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dressed the crowd while members of local 969 branches wore T-shirts declaring ‘Boat people are not<br />

Myanmar’. Wirathu was not present, but DVDs featuring his sermons were freely distributed. 196 Ko Thar<br />

Wa, one of the five spokespeople officially permitted to speak to media at the rally, expressed sympathy<br />

for the migrants, would-be asylum seekers and trafficking victims who had died at sea and in<br />

camps. However, he argued this should not mean that Myanmar resettles people from Bangladesh.<br />

In an interview with ISCI, a prominent Ma Ba Tha monk attacked the international concern expressed over<br />

the Rohingya from Myanmar, adding:<br />

The Muslim population is increasing and other religions are becoming diminished. Jihad is<br />

taking over. They behead people. 197<br />

As the November 2015 elections draw closer, nationalist monks are becoming increasingly political. In<br />

Rakhine state, where historic wounds are very real and economic and cultural grievances against the<br />

Myanmar State remain, extremist anti-Islamic rhetoric is used to justify the Rakhine Buddhist mission as<br />

protectors of Myanmar’s ‘western gate’. In early June, Ma Ba Tha warned that if a political party did not<br />

support ‘Buddhism’ it would urge voters to boycott that party in the election. 198<br />

In July 2015, pamphlets containing the Ma Ba Tha symbol were circulated at a charity event. They warned<br />

people not to vote for the NLD as to do so would endanger the country and the Buddhist faith because the<br />

NLD is an anti-nationalist organisation that opposed the four race and religion bills (see below). 199<br />

Yangon-based Ma Ba Tha leader U Pamaukkha told local media in June that Ma Ba Tha, with members in<br />

over half of Myanmar’s cities, could ‘quickly mobilise’ a campaign against any party that was insufficiently<br />

supportive of Buddhism. 200<br />

Buddhist extremism, with its public expressions of race and religious hatred, is openly tolerated and<br />

encouraged, while those seen to criticise Buddhism have been subject to harsh criminal penalties,<br />

including imprisonment. For example, a court in Bago, a region near Yangon, jailed a Muslim man for<br />

two years in April 2013 after he removed a 969 sticker from a betel-nut shop. He was sentenced under<br />

a section of Myanmar's colonial-era Penal Code, which outlaws ‘deliberate and malicious acts intended<br />

to outrage religious feelings’. 201 Similarly, in March 2015 New Zealander Phil Blackwood and his two<br />

Myanmar colleagues Tun Thurein and Htut Ko Ko Lwin were sentenced to two and a half years in prison<br />

with hard labour. Their crime was to have promoted their Yangon bar with a psychedelic image of Buddha<br />

wearing headphones 202 .<br />

196 Wa Lone, ‘Nationalists say no to foreign pressure’, Myanmar Times, 28 May 2015: http://www.mmtimes.com/index.php/<br />

national-news/yangon/14718-nationalists-say-no-to-foreign-pressure.html. Accessed 10 October 2015.<br />

197 Interview with prominent Ma Ba Tha monk, 19 November 2014, Yangon.<br />

198 Moe Myint, ‘Ma Ba Tha Embraces Political Fray, Risking Election Year Sanction’, The Irrawaddy, 9 June 2015: http://www.<br />

irrawaddy.org/burma/ma-ba-tha-embraces-political-fray-risking-election-year-sanction.html. Accessed 10 October 2015.<br />

199 Salai Thant Zin, ‘NLD Accuses Ma Ba Tha of Defamation at Charity Shindig’, The Irrawaddy, 24 July 2015: http://www.<br />

irrawaddy.org/burma/nld-accuses-ma-ba-tha-of-defamation-at-charity-shindig.html. Accessed 10 October 2015.<br />

200 Popham, P, ‘Burma’s “great terror” moves a step closer as Taliban urges Rohingya to “take up the sword”’, The Independent,<br />

14 June 2015: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/burmas-great-terror-moves-a-step-closer-as-talibanurges-rohingya-to-take-up-the-sword-10319254.html.<br />

Accessed 10 October 2015.<br />

201 Marshall, A, ‘Special Report: Myanmar gives official blessing to anti-Muslim monks’, Reuters, 27 June 2013: http://uk.reuters.<br />

com/article/2013/06/27/us-myanmar-969-specialreport-idUSBRE95Q04720130627. Accessed 10 October 2015.<br />

202 ‘Burma jails New Zealand bar manager over 'insulting' Buddha images’ 17 March 2015 , The Guardian<br />

http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/mar/17/burma-jails-new-zealand-bar-manager-over-insulting-buddha-images.<br />

Accessed 12 October 2015.<br />


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