A Grammar of Mombo Songho Dialect

A Grammar of Mombo Songho Dialect - Dogon and Bangime ...

A Grammar of Mombo Songho Dialect - Dogon and Bangime ...


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Analyzing a similar distribution in Tommo so Plungian 199xx argues that i and u are surfacerealizations <strong>of</strong> two pairs <strong>of</strong> underlying phonemes. Roughly, there are -ATR i and +ATR i ,-ATR u and +ATR u, but these pairs merge on the surface level 2 .This analysis works for <strong>Mombo</strong> too. Taking examples form (xx4) above we can represent theunderlying forms <strong>of</strong> stems and their surface realization as shown in (xx1). I use indexes todistinguish between underlying –ATR and + ATR morphemes, 1 for –ATR and 2 for +ATR.(xx1)# bú 1 mbɛ́ → búmbɛ́ ‘crawl’# bú 2 ndé → bú 2 ndé ‘hit, beat’# dí 1 lɛ́ → dílɛ́ ‘exchange, trade’# dí 2 ŋgé → díŋgé ‘bury’In this analysis the majority <strong>of</strong> stems with initial i or u form two classes with stems with initialɛ/ɔ and e/o. I will refer them as -ATR and +ATR.The resulting list <strong>of</strong> harmony classes is given in (xxx)(xxx) Vowel harmony classes (verbs)class Initial vowel thematic vowel PFV thematic vowel IMP-ATR ɛ, ɔ, u, i ɛ a+ATR e, o, u, i e oA a e or i aI/U u, i i uHenceforth I will be using this classification in discussing the morphophonology <strong>of</strong>derivational and inflectional processes.Polysyllabic verbs:The majority <strong>of</strong> underived verb stems in <strong>Mombo</strong> are bisyllabic. Stems with more then twosyllables (typically three) are common in deverbal derivatives such as the causative and thereversive. The majority <strong>of</strong> synchronically unsegmentable trisyllabic verbal stems mostprobably originate as derivatives <strong>of</strong> some kind. Final syllables <strong>of</strong> polysyllabic stems showsignificantly less diversity than that <strong>of</strong> bisyllables. The table below lists all syllables that occurat the end <strong>of</strong> polysyllabic stems.(xxx)final syllables number <strong>of</strong> occurrences in the lexicon 3be 2yÊ: 11 (cf. MPASS -yÊ:)2 Plungian also suggests these might be a relict <strong>of</strong> a richer vocalism system existed in the Proto-Dogon (Plungian199).3 Data from <strong>Mombo</strong> lexicon, version March 2011.8

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