Catholic Outlook August 2015

Catholic Outlook: official publication of the Catholic Diocese of Parramatta National Vocations Awareness Week: 2-9 August 2015 Is God calling you to Priesthood or Religious Life? Meet men and women of faith who have answered 'yes'

Catholic Outlook: official publication of the Catholic Diocese of Parramatta
National Vocations Awareness Week: 2-9 August 2015
Is God calling you to Priesthood or Religious Life?
Meet men and women of faith who have answered 'yes'


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NATIONAL VOCATIONS AWARENESS WEEKSunday 2 <strong>August</strong> – Sunday 9 <strong>August</strong> <strong>2015</strong>Holiday tutorials give students the opportunity to bring all their questions to the table andreceive study advice to prepare for the HSC trial exams.Students benefit from holiday tutorialsService beyond the call of duty distinguishesthe many teachers who approach their workas vocation.The school holiday tutorials that teachersfrom St John Paul II <strong>Catholic</strong> College(StJPII), Nirimba-Schofields have beenrunning since 2010 are a fine example of thisextraordinary dedication.Year 12 students are now only monthsaway from sitting their Higher SchoolCertificate (HSC) exams.During the Term 2 school holidays thisyear, these outstanding teachers offered 18tutorials to support Year 12 students withtheir preparations.Since 2010, students have benefited fromthe additional assistance and time that StJPIIteachers have offered as these tutorials givestudents the opportunity to bring all theirquestions to the table and receive studyadvice to prepare for the HSC trial exams.Year 12 student Samantha Basnett saidthe tutorials gave her time to ask specificquestions and helped her to focus on thetopics she needed assistance with.HSC food technology teacher, MelissaScott, said the holiday tutorials were a greatopportunity for students.“We want them to be confident andprepared when it comes to their HSC andthis is something additional that we offer ontop of everyday learning,” Melissa said.Aussie Capuchins in US for Novitiate YearTwenty-four young men have just beguntheir Interprovincial Postulancy Program(IPP) in St Louis in the US. By the timethis issue goes to press, they will havebeen invested with the brown CapuchinFranciscan habit and have begun theirNovitiate year.The 24 include our own AustralianCapuchin postulants, Christopher Maherand Matthew Timonera, who both hailfrom Sydney’s inner west.Christopher and Matthew joined theCapuchins last year and completed theirnine-month Postulancy Program in ourCapuchin community in Brisbane.They have now gone to the next stagein the US to join a rather large group – 24altogether! They will undertake a twomonthprogram in preparation for enteringtheir canonical Novitiate year, which takesplace in San Ynez, California.It is called an InterprovincialPostulancy Program because the 24 youngmen come from a number of Capuchinprovinces throughout the US, Canada,Guam and Australia.This period is always a great moment ofcollaboration between Capuchin provincesand enables the young men to profit fromspecialised formators and to walk thejourney with other young men at the samestage of formation. It certainly is a fruitfuland memorable formation experience.By the end of July they will havemoved across to San Ynez where theywill complete their 12-month Novitiate.Christopher and Matthew will return toAustralia in mid-2016 to profess theirTemporary Vows and continue theirformation in Sydney.Please keep Christopher andMatthew and the whole IPPcommunity in your prayers!To find out more about the CapuchinFranciscan way of life visithttps://capuchinfriars.org.au.We’re also providing a chance todiscern your vocation with a DiscernmentWeekend in Leichhardt on 21-23 <strong>August</strong> –not to be missed!Contact Fr Thomas 0432 362 052 orvocations@capuchinfriars.org.auChristopher Maher (top right) with membersof the IPP community.Never ever close the door, open allof them wide so that students willhave hope POPE FRANCISTeach in a<strong>Catholic</strong> School@<strong>Catholic</strong>EdParracatholicedparrawww.parra.catholic.edu.au26

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