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insidethisissue - The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada

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Index to Volume 94, 2000TitlesAbstracts of Papers Presented at the 1999 Annual Meeting ofthe MIAC/CCMI Held in Edmonton, Alberta, October 23,1999, Feb., 23Abstracts of Papers Presented at the 2000 CASCA Annual MeetingHeld at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, May25 to May 28, Dec., 246Abstracts of Papers Presented at the 2000 RASC General AssemblyHeld in Winnipeg June 30 to July 2, 2000, Aug./Oct., 179Annual Meeting of the Meteorite and Impacts Advisory Committeeto the Canadian Space Agency, The 1999, Alan R. Hildebrand,Feb., 22A Secondary Survey of the Attitudes of University Students toAstrology and Astronomy, Michael M. De Robertis andPaul A. Delaney, Jun., 112Astronomical Refraction and the Equinox Sunrise, Russell D.Sampson, Feb., 26Conjunctions of Jupiter and Saturn, Donald V. Etz, Aug./Oct.,174Period Changes in the SX Phoenicis Stars. I. BL Camelopardalisand DY Pegasi, R. Melvin Blake, Houman Khosravani, andPaul A. Delaney, Jun., 124Photoelectric Magnitude Measurements of Mars Made Duringthe 1998-2000 Apparition, Richard W. Schmude Jr., Dec.,241Space Mirror Experiment: A Potential Threat to Human Eyes,James G. Laframboise and B. Ralph Chou, Dec., 237Star Patterns on the Aztec Calendar Stone, Robert S. McIvor,Apr., 56Théorie sur le cadran solaire bifilaire vertical déclinant, DominiqueCollin, Jun., 95AuthorsAttas, Michael, A Lamplighter Moment: Astronomy throughthe Windshield, Apr., 51Attwood, Randy, President’s Corner, Feb., 3President’s Corner, Apr., 42President’s Corner, Jun., 78Attwood, Randy, Observer’s Report: The November 15, 1999Transit of Mercury, Aug./Oct., 154Bahcall, John N., How the Sun Shines, Dec., 219Barkhouse, Wayne A., Editorial, Aug./Oct., 148Editorial, Dec., 208Barkhouse, Wayne A. and Chris R. Burns, Improving the Teachingof Astronomy 101 Through Tutorials, Dec., 252Blake, R. Melvin, Houman Khosravani and Paul A. Delaney,Period Changes in the SX Phoenicis Stars. I. BL Camelopardalisand DY Pegasi, Jun., 124Bogan, Larry, Midway from the Equator to the North Pole, Apr.,48Bratton, Mark, Scenic Vistas: Beyond the Orion Nebula, Dec.,263Scenic Vistas: Galaxy Groups in Leo, Feb., 39Scenic Vistas: North of Spica, Apr., 73Scenic Vistas: Mysteries in Cepheus, Aug./Oct., 194Scenic Vistas: Some Southern Globulars, Jun., 135Broderick, Bill, A Candle in the Dark, Dec., 257Chapman, David M. F., Reflections: Calendrical Conundrumsand Cosmic Chaos, Feb., 17Reflections: Gian Domenico Cassini — or is it Jean-Dominique?, Jun., 91Reflections: Henry Draper, Aug./Oct., 171Reflections: Jan Hendrik Oort — Swirling Galaxies andClouds of Comets, Apr., 53Reflections: New Year’s Day, Dec., 232Chapman, David M. F., Gravity without Forces, Aug./Oct., 168Collin, Dominique, Théorie sur le cadran solaire bifilaire verticaldéclinant, Jun., 95De Robertis, Michael and Paul A. Delaney, A Second Survey ofthe Attitudes of University Students to Astrology andAstronomy, Jun., 112Dymond, Garry, The St. John’s Centre and the Marine InstitutePlanetarium, Jun., 86Earl, Michael A., The Space Surveillance Research and AnalysisLaboratory, Dec., 213Etz, Donald V., Conjunctions of Jupiter and Saturn, Aug./Oct.,174Gagné, Laura, Expanding Their Universe: Helping OntarioTeachers With Astronomy, Feb., 30Garrison, Robert F., President’s Corner, Aug./Oct., 146Garrison, Robert F., President’s Corner, Dec., 206Hall, Cathy L., For the Love of Meteors, Feb., 9Hay, Kim, Society News/Nouvelles de la société, Aug./Oct., 184Hildebrand, Alan R., The 1999 Annual Meeting of the Meteoriteand Impacts Advisory Committee to the Canadian SpaceAgency, Feb., 22Huziak, Richard, Observing Geostationary Satellites, Feb., 14Laframboise, James G. and B. Ralph Chou, Space Mirror Experiment:A Potential Threat to Human Eyes, Dec., 237Kelly, Patrick, From the Associate Editor, Apr., 43Kemble, Fr. Lucian J., OFM, (with comments by David M. F.Chapman), A Lamplighter Moment: Daytime Observationsof Venus at Inferior Conjunction, Dec., 229Kulik, Christine, La Météorite de St-Robert, Feb., 16Kulik, Christine, Last Light, Jun., 90Kulik, Christine, The Winds of Time, Apr., 52Mackie, Guy, At the Eyepiece: Cygnus Delights, Jun., 133Mackie, Guy, At the Eyepiece: Royal Reflections, Dec., 259December / décembre 2000 JRASC265

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