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department of zoology i]ntversity of tiie punjab - Higher Education ...

department of zoology i]ntversity of tiie punjab - Higher Education ...


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which had conpleted lh.ir l0 nonlbs <strong>of</strong> lay dd ,ft subjrcl€d to oomal ation, zi.c<br />

oxid€ u€atnent for 6 doys, withddw.l ol watq for l0 days $d wnhdtaual <strong>of</strong> qaler for 2<br />

.Lys od fced for l O days. The dinftnccs b.tw.en grcups serc not signillcml Hudilz<br />

., at ( l99E) irdEed diff€Mt mcthod! <strong>of</strong> moulting in difrmr srais <strong>of</strong> larying hcs sd<br />

obeN.d thar pon moult fed intatc B hiSh* th4 that <strong>of</strong> the lmot .d bids<br />

'nc f.€d uoliz,lion <strong>of</strong> ders gjvd l0 or 20p, lm.llef ElioB fren 4 ro 20 wks<br />

<strong>of</strong> .a. w6 inol]med positiv.ly conpdcd eith feding on a ad libitud bsit<br />

(Mazdoski dd Kokos4*ri, 1998). F..d innlc wG nor afrrctcd bv l,t.doulting<br />

methods ued. The se <strong>of</strong> low energy di.t <strong>of</strong>Lt d 4d /irtrz md a hiSlt zinc di.l ior<br />

inducing noulting rcsulled in a sinil& p<strong>of</strong>otuce dd ohajned bv tn. conv.ntiooal<br />

rcthod<br />

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Hylift layins h@s (Reos.r ar, 1999}zim€m@ dd AndGws (1990)<br />

nokd that th@ m m signjfi@t ditr Fic. for fed Pd hen Fr dlv in Hi*x Singl.<br />

Conb vhic trghom h€N <strong>of</strong> 78 @ks old f.d on lidled Hirg or dieb Thc lorcr<br />

fcd coFuption <strong>of</strong> Hisx hero the Wecn hens Esult d in their having rh. b.tt r fe.d<br />

.fiici.ncy, subject€d to.onv.ntional m.tho& <strong>of</strong> moulting dd hrsh zin dicl (vcft.v.n<br />

sd D.or!eF. l99l). Ogun ed Arsoy (1991) repod.d.lhat thG was no difi.cnc.<br />

sonS lcfinent ercups <strong>of</strong> layi.8 fowls fed on whole gdin bdlev for ? davs or zinc diel<br />

conbining 10.000 or 20.000 ppn anc forTb l0or 14 da's<br />

R.duc.d fe€d incake dE io rhc addition <strong>of</strong>o 3% Al to th€ diet M found in both<br />

J.p4e quil he6 (Hsein dr ar. l98E) ed SCVL hcN (Husin er,r' 1989) Tl'.v<br />

.te invca(Fr.d thal rhe cfr*t ol Al on 8to*{n @ priffiilv, but not comPl.klv duc lo<br />

d.pBs.d fed intake. Be€ue hiSn bvcls <strong>of</strong>dictaty Al have b*n show |o rcduc. fed<br />

inlalc sd 10 lowr the alailobihy <strong>of</strong> di.lary P, it 6 suge.sled 1har A1 could b€ s.d 6

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