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Figure - Free and Open Source Software

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eoonstruel those sa~ into vottages,<br />

you will see tner the resu lt Is JUSI a<br />

slraight IWle! Thai dOesn'l eescee the<br />

orignal signal at ai , sees II? If you sample<br />

at say, 1.51mes the signallrequen­<br />

C'f, iI gets even weirder. Try iI. Draw a<br />

bunch 01 Sine waves and !hen, using a<br />

ruler, piCk points on it 9Y13fY 1.5 cycles.<br />

Now, connect the dots. Whal have you<br />

got1 Garbage! This Is called ·aliasing ;<br />

and 1\ sounds terrible. ThaI'S why CD<br />

players sample a lillie bll laster than<br />

twice the deSired 20 kHz Inpul bandwidth;<br />

the Input and outpul Iilters don'<br />

have peflectfy steep slopes, and keeping<br />

Ihe music signals aWly from the<br />

NyqlJst Lmt~ eimI'late alasing..<br />

ThaI's Deep<br />

So now you know whaf s involved In<br />

the "tIorlzonlar aspect of sampling . In<br />

other words, how often you have to do if.<br />

BUI, there's a 'verncar aspect as well.<br />

The more bits (digital "ons" and ·offs")<br />

you use In each sample, lhe more peecisely<br />

you can describe each voltage<br />

rreasuremenl. II you only have two bits,<br />

you can only describe lour possible vo.­<br />

ages, because there are onfy lour p0ssible<br />

COITOinations of two bits. They are:<br />

00, 0 1, 10 and 11 . Thaf s not rruch res0­<br />

lutiOn! If you have 16 bits. though. you<br />

can break the measlRm6nI inlo 65,536<br />

parts. (No, I'm 001 gonna list them all<br />

hefe!!) With that kind of precision, the inherent<br />

diStortion is redliCed to a very tiny<br />

fraction 01 a percent. Of course, that<br />

means you have to send lots more bits,<br />

so you need lots more bandwidth. A CD<br />

player reads about 2 megabits per second<br />

olf the esc Not all of that is music,<br />

Itlough; some is lor the time counter and<br />

some is lor error correclion, But « .1<br />

kHz limes 16 bils Umes two channels<br />

equals ovtll'" 1.4 megabits per second, so<br />

lorgeI set ldillQ it over 20 meters, al leaSl<br />

in teal tme!<br />

What'. the Point?<br />

Of course, ham communiCations don'<br />

require CD quality. In order to digitize an<br />

HFlIrade voce signal, we need to take<br />

about 6,000 samples per second. Four<br />

bits 01 sample "depth" giV1;l us 16 levels<br />

of vollage resolution, which will proooce<br />

lislenable speech. SiK or eig hl bits are<br />

much better. So, we're sliDtalking aboUt<br />

24,000 to 48,000 bits per secced, which<br />

Is an awful lot Remembel, though, that<br />

a bit is not the same It1l1'1g as a Hz. n is<br />

possible 10 send many bits per second<br />

over a limited bandWidth. atlhough it<br />

gets bicky if you push it too lar. 9600­<br />

bits-per-second modems are increasingly<br />

common over the telephone anel<br />

VHF/UHF cecset links, but even that Is<br />

too slow for reet-ttrre speech 01 decent<br />

grade, Is there anolher way out?<br />

very workable. and there are far more<br />

sophisticated systems which can reocce<br />

anyfiJe by an average of 50 percent!<br />

There are other methods of data rel1ICIion<br />

which are particularly applicable<br />

10 VOiCe and vDeo data. A geal one is<br />

"delta modulaliorl.- In thiS scheme, only<br />

the changes In the incoming analog signal<br />

are coded. This works especia1ty<br />

well for video because pktures usually<br />

contain lots of Identical or similar areas.<br />

Instead 01 sending the same byte over<br />

and over, me delta modulator simply<br />

sends it once: analog wilt1 a code teling<br />

the demodulator how many limes it is 10<br />

receet<br />

A ~w~,~..~· 18tion of della modulatiOn and<br />

data ~ession can tremendously rewee<br />

the amounl of data required 10 reproduce<br />

adequate sound. In fact. Sony's<br />

new Minidisc pocket eligital recorder reduces<br />

me data by 80 percent belore<br />

recording II! And that's for hi-fi sound .<br />

Imagine what we could do with voicegrade<br />

signals.<br />

Oops, Missed<br />

One problem with digital eocoding is<br />

Ihal missing data causes far worse<br />

gti1ches in the recoostruetect aucr.o than<br />

a Simlar amount 01 missing analog In\ormation.<br />

I know that seems oootraetidory<br />

to the performance of CDs versus l Ps<br />

(remember those?). bl.It n's true. The<br />

problem was recognized early in the development<br />

of the disc and solved with a<br />

technique we may be able 10 use. It's<br />

called "interleaving·<br />

Spread It Mound<br />

On a CD. uere's lots of rewndanl in­<br />

Iorrnati:ln, along with checksums simiar<br />

10 those used In packet ratio. A d1edl:-<br />

sum is sinllfY a number which tels the<br />

decoder how many bits !here should be<br />

l they all are COfteclly read . Thus, the<br />

system knows when something's missing.<br />

but not what if is. More sophiSticaled<br />

techniques actually lei the decoder fil<br />

in and correct some missing Inlormation,<br />

But st ill. If a decent Chunk gets lost,<br />

there's gonna be a nasty noise in the resulting<br />

audio. Inlerleavlng is simpler<br />

Ihan it sounds . It just means that the data<br />

is not recorded sequentially. For example.<br />

the first bit of a byte may be f0llowed<br />

with lt1e fll"Sl: tHI: 01 the ren byte.<br />

After, say, eighl of them. the second bit<br />

of the lirst byte is stored, followed by the<br />

second bit of the second byte, and so<br />

on. Why 00 it? Because, by spreading<br />

each byte over a larger area of the esc,<br />

Ot a longer span of lime over the air, the<br />

chances ollosiog a significant JXll1ion 01<br />

any one byte are tremendously redlJOBd.<br />

That's why scratches in a CD don't mess<br />

up the soun d at all unless they're bad<br />

enough to cause the laser to skp an enlire<br />

track. Of course, if takes longer to<br />

retrieve an interleaved byte, so !here's a<br />

delay between the time you slart reading<br />

it and the time you can turn if back inlo<br />

analog. On a CD. it ccese't maner, because<br />

you don' know and don't care<br />

when iI was read off the esc.<br />

If we apply the same joea 10 radio<br />

transmission. though, il does maner. A<br />

delay 01 o nly a quarter 01 a second<br />

should be acceptable, but a one-second<br />

delay would make conversations very<br />

awkward. On the omer hand, the longer<br />

tile Interleave period, the better if works<br />

at keeping noise bursts and a RM from<br />

destroying the data .<br />

Well. there's more 10 discuss. but I'm<br />

out 01 room.. See you ne_1 tme. III<br />



From~~: ....,_.....<br />

OverView Sy.stems<br />

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• Cost: AMFAX-IO only $99,95 plus<br />

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~rter $8.95.<br />

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