Power Systems Conference Edmund O Schweitzer III Thank You for Participating

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Welcome to the SEL Modern Solutions<br />

<strong>Power</strong> <strong>Systems</strong> <strong>Conference</strong><br />

June 6, 2012<br />

<strong>Edmund</strong> O. <strong>Schweitzer</strong>, <strong>III</strong><br />

<strong>Schweitzer</strong> Engineering Laboratories, Inc.<br />

Copyright © SEL 2012<br />

<strong>Thank</strong> <strong>You</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Participating</strong><br />

Why This New <strong>Conference</strong>?<br />

‣ Where has our industry been?<br />

‣ Where are we going?<br />

‣ Are we on the right track?<br />

‣ Combine our diverse perspectives.<br />

‣ Business, technical, operational, utility,<br />

manufacturer, customer.<br />


Thomas Alva Edison<br />

1847 - 1931<br />

Samuel Insull<br />

1859 - 1938<br />

Chicago Edison Company 1887<br />

‣ First central station at 120 W Adams St<br />

‣ Delivered DC to downtown <strong>for</strong> 30 years<br />

‣ In 1892, Samuel Insull became president<br />

‣ 30 Chicago competitors<br />

‣ Insull led consolidation <strong>for</strong>ming ComEd<br />


Adams St. Generating Station<br />

The “Dynamo Room” at Adams Street<br />

Generating Station in Chicago<br />


Insull at NELA Convention,<br />

Chicago…June 7, 1898<br />

1. Franchises granted to public-service<br />

corporations should secure them the same<br />

degree of protection in their rights to their<br />

property as is enjoyed by other<br />

investments.<br />

2. Public control of charge <strong>for</strong> service, based<br />

on cost plus a reasonable profit, and<br />

eliminating the factor of competition, is the<br />

proper safeguard <strong>for</strong> the interests of users,<br />

taxpayers, and investors.<br />

114 years ago<br />

Why?<br />

‣ Insull recognized “Capital always gets its pay.”<br />

‣ Our industry is capital-intensive.<br />

‣ Load diversity, e.g., daytime industrial use plus<br />

nighttime illumination, improved use of capital.<br />

‣ Large central stations much more efficient than<br />

small generators.<br />

‣ Sort of a “natural monopoly.”<br />

‣ In exchange <strong>for</strong> monopoly, there needs to be<br />

regulation, like Public Utility Commissions.<br />


Conservation<br />

Insull, 1911<br />

We have heard at different times a great deal<br />

about conservation, appealing to the imagination<br />

by talking of making two blades of grass grow<br />

where one grows at present. But while the cry <strong>for</strong><br />

conservation has been going on, we have<br />

managed in this community to get along with half<br />

a pound of coal in our electric generating stations<br />

where we used to get along with a pound.<br />

Today, a cup of oil or coal produces<br />

about a dime of electricity.<br />

Climate Change Science Not Done<br />

Letter to NAE – December 2009<br />

‣ A tremendous amount of national and world policy<br />

is being based on the science of global warming.<br />

‣ It has taken on a political dimension.<br />

‣ Witnessing polarization that is not healthy <strong>for</strong> true<br />

science.<br />

‣ The academies need to communicate that the<br />

science is far from certain.<br />

I never received a response, although we confirmed they received the letter.<br />


Samuel Insull, 1915:<br />

“The greatest event that has taken<br />

place in the last ten or fifteen years<br />

in the local public-utility business is<br />

the transfer of control and regulation<br />

in most of the states from the state<br />

legislatures to state commissions<br />

which, besides exercising<br />

administrative powers, are also<br />

exercising semi-legislative and semijudicial<br />

junctions. This change has<br />

been of great economic significance<br />

to the business of electricity<br />

supply...”<br />

“Industries grow up, usually, where power is cheap --<br />

where coal or oil or gas is abundant or where waterpower<br />

may be utilized economically.” -- Samuel Insull<br />


“Unless we can fulfill our primary duty to the public, viz.,<br />

give absolutely continuous service, we fail in the obligation<br />

that we have undertaken to the community in accepting a<br />

franchise from the city to manufacture and distribute energy<br />

in this community...” -- Samuel Insull<br />


Unified Electricity Supply<br />

Insull, 1913<br />

I often wish that I could see 50 years ahead…<br />

I should expect to see a vast distribution system<br />

stretching from one end of the country to the<br />

other, wherever density of population justified it.<br />

There will be the closest cooperation between the<br />

man who produces his power from steam and the<br />

man who produces his power from water, a cooperation<br />

that will lead to a cost of energy so<br />

low as to place it within the reach of all, and<br />

make it possible to develop at almost any place<br />

almost any class of industry…<br />

“Little Bill” Jingle<br />

Commonwealth Edison Company<br />

Electricity costs less today you know,<br />

Than it did many long years ago,<br />

A little birdie told me so!<br />

Tweet! Tweet! Little Bill!<br />


Cents per kWh<br />

140<br />

Real Price of Electricity in the U.S.<br />

120<br />

100<br />

80<br />

60<br />

40<br />

20<br />

0<br />

1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010<br />

Year<br />


The Present State of the <strong>Power</strong> System<br />

‣ FERC 888: Wholesale Competition, Open<br />

Access, Re-regulation.<br />

‣ Had the loaf been sliced wrong <strong>for</strong> a century?<br />

‣ Regional franchises <strong>for</strong> GTD, with intertie<br />

agreements, replaced by GENCOs and<br />

DISCOs buying and selling energy from “the<br />

grid.” (What grid??)<br />

‣ Did we make it all better, or worse?<br />

‣ If it’s better, good; if worse, can we fix it?<br />

Understanding Texas Relationships<br />

(<strong>Thank</strong> you, Wes)<br />

20<br />


Challenges<br />

‣ Hard to build plants, lines, and subs<br />

‣ Regulations, subsidies, mandates, CO2<br />

‣ FERC wanting more power<br />

‣ Fear mongering: cyber, EMP, GMD<br />

‣ Intermittent sources, consistent loads<br />

‣ Loads will increase as economy recovers<br />

‣ Stability, thermal limits, age of equipment<br />

‣ Customers less patient with outages<br />

Our Electric <strong>Power</strong> <strong>Systems</strong><br />

Are Modern Marvels<br />

‣ Reliable<br />

‣ Economical<br />

‣ Efficient<br />

‣ Safe<br />

They provide us the most versatile <strong>for</strong>m of energy,<br />

at the flick of a switch... at the speed of light...<br />

at a fair price.<br />


Energy Policy<br />

Economic Folly?<br />

‣ $0.03 / kWh coal<br />

‣ $0.12 / kWh wind<br />

‣ $0.16 / kWh solar<br />

‣ Who pays?<br />

Ethanol Subsidies? Electric Car Kickbacks?<br />

Solar Subsidies? Wind Mandates?<br />

Electricity Rates: Insull Was Right!<br />

Are we still on the right track??<br />

‣ Rapidly decreased in early days, as<br />

technology, markets, consolidation, and use<br />

advanced.<br />

‣ Continued downward, but more slowly until<br />

recently, and now rates are going up.<br />

‣ 1960: 14 c/kWh<br />

‣ 2005: 9 c/kWh<br />

‣ 2011: 12 c/kWh …inflation adjusted!<br />


Renewable Mandates Drive Up Price<br />

Robert Bryce (Feb 2012)<br />

“<strong>Power</strong> Hungry – The Real Fuels of the Future”<br />

‣ 29 states, DC, Puerto Rico have mandates.<br />

‣ Costs not fully calculated or understood.<br />

‣ Regressive tax hurting least well-off.<br />

‣ 2001-2010: 14 coal states, rate changes<br />

7 without: 24% 7 with: 54% increase<br />

Fair, Flat, Free, Open Markets<br />

Government Must Defend Them<br />

We Must Ensure It Does<br />

‣ “Is it an issue of state?”<br />

‣ Make it easy to start a business, build a<br />

house.<br />

‣ Enhance competitiveness through freedom.<br />

‣ Reduce deficit and debt.<br />

“If we are not to destroy individual freedom,<br />

competition must be left to function unobstructed.”<br />

– Friedrich Hayek, The Road to Serfdom, 1944<br />


Interested Sophistry of Merchants<br />

Economic Sense<br />

“…it is always and must be the interest of<br />

the great body of people to buy whatever<br />

they want of those who sell it cheapest…<br />

[this proposition could never] have been<br />

called in question, had not the interested<br />

sophistry of merchants and manufacturers<br />

confounded the common-sense of<br />

mankind.”<br />

– Adam Smith in The Wealth of Nations, 1776<br />

What We Expect From Electric <strong>Power</strong><br />

Customers: Reliable electric<br />

power at a fair price from a<br />

responsible supplier.<br />

Owners: Fair return on<br />

investment from a<br />

responsible supplier.<br />


‣ Build GTD <strong>for</strong> today<br />

and tomorrow<br />

‣ Optimize operation<br />

‣ Ready to meet demand<br />

Should the utility<br />

ensure supply can<br />

meet demand?<br />

-OR-<br />

‣ Interruptible power<br />

‣ Time-of-use billing<br />

‣ …by Smart Meters<br />

Should consumer<br />

match his demand to<br />

utility supply?<br />

What Do Customers Really Want?<br />

‣ $50 meter<br />

‣ No switch<br />

‣ Same price 24/7<br />

‣ Monthly bill<br />

‣ $200 meter<br />

‣ With radio & switch<br />

‣ Needs network, IT<br />

systems, more maint<br />

‣ <strong>You</strong>r data shared<br />

‣ $3/mo more <strong>for</strong> meter<br />

‣ Time-of-use pricing<br />

‣ Emails, Internet<br />

…<strong>for</strong> a 20-cents-per-hour commodity.<br />


NERC Nov 2011 Reliability Report<br />

‣ Decrease in Reserve Margins in some areas<br />

‣ Existing and proposed environmental<br />

regulations may significantly affect reliability<br />

‣ Increasing interdependency between gas and<br />

electricity<br />

‣ Variable generation<br />

‣ Demand-side management<br />

‣ Transmission growth<br />

Cyber Warfare<br />

‣ The US has acknowledged developing cyber<br />

weapons, and just admitted using them (1).<br />

‣ Cyber weapons don’t usually self-destruct.<br />

Adversary can recover and re-use.<br />

‣ Since the US attacked Iran’s Nuclear Program<br />

(1), does that put our critical infrastructure at<br />

risk of counter-attack?<br />

‣ Most vulnerable: popular operating systems,<br />

IP, Ethernet.<br />

(1) New York Times, 6/1/2012<br />


Electricity<br />

‣ Moves at the speed of light<br />

vs 30 miles/hour in a pipeline or rail car; or<br />

even less in a river<br />

‣ Hard to store<br />

vs linepack, coal cars, or reservoirs<br />

‣ Production = demand, instantaneously!<br />

Our Advantage<br />

‣ Networks match supply and demand over<br />

wide areas<br />

‣ …efficiently and nearly instantaneously<br />

‣ Governors and dispatchers adapt to<br />

changes in load<br />

Protection and control in seconds or minutes don’t<br />

line up with energy transported at the speed of<br />

light…when the wind stops, or a cloud passes.<br />


An Economic and Technological Marvel<br />

‣ $0.07 / kWh, on demand, paid after I use it.<br />

‣ Tremendous value to our society.<br />

‣ Causing prices to “skyrocket” would be a tax<br />

on people least able to pay.<br />

‣ What’s the right thing to do <strong>for</strong> consumers,<br />

shareholders, and the environment?<br />

‣ Let’s improve it, and pass it on better than<br />

ever to the next generation.<br />

Executive Panel: CEO Perspectives<br />

Challenges in the Electric <strong>Power</strong> Industry<br />

Mark Carpenter<br />

Senior Vice President<br />

Transmission Grid Management<br />

and System Operations<br />

Oncor<br />

Terence Donnelly<br />

Executive Vice President<br />

and Chief Operating Officer<br />

Commonwealth Edison<br />

Paul Barham<br />

Sr. Director of Energy<br />

Market Operations<br />

CPS Energy<br />

Noel Schultz<br />

Paslay Professor ECE<br />

Kansas State University<br />

IEEE PES President<br />

Trip Doggett<br />

President and CEO<br />

Electric Reliability Council of<br />

Texas<br />

(ERCOT)<br />

Bob Yeager<br />

President<br />

Emerson Process<br />

Management<br />


Questions<br />

How have things changed over the years?<br />

What do you want to happen going <strong>for</strong>ward?<br />

‣ Customer expectations and needs<br />

‣ Public opinion<br />

‣ The activities of management and leadership<br />

‣ Working <strong>for</strong> a utility<br />

‣ Educating and recruiting students<br />

‣ Perspectives of brokers and investors<br />


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