Tabreed 06 Prospectus - London Stock Exchange

Tabreed 06 Prospectus - London Stock Exchange

Tabreed 06 Prospectus - London Stock Exchange


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31 December 2005<br />


Revenue recognition<br />

Sales are recognised when the significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods and services<br />

have passed to the buyer and the amount of revenue can be measured reliably. For sale of chilled<br />

water, revenue comprises of available capacity and variable output provided to customers and is<br />

recognised when services are provided.<br />

Contract revenue represents the total sales value of work performed during the year, including the<br />

estimated sales value of contracts in progress assessed on a percentage of completion method,<br />

measured by reference to total cost incurred to date to estimated total cost of the contract. Provision<br />

is made for any known losses and contingencies.<br />

Interest revenue is recognised as the interest accrues (using the effective interest method that is the<br />

rate that exactly discounts estimated future cash receipts through the expected life of the financial<br />

instruments to the net carrying amount of the financial asset).<br />

Capital work in progress<br />

Capital work in progress is recorded at cost which represents the contractual obligations of the<br />

Company for the construction of the plant. Allocated costs directly attributable to the construction of<br />

the asset are capitalised. The capital work in progress is transferred to the appropriate asset category<br />

and depreciated in accordance with the Company’s policies when construction of the asset is<br />

completed and commissioned.<br />

Property, plant and equipment<br />

Property, plant and equipment is stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and any impairment in<br />

value. Land is not depreciated. Depreciation is calculated on a straight-line basis over the estimated<br />

useful lives of the assets as follows:<br />

Plant and buildings over 25 years<br />

Furniture and fixtures over 3 to 4 years<br />

Office equipment and instruments over 3 to 4 years<br />

Motor vehicles over 4 to 5 years<br />

The carrying values of property, plant and equipment are reviewed for impairment when events or<br />

changes in circumstances indicate the carrying value may not be recoverable. If any such indication<br />

exists and where carrying values exceed the estimated recoverable amount, the assets are written down<br />

to their recoverable amounts.<br />

Expenditure incurred to replace a component of an item of property, plant and equipment that is<br />

accounted for separately is capitalised and the carrying amount of the component that is replaced is<br />

written off. Other subsequent expenditure is capitalised only when it increases future economic<br />

benefits of the related item of property, plant and equipment. All other expenditure is recognised in<br />

the income statement as the expense is incurred.<br />

The Company performs regular major overhaul of its district cooling plants. When each major<br />

overhaul is performed, its cost is recognised in the carrying amount of the item of property, plant<br />

and equipment as a replacement if the recognition criteria are satisfied. The cost recognised is<br />

depreciated over the period till the next planned major overhaul.<br />

Investments in associates<br />

The Company’s investments in associates are accounted for under the equity method of accounting.<br />

These are entities in which the Company has between 20% to 50% of the voting power or over which<br />

it exercises significant influence and which is neither a subsidiary nor a joint venture. Investments in<br />

associates are carried in the balance sheet at cost, plus post-acquisition changes in the Company’s<br />

share of net assets of the associate, less any impairment in value. The income statement reflects the<br />

Company’s share of the results of its associates.<br />


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