Greetings from the Chief Nursing Officer

Winter/Spring 2013 (PDF) - University of Chicago Hospitals

Winter/Spring 2013 (PDF) - University of Chicago Hospitals

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AT THE FOREFRONT NURSING EDITIONW IN T ER /SPR ING 2013 U N I V ER SI T Y OF CHICAGO MEDICIN E 11DAISY Award WinnersHumbled by NominationsBY AMY ALDERMAN AND MEGAN E. DOHERTYSTAFF WRITERSUniversity of Chicago Medicinedirect-care nurses have been honored by<strong>the</strong>ir colleagues and patients as winnersof <strong>the</strong> Diseases Attacking <strong>the</strong> ImmuneSystem (DAISY) Foundation. One nurseis honored each month with a surprisepresentation at his or her department.Every DAISY is given a sculpture called“The Healers Touch,” a DAISY lapel pinand a certificate. Cinnamon rolls are anextra DAISY perk. The founders of <strong>the</strong>organization require all award presentationsto have cinnamon rolls, a favoritefood of J. Patrick Barnes, <strong>the</strong> founders’ lateson, who suffered <strong>from</strong> a clotting disorder,Idiopathic Thrombocytophenic Purpura.Anna “Apple” Umali, RNWhen Anna “Apple” Umali, RN, learnedthat <strong>the</strong> family of a dying man might notbe able to see him before he passed, sheraised funds and arranged for travel andfood for his family — all in one day. In amatter of hours, <strong>the</strong> patient’s family wason a train <strong>from</strong> Sou<strong>the</strong>rn Illinois toChicago, and <strong>the</strong>y were able to see him“just in <strong>the</strong> nick of time,” she said.Holding “The Healers Touch” sculpture, SayedSaad Iqbal, RN, BSN, is <strong>the</strong> December winner of<strong>the</strong> DAISY Award. Photo by Megan E. Doherty“We really helped that last moment ofhis to be full of love and family,” Umalisaid. This is one of many reasons HaroldInocencio, RN, nominated Umali for<strong>the</strong> February DAISY Award.Umali forms long-lasting relationshipswith her patients and <strong>the</strong>ir families, andshe continues to dedicate her time as avolunteer nurse across internationalborders. She volunteered in <strong>the</strong> Philippinesafter <strong>the</strong> tsunami and in orphanages inKenya and Cambodia. This June,she’ll accompany a team led by J.P. Kress,MD, associate professor of medicine anddirector of <strong>the</strong> MICU, in a clinical volunteertrip to Haiti.“She goes above and beyond her nursingduties and responsibilities,” Inocenciosaid. “She continues to touch lives andmake a difference in her family andpatients’ lives.”Syed Saad Iqbal, RN, BSNA nurse resident for a little more thanhalf a year, Syed Saad Iqbal, RN, BSN,calls work in <strong>the</strong> multispecialty unit at<strong>the</strong> University of Chicago Medicine his“home-away-<strong>from</strong>-home.”Patient Care Manager Sandra Armstrong,RN, MS, who worked with Iqbal in 3SWat <strong>the</strong> time he received his nomination,says he’s a great influence in creating ahomey atmosphere.“He’s just one of those upbeat people,”Armstrong said. “He has a great smile.He does his job very well, but I don’t thinkthat’s it. It’s that personality that winsyou over. He’s kind and a little bit funny.”Iqbal was nominated for <strong>the</strong> DAISYaward by a patient who said he made herfeel comfortable, not only through hispain management, but also through hispositive attitude.Being nominated by a patient washumbling. “I have this very emotionalattachment to this institution. Wherever Iam or whatever I am, it’s because of thisUniversity. This is my opportunity togive back,” he said.Patient Care Manager Aurika Savickaite, RN, BSN, left, celebrates with <strong>the</strong> February DAISY award winner,MICU Staff Nurse Anna “Apple” Umali, RN. Photo submitted by Ka<strong>the</strong>rine Pakieser-Reed, RN, PhD

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