Course Catalogue 2008-2009 - University of Maine at Presque Isle

Course Catalogue 2008-2009 - University of Maine at Presque Isle

Course Catalogue 2008-2009 - University of Maine at Presque Isle


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g e n e r a l i n f o r m a t i o nAdmissions★St<strong>at</strong>ement <strong>of</strong>PrincipleThe <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Maine</strong> <strong>at</strong><strong>Presque</strong> <strong>Isle</strong> invites applic<strong>at</strong>ionsfor admission from academicallyqualified students <strong>of</strong> all agesand backgrounds. The academiccredentials and life experience<strong>of</strong> each applicant are consideredon an individual basis.The <strong>University</strong> prefers th<strong>at</strong> allapplicants have a collegeprepar<strong>at</strong>ory background andshow other indic<strong>at</strong>ions <strong>of</strong> abilityto succeed in college.Campus VisitsThe Admissions Office stronglyencourages applicants to visit thecampus. During the visit the studentwill have an opportunity tospeak with an admissions staffmember, tour the campus, meetwith currently enrolled students,talk with a faculty member, talkwith a financial aid staff member,and sit in on a class. Visits can bearrangedbycallingtheAdmissionsOffice <strong>at</strong> 207.768-9532.Applic<strong>at</strong>ionProcedures for allStudents✓ Each applicant for admissionis required to submit a completed<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Maine</strong>System Applic<strong>at</strong>ion Formaccompanied by a $ 40 nonrefundableapplic<strong>at</strong>ion fee (U.S.funds). Forms can be obtainedfrom the Office <strong>of</strong> Admissionsor from most high school guidance<strong>of</strong>fices. Applicants can alsoapply electronically on-line <strong>at</strong>www.umpi.maine.edu and canpay by credit card on-line whenapplying. Each applicant mustarrange for the forwarding <strong>of</strong>secondary school transcripts tothe Admissions Office.✓ Applicants with a record <strong>of</strong><strong>at</strong>tendance <strong>at</strong> a post-secondaryinstitution must request the forwarding<strong>of</strong> their <strong>of</strong>ficial transcriptsfrom each institution<strong>at</strong>tended for all work undertaken.✓ Letters <strong>of</strong> recommend<strong>at</strong>ionand a brief essay are requiredfrom traditional age studentsjust gradu<strong>at</strong>ing from highschool. Recommend<strong>at</strong>ions andan essay may be required fromall other students.Required DepositsUpon acceptance, all studentsare required to pay a $ 50 tuitiondeposit. Residence Hall studentsmust submit a $ 100 deposit withtheir signed room and board contract.Thetuition deposit is creditedto the student’s first semesterbill. The $ 100 deposit for roomand board is held for lost keys androom damage. At the end <strong>of</strong> theacademic year, the deposit lesscharges (damages and unreturnedkeys) will be refunded. A depositequal to one month’s rent will berequired for family housing. Thisdeposit will be due <strong>at</strong> the timehousing is assigned.ReadmissionDegree students who havewithdrawn from the <strong>University</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Maine</strong> <strong>at</strong> <strong>Presque</strong> <strong>Isle</strong> andwho have not <strong>at</strong>tended anypost-secondary school sincewithdrawing may return todegree study by applyingthrough the AdmissionsOffice, using a special readmissionapplic<strong>at</strong>ion form. There isa $ 40 applic<strong>at</strong>ion fee for readmission.Students seeking readmissionto the <strong>University</strong> mustbe in good academic standing<strong>at</strong> the time <strong>of</strong> applic<strong>at</strong>ion.Students who have taken acourse or courses from anotherpost-secondary school followingwithdrawal must applyfor regular admission throughthe Admissions Office.Applic<strong>at</strong>ion <strong>of</strong> Creditsfrom Prior EnrollmentUpon re-admittance, coursesth<strong>at</strong> are more than seven yearsold will not autom<strong>at</strong>ically beapplied to the major. A courseby-courseanalysis will bemade by the appropri<strong>at</strong>edepartment to determinewhether the course content isstill appropri<strong>at</strong>e and meetsprogam reaquirements.The AdmissionDecision✓ Applicants are evalu<strong>at</strong>ed foradmission on the followingcriteria: (a) strength <strong>of</strong> highschool academic curriculumand grades achieved; (b) rankin class; and (c) academic andpersonal recommend<strong>at</strong>ions.✓ UMPI oper<strong>at</strong>es on a rollingadmission policy. Applicantsare notified <strong>of</strong> the admissiondecision a short time after ithas been made.✓Admission to the <strong>University</strong>is contingent upon the s<strong>at</strong>isfactorycompletion <strong>of</strong> all secondaryschool and post-secondaryschool courses in progresswhen the acceptance is given.✓ The <strong>University</strong> reserves theright to rescind the acceptance<strong>of</strong> any applicant.✓ Freshmen, transfer and readmittedstudents are accepted bythe <strong>University</strong> for either the fallor spring semester.Regular AdmissionStandards for Two-Year and Four-YearProgramsCandid<strong>at</strong>es must be gradu<strong>at</strong>es<strong>of</strong> approved secondaryschools or hold a High SchoolEquivalency Diploma orGED certific<strong>at</strong>e.The following program <strong>at</strong>the secondary school level isrecommended for regularadmission:High School Prepar<strong>at</strong>ion(college track)UnitsEnglish . . . . . . . . . . . . .4M<strong>at</strong>hem<strong>at</strong>ics . . . . . . . . .3Science with lab . . . . . .2Social Studies . . . . . . . . .3Electives . . . . . . . . . . . .2Foreign Language . . . . .2Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16InterviewsStudents whose previouswork does not qualify them forregular admission may beasked to come to campus foran interview. This interviewconsists <strong>of</strong> meeting with a represent<strong>at</strong>ivefrom theAdmissions Office, StudentSupport Services, and a facultymember in the student’s area<strong>of</strong> interest. The interview willgive the student an opportunityto discuss his or her overallacademic record and why he orshe is ready for the collegeexperience. The faculty andstaff members involved in theinterview will ask questionspertaining to the student’srecord for the purpose <strong>of</strong> makinga decision on admissibility.If admitted, certain requirementsmay be added to thestudent’s program or certainrestrictions placed upon it.Transfer PolicyFrom within the<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Maine</strong> SystemAn internal transfer studentis defined as a transfer studentwhose most recent collegi<strong>at</strong>ework has been within the<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Maine</strong> System.Prospective internal transferstudents must submit an applic<strong>at</strong>ion,$ 40 applic<strong>at</strong>ion fee, and<strong>of</strong>ficial transcripts from all previously<strong>at</strong>tended colleges and2 university <strong>of</strong> maine <strong>at</strong> presque isle ✩ c<strong>at</strong>alogue <strong>2008</strong>-<strong>2009</strong> ✩ North <strong>of</strong> Ordinary

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