Catholic Outlook August 2015

Catholic Outlook: official publication of the Catholic Diocese of Parramatta National Vocations Awareness Week: 2-9 August 2015 Is God calling you to Priesthood or Religious Life? Meet men and women of faith who have answered 'yes'

Catholic Outlook: official publication of the Catholic Diocese of Parramatta
National Vocations Awareness Week: 2-9 August 2015
Is God calling you to Priesthood or Religious Life?
Meet men and women of faith who have answered 'yes'


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4 <strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong> <strong>August</strong> <strong>2015</strong>Triduum Novena& MassFor theFeast of Our Ladyof PenafranciaLiving Out God’s Mercy andCompassion in theYear of the PoorSaturday 29 <strong>August</strong>1 st Triduum Novena and Mass11am in St Joseph’s Church12-22 Richmond Road, KingswoodReplica of Our Lady of Penafranciawill stay for one weekSaturday 5 September2 nd Triduum Novena and Mass11am in Holy Trinity Churchcnr Bennalong and Randle Sts,GranvilleReplica of Our Lady of Penafranciawill stay for one weekSaturday 12 September3 rd Triduum Novena and Mass11am in St Andrew’s Church40 Breakfast Road, MarayongReplica of Our Lady of Penafranciawill stay for one weekSaturday 19 SeptemberFeast of Our Lady of PenafranciaNovena at 9am prior toMass at 9.30amSt Nicholas of Myra Church, Penrithcarpark entry thru Higgins StreetFluvial Procession on Nepean RiverBoarding Nepean Belle at 11.45amTench Reserve Wharf, JamisontownLunch program & entertainment1pm-4pm at Factory Rd ReserveJamisontownFor further informationcontact theAustralian Devotees ofOur Lady of Penafranciatel 0419 233 643.Photographs: Alfred Boudib.Nuncio receives a warm welcome from Filipino <strong>Catholic</strong> communityFilipino <strong>Catholic</strong>s turned out in force to welcomethe Apostolic Nuncio to Australia, ArchbishopAdolfo Tito Yllana, in Blacktown last month.Mass in St Michael’s Church on Sunday 26 Junewas followed by a celebratory lunch.The gathering was an opportunity for membersof the largest migrant community in the Dioceseto greet Archbishop Yllana, who was born inNaga City in the Philippines.The 68-year-old has served in the diplomaticrole of Papal Nuncio for more than 30 years,spending time in at least 15 countries.“A Papal Nuncio is one who represents theHoly Father,” he explained in the June <strong>2015</strong> issueof <strong>Catholic</strong> Voice. “We serve to strengthen thebond between the Holy Father and the bishops.“We carry out his thoughts and his wishes,communicating them so that we are able toserve the local community and they can see thatthe Holy Father is concerned for them and heloves them.”It is almost three months since ArchbishopYllana arrived in Australia to take up his postin Canberra.Aside from passing through Brisbane andSydney airports, he had never been to Australiaprior to his arrival on 30 April.“It’s a new world for me and a new experience,”he said. “It’s more organised. I’ve never livedanywhere like Australia in all my assignments.“It’s a big challenge, because this is a bigcountry, but there is a well-rooted Christiantradition here.”Archbishop Yllana has a strong devotion tothe patroness of the Philippines, Our Lady ofPeñafrancia, as well as to St Joseph.Our Lady’s feast day will be celebrated inPenrith on Saturday 19 September with aNovena, Mass and Fluvial (water) Procession onthe Nepean River (for details see panel at left).Sat 5 Sept, 8.30am - 2.30pmNorth SydneySat 12 Sept, 8.30am - 4pmStrathfieldwww.acu.edu.au/opendayCRICOS registered provider: 00004G

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