyl)-1,3,5-triazine-2,4,6-(1H,3H,5H)-trioneHOCAS Number 27676-62-6PLAS-AX-078S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula CO N OOH48H 69N 3O 6N NPLAS-AX-078N 50 mg M.W. 784.08OOH AccuStandard’s Quality System is Certified to Comply with International ISO 9001 & ISO 17025
<strong>Plastic</strong> Additive StandardsAntioxidants (continued)Irganox ® 3125Ciba Specialty Chemicals3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyhydrocinnamic ester with 1,3,5-tris[2-hydroxyethyl]-s-triazine-2,4,6[1H,3H,5H]-trioneOHCAS Number 34137-09-2PLAS-AX-020S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL O OFormula C 60H 87N 3O 12PLAS-AX-020N 50 mg M.W. 1042.35O N OOOONNOHOOOHIrganox ® 565Ciba Specialty Chemicals2,4-bis(n-octylthio)-6-(4-hydroxy-3,5-di-tert-butylanilino)-1,3,5-triazineOHCAS Number 991-84-4HN N SPLAS-AX-014S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula C 33H 56N 4OS 2PLAS-AX-014N 50 mg M.W. 588.96NSNIrganox ® E 201Ciba Specialty Chemicalsalpha-tocopherolHOCAS Number 10191-41-0PLAS-AX-027S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula C 29H 50O 2PLAS-AX-027N 50 mg M.W. 430.71OIrganox ® MD 1024Ciba Specialty Chemicals1,2-bis(3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyhydrocinnamoyl)hydrazideHOOHNNHOOH CAS Number 32687-78-8PLAS-AX-001S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula C 34H 52N 2O 4PLAS-AX-001N 50 mg M.W. 552.79Isonox ® 132SI Group Incorporated2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-sec-butylphenolOHCAS Number 17540-75-9PLAS-AX-018S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula C 18H 30OPLAS-AX-018N 50 mg M.W. 262.43Isonox ® 232SI Group Incorporated2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-nonylphenolCAS Number 4306-88-1PLAS-AX-063S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula C 23H 40OPLAS-AX-063N 50 mg M.W. 262.43OHTel. 800-442-5290 / 203-786-5290 • Fax 203-786-5287 •
<strong>Plastic</strong> Additive StandardsAntioxidants (continued)Lowinox ® AH25Chemtura Corporation2,5-bis(1,1-dimethylpropyl)-1,4-benzenediolOHCAS Number 79-74-3PLAS-AX-016S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula C 16H 26O 2PLAS-AX-016N 50 mg M.W. 250.38OHLowinox ® CPLChemtura Corporationbutylated reaction product of p-cresol and dicyclopentadieneOHOHOHCAS Number 68610-51-5PLAS-AX-059S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL FormulaPLAS-AX-059N 50 mg nM.W. 600-700Lowinox ® TBM-6Chemtura Corporation4,4’-thiobis(2-tert-butyl-5-methylphenol)HOOHCAS Number 96-69-5PLAS-AX-024S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula C 22H 30O 2SPLAS-AX-024N 50 mg SM.W. 358.54Markstat ® 60Chemtura CorporationSodium perchlorateCAS Number 7601-89-0PLAS-AX-028S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL-Cl(O) 4 Na+Formula NaClO 4PLAS-AX-028N 50 mg M.W. 122.44Naugard ® 412SChemtura Corporationbeta-laurylthiopropionateOCAS Number 29598-76-3PLAS-AX-030S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL C 12 H 25 Formula C 65H 124O 8S 4OSPLAS-AX-030N 50 mg 4M.W. 1161.94Naugard ® 445Chemtura Corporation4,4’-bis(alpha,alpha-dimethylbenzyl)diphenylamine HNCAS Number 10081-67-1PLAS-AX-022S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula C 30H 31NPLAS-AX-022N 50 mg M.W. 405.57Naugard ® 956Chemtura Corporationproprietary blend of primary and secondary antioxidantsCAS NumberPLAS-AX-060S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL N/AFormulaPLAS-AX-060N 50 mg M.W. AccuStandard’s Quality System is Certified to Comply with International ISO 9001 & ISO 17025
<strong>Plastic</strong> Additive StandardsAntioxidants (continued)Naugard ® AChemtura Corporationacetone diphenylamine condensation productsOPLAS-AX-026N 50 mg M.W.HNCAS Number 68412-48-6PLAS-AX-026S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula C 12H 11N • C 3H 6ONaugard ® B-25Chemtura Corporation1:1 blend of Naugard ® 10 and Naugard ® 524CAS Number 6683-19-8/31570-04-4OHPLAS-AX-061S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula C 73H 108O 12• C 42H 63O 3PO OPOPLAS-AX-061N 50 mgOM.W. 1177.65 / 646.92OC4Naugard ® BHTChemtura Corporation2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenolCAS Number 128-37-0PLAS-AX-017S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula C 15H 24OPLAS-AX-017N 50 mg M.W. 220.35OHNaugard ® HM-22Chemtura Corporationblend of phenolic primary and diphenylamine secondary antioxidants(Naugards 76 and 445)CH 3CH 3CNH CCH 3 CH 3OOH 3 C CH 3CCH 3(+) CAS NumberOHH 3 C C CH 3CH 3PLAS-AX-033S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL FormulaPLAS-AX-033N 50 mg M.W.Naugard ® JChemtura CorporationN,N’-diphenyl-p-phenylenediamineHNCAS Number 74-31-7PLAS-AX-048S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula C 18H 16N 2PLAS-AX-048N 50 mg M.W. 260.36NHNaugard ® NBCChemtura Corporationnickel dibutyl dithiocarbamateSC 4 H 9 C 4 H 9N C S Ni S C NCC 4 H 4 H 99SCAS Number 13927-77-0PLAS-AX-051S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula C 18H 36N 2NiS 4PLAS-AX-051N 50 mg M.W. 467.45Naugard ® PANAChemtura CorporationN-phenyl-1-naphthylamineHNCAS Number 90-30-2PLAS-AX-058S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula C 16H 13NPLAS-AX-058N 50 mg M.W. 219.28Tel. 800-442-5290 / 203-786-5290 • Fax 203-786-5287 •
<strong>Plastic</strong> Additive StandardsAntioxidants (continued)Naugard ® PHRChemtura Corporationtris(mono-nonylphenyl) phosphite with up to 1% triisopropanol amineC 9 H 19CAS Number 26523-78-4PLAS-AX-076S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL P OFormula C 45H 69O 3PPLAS-AX-076N 50 mg3M.W. 689.00Naugard ® PS-30Chemtura CorporationBenzenamine, N-phenyl, reaction products with 2,4,4-trimethylpenteneCAS Number 68411-46-1PLAS-AX-038S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mLHNFormula C 12H 11N • C 8H 16RR1PLAS-AX-038N 50 mg M.W. N/ANaugard ® PS-35 (now Weston 399)Chemtura Corporationtris-nonyl phenyl phosphiteC 9 H 19CAS Number 732-26-3PLAS-AX-046S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mLP OFormula C 18H 30OPLAS-AX-046N 50 mg3M.W. 262.48Naugard ® Q ExtraChemtura Corporation1,2-dihydro-2,2,4-trimethylquinoline (polymerized)NHnn=2.5-3 typicallyCAS Number 147-47-7PLAS-AX-002S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula C 12H 15NPLAS-AX-002N 50 mg M.W. 173.25Naugard ® RM-51Chemtura Corporationblend of phenolic primary and phosphite secondary antioxidantsCAS NumberPLAS-AX-034S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL N/AFormulaPLAS-AX-034N 50 mg M.W.Naugard ® Super QChemtura Corporation1,2-dihydro-2,2,4-trimethylquinoline (polymerized)CAS Number 147-47-7PLAS-AX-003S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL FormulaPLAS-AX-003N 50 mg M.W.NHnn=2.5-3 typicallyNaugard ® XL-1Chemtura Corporation2,2’-oxamidobis[ethyl-3-(3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyphenyl)propionate]OOHNCAS Number 70331-94-1PLAS-AX-008S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mLOFormula CHO40H 60N 2O 8PLAS-AX-008N 50 mg M.W. 697.00210 AccuStandard’s Quality System is Certified to Comply with International ISO 9001 & ISO 17025
<strong>Plastic</strong> Additive StandardsAntioxidants (continued)Santicizer ® 278Solutia Inc.benzyl 3-isobutyrloxy-1-isopropyl-2,2-dimethylpropyl phthalateOOOPLAS-AX-029S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mLOFormula C 27H 34O 6OOCAS Number 16883-83-3PLAS-AX-029N 50 mg M.W. 454.56Ultranox ® 626Chemtura Corporationbis(2,4-di-tert-butylphenyl)pentaerythritol diphosphiteOOCAS Number 26741-53-7O PP OPLAS-AX-031S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula C 33H 50O 6P 2OOPLAS-AX-031N 50 mg M.W. 604.69Antioxidants , AntidegradantsEthanox ® 4703Albemarle Corporation2,6-di-tert-butyl-N,N-dimethylamino-p-cresolNOHCAS Number 88-27-7PLAS-AX-085S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula C 17H 29NOPLAS-AX-085N 50 mg M.W. 263.42AntiozonantsAntiozonants are materials added to plastics to slow the deterioration of the finished product that occurs from exposure to ozone.Antiozonants typically work by migrating to the surface of the product and then create an ozone-impermeable barrier or skin on thesurface.Antiozonant NIBUDAkrochem Corporationnickel dibutyl dithiocarbamateNSSNiSSNCAS Number 13927-77-0PLAS-AZ-001S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula C 18H 36N 2NiS 4PLAS-AZ-001N 50 mg M.W. 467.45Your Perfect CompanionPart No. PLAS-CRC-BOOKTel. 800-442-5290 / 203-786-5290 • Fax 203-786-5287 • www.AccuStandard.com11
<strong>Plastic</strong> Additive StandardsBlowing AgentsBlowing agents are sometimes also called chemical foaming agents. They are used to release gas into the plastic or resin. Blowingagents can be used to reduce weight, improve softness, provide insulation, add shock absorption properties or add resilience in thefinal product.Chemical blowing agents (as opposed to physical blowing agents such as nitrogen gas) are principally organic chemicals thatdecompose at elevated temperatures to release a gas during decomposition that can add a cellular structure in the plastic.CPW-100Harwick Standardchlorinated paraffin waxCAS Number 63449-39-8H 3 C CHCl CH 2 CH n 3PLAS-BA-001S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula UnspecifiedPLAS-BA-001N 50 mg M.W.Blowing Agents, <strong>Plastic</strong>izersCelogen ® AZChemtura CorporationcarbamoyliminoureaOCAS Number 123-77-3N NH 2H 2 N NPLAS-BA-002S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula C 2H 4N 4O 2OPLAS-BA-002N 50 mg M.W. 116.08Coupling AgentsCoupling agents promote the physical or chemical interaction with the polymer.Silquest ® A-187Chemtura Corporationgamma-glycidoxypropyltrimethoxysilaneH 3 COCAS Number 2530-83-8PLAS-CA-004S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mLOSiOCH 3Formula C 9H 20O 5SiOOPLAS-CA-004N 50 mgCH 3M.W. 236.38Silquest ® A-1100Chemtura Corporationgamma-aminopropyltriethoxysilaneCH 3CAS Number 919-30-2OCH 3CH 3PLAS-CA-002S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL H 2 NSi OFormula C 9H 23NO 3SiOPLAS-CA-002N 50 mg M.W. 221.37Silquest ® A-1102General Electricgamma-aminopropyltriethoxysilane (Tech grade)CH 3CAS Number 919-30-2OCH 3CH 3PLAS-CA-003S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL HSi2 NOFormula C 9H 23NO 3SiOPLAS-CA-003N 50 mg M.W. 221.3712 AccuStandard’s Quality System is Certified to Comply with International ISO 9001 & ISO 17025
<strong>Plastic</strong> Additive StandardsCoupling Agents (Continued)Silquest ® A-1289General Electricbis-(triethoxysilypropyl)tetrasulfideCH 3H 3 COCAS Number 40372-72-3H 3 C OSi S S S S Si OPLAS-CA-001S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL CH 3OFormula C 18H 42O 6S 4Si 2O OPLAS-CA-001N 50 mg H 3 CCH 3M.W. 538.94Silquest ® A-137General ElectricoctyltriethoxysilaneH 3 3 C CHCAS Number 2943-75-1PLAS-CA-005S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL O OFormula C 14H 32O 3SiSiCH 3PLAS-CA-005N 50 mg H 3 C OM.W. 276.55Silquest ® A-2171General ElectricvinylmethyldimethoxysilaneO OH 3 C Si CH 3CAS Number 16753-62-1PLAS-CA-006S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL CH 3Formula C 5H 12O 2SiPLAS-CA-006N 50 mg H 2 CM.W. 132.24Cross-Linking AgentsCrosslinking is the polymerization reaction that branches out from the main molecular chain forming a network pattern of chemicalbonds. Crosslinking agents enhance this crosslinking and bonding between polymer chains.Crosslinking adds desirable properities such as: solidity, elasticity, impermeability to gases, and better electrical insulation.Crosslinking can also improve a rubber’s resistance to chemicals, heat and abrasion.F-300, F-1000, F-1500, F-2000, F-3000Harwick Standardstearic acidOCAS Number 57-11-4PLAS-CL-006S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mLOHFormula C 18H 36O 2PLAS-CL-006N 50 mg M.W. 284.48Perkacit ® DPGAkzo Nobel Chemicals B.V.N,N’-diphenylguanidineNH 2CAS Number 102-06-7PLAS-CL-004S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula C 13H 13N 3N NPLAS-CL-004N 50 mg HM.W. 211.27Perkacit ® MBTAkzo Nobel Chemicals B.V.2-mercaptobenzothiazoleSCAS Number 149-30-4SHPLAS-CL-002S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula C 7H 5S 2NNPLAS-CL-002N 50 mg M.W. 167.25Tel. 800-442-5290 / 203-786-5290 • Fax 203-786-5287 • www.AccuStandard.com13
<strong>Plastic</strong> Additive StandardsCross-Linking Agents (Continued)Perkacit ® MBTSAkzo Nobel Chemicals B.V.2,2’-dithiobis(benzothiazole)NCAS Number 120-78-5S SPLAS-CL-001S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL S SFormula C 14H 8N 2S 4PLAS-CL-001N 50 mg NM.W. 332.48Perkacit ® NDBCAkzo Nobel Chemicals B.V.nickel dibutyl dithiocarbamateSSCAS Number 13927-77-0C 4 H 9 NiC 4 H 9N S S NPLAS-CL-005S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula CC 4 HC 4 H 18H 36N 2NiS 49 9PLAS-CL-005N 50 mg M.W. 467.45Perkacit ® ZDECAkzo Nobel Chemicals B.V.zinc diethyldithiocarbamateNSSZnS S NCAS Number 14324-55-1PLAS-CL-007S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula C 10H 20N 2S 2ZnPLAS-CL-007N 50 mg M.W. 361.9Resimene ® 3520Cytec Surface Specialtieshexamethoxy methyl melamineH 3 COO CH 3CAS Number 3089-11-0H 3 CNPLAS-CL-003S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL ONFormula C 15H 30N 6O 6NNPLAS-CL-003N 50 mg M.W. 390.51ONO CH 3HN3 COCH 3Your Perfect CompanionPart No. PLAS-CRC-BOOK14 AccuStandard’s Quality System is Certified to Comply with International ISO 9001 & ISO 17025
<strong>Plastic</strong> Additive StandardsFlame RetardantsFlame retardants are added to inhibit ignition or the flammability of the end-use product. Flame retardants generally function byinhibiting the mechanisms of burning. Typical chemical elements found in compounds used as flame retardants are: aluminum,bromine, chorine, fluorine and sulfur.Brominated flame retardants commonly used in polystyrene, polyesters, polyolefins, polyamides, epoxies and ABS.Decabromodiphenyl oxide is the most frequently used brominated flame retardant. The bromodiphenyl ethers are the most highlyregulated of these compounds, and AccuStandard offers the most complete line of individual congeners available anywhere.Some of these flame retardants are not typically added to polymers in processing, but can be found in a polymer matrix fromleaching out of the contents. The largest example of this type is the Aroclors, which can often be found in a plastic matrix fromhaving been in contact with a fluid containing these materials.2,2’,3,4,4’,5’,6-Heptabromodiphenyl etherBrBrOBrCAS Number 207122-16-5BDE-183S 50 µg/mL in Isooctane 1 mL Formula C 12H 3Br 7OBrBrBrM.W. 722.48Br2,2’,4,4’-Tetrabromodiphenyl etherBrBrOCAS Number 40088-47-9BDE-047S 50 µg/mL in Isooctane 1 mL Formula C 12H 6Br 4OBrBrM.W. 485.822,2’,4,4’,5-Pentabromodiphenyl etherBrOBrCAS Number 32534-81-9BDE-099S 50 µg/mL in Isooctane 1 mL Formula C 12H 5Br 5OBrBrM.W.Br2,2’,4,4’,5,5’-Hexabromodiphenyl etherBrOBrCAS Number 36483-60-0BDE-153S 50 µg/mL in Isooctane 1 mL Formula C 12H 4-Br 6OBrBrM.W. 643.62BrBr2,2’,4,4’,5,6’-Hexabromodiphenyl etherBrOBrCAS Number 207122-15-4BDE-154S 50 µg/mL in Isooctane 1 mL Formula C 12H 4Br 6OBrBrBrM.W. 643.59Br2,2’,4,4’,6-Pentabromodiphenyl etherBrOBrCAS Number 189084-64-8BDE-100S 50 µg/mL in Isooctane 1 mL Formula C 12H 5Br 5OBrBrBrM.W. 564.69Tel. 800-442-5290 / 203-786-5290 • Fax 203-786-5287 • www.AccuStandard.com15
<strong>Plastic</strong> Additive StandardsFlame Retardants (continued)Aroclor ® 1016MonsantoCAS Number 12674-11-2C-216S-H-10X 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL(Cl) x(Cl) yFormula Technical MixC-216N 100 mg42% Chlorine by Massx = 0 - 5 y = 0 - 5M.W.Aroclor ® 1221MonsantoCAS Number 11104-28-2C-221S-H-10X 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL(Cl) x(Cl) yFormula Technical MixC-221N-50MG 50 mg21% Chlorine by Massx = 0 - 5 y = 0 - 5M.W.Aroclor ® 1232MonsantoCAS Number 11141-16-5C-232S-H-10X 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL(Cl) x(Cl) yFormula Technical Mix32% Chlorine by Massx = 0 - 5 y = 0 - 5M.W.Aroclor ® 1242MonsantoCAS Number 53469-21-9C-242S-H-10X 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL(Cl) x(Cl) yFormula Technical Mix42% Chlorine by MassC-242N-50MG 50 mgx = 0 - 5 y = 0 - 5M.W.Aroclor ® 1248MonsantoCAS Number 12672-29-6C-248S-H-10X 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL(Cl) x(Cl) yFormula Technical MixC-248N-50MG 50 mg48% Chlorine by Massx = 0 - 5 y = 0 - 5M.W.Aroclor ® 1254MonsantoCAS Number 11097-69-1C-254S-H-10X 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula Technical Mix(Cl) x(Cl) yC-254N-50MG 50 mg54% Chlorine by MassM.W.x = 0 - 5 y = 0 - 5Aroclor ® 1260MonsantoCAS Number 11096-82-5C-260S-H-10X 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula Technical Mix(Cl) x(Cl) yC-260N-50MG 50 mg60% Chlorine by MassM.W.x = 0 - 5 y = 0 - 516 AccuStandard’s Quality System is Certified to Comply with International ISO 9001 & ISO 17025
<strong>Plastic</strong> Additive StandardsFlame Retardants (continued)Aroclor ® 1262MonsantoCAS Number 37324-23-5C-262S-H-10X 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL(Cl) x(Cl) yFormula Technical MixC-262N-50MG 50 mg62% Chlorine by Massx = 1 - 5 y = 1 - 5M.W.Aroclor ® 1268Monsanto(Cl) x(Cl) y68% Chlorine by Massx = 2 - 5 y = 2 - 5CAS Number 11100-14-4C-268S-H-10X 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula Technical MixC-268N 10 mg M.W.Aroclor ® 5432MonsantoCl yCAS Number 63496-31-1T-432S 35 µg/mL in Toluene 1 mL Formula Technical MixCl x32% Cl by MassCl zM.W.Aroclor ® 5442MonsantoCl yCAS Number 12642-23-8T-442S 35 µg/mL in Toluene 1 mL Formula Technical MixCl x42% Cl by MassCl zM.W.Aroclor ® 5460MonsantoCl yCAS Number 11126-42-4T-460S 35 µg/mL in Toluene $ 25 Formula Technical MixCl x60% Cl by MassCl zM.W.Aroclor ® 6050MonsantoCl yCAS NumberT-6050S 35 µg/mL in Toluene 1 mL Formula Technical Mix+Cl (Cl) x(Cl)Cl zyM.W.x 42% Chlorine by Mass 21% Chlorine by MassDecabromodiphenyl etherBrBrOBrBrCAS Number 1163-19-5BDE-209S 50 µg/mL in Isooctane 1 mL BrBr BrBrFormula C 12Br 10OBrBrM.W. 959.22Tel. 800-442-5290 / 203-786-5290 • Fax 203-786-5287 • www.AccuStandard.com17
<strong>Plastic</strong> Additive StandardsFlame Retardants (continued)Firemaster BP4A4,4’-(1-methylethylidene) bis (2,6-dibromophenol)BrBrCAS Number 79-94-7FRS-006S 100 µg/mL in Toluene 1 mL HOOHFormula C 15H 12Br 4O 2FRS-006N 10 mg BrM.W. 543.91BrHalowax 1000CAS Number 58718-66-4N-1000S 100 µg/mL in Methanol 1 mL(Cl) x(Cl) yFormula Technical Mixx = 0 - 4 y = 0 - 4M.W.Halowax 1001CAS Number 58718-67-5N-1001S 100 µg/mL in Methanol 1 mL(Cl) x(Cl) yFormula Technical Mixx = 0 - 4 y = 0 - 4M.W.Halowax 1013CAS Number 1321-64-8N-1013S 100 µg/mL in Methanol 1 mL(Cl) x(Cl) yFormula Technical Mixx = 0 - 4 y = 0 - 4M.W.Halowax 1051CAS Number 2234-13-1N-1051S 100 µg/mL in Methanol 1 mL(Cl) x(Cl) yFormula Technical Mixx = 0 - 4 y = 0 - 4M.W.Halowax 1099CAS Number 39450-05-0N-1099S 100 µg/mL in Methanol 1 mL(Cl) x(Cl) yFormula Technical Mixx = 0 - 4 y = 0 - 4M.W.m-Terphenyl1,3-diphenylbenzeneCAS Number 92-06-8Formula C 6H 5C 6H 4C 6H 5T-002N 100 mg M.W. 230.3218 AccuStandard’s Quality System is Certified to Comply with International ISO 9001 & ISO 17025
<strong>Plastic</strong> Additive StandardsFlame Retardants (continued)o-TerphenylCAS Number 84-15-1Formula C 6H 5C 6H 4C 6H 5T-001N 100 mg M.W. 230.32p-TerphenylCAS Number 92-94-4Formula C 18H 14T-003N 100 mg M.W. 230.32Tetradecachloro-m-terphenylClClClClClT-005S 35 µg/mL in Toluene 1 mLClClFormula CCl18Cl 14Cl Cl ClClClClCAS NumberM.W. 712.48Tetradecachloro-o-terphenylClClClClCAS NumberClClT-004S 35 µg/mL in Toluene 1 mL Formula C 18Cl 14ClCl ClClCl Cl Cl ClM.W. 712.48Tetradecachloro-p-terphenylClClClClClClCAS NumberClClT-006S 35 µg/mL in Toluene 1 mL Formula C 18Cl 14Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl ClM.W. 712.48Your Perfect CompanionPart No. PLAS-CRC-BOOKTel. 800-442-5290 / 203-786-5290 • Fax 203-786-5287 • www.AccuStandard.com19
<strong>Plastic</strong> Additive Standards<strong>Plastic</strong>izersA plasticizer is a compound added to a material, usually a plastic, to make it flexible, resilient and easier to handle. <strong>Plastic</strong>izers aremajor components in plastics that determine the physical properties of polymer products.<strong>Plastic</strong>izers are generally medium to high molecular weight esters of aliphatic or aromatic carboxylic acids, or sometimes ofphosphoric acid. The phosphate esters are often also used for their flame retardant properties. Adipates and phthalates are alsovery common, but are becoming more highly regulated due to concern that they could act as endocrine disruptors.The USEPA regulates many Phthalates and Adipates by Methods 606, 506-1 and 8061.2-Butanone peroxide (in DMP)Di(1-methylethylketone)peroxideCAS Number 1338-23-4PLAS-PL-023S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mLO OOHHOO OFormula C 8H 18O 6PLAS-PL-023N 50 mg M.W. 210.22Benzoflex ® 2-45Velsicol Chemicaldiethylene glycol, dibenzoateOOOOOCAS Number 120-55-8PLAS-PL-015S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula C 18H 18O 5PLAS-PL-015N 50 mg M.W. 314.33Bisphenol A4,4’-dihydroxy-2,2-diphenylpropaneCH 3CAS Number 80-05-7M-1626-01S 1000 µg/mL in Methanol 1 mLHOCOHFormula C 15H 16O 2M-1626-01N N/ACH 3M.W. 228.29Celogen ® SD-125Chemtura Corporation50% azodicarbonamide in a phthalate plasticizerOCH 2 CH 3COCH 2 CHCH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 3CAS NumberPLAS-PL-009S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL OFormulaH 2 N N N NH Typical Structure2 +PLAS-PL-009N 50 mg M.W.OC O CH 2 CHCH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 3OCH 2 CH 3Citroflex 2Morflex, Inc.2-hydroxy-1,2,3-propanetricarboxylic acid, triethyl esterOCAS Number 77-93-0OOPLAS-PL-028S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula C 12H 20O 7OOPLAS-PL-028N 50 mgOHM.W. 276.32OCitroflex 4Morflex, Inc.2-hydroxy-1,2,3-propanetricarboxylic acid, tributyl esterO OOOH OOOCAS Number 77-94-1PLAS-PL-030S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula C 18H 32O 7PLAS-PL-030N 50 mg M.W. 360.4520 AccuStandard’s Quality System is Certified to Comply with International ISO 9001 & ISO 17025
<strong>Plastic</strong> Additive Standards<strong>Plastic</strong>izers (continued)Citroflex A-2Morflex, Inc.2-(acetyloxy)-1,2,3-propanetricarboxylic acid, triethyl esterOOOOCAS Number 77-89-4OPLAS-PL-001S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL O OFormula C 14H 22O 8PLAS-PL-001N 50 mg M.W. 318.32OCitroflex A-4Morflex, Inc.2-Acetoxy-1,2,3-propanetricarboxylic acid, tributyl esterCAS Number 77-90-7OOOPLAS-PL-002S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mLOFormula C 20H 34O 8OO OPLAS-PL-002N 50 mg M.W. 402.54OCitroflex B-6Morflex, Inc.n-butyltri-n-hexyl citrateOOPLAS-PL-025S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL OOFormula C 28H 50O 8OOO OCAS Number 82469-79-2PLAS-PL-025N 50 mg M.W. 514.7Dibutyl PhthalateHoughton ChemicalOOOOCAS Number 84-74-2PLAS-PL-013S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula C 16H 22O 4PLAS-PL-013N 50 mg M.W. 278.34Dioctyl Phthalate (DOP)Houghton ChemicalOOCAS Number 117-81-7OOPLAS-PL-019S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula C 24H 38O 4PLAS-PL-019N 50 mg M.W. 390.56Hercoflex ® 900Hercules Incorporated1,3-Isobenzofurandione, polymer with 2,2’-(1,2-ethanediylbis(oxy))bis(ethanol), benzoateHOOOOHnCAS Number 68186-30-1PLAS-PL-038S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mLOOOnOHOnFormula(C 8H 4O 3) n(C 6H 14O 4) n(C 7H 6O 2) nPLAS-PL-038N 50 mg M.W. 420.41Tel. 800-442-5290 / 203-786-5290 • Fax 203-786-5287 • www.AccuStandard.com21
<strong>Plastic</strong> Additive Standards<strong>Plastic</strong>izers (continued)Hi-Point ® PD-1Chemtura Corporationmethyl ethyl ketone peroxide (CAS# 1338-23-4) solutionCAS NumberPLAS-PL-024S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL HOOHO OFormulaPLAS-PL-024N 50 mg M.W.Jayflex ® 77ExxonMobil Corporationdiisoheptyl phthalateOOCAS Number 71888-89-6PLAS-PL-017S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula C 22H 34O 4PLAS-PL-017N 50 mg M.W. 362.50OOJayflex ® DIDP <strong>Plastic</strong>izerExxonMobil Corporationdiisodecyl phthalateOOCAS Number 68515-49-1PLAS-PL-016S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula C 28H 46O 4PLAS-PL-016N 50 mg M.W. 446.66OOJayflex ® DINP <strong>Plastic</strong>izerExxonMobil Corporationdiisononyl phthalateOOCAS Number 68515-48-0PLAS-PL-018S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula C 26H 22O 4PLAS-PL-018N 50 mg M.W. 418.61OOJayflex ® DTDP plasticizerExxonMobil Corporationditridecyl phthalateOC O C 13 H 27PLAS-PL-020S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula C 34H 58O 4PLAS-PL-020N 50 mgC OM.W. 530.92OC 13 H 27CAS Number 68515-47-9Jayflex ® L11P-E <strong>Plastic</strong>izerExxonMobil Corporationdiundecyl phthalateOOCAS Number 3648-20-2PLAS-PL-021S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula C 30H 50O 4PLAS-PL-021N 50 mg M.W. 474.72OOJayflex ® TINTM <strong>Plastic</strong>izertriisononyl trimellitateExxonMobil CorporationOC 9 H 19 O CC O C 9 H 19CAS Number 53894-23-8PLAS-PL-029S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL OFormula C 36H 60O 6PLAS-PL-029N 50 mg M.W. 588.96COOC 9 H 1922 AccuStandard’s Quality System is Certified to Comply with International ISO 9001 & ISO 17025
<strong>Plastic</strong> Additive Standards<strong>Plastic</strong>izers (continued)Laurex ®Chemtura Corporationzinc salt of lauric and related fatty acidsOCAS NumberPLAS-PL-032S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL ZnOFormula C 24H 46O 4Zn2PLAS-PL-032N 50 mg M.W. 464.01Markstat ® 51Chemtura Corporationpoly(ethylene glycol) monolaurateCAS Number 9004-81-3PLAS-PL-003S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mLOO HnOFormula (C 2H 4O) nC 12H 24O 2PLAS-PL-003N 50 mg M.W.Morflex ® 150Morflex, Inc.dicyclohexyl phthalateCAS Number 84-61-7O OPLAS-PL-014S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL OFormula C 20H 26O 4PLAS-PL-014N 50 mg OM.W. 330.46Morflex ® 190Morflex, Inc.butylphthalyl butyl glycolateCAS Number 85-70-1PLAS-PL-008S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mLOFormula C 18H 24O 6O OPLAS-PL-008N 50 mg O OOM.W. 336.38Morflex ® 560Morflex, Inc.tri-n-hexyl trimellitateOOOOCAS Number 1528-49-0PLAS-PL-031S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula C 27H 42O 6PLAS-PL-031N 50 mg M.W. 462.62O OMorflex ® x-1125Morflex, Inc.1,2-benzenedicarboxylic acid, ditridecyl esterOOCAS Number 119-06-2PLAS-PL-033S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mLOFormula C 34H 58O 4PLAS-PL-033N 50 mg M.W. 530.83OParaplex ® G-30CPH Innovationsproprietary dibasic acid polyester mixtureCAS NumberPLAS-PL-027S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL N/AFormulaPLAS-PL-027N 50 mg M.W.Tel. 800-442-5290 / 203-786-5290 • Fax 203-786-5287 • www.AccuStandard.com23
<strong>Plastic</strong> Additive Standards<strong>Plastic</strong>izers (continued)Plasthall ® ESOCPH Innovationsepoxidized soybean oilOOOOOOO OPLAS-PL-035N 50 mg OOM.W.OOCAS Number 8013-07-8PLAS-PL-035S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL FormulaOPolycizer ® Butyl OleateHarwick Chemicalbutyl oleateC 8 H 17 CAS Number 142-77-8OPLAS-PL-007S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL C 4 H 9Formula C 22H 42O 2PLAS-PL-007N 50 mg OM.W. 338.57Polycizer ® DP 500Harwick ChemicalDipropylene glycol dibenzoateOOCAS Number 27138-31-4PLAS-PL-011S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula C 20H 22O 5PLAS-PL-011N 50 mg M.W. 342.39OOOSanticizer ® 141Solutia Inc.2-ethylhexyldiphenyl phosphateCAS Number 1241-94-7PLAS-PL-026S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL OPOFormula C 20H 27O4PO OPLAS-PL-026N 50 mg M.W. 362.4Santicizer ® 148Solutia Inc.Mixture: isodecyldiphenyl phosphate (80-90%) / diisodecyl phenyl phosphate/ triphenyl phosphateOO P OO CAS Number 29761-21-5PLAS-PL-022S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula C 22H 31O 4PPLAS-PL-022N 50 mg M.W. 390.46Santicizer ® 160Solutia Inc.benzyl butyl phthalateOOCAS Number 85-68-7PLAS-PL-004S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mLOFormula C 19H 20O 4PLAS-PL-004N 50 mgOM.W. 312.37Santicizer ® 261Solutia Inc.benzyl phthalateCAS Number 68515-40-2PLAS-PL-005S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL N/AFormulaPLAS-PL-005N 50 mg M.W. 368.524 AccuStandard’s Quality System is Certified to Comply with International ISO 9001 & ISO 17025
<strong>Plastic</strong> Additive Standards<strong>Plastic</strong>izers (continued)Vinsol ® powderHercules IncorporatedCAS NumberPLAS-PL-037S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL N/AFormulaPLAS-PL-037N 50 mg M.W.Vinsol ® resinHercules Incorporatedgum rosinCAS Number 8050-09-7PLAS-PL-036S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL N/AFormula UnspecifiedPLAS-PL-036N 50 mg M.W.Processing AidsProcessing aids are compounding materials that improve the processing of polymers by: creating better dispersion of dry materials,increasing extrusion rates, reducing powder consumption during mixing, promoting compound fusion, adding lubrication, improvingknitting and creating a smoother surface on calendered and extruded products.Kemamide ® E ultraChemtura CorporationerucamideCAS Number 112-84-5PLAS-PA-001S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula C 22H 43NOPLAS-PA-001N 50 mg M.W. 337.58ONH 2RetardersRetarders are used to delay the onset of crosslinking and can be used to allow for longer processing times. They are also used toreduce scorching.Retarder AKAkrochem Corporationphthalic anhydrideOCAS Number 85-44-9PLAS-RT-001S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mLOFormula C 8H 4O 3PLAS-RT-001N 50 mg M.W. 148.12OPolymer Additive Reference StandardsTel. 800-442-5290 / 203-786-5290 • Fax 203-786-5287 • www.AccuStandard.com25
<strong>Plastic</strong> Additive StandardsStearatesStearic acid and the metallic salts of this acid are used for many different applications depending on the polymer system. Stearatescan act as lubricants, acid scavengers, anti-tack compounds, vulcanization promoter/accelerator, or a mold release agent.Stearic Acid RG (rubber grade)Akrochem Corporationstearic acidOCAS Number 57-11-4PLAS-ST-001S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula C 18H 36O 2PLAS-ST-001N 50 mg M.W. 284.48OHStearic Acid TPAkrochem Corporationstearic acidCAS Number 57-11-4PLAS-ST-002S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula CH 3(CH 2) 16COOHPLAS-ST-002N 50 mg M.W. 284.48OOHUV StabilizersUV stabilizers, or light absorbers, act to protect the plastic against UV or sunlight damage such as discoloration, cracking,brittleness, or other loss of desirable physical properties.Typical UV Stabilizers are benzophenones, hindered amines, and benzotraizole. Also used, but not as effective, are salicylateesters, cyanoacrylates and bezilidenes.Tinuvin ® PEDCiba Specialty ChemicalsNCH 3CAS Number 2440-22-4NPLAS-UV-005S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula C 13H 11N 3ONPLAS-UV-005N 50 mg M.W. 225.27OHUvinul ® 3000BASF Corporation2,4-dihydroxybenzophenoneOOHCAS Number 131-56-6PLAS-UV-001S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula C 13H 10O 3PLAS-UV-001N 50 mg M.W. 214.22OHUvinul ® 3008BASF Corporation2-hydroxy-4-octyloxybenzophenoneO OHCAS Number 1843-05-6PLAS-UV-002S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula C 21H 26O 3PLAS-UV-002N 50 mg OC 8 H 17M.W. 326.4326 AccuStandard’s Quality System is Certified to Comply with International ISO 9001 & ISO 17025
<strong>Plastic</strong> Additive StandardsUV Stabilizers (Continued)Uvinul ® 3040BASF Corporation2-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzophenone O OHCAS Number 131-57-7PLAS-UV-003S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula C 14H 12O 3PLAS-UV-003N 50 mg OCH M.W. 228.263Uvinul ® 3049BASF Corporation2,2-dihydroxy-4,4-dimethoxybenzophenoneOHOOHCAS Number 131-54-4PLAS-UV-004S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL Formula C 15H 14O 5PLAS-UV-004N 50 mg H 3 COOCH 3M.W. 274Vegetable OilsVegetable oils, typically the epoxide or the ester of the parent oil, are used as plasticizers. They offer the advantage of not onlyproviding flexibility in the final plastic, but also add heat and light stabilizing advantages without the requirements for additionaladditives. Vegetable oil plasticizers are generally less toxic than their petrochemical counterparts, this makes them very attractivefor certain applications like food or toys.Some of their disadvantages are that they may not mix properly at higher concentrations, may cause brittleness in someapplications, and often are only suitable as secondary plasticizers.Akrofax AAkrochem CorporationCAS NumberPLAS-VA-001S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL N/AFormulaPLAS-VA-001N 50 mg M.W.Akrofax BAkrochem Corporationvulcanized vegetable oilCAS NumberPLAS-VA-002S 1000 µg/mL in Hexane 1 mL N/AFormulaPLAS-VA-002N 50 mg M.W.Tel. 800-442-5290 / 203-786-5290 • Fax 203-786-5287 • www.AccuStandard.com27
<strong>Plastic</strong> Additive StandardsDyes and Breakdown ProductsDyes and colorant products are one of the largest categories of plastic additives and are also used in textiles, leather goods, food and personal careproducts. They are used for both aesthetic purposes and to alter physical properties of the product, such as to repel light. Many dyes and theirbreakdown products have been determined to have both adverse health properties and adverse environmental properties, and as such, are being increasinglyregulated. EU Directives 67/548/EEC and 2002/61/EC and 76/768/EEC are the most far-reaching regulations for this class of compounds.Dye Standards - EU Directive 67/548/EECCriterion #22 Regulated Dyes - CarcinogenicEach in 100 µg/mL in MeOH Cat. No. UnitDisperse Blue 1 DYE-001S 1 mLDisperse Orange 11 DYE-002S 1 mLDisperse Yellow 3 DYE-003S 1 mLBasic Violet 14 DYE-012S 1 mLDirect Black 38 DYE-013S 1 mLDirect Blue 6 DYE-014S 1 mLCriterion #23 Regulated Dye - Disperse dyes, SensitizingEach in 100 µg/mL in MeOH Cat. No. UnitDisperse Blue 3 DYE-004S 1 mLDisperse Orange 1 DYE-005S 1 mLDisperse Orange 3 DYE-006S 1 mLDisperse Red 1 DYE-007S 1 mLDisperse Yellow 9 DYE-008S 1 mLDisperse Blue 35 DYE-009S 1 mLDisperse Blue 124 DYE-010S 1 mLDisperse Orange 37 DYE-011S 1 mLDisperse Blue 7 DYE-015S 1 mLDisperse Blue 26 DYE-016S 1 mLDisperse Blue 102 DYE-017S 1 mLDisperse Red 11 DYE-018S 1 mLDisperse Red 17 DYE-019S 1 mLAryl Amine Breakdown Products in Azo Dyes - EU Directive 2002/61/ECIndividual Aryl Amine Standards 100 µg/mL in 1000 µg/mL in 10 µg/mL inAnalyte AcCN in 1 mL AcCN in 1 mL Ethyl acetate in 10 mLo-Aminoazotoluene (01) RAC-01 RAC-01-10X RAC-01-EA-0.1X-10ML4-Aminobiphenyl (02) RAC-02 RAC-02-10X RAC-02-EA-0.1X-10ML2-Amino-4-nitrotoluene (03) RAC-03 RAC-03-10X RAC-03-EA-0.1X-10MLBenzidine (04) RAC-04 RAC-04-10X RAC-04-EA-0.1X-10ML4-Chloroaniline (05) RAC-05 RAC-05-10X RAC-05-EA-0.1X-10ML4-Chloro-o-toluidine (06) RAC-06 RAC-06-10X RAC-06-EA-0.1X-10MLp-Cresidine (07) RAC-07 RAC-07-10X RAC-07-EA-0.1X-10ML2,4-Diaminoanisole* (08) RAC-08 RAC-08-10X RAC-08-EA-0.1X-10ML4,4’-Diaminodiphenylmethane (09) RAC-09 RAC-09-10X RAC-09-EA-0.1X-10ML2,4-Diaminotoluene (10) RAC-10 RAC-10-10X RAC-10-EA-0.1X-10ML3,3’-Dichlorobenzidine (11) RAC-11 RAC-11-10X RAC-11-EA-0.1X-10ML3,3’-Dimethoxybenzidine (12) RAC-12 RAC-12-10X RAC-12-EA-0.1X-10ML3,3’-Dimethylbenzidine (13) RAC-13 RAC-13-10X RAC-13-EA-0.1X-10ML3,3’-Dimethyl-4,4’-diaminodiphenylmethane (14) RAC-14 RAC-14-10X RAC-14-EA-0.1X-10ML4,4’-Methylenebis(2-chloroaniline) (15) RAC-15 RAC-15-10X RAC-15-EA-0.1X-10ML2-Naphthylamine (16) RAC-16 RAC-16-10X RAC-16-EA-0.1X-10ML4,4’-Oxydianiline (17) RAC-17 RAC-17-10X RAC-17-EA-0.1X-10ML4,4’-Thiodianiline (18) RAC-18 RAC-18-10X RAC-18-EA-0.1X-10MLo-Toluidine (19) RAC-19 RAC-19-10X RAC-19-EA-0.1X-10ML2,4,5-Trimethylaniline (20) RAC-20 RAC-20-10X RAC-20-EA-0.1X-10MLp-Aminoazobenzene (21) RAC-21 RAC-21-10X RAC-21-EA-0.1X-10ML2-Aminobiphenyl (22) RAC-22 RAC-22-10X RAC-22-EA-0.1X-10MLo-Anisidine (23) RAC-23 RAC-23-10X RAC-23-EA-0.1X-10ML3-Chloro-o-toluidine (24) RAC-24 RAC-24-10X RAC-24-EA-0.1X-10MLRAC-R1-SET24 x 1 mL (Set includes the above ampules) In Acetonitrile100 µg/mL * In form of the Sulfate hydrate 171 µg/mL in Pyridine (100 µg/mL as the base)RAC-R1-10X-SET 24 x 1 mL (Set includes the above ampules) In Acetonitrile1000 µg/mL in AcCN * In form of the Sulfate hydrate 1,710 µg/mL in Pyridine (1000 µg/mL as the base)Carcinogenic Aryl Amine Mix (contains the 24 Aryl Amines listed above)AE-000491 x 1 mL10 µg/mL in Ethyl acetateAE-00049-10ML1 x 10 mL10 µg/mL in Ethyl acetateInternal StandardsRAC-IS1000 µg/mL in AcCN3,3’,5,5’-TetramethylbenzidineRAC-IS-EA1000 µg/mL in Ethyl acetate3,3’,5,5’-Tetramethylbenzidine1 x 1 mL1 x 1 mL28 AccuStandard’s Quality System is Certified to Comply with International ISO 9001 & ISO 17025
<strong>Plastic</strong> Additive StandardsDeuterated PhthalatesThese deuterated compounds can be used as internal standards for method development for determining phtalates inenvironmental or other types of samples.Other compounds are available. Contact our Technical Service Department if you require additional deuterated or other labeledcompounds.Deuterated Phthalate Solution Set PHTH-D4S-SET 11 x 1 mLDeuterated Phthalate Neat Set PHTH-D4N-SET 11 x 5 mgSet include 11 Deuterated Phthalates listed below and next page.dibenzylphthalate-d 4OCAS No.PHTH-D4-001S 1000 µg/mL in Methanol 1 mL Formula C 6D 4(COOCH 2C 6H 5) 2OPHTH-D4-001N 5 mg OM.W. 350.41D 4Odi-n-butyl phthalate-d 4PHTH-D4-002SPHTH-D4-002N10005 mgOOCAS No.FormulaM.W.93952-11-5C 6D 4(COOCH282.37Oµg/mL in Methanol 1 mL O2CH 2CH 2CH 3) 2D 4Di-iso-butyl Phthalate-3,4,5,6-d 4OPHTH-D4-003N 5 mgOM.W. 326.43CAS No. 358730-88-8OPHTH-D4-003S 1000 µg/mL in Methanol 1 mL OFormula C 6D 4[COOCH 2CH(CH 3) 2] 2D 4Dicyclohexyl Phthalate-3,4,5,6-d 4OPHTH-D4-004N 5 mgOM.W. 334.45CAS No. 358731-25-6PHTH-D4-004S 1000 µg/mL in Methanol 1 mLOOFormula C 6D 4(COOC 6H 11) 2Diethyl Phthalate-3,4,5,6-d 4OCAS No. 93952-12-6OPHTH-D4-005S 1000 µg/mL in Methanol 1 mL OFormula C 6D 4(COOCH 2CH 3) 2PHTH-D4-005N 5 mg D 4 OM.W. 226.26Tel. 800-442-5290 / 203-786-5290 • Fax 203-786-5287 • www.AccuStandard.com29
<strong>Plastic</strong> Additive StandardsDeuterated Phthalates (Continued)D 4Di-n-hexyl Phthalate-3,4,5,6-d 4OOOCAS No. N/APHTH-D4-006S 1000 µg/mL in Methanol 1 mLOFormula C 6D 4[COO(CH 2) 5CH 3] 2PHTH-D4-006N 5 mg M.W. 338.48Dimethyl Phthalate-3,4,5,6-d 4OCAS No. 93951-89-4OPHTH-D4-007S 1000 µg/mL in Methanol 1 mL OFormula C 6D 4(COOCH 3) 2PHTH-D4-007N 5 mg M.W. 198.21D 4 OD 4Di-n-octyl Phthalate-3,4,5,6-d 4OOOCAS No. 93952-13-7PHTH-D4-008S 1000 µg/mL in Methanol 1 mLOFormula C 6D 4[COO(CH 2) 7CH 3] 2PHTH-D4-008N 5 mg M.W. 394.59D 4Di-n-pentyl Phthalate-3,4,5,6-d 4OOOCAS No. 358730-89-9PHTH-D4-009S 1000 µg/mL in Methanol 1 mLOFormula C 6D 4[COO(CH 2) 4CH 3] 2PHTH-D4-009N 5 mg M.W. 310.43D 4Di-n-propyl Phthalate-3,4,5,6-d 4OOCAS No. 358731-29-0PHTH-D4-010S 1000 µg/mL in Methanol 1 mLOOFormula C 6D 4(COOCH 2CH 2CH 3) 2PHTH-D4-010N 5 mg M.W. 254.32Bis(2-ethylhexyl) Phthalate-3,4,5,6-d 4CAS No. 93951-87-2OOFormula C 6D 4[COOCH 2CH(CH 2PHTH-D4-011S 1000 µg/mL in Methanol 1 mLCHO3)(CH 2) 3CH 3] 2PHTH-D4-011N 5 mg M.W. 394.59OD 430 AccuStandard’s Quality System is Certified to Comply with International ISO 9001 & ISO 17025
IndexChemical Name or TradeMarkAccelerator BBTS 1Accelerator ETU-22 PM 1Accelerator EZ & EZ-SP 1Accelerator MBT, MBT/MG 1acetone diphenylamine condensation products 92-acetoxy-1,2,3-propanetricarboxylic acid, tributyl ester 212-(acetyloxy)-1,2,3-propanetricarboxylic acid, triethyl ester 21Activator OT Urea 1Akrofax A 27Akrofax B 27Alkanox® P27 3Alkanox® TNPP 32-amino-4-nitrotoluene 28p-aminoazobenzene 28o-aminoazotoluene 282-aminobiphenyl 284-aminobiphenyl 28o-anisidine 28Antioxidant 60 3Antioxidant S 3Antiozonant NIBUD 11Aroclor 1016 16Aroclor 1221 16Aroclor 1232 16Aroclor 1242 16Aroclor 1248 16Aroclor 1254 16Aroclor 1260 16Aroclor 1262 17Aroclor 1268 17Aroclor 5432 17Aroclor 5442 17Aroclor 5460 17Aroclor 6050 1750% azodicarbonamide in a phthalate plasticizer 20Basic Violet 14 28Benzenamine, N-phenyl, reaction products with 2,4,4-trimethylpentene 3, 101,2-benzenedicarboxylic acid, ditridecyl ester 23benzidine 282H-benzimidazole-2-thione, 1,3-di-hydro-4(or 5)-methyl 3Benzoflex® 2-45 20benzyl butyl phthalate 24Benzyl 3-isobutyryloxy-1-isopropyl-2,2-dimethylpropyl phthalate 11benzyl phthalate 244,4’-bis(alpha,alpha-dimethylbenzyl)diphenylamine 8bis(2,4-di-tert-butylphenyl)pentaerythritol diphosphate and magnesium aluminum hydroxy carbonate hydrate 31,2-bis(3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyhydrocinnamoyl)hydrazide 7bis(2,4-di-tert-butylphenyl)pentaerythritol diphosphite 11N,N’-bis(1,4-dimethylpentyl)-p-phenylenediamine 22,5-bis(1,1-dimethylpropyl)-1,4-benzenediol 8bis(2-ethylhexyl) Phthalate-3,4,5,6-d4 302,4-bis(n-octylthio)-6-(4-hydroxy-3,5-di-tert-butylanilino)-1,3,5-triazine 7bis-(triethoxysilypropyl)tetrasulfide 13Bisphenol A 20blend of phenolic primary and phosphite secondary antioxidants 102-Butanone peroxide (in DMP) 20butyl oleate 24butylated reaction product of p-cresol & dicyclopentadiene 2, 8butylphthalyl butyl glycolate 23n-butyltri-n-hexyl citrate 21carbamoyliminourea 12Celogen® AZ 12Celogen® SD-125 20chlorinated paraffin wax 124-chloroaniline 283-chloro-o-toluidine 284-chloro-o-toluidine 28Citroflex 2 20Citroflex 4 20Citroflex A-2 21Citroflex A-4 21Citroflex® B-6 21CPW-100 12p-Cresidine 28Cure-Rite® IBT 1Cyanox® 1212 3Cyanox® 1790 4Cyanox® 2246 4Cyanox® 425 4Cyanox® LTDP 4Cyanox® STDP 4decabromodiphenyl ether 172,6-di-tert-butyl-N,N-dimethylamino-p-cresol 11Tel. 800-442-5290 / 203-786-5290 • Fax 203-786-5287 • www.AccuStandard.comPageI
IndexIIChemical Name or TradeMark3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyhydrocinnamic acid, octadecyl ester 53,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyhydrocinnamic ester with 1,3,5-tris[2-hydroxyethyl]-s-triazine- 2,4,6[1H,3H,5H]-trione 72,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenol 92,6-di-tert-butyl-4-nonylphenol 72,6-di-tert-butyl-4-sec-butylphenol 76,6’-di-tert-butyl-2,2’-thiodi-p-cresol 62,4-diaminoanisole sulfate hydrate 284,4’-diaminodiphenylmethane 282,4-diaminotoluene 28dibenzylphthalate-d4 29dibutyl phthalate 213,3’-dichlorobenzidine 28dicyclohexyl phthalate 23dicyclohexyl phthalate-3,4,5,6-d4 29diethyl phthalate-3,4,5,6-d4 29diethylene glycol, dibenzoate 201,2-dihydro-2,2,4-trimethylquinoline (polymerized) 102,2-dihydroxy-4,4-dimethoxybenzophenone 274,4’-dihydroxy-2,2-diphenylpropane 202,4-dihydroxybenzophenone 261,2-dihydro-2,2,4-trimethylquinoline (polymerized) 10di-iso-butyl Phthalate-3,4,5,6-d4 29diisodecyl phthalate 22diisoheptyl phthalate 22diisononyl phthalate 22dilaurylthiopropionate 43,3’-dimethoxybenzidine 28N-(1,1-dimethylethyl)2-benzothiazolesulfenamide 13,3’-dimethyl-4,4’-diaminodiphenylmethane 28dimethyl phthalate-3,4,5,6-d4 30dimethyl silicone fluid 23,3’-dimethylbenzidine 28di-n-butyl phthalate-d4 29di-n-hexyl phthalate-3,4,5,6-d4 30di-n-octyl phthalate-3,4,5,6-d4 30di-n-pentyl phthalate-3,4,5,6-d4 30di-n-propyl phthalate-3,4,5,6-d4 30dioctyl phthalate 21N,N’-diphenyl-p-phenylenediamine 91,3-diphenylbenzene 18N,N’-diphenylguanidine 13dipropylene glycol dibenzoate 24Direct Black 38 28Direct Blue 6 28Disperse Blue 1 28Disperse Blue 102 28Disperse Blue 124 28Disperse Blue 26 28Disperse Blue 3 28Disperse Blue 35 28Disperse Blue 7 28Disperse Orange 1 28Disperse Orange 11 28Disperse Orange 3 28Disperse Orange 37 28Disperse Red 1 28Disperse Red 11 28Disperse Red 17 28Disperse Yellow 3 28Disperse Yellow 9 28distearylthipropionate 42,2’-dithiobis(benzothiazole) 14ditridecyl phthalate 22diundecyl phthalate 22epoxidized soybean oil 24erucamide 25Ethanox® 310 4Ethanox® 314 2Ethanox® 323 5Ethanox® 330 5Ethanox® 376 5Ethanox® 4702 5Ethanox® 4703 11Ethaphos® 368 5ethyl 3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxybenzylphosphonate, calcium salt & polyethylene-wax mixture 6ethylene thiourea 12-ethylhexyldiphenyl phosphate 24F-300, F-1000, F-1500, F-2000, F-3000 13Firemaster BP4A 18gamma-aminopropyltriethoxysilane 12gamma-aminopropyltriethoxysilane (technical grade) 12gamma-glycidoxypropyltrimethoxysilane 12gum rosin 25Page
IndexChemical Name or TradeMarkHalowax 1000 18Halowax 1001 18Halowax 1013 18Halowax 1051 18Halowax 1099 182,2’,3,4,4’,5’,6-heptabromodiphenyl ether 15Hercoflex® 900 212,2’,4,4’,5,5’-hexabromodiphenyl ether 152,2’,4,4’,5,6’-hexabromodiphenyl ether 15hexamethoxy methyl melamine 14hexamethylene bis(3-(3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyphenyl)propionate) 6N,N’-1,6-hexanediyl bis[3,5-bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-hydroxy-benzenepropanamide] 6Hi-Point® PD-1 222-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzophenone 272-hydroxy-4-octyloxybenzophenone 262 hydroxy-1,2,3-propanetricarboxylic Acid, tributyl ester 202-hydroxy-1,2,3-propanetricarboxylic acid, triethyl ester 20Irganox® 1035 5Irganox® 1081 6Irganox® 1098 6Irganox® 1425 WL 6Irganox® 245 6Irganox® 259 6Irganox® 3114 FF 6Irganox® 3125 7Irganox® 565 7Irganox® E 201 7Irganox® MD 1024 71,3-Isobenzofurandione, polymer with 2,2’-(1,2-ethanediylbis(oxy)) bis(ethanol), benzoate 21Mixture: isodecyldiphenyl phosphate (80-90%) /diisodecyl phenyl phosphate/ triphenyl phosphate 24Isonox® 132 7Isonox® 232 7Jayflex® 77 22Jayflex® DIDP 22Jayflex® DINP <strong>Plastic</strong>izer 22Jayflex® DTDP plasticizer 22Jayflex® L11P-E <strong>Plastic</strong>izer 22Jayflex® TINTM <strong>Plastic</strong>izer 22Kemamide® E ultra 25Laurex® 23lauryl stearylthiopropionate 3beta-laurylthiopropionate 8Lowinox® AH25 8Lowinox® CPL 8Lowinox® TBM-6 8Markstat® 51 23Markstat® 60 82-mercaptobenzothiazole 1, 13methyl ethyl ketone peroxide solution 224,4’-(1-methylethylidene)bis(2,6-dibromophenol) 182,2’-methylene-bis-(4-ethyl-6-tert-butyl-phenol) 42,2’-methylene-bis-(4-methyl-6-tert-butyl-phenol) 44,4’-methylenebis(2-chloroaniline) 284,4’-methylenebis(2,6-di-tert-butylphenol) 5di(1-methylethylketone)peroxide 20Morflex® 150 23Morflex® 190 23Morflex® 560 23Morflex® x-1125 232-naphthylamine 281:1 blend of Naugard® 10 and Naugard® 524 9blend of phenolic primary and diphenylamine secondary antioxidants (Naugards 76 and 445) 9Naugard® 412S 8Naugard® 445 8Naugard® 956 8Naugard® A 9Naugard® B-25 9Naugard® BHT 9Naugard® HM-22 9Naugard® J 9Naugard® NBC 9Naugard® PANA 9Naugard® PHR 10Naugard® PS-30 10Naugard® PS-35 (now Weston 399) 10Naugard® Q Extra 10Naugard® RM-51 10Naugard® Super Q 10Naugard® XL-1 10nickel dibutyl dithiocarbamate 9, 11, 14nonylphenol disulfide oligomer 5octyltriethoxysilane 132,2’-oxamidobis[ethyl-3-(3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyphenyl)propionate] 10PageIII
IndexIVChemical Name or TradeMark4,4’-Oxydianiline 28Paraplex® G-30 232,2’,4,4’,5-pentabromodiphenyl ether 152,2’,4,4’,6-pentabromodiphenyl ether 15pentaerythritol tetrakis (3-(3,5-di-t-butyl-4-hydroxyphenyl)propionate 4Perkacit® DPG 13Perkacit® MBT 13Perkacit® MBTS 14Perkacit® NDBC 14Perkacit® ZDEC 14N-phenyl-1-naphthylamine 9N-phenyl-N’-propan-2-yl-benzene-1,4-diamine 2phthalic anhydride 25Plasthall® ESO 24poly(ethylene glycol) monolaurate 23Polycizer® Butyl Oleate 24Polycizer® DP 500 24proprietary blend of primary and secondary antioxidants 8proprietary dibasic acid polyester mixture 23Resimene® 3520 14Retarder AK 25Santicizer® 141 24Santicizer® 148 24Santicizer® 160 24Santicizer® 261 24Santicizer® 278 11Santoflex® 77PD 2Santoflex® IPPD 2SF100 2Silquest A-1100® 12Silquest A-187® 12Silquest® A-1102 12Silquest® A-1289 13Silquest® A-137 13Silquest® A-2171 13sodium perchlorate 8stearic acid 13stearic acid 26Stearic Acid RG (rubber grade) 26Stearic Acid TP 26m-terphenyl 18o-terphenyl 19p-terphenyl 192,2’,4,4’-tetrabromodiphenyl ether 15tetradecachloro-m-terphenyl 19tetradecachloro-o-terphenyl 19tetradecachloro-p-terphenyl 19tetraisobutylthiuram disulfide 13,3’,5,5’-tetramethylbenzidene 284,4’-thiobis(2-tert-butyl-5-methylphenol) 84,4’-thiodianiline 28thiodiethylene bis(3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyhydrocinnamate) 5Tinuvin® PED 26alpha-tocopherol 7o-toluidine 28triethyleneglycol bis[3-(3’-tert-butyl-4’hydroxy-5’-methylphenol)propionate] 6triisononyl trimellitate 221,3,5-trimethyl-2,4,6-tris(3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxybenzyl) benzene 52,4,5-trimethylaniline 28tri-n-hexyl trimellitate 231,3,5-tris(3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxybenzyl)-1,3,5-triazine-2,4,6-(1H,3H,5H)-trione 2, 6tris(2,4-di-tert-butylphenyl) phosphite 5tris(mono-nonylphenyl) phosphite with up to 1% triisopropanol amine 3, 10tris-nonyl phenyl phosphite 101,3,5-tris(4-tert-butyl-3-hydroxy-2,6-dimethylbenzyl)-1,3,5-triazine-2,4,6-(1h, 3h,5h)-trione 4Ultranox® 626 11urea 1Uvinul® 3000 26Uvinul® 3008 26Uvinul® 3040 27Uvinul® 3049 27Vinsol® powder 25Vinsol® resin 25vinylmethyldimethoxysilane 13vulcanized vegetable oil 27Wingstay® L 2zinc diethyldithiocarbamate 1zinc salt of lauric and related fatty acids 23Page
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