Catholic Outlook August 2015

Catholic Outlook: official publication of the Catholic Diocese of Parramatta National Vocations Awareness Week: 2-9 August 2015 Is God calling you to Priesthood or Religious Life? Meet men and women of faith who have answered 'yes'

Catholic Outlook: official publication of the Catholic Diocese of Parramatta
National Vocations Awareness Week: 2-9 August 2015
Is God calling you to Priesthood or Religious Life?
Meet men and women of faith who have answered 'yes'


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16 <strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong> <strong>August</strong> <strong>2015</strong>At the Mass the large congregation included many families.Mass for the feast of St Josemaría EscriváRichard VellaThe need for individuals to forgetheir own personal relationshipwith Jesus Christ and to bringothers closer to Him was thekey message at this year'sMass celebrating the feast of StJosemaría Escrivá at St Nicholas ofMyra Church, Penrith.Rev Fr Inigo Martinez-Echevarria was the principalcelebrant for the Mass for thefounder of Opus Dei.Fr Martinez-Echevarria tolda large congregation, whichincluded many families, thatthroughout His public ministryJesus was surrounded by groupsand individuals.They included those who wouldgo to Him individually, “seekingHis advice, His miracles, Hissmile” and “so many familiesaround Him, with many kids –like many of you now”.“How many times has PopeFrancis stressed this reality sincehe was elected?” Fr Martinez-Echevarria asked. “Each personwas then and is now importantfor Him.“For that reason, you and I arenot just one more among others inthe world attending or celebratinga Mass in honour of St Josemaría.“Our Lord knows the reasonswhy we are here, maybe with yourwhole family: He knows our joysand sorrows, our worries andhopes, everything we are bringingtoday to this Mass.”Fr Martinez-Echevarriapointed out that St Josemaríaused to say that in Heaven hewould like to look down proudlyon his sons and daughters, andall the people participating andcooperating in the means offormation that Opus Dei offersaround the world, “enjoyingseeing them close to Our Lord,close to the Holy Trinity”.He said Jesus was asking allof His followers: “Can I countmore on you to bring me to otherpeople, more people? People whocould reach Heaven, but alsoshare their lives with me here onearth: here, where you are, in yourfamily, among your friends, inyour workplace, in your school.”Acknowledging that manypeople found excuses not tospread the word about Jesus,Fr Martinez-Echevarria saidsometimes they were held back bya lack of enthusiasm due to pastfailures, by not knowing enoughdoctrine or not being ready toaccept the difficulties involved.But all of these difficulties,he said, could be overcome byexercising a stronger faith in Jesus.Fr Martinez-Echevarria pointedout that since St Josemaría’s deathon 26 June 1975, his followers hadwitnessed 40 years of the saint“interceding for us in Heaven,40 years of experience seeing somany people of all ages beinggenerous with Christ”.He was echoing the words ofthe Prelate of Opus Dei, BishopJavier Echevarria, in his monthlypastoral Letter of June this year.“Within a few weeks we will joinso many people throughout thewhole world in celebrating thefeast of St Josemaría,” BishopEchevarria wrote.“Forty years have gone by sinceGod called our founder to the joyof heaven. How many gifts he hasgained for us since then! And hehas certainly fulfilled his promise:‘from heaven I will help you more’.”At the Penrith Mass,Fr Martinez-Echevarria urgedthe congregation to go to theintercession of St Josemaría sothat many more people aroundthe world would become awareof the universal call to holiness indaily life.When experiencecountsOf all life’s celebrations the funeral liturgy cantouch us the most deeply.We prefer to place our trust and reliance onthose whom have the skill and experience toplan a funeral that has meaning and dignity.At least that’s what Sydney families look forwhen they choose WN Bull Funerals.As the funeral liturgy expresses faith, it alsocontextualises the life of the deceased withtraditional and contemporary elements.(02) 9519 5344wnbull@wnbull.comwww.wnbull.com.auAUSTRALIAN OWNED(Conducted by the Christian Brothers)Winbourne is a place of quiet reflection, peace and tranquillity, set on 100 hectares, located in Mulgoa.We welcome:School self run retreatsStaff spirituality daysSchool day groupsChurch groupsProfessional groupsSporting groupsReflective groupsSpecial occasionsHermitage available for single retreatVoices raised in hymns of praise.Edmund Rice Retreat &Conference CentreWinbourneOur Centre offers various sized conference rooms with all AV equipment supplied, including freewifi. Accommodation is available on site along with catering. We welcome your enquiry.EnquiriesPhone: 02 4773 5555 Fax: 02 4773 5500 Email: reception@winbourne.orgWebsite: www.winbourne.org Address: 1315 Mulgoa Road, Mulgoa, NSW, 2745

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