The Asian Angler - November 2015 Digital Issue - Malaysia - English

Asia's Angling Digital Magazine. A free fishing / angling magazine for enthusiasts all over the world

Asia's Angling Digital Magazine. A free fishing / angling magazine for enthusiasts all over the world


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3<br />

®<br />

FIERCE<br />

®<br />


ds • Full Metal • 4 Shielded Body and stainless sideplate steel keep ball precise bearings gear alignment under heavy loads<br />

• Full Metal Body and sideplate keep • Full precise Metal Body gear and alignment sideplate under keep heavy precise loads gear alignment • 4 Shielded under stainless heavy loads steel ball bearings • 4 Shielded stainless steel ball bearings<br />

®<br />

FIERCE<br />

• Machined<br />

Machined<br />

and • Instant anodized<br />


and<br />

aluminum Anti-Reverse •<br />

anodized<br />

Machined spool and anodized<br />

aluminum bearing<br />

aluminum spool<br />

spool<br />

• Instant Anti-Reverse bearing • Instant Anti-Reverse bearing<br />

• Stainless steel main shaft • Stainless steel main shaft<br />

• Machined and anodized aluminum handle with soft touch knob<br />

• Machined steel main and shaft anodized aluminum handle with soft touch knob<br />

h knob<br />

ve (in) Model Weight (oz) Product SAP Model Mono Cap. (yds/lb) Product SAP Braid Mono Cap. Cap. (yds/lb) Bearings Braid Max Cap. Drag (yds/lb) Gear Ratio Bearings Line Retrieve Max Drag (in) Gear Weight Ratio (oz) Line Retrie<br />

• Full Metal Body and sideplate keep precise gear alignment under heavy loads • 4 Shielded stainless steel ball bearings<br />

7.8<br />

• FRCII1000 Machined and anodized 1364031 aluminum FRCII1000 spool 275/2 • 135/4 • 1364031 105/6 160/6 275/2 • 130/8 • 135/4 • 110/10 • 105/6 • Instant Anti-Reverse 4+1160/6 • 130/8 bearing 7 • 110/10 5.2:1 4+1 22 7 5.2:17.8<br />

22<br />

p. (yds/lb) • FRCII2000 Model Stainless 9.3 steel main 1364032 shaft Bearings FRCII2000 Product 240/4 • 180/6 • SAP 1364032 125/8 Max Drag 210/8 240/4 • 180/10 Mono • Gear 180/6 • 165/15 • 125/8 • Ratio Cap. Machined 4+1 and (yds/lb) 210/8 anodized Line • 180/10 7 aluminum • Retrieve 165/15 6.2:1 handle 4+1 with (in) soft Braid touch 30 7 Weight knob Cap. 6.2:19.3<br />

(yds/lb) (oz) 30<br />

FRCII2500 9.7<br />

1364034 FRCII2500 255/6 • 175/8 • 140/10 1364034 240/10 255/6 • 220/15 • 175/8 •• 160/20 140/10 4+1 240/10 • 220/15 7 • 160/20 6.2:1 4+1 33 7 6.2:19.7<br />

33<br />

FRCII2500LL Model Product 1364046 SAP FRCII2500LL Mono 255/6 • Cap. 175/8 (yds/lb) • 140/10 1364046 240/10 Braid 255/6 • Cap. 220/15 • 175/8 (yds/lb) •• 160/20 140/10 Bearings 4+1 240/10 • Max 220/15 7 Drag • 160/20 Gear 6.2:1 Ratio 4+1 Line Retrieve 33 7 (in) Weight 6.2:110<br />

(oz) 33<br />

0/8 • FRCII1000 110/10 4+1 1364031 7 275/2 5.2:1 • 135/4 • 105/6 22 160/6 • 130/8 7.8 • 110/10<br />

FRCII3000 FRCII1000 11.7<br />

1364036 1364031 FRCII3000 200/8 275/2 • • 165/10 135/4 • 1364036 120/12 105/6 250/15 160/6 200/8 • 180/20 • 130/8 165/10 • • 110/10 130/30 • 120/12 4+1 250/15 • 180/20 10 7 • 130/30 6.2:1 5.2:1 4+1 35 2210 6.2:1 11.7 7.8<br />

35<br />

FRCII4000<br />

0/10<br />

FRCII2000 12.3<br />

1364038<br />

• 165/15<br />

1364032 FRCII4000 270/8<br />

4+1 1364032<br />

240/4 • • 220/10 180/6 • 1364038 165/12 125/8 360/15<br />

7<br />

210/8 270/8 •• 180/10 260/20 • 220/10<br />

240/4<br />

•• 165/15 185/30 • 165/12 4+1<br />

6.2:1 • 180/6 360/15 • 260/20 13<br />

• 125/87 • 185/30 6.2:1<br />

30 4+1 37<br />

210/8<br />

3013 6.2:1 12.3<br />

• 180/10 9.3<br />

9.3<br />

37<br />

• 165/15<br />

FRCII4000LL FRCII2500 14.8<br />

1364048 1364034 FRCII4000LL 270/8 255/6 •• 220/10 175/8 •• 140/10 1364048 165/12 360/15 240/10 270/8 • 260/20 220/15 • 220/10 • 185/30 160/20 • 165/12 4+1 360/15 • 260/20 13 7 • 185/30 6.2:1 4+1 37 3313 6.2:1 14.8 9.7<br />

37<br />

FRCII5000<br />

0/15<br />

FRCII2500LL 19.6<br />

1364040 • 160/20<br />

1364046 FRCII5000 225/12<br />

4+1<br />

255/6 •<br />

1364034 200/15 175/8 • • 140/10 1364040 135/20 420/20<br />

7<br />

240/10 225/12 • 300/30 220/15 • 200/15 •<br />

255/6 240/40 160/20 • 135/20 4+1<br />

6.2:1 • 175/8 420/20 • 300/30 20<br />

• 140/10<br />

7 • 240/40 5.6:1<br />

336.2:1 4+1 36<br />

240/10<br />

3320 5.6:1 19.6<br />

• 220/15 9.710<br />

36<br />

• 160/20<br />

FRCII6000 FRCII3000 21.2<br />

1364042 1364036 FRCII6000 335/15 200/8 •• 165/10 230/20 •• 1364042 120/12 210/25 490/30 250/15 335/15 • 390/40 180/20 • 230/20 • 335/50 130/30 • 210/25 4+1 490/30 • 390/40 20 10 • 335/50 5.6:1 6.2:1 4+1 41 3520 5.6:1 21.2 11.7<br />

41<br />

FRCII6000LL<br />

0/15<br />

FRCII4000 24.2<br />

1364050<br />

FRCII2500LL • 160/20<br />

1364038 FRCII6000LL 335/15<br />

4+1<br />

270/8<br />

1364046<br />

•• 220/10 230/20 •• 1364050 165/12 210/25 490/30<br />

7<br />

360/15 335/15 • 390/40 260/20 • 230/20 •<br />

255/6 335/50 185/30 • 210/25<br />

6.2:1 • 175/8 4+1 490/30 • 390/40<br />

• 140/10<br />

13 20 • 335/50<br />

336.2:1 5.6:1 4+1<br />

240/10<br />

37 4120 5.6:1<br />

• 220/15 1012.3<br />

24.2<br />

41<br />

• 160/20<br />

FRCII4000LL FRCII8000 28.4<br />

1364048 1364044 FRCII8000 340/20 270/8 •• 220/10 310/25 •• 1364044 165/12 230/30 360/15 475/50 340/20 • 260/20 390/65 • 310/25 • 185/30 345/80 • 230/30 4+1 475/50 • 390/65 13 25 • 345/80 6.2:1 5.3:1 4+1 37 4425 5.3:1 14.8 28.4<br />

44<br />

0/20<br />

FRCII5000 FRCII8000LL 32.1<br />

1364052<br />

FRCII3000 • 130/30<br />

1364040 FRCII8000LL 340/20<br />

4+1<br />

225/12 •<br />

1364036 310/25 200/15 • 1364052 230/30 135/20<br />

10<br />

420/20 475/50 340/20 •<br />

200/8 300/30 390/65 • 310/25 • 240/40 345/80 • 230/30<br />

6.2:1 • 165/10 4+1 475/50 • 390/65<br />

• 120/12 25 • 345/80<br />

355.6:1 5.3:1 4+1<br />

250/15 36 44 5.3:1<br />

• 180/20 11.7<br />

19.6 32.1<br />

44<br />

• 130/30<br />

FRCII6000 1364042 335/15 • 230/20 • 210/25 490/30 • 390/40 • 335/50 4+1 20 5.6:1 41 21.2<br />

0/20 FRCII6000LL FRCII4000 • 185/30 1364050 4+1 335/15 1364038 • 230/20 • 210/25 13 490/30 • 270/8 390/40 • 335/50 6.2:1 • 220/104+1 • 165/12 20 375.6:1 360/15 41 • 260/20 12.3 24.2 • 185/30<br />

FRCII8000 1364044 340/20 • 310/25 • 230/30 475/50 • 390/65 • 345/80 4+1 25 5.3:1 44 28.4<br />

0/20 FRCII8000LL FRCII4000LL • 185/30 1364052 4+1 340/20 1364048 • 310/25 • 230/30 13 475/50 • 270/8 390/65 • 345/80 6.2:1 • 220/104+1 • 165/12 25 375.3:1 360/15 44 • 260/20 14.8 32.1 • 185/30<br />

0/30 FRCII5000 • 240/40 4+1 1364040 20 225/125.6:1 • 200/15 • 135/20 36 420/20 • 300/30 19.6 • 240/40<br />

®<br />

0/40<br />

II FIERCE®<br />

FRCII6000 • 335/50<br />


4+1<br />

II<br />

1364042<br />


20 335/15.6:1 • 230/20 • 210/25 41 490/30 • 390/40 21.2 • 335/50<br />

0/40 FRCII6000LL • 335/50 4+1 1364050 20 335/15.6:1 • 230/20 • 210/25 41 490/30 • 390/40 24.2 • 335/50<br />

0/65 FRCII8000 • 345/80 4+1 1364044 25 340/205.3:1 • 310/25 • 230/30 44 475/50 • 390/65 28.4 • 345/80<br />

0/65 FRCII8000LL • 345/80 4+1 1364052 25 340/205.3:1 • 310/25 • 230/30 44 475/50 • 390/65 32.1 • 345/80<br />

y and • Full sideplate Metal keep Body precise and sideplate gear alignment keep precise under gear heavy alignment loads under • 4 heavy Shielded loadsstainless<br />

• 4<br />

anodized • Machined aluminum and anodized spool aluminum spool<br />

• Instant Anti-Reverse • I<br />

main • Stainless shaft steel main shaft<br />

• Machined and anodi • M<br />

Product Model SAP Product Mono Cap. SAP (yds/lb) Mono Cap. Braid (yds/lb) Cap. (yds/lb) Braid Cap. Bearings (yds/lb) Ma<br />

1364031 FRCII1000 275/2 1364031 • 135/4 • 105/6 275/2 • 135/4 160/6 • 105/6 • 130/8 • 110/10 160/6 • 130/8 4+1 • 110/10<br />

1364032 FRCII2000 240/4 1364032 • 180/6 • 125/8 240/4 • 180/6 210/8 • 125/8 • 180/10 • 165/15210/8 • 180/10 4+1 • 165/15<br />

1364034 FRCII2500 255/6 1364034 • 175/8 • 140/10 255/6 • 175/8 240/10 • 140/10 • 220/15 • 160/20240/10 • 220/15 4+1 • 160/20<br />

1364046 FRCII2500LL 255/6 1364046 • 175/8 • 140/10 255/6 • 175/8 240/10 • 140/10 • 220/15 • 160/20240/10 • 220/15 4+1 • 160/20<br />

1364036 FRCII3000 200/8 1364036 • 165/10 • 120/12200/8 • 165/10 250/15 • 120/12 • 180/20 • 130/30250/15 • 180/20 4+1 • 130/30<br />

1364038 FRCII4000 270/8 1364038 • 220/10 • 165/12270/8 • 220/10 360/15 • 165/12 • 260/20 • 185/30360/15 • 260/20 4+1 • 185/30<br />

1364048 FRCII4000LL 270/8 1364048 • 220/10 • 165/12270/8 • 220/10 360/15 • 165/12 • 260/20 • 185/30360/15 • 260/20 4+1 • 185/30<br />

1364040 FRCII5000 225/12 1364040 • 200/15 • 135/20225/12 • 200/15 420/20 • 135/20 • 300/30 • 240/40420/20 • 300/30 4+1 • 240/40<br />

1364042 FRCII6000 335/15 1364042 • 230/20 • 210/25335/15 • 230/20 490/30 • 210/25 • 390/40 • 335/50490/30 • 390/40 4+1 • 335/50<br />

1364050 FRCII6000LL 335/15 1364050 • 230/20 • 210/25335/15 • 230/20 490/30 • 210/25 • 390/40 • 335/50490/30 • 390/40 4+1 • 335/50<br />

1364044 FRCII8000 340/20 1364044 • 310/25 • 230/30340/20 • 310/25 475/50 • 230/30 • 390/65 • 345/80475/50 • 390/65 4+1 • 345/80<br />

1364052 FRCII8000LL 340/20 1364052 • 310/25 • 230/30340/20 • 310/25 475/50 • 230/30 • 390/65 • 345/80475/50 • 390/65 4+1 • 345/80<br />

• 4<br />

• I<br />

• M<br />

• Machined and anodized aluminum handle with soft touc

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