Stage 2F Acid Sulphate Soils Management Plan - Newcastle Coal ...

Stage 2F Acid Sulphate Soils Management Plan - Newcastle Coal ...

Stage 2F Acid Sulphate Soils Management Plan - Newcastle Coal ...

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<strong>Acid</strong> Sulfate Soil <strong>Management</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>Final validation sampling of treated soils will be conducted at the completion of treatment to determine if theneutralisation process has been successful. Validation sampling will be conducted in accordance with the <strong>Acid</strong>Sulfate Soil Manual (ASSMAC, 1998). The soil will be considered neutralised if the results are below the ActionCriteria outlined in Table 3. Additional lime treatment will be conducted if validation sampling determines the soilis not below the Action Criteria outlined in Table 3.Once treatment is satisfactorily complete, the material will be capped (within the encapsulated cell) with anappropriate cover layer in accordance with Benchmarks 1 and 2 in Environmental Guidelines: Solid WasteLandfills (Environment Protection Authority [EPA], 1996), beneficially reused on the Project site or removed fromthe site for treatment at a licensed facility.3.4.4 Water <strong>Management</strong> during Excavations and TreatmentWater that accumulates in excavations during Project construction will be tested to determine its quality.Depending on the quality of this water it will be pumped to dedicated detention ponds (e.g. treatment settlementpond) or (if the water quality is suitable) pumped to the site drainage network for storage on-site and re-use.In accordance with Condition 7.3(b), Schedule 2 of Project Approval (06_0009), a Construction Surface Water<strong>Management</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> (CSWMP) has been developed for the Project. The CSWMP includes a description of the sitedrainage network design. The CSWMP also forms part of the Construction Environmental <strong>Management</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> withthis CET ASSMP.Water that is considered to be of unsuitable quality for re-use will be temporarily stored within dedicated detentionponds (e.g. treatment settlement pond) with low permeability liners (e.g. compacted clay or geo-membrane)before being treated for re-use and/or removed from the site and disposed of by a licensed contractor.Water that accumulates in the treatment settlement pond will be treated for re-use and/or removed from the siteand disposed of by a licensed contractor. Fines (from the treatment area) that collect in the settlement pond willbe periodically tested/analysed and if necessary treated as described in Sections 3.4.1, 3.4.2 and MONITORING3.5.1 <strong>Acid</strong> Sulfate <strong>Soils</strong>As described in Section 3.4, a representative surface and sub-surface soil sampling and analysis program will beundertaken for the Project elements requiring excavations into the natural soil profile (Section 3.2) in order tocharacterise material to be excavated. The presence or otherwise of ASS will be identified during this surfaceand sub-surface soil sampling and analysis program.3.5.2 Surface WaterA CSWMP has been developed for the Project in accordance with Condition 7.3(b), Schedule 2 of ProjectApproval (06_0009). The CSWMP includes a surface water monitoring program for the Project. The CSWMPalso forms part of the Construction Environmental <strong>Management</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> with this CET ASSMP.11

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