Catholic Outlook March 2016

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<strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong><br />

The official publication of the Diocese of Parramatta | www.catholicoutlook.org<br />

VOLUME 19, MARCH <strong>2016</strong><br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> Schools<br />

celebrate diversity<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> Schools Week <strong>March</strong> 6 - 12<br />

Visit your local<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> School<br />

and celebrate the<br />

Year of Mercy<br />






page 8 page 20<br />



NEW LIFE<br />

INTO OLD<br />



Very Rev Peter G Williams<br />



NEWS<br />

3, 5, 6, 16, 21, 23<br />

Dear Brothers and Sisters,<br />






4<br />

7<br />

8-9<br />

10<br />

I have previously raised in this column<br />

the changing landscape in terms of<br />

modern communication. It is not only the<br />

omnipresence in our lives now of the World<br />

Wide Web, smart phones, tablets and the<br />

tools provided to communicate an instant<br />

opinion on everything through online<br />

channels such as Facebook or Twitter, but<br />

the fact that such exposure can make an<br />

ordinary person into a ‘social media’ hero<br />

or pariah in what sometimes seems like a<br />

nanosecond!<br />

Further to that, we see that overall such<br />

communication is often hostile and angry<br />

and we have witnessed the emergence of<br />

so-called internet ‘trolls’ and the destructive<br />

phenomenon referred to as ‘revenge porn’.<br />

‘Online’ bullying, particularly of schoolage<br />

children, continues to be a concern to<br />

parents and school authorities.<br />

Are we as a society becoming more<br />

discontented and angry about our lives and<br />

the world we inhabit? There is little doubt<br />

that rampant individualism has led to a selfobsessed<br />

and selfish cohort of people who<br />

show little regard for others and simply ‘live<br />

for the moment’.<br />

Some commentators would suggest that this<br />

has always been the case with the human<br />

race, and that we are only more aware of<br />

it now because of social media and the<br />

constant bombardment of information<br />

hitting us 24/7!<br />

The Church too has come into the<br />

foreground of comment in recent weeks,<br />

much of it connected to the Royal<br />

Commission and the attempt by some to<br />

close the Church down from participating<br />

in any debate relating to the social structures<br />

that underpin our way of life and which<br />

provide stability and social cohesion.<br />

It is true that Christianity, and in particular<br />

the <strong>Catholic</strong> Church, is under assault on<br />

various fronts, and given our vulnerability<br />

as a result of the proceedings of the Royal<br />

Our seminarians will, in time, be the future priests of our Diocese. Photo: Alphonsus Fok.<br />

Commission we are perceived to be in a<br />

position of moral and institutional weakness.<br />

The enemies of the Church know this and are<br />

exploiting the moment to inflict maximum<br />

damage on our credibility and our place in<br />

society.<br />

In the midst of all this we find ourselves<br />

once again on the journey of Lent and our<br />

annual walk to Calvary. It is a time for<br />

serious spiritual introspection, a time to<br />

review lifestyles and life choices, a time to<br />

focus particularly on the dignity of our own<br />

Baptism and how we have measured up to<br />

Christ’s call to each of us to be authentic<br />

disciples in the world.<br />

At the same time we look at our Church as a<br />

human institution and recognise that there<br />

have been serious deficiencies because of<br />

past mistakes and a certain inertia leading<br />

to cautiousness prevails as we look to the<br />

future.<br />

And some may rightly wonder, where is God<br />

in all this?<br />

But of course the Lenten journey doesn’t end<br />

with Good Friday, as important as that day is<br />

in the scheme of salvation, but rather it ends<br />

(or begins) with the empty tomb on Easter<br />

morning.<br />

On the First Sunday of Lent I had the<br />

privilege of presiding at the Rite of Election<br />

where 110 adult men and women were<br />

formally elected as catechumens to be fully<br />

initiated at the Easter vigil through the<br />

Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and<br />

Eucharist.<br />

What a blessing to the Diocese of Parramatta<br />

and our parish communities! God is still<br />

at work in drawing people into living faith<br />

through Jesus Christ.<br />

The Second Sunday of Lent saw the<br />

commencement Mass for our diocesan<br />

Seminary of the Holy Spirit. I was pleased<br />

to welcome two young men to begin the<br />

process of discernment that will hopefully<br />

lead them to the ministerial priesthood.<br />

They join our existing seminarians at various<br />

stages of formation who will, in time, be the<br />

future priests of our Diocese.<br />

These are signs of the new life that are<br />

celebrated liturgically in the ceremonies<br />

around the Easter Triduum.<br />

As I reflect on the life of the agencies,<br />

parishes and schools that constitute the<br />

Diocese of Parramatta it is very evident that<br />

many good things are happening on so many<br />

levels.<br />

There is clear evidence that the Spirit of God<br />

is alive and manifesting Divine Presence and<br />

working mysteriously as the lives of young<br />

and old are being transformed.<br />

In all this the Church of Parramatta remains<br />

committed to proclaiming the Good News<br />

of Jesus Christ, crucified and risen. As we<br />

approach the holiest time of the year, may<br />

all the people of the Diocese encounter in<br />

their lives the risen Christ and take Him with<br />

them wherever they may go.<br />

With my prayers in this Holy Season,<br />

Very Rev Peter G Williams<br />

Diocesan Administrator<br />













<strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong><br />

The official publication of the Diocese of Parramatta<br />

Publisher:<br />

Very Rev Peter G Williams<br />

Diocesan Administrator<br />

Tel (02) 8838 3400<br />

Fax (02) 9630 4813<br />

PO Box 3066,<br />

North Parramatta, NSW, 1750<br />

Email: diocese@parra.catholic.org.au<br />

Website: www.parra.catholic.org.au<br />

Editor:<br />

Jane Favotto<br />

Tel (02) 8838 3409<br />

editor@parra.catholic.org.au<br />

PO Box 3066,<br />

North Parramatta, NSW, 1750<br />

Journalists:<br />

Adrian Middeldorp<br />

Elizabeth McFarlane<br />

Designer:<br />

Aphrodite Delaguiado<br />

School news:<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> Education Office<br />

Tel (02) 9840 5609<br />

news@parra.catholic.edu.au<br />

Deadlines:<br />

Editorial and advertising<br />

– 10th of the month prior to publication<br />

11<br />

12-14<br />

15<br />

17-19<br />

20<br />

22<br />

23<br />

Mass of the Holy Chrism on Wednesday<br />

23 <strong>March</strong> at 7.30pm<br />

Principal Celebrant His Excellency the Apostolic Nuncio to Australia,<br />

Archbishop Adolfo Tito Yllana<br />

St Patrick’s Cathedral, 1 Marist Place, Parramatta<br />

Everyone is invited to celebrate the Chrism Mass with Archbishop Yllana, Bishop Emeritus Kevin<br />

Manning, the Diocesan Administrator Very Rev Peter Williams, the priests, deacons and faithful.<br />

The Oil of the Catechumens and the Oil of the Sick will be blessed and the Oil of Chrism<br />

consecrated. These holy oils will then be given to the parishes for use during the year.<br />

During the Mass, the priests renew their commitment to priestly service.<br />

A listing of Holy Week ceremonies and Easter Mass times across the Diocese of Parramatta will be published at:<br />

www.catholicoutlook.org<br />

Advertising:<br />

Tel (02) 8838 3409<br />

Accounts:<br />

Alfie Ramirez<br />

Tel (02) 8838 3437<br />

ARamirez@parra.catholic.org.au<br />

Printing:<br />

Rural Press Printing, North Richmond<br />

40,500 copies of <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong> are<br />

distributed monthly through 47 parishes and<br />

86 schools. All material in this publication<br />

is copyright and may not be reproduced<br />

without permission of the editor. <strong>Catholic</strong><br />

<strong>Outlook</strong> is a member of the Australasian<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> Press Association.<br />

2 <strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong> | MARCH <strong>2016</strong><br />


By Michelle Davis, Chaplain at Nepean Hospital<br />



Supporting carers and those for whom they care<br />

Concelebrating priests assisted with the<br />

anointing of the sick.<br />

Mons John Boyle gave the homily, which was<br />

signed by Daina Caruana.<br />

May the soothing balm of God’s love and mercy continue to radiate to the sick and aged and<br />

their carers. Photos Alfred Boudib.<br />

Archbishop Brian Barnes OFM with<br />

seminarians Chris del Rosario and Joe Murphy.<br />

Students from Our Lady of Mercy College<br />

Parramatta provided music and singing.<br />

On the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, more<br />

than 450 people gathered in St Patrick’s<br />

Church at Blacktown for the 2nd annual<br />

diocesan Mass for World Day of the Sick on 11<br />

February.<br />

For this year’s theme, Pope Francis chose:<br />

Entrusting Oneself to the Merciful Jesus like<br />

Mary: ‘Do whatever he tells you’ (Jn 2:5).<br />

The principal celebrant for the Mass was<br />

Mons John Boyle, Priest responsible for<br />

Health and Chaplaincies within the Diocese of<br />

Parramatta.<br />

The Mass was concelebrated by Rev Peter<br />

Confeggi, MC and Parish Priest of Mary, Queen<br />

of the Family Parish, and 18 priests of the<br />

Diocese who assisted with the anointing of the<br />

sick.<br />

In his homily, Mons John shared some of his<br />

experience as a hospital chaplain and elaborated<br />

on the Pope’s theme in his message for the 24th<br />

World Day of the Sick, in which he said:<br />

“Illness, above all grave illness, always places<br />

human existence in crisis and brings with it<br />

questions that dig deep. Our first response<br />

may at times be one of rebellion: Why has<br />

this happened to me? We can feel desperate,<br />

thinking that all is lost, that things no longer<br />

have meaning …<br />

“In these situations, faith in God is on the<br />

one hand tested, yet at the same time can reveal<br />

all of its positive resources. Not because faith<br />

makes illness, pain, or the questions which they<br />

raise, disappear, but because it offers a key by<br />

which we can discover the deepest meaning of<br />

what we are experiencing; a key that helps us to<br />

see how illness can be the way to draw nearer to<br />

Jesus who walks at our side, weighed down by<br />

the Cross. And this key is given to us by Mary,<br />

our Mother, who has known this way at first<br />

hand.”<br />

The prayer of the faithful was not only for<br />

the sick, their carers and those who work in<br />

health care but also for governments; that they<br />

continue to understand the importance of<br />

chaplaincy and holistic healthcare.<br />

The anointing of the sick was a special point<br />

in the Mass and one of the family members<br />

present said that, for her, the anointing “was<br />

a soothing balm, which will help me carry on<br />

caring for my husband”.<br />

She shared how caring could be tiring<br />

and stressful but this Mass showed carers<br />

are not forgotten. This is the main reason<br />

the Diocese initiated this Mass last year: in<br />

acknowledgement of the sick, their carers and<br />

all who work in health care.<br />

At the Mass were the Member for Granville,<br />

Julia Finn; the Member for Parramatta, Dr Geoff<br />

Lee, representing the Premier and John Ajaka,<br />

Minister for Ageing, Disability Services &<br />

Multiculturalism; and the Member for Prospect,<br />

Dr Hugh McDermott.<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> organisations included <strong>Catholic</strong><br />

Health Care, St John of God Health Care<br />

(Richmond and Hawkesbury), the Ephpheta<br />

Centre for Deaf and Hard of Hearing People<br />

who provided signing during the Mass, Sr<br />

Georgina Sultana OP and residents of St<br />

Dominic’s Hostel, and Our Lady of Consolation<br />

Nursing Home.<br />

Chaplains from Nepean, Blacktown<br />

and Westmead Hospitals and healthcare<br />

professionals were also present.<br />

The Mass was a gathering of all age groups:<br />

45 girls from Our Lady of Mercy College<br />

Parramatta provided music and singing, 15<br />

students from Patrician Brothers College and<br />

15 students from Nagle College at Blacktown,<br />

supported the sick and aged into the church<br />

and assisted Blacktown parishioner Len and her<br />

generous crew in serving a light luncheon.<br />

Archbishop Brian Barnes OFM, Archbishop<br />

Emeritus of Port Moresby, and Fr Dan Neylan<br />

OFM, Franciscans who are residents at Our<br />

Lady of Consolation Home, provided great<br />

inspiration to the seminarians who were<br />

present. The seminarians also assisted with<br />

helping the residents safely on to the bus.<br />

Members of St John of God (Patron Saint of<br />

the Sick) Health Care were very generous in<br />

providing the aged and sick with a medal of<br />

St John of God, which came from Granada in<br />

Spain.<br />

May the soothing balm of God’s love and<br />

mercy continue to radiate to the sick and aged<br />

within our parishes and Diocese by the care and<br />

love we show.<br />

To view a gallery of photos from the Mass,<br />

visit www.flickr.com/parracatholic/albums<br />

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www.catholicoutlook.org<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong> | MARCH <strong>2016</strong> 3


The IFM’s logo and work<br />

What do a criminal act and a<br />

graduation have in common?<br />

By Rev Paul Roberts, Director of the Institute for Mission<br />

At the Institute for Mission, 55 people completed year-long programs in theology and pastoral formation. Photos: Alfred Boudib.<br />

Mons John Boyle congratulates a group of graduates.<br />

can you forgive this<br />

arsonist?” This was a<br />

“How<br />

challenging question<br />

asked of Rev John Boyle in 1996<br />

when he was Dean of St Patrick’s<br />

Cathedral in Parramatta.<br />

On behalf of Bishop Bede<br />

Heather, Fr John had just returned<br />

from a prison visit to offer<br />

forgiveness to the man who burned<br />

down the Cathedral. Some <strong>Catholic</strong><br />

people weren’t ready for this gesture<br />

so early in the piece. Some were<br />

never prepared to consider it.<br />

Such was the reflection Mons<br />

John Boyle used on 28 January this<br />

year to begin his homily at the Mass<br />

of graduation and commissioning<br />

for the 55 people who had<br />

completed year-long programs in<br />

theology and pastoral formation at<br />

our Diocese’s Institute for Mission<br />

(IFM) at Blacktown.<br />

He developed his thoughts<br />

from there, affirming the central<br />

importance of faith development<br />

and active lay leadership, in<br />

influencing the missionary challenge<br />

for the people who are Church, to<br />

more and more become a conduit<br />

of difference, of mercy and of<br />

alternative values in and for the<br />

world.<br />

A further 100-200 family and<br />

friends along with several priests<br />

of our parishes attended the special<br />

evening to celebrate with the large<br />

group that had completed the<br />

programs.<br />

After the beautiful liturgy,<br />

the music ministry for which<br />

was generously provided by the<br />

2Celebrate choir of Mary, Queen of<br />

the Family Parish, Blacktown, the<br />

IFM team hosted a ceremony and<br />

supper to commend and encourage<br />

The music ensemble from Mary Immaculate Parish.<br />

those being commissioned.<br />

An excellent musical ensemble<br />

of young adults from Mary<br />

Immaculate Parish, Quakers Hill,<br />

provided background entertainment<br />

and atmosphere.<br />

Being held at Mary Immaculate<br />

Parish was an example of the IFM’s<br />

priority to physically have some of<br />

its offerings and activities in parish<br />

communities, the support for which<br />

is a central reason for its existence,<br />

not only at its Blacktown centre.<br />

The IFM gives its energy<br />

to various once-off formative<br />

experiences and mini-programs,<br />

along with resources and events for<br />

the Diocese.<br />

The two programs from which<br />

participants were honoured at<br />

this special evening, however,<br />

run right across the year. As such,<br />

they provide an opportunity for<br />

IFM Director Rev Paul Roberts.<br />

IFM Associate Director Donnie Velasco.<br />

participants to take significant steps<br />

to further their faith, insights and<br />

capacity for ministry leadership and<br />

mission.<br />

Acknowledgement was given at<br />

the graduation/commissioning night<br />

to some associates of the IFM who<br />

generously contribute their time<br />

and talents to presentations and<br />

mentoring.<br />

Cecilia Zammit, Rev Wim<br />

Hoekstra, Rev Paul Slyney and<br />

Daniel Ang are treasured associates.<br />

New mentors in 2015 were Paul<br />

Worthington and David Bourne.<br />

Offering small group processing<br />

support were Margaret Wiseman,<br />

Bronwyn Dollin, Angel Penano and<br />

Fran Jackson.<br />

To view a gallery of photos from<br />

the evening, visit www.flickr.com/<br />

parracatholic/albums<br />

The new logo of the IFM is a<br />

cog that invites our connection. It<br />

recognises that it is God’s mission<br />

into which we are all invited.<br />

For us <strong>Catholic</strong> Christians, that<br />

connection has a sacramental<br />

centre and so you’ll notice that the<br />

centre of the logo doubles with<br />

the appearance of the Blessed<br />

Sacrament at Mass or in a time of<br />

adoration.<br />

And you’ll notice the cross of<br />

Christ as central. As well you can see<br />

some blank lines, some boundaries,<br />

representing the boundaries across<br />

which the very meaning of ‘mission’<br />

calls us.<br />

The boundaries might be<br />

across hearts and minds, across<br />

backgrounds and experiences,<br />

across the street or parish or city, or<br />

indeed across the world.<br />

As Pope Benedict XVI said:<br />

“Mission is a workshop that has<br />

room for all!” This catchy phrase<br />

recognises our variety of vocational<br />

responses in faith and mission and<br />

makes priority for our own learning,<br />

growing and receiving of grace.<br />

It recognises that as we grow in<br />

participation in God’s mission, it isn’t<br />

about having the answers top down.<br />

Rather, it’s about entering into the<br />

life of the world and learning to<br />

more and more recognise God’s<br />

presence there; God’s presence<br />

in others, in ourselves and in life’s<br />

situations, calling us to engage<br />

with that presence and develop as<br />

responders in grace.<br />

In brief, these are some of the<br />

driving principles of the IFM’s work<br />

for faith formation in our Diocese.<br />

Currently, among the IFM’s high<br />

priorities are initiatives for the Year<br />

of Mercy, development of a further<br />

mini-program of spiritualty sessions<br />

for parishes, an extension program<br />

and network for younger adult<br />

leaders across the Diocese and a<br />

dramatically increased move into<br />

online resourcing and social media<br />

engagement.<br />

Visit us at www.ifm.org.au or on<br />

social media @ifmconnect<br />



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Artwork by Cassandra Gibbs<br />

4 <strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong> | MARCH <strong>2016</strong><br />


Mass for commencement of the seminary year<br />



The Diocesan Administrator,<br />

Very Rev Peter G Williams,<br />

has confirmed the following<br />

appointments in the Diocese of<br />

Parramatta:<br />

Appointed for three years:<br />

Rev Mr James Phelan<br />

Deacon assisting St Anthony of<br />

Padua Parish, Toongabbie<br />

Rev Mr Nicephorus Tan<br />

Deacon assisting St John XXII<br />

Parish, Stanhope Gardens<br />

For the Mass in St Patrick’s Cathedral, 13<br />

seminarians joined their Rector Very Rev John<br />

Hogan, Very Rev Peter Williams, Deacon Willy Limjap<br />

and Very Rev Bob Bossini, Dean of St Patrick’s<br />

Cathedral. Photos: Alphonsus Fok.<br />

Rev Mr Owen Rogers<br />

Deacon assisting Mary, Queen<br />

of the Family Parish, Blacktown<br />

Mass for the commencement of the<br />

year for the Seminary of the Holy<br />

Spirit was celebrated on 21 February.<br />

The Diocesan Administrator, Very Rev Peter<br />

Williams, presided at the Mass in St Patrick’s<br />

Cathedral in Parramatta.<br />

“I was pleased to welcome two young<br />

men, Tom Green and David Sebastian, who<br />

are beginning the process of discernment that<br />

will hopefully lead them to the ministerial<br />

priesthood,” Fr Peter said.<br />

“They join 11 fellow seminarians in various<br />

stages of formation who will, in time, be the<br />

future priests of our Diocese.”<br />

Seminarians for the Diocese of Parramatta<br />

are: Chris del Rosario, Jack Green, Joe Murphy,<br />

Andrew Rooney, Shinto Francis, Adam Carlow,<br />

Matthew Dimian, Galbert Albino, Jack Elkazzi,<br />

Jessie Duan Balorio, George Stanton, Tom<br />

Green and David Sebastian.<br />

Situated in cosmopolitan Harris Park, the<br />

seminary is centred on historic Kenilworth<br />

House. The heritage-listed Italianate building<br />

has been restored to its former glory to meet<br />

the needs of the growing cohort of seminarians.<br />

The construction of accommodation for<br />

up to 22 seminarians is well under way and<br />

due to be completed in coming months. In the<br />

meantime, seminarians share accommodation<br />

in several rented homes nearby.<br />

The precinct will also include residential<br />

facilities for retired priests and is located<br />

adjacent to St Oliver Plunkett Parish, Harris<br />

Park.<br />

The entry procession in St Patrick’s Cathedral.<br />

In general, the formation of a <strong>Catholic</strong><br />

priest takes seven years. This may seem like<br />

a long time but it goes by quite quickly. It’s<br />

true that there is much to learn in theology,<br />

philosophy and associated subjects.<br />

Just as import is the development that<br />

occurs within the individual to help in their<br />

personal and spiritual maturity. This is a slow<br />

but rewarding process.<br />

Our seminarians are given every support<br />

in this journey of personal transformation. It<br />

is a shared endeavour and the seminarians can<br />

count on one another for help in this work.<br />

With the years in seminary and the close<br />

living that is experienced, the men make close<br />

friendships that continue after ordination as a<br />

support throughout priesthood.<br />

As seminarians come to recognise more<br />

deeply that Christ is the unifying principle of<br />

their lives as individuals and their common<br />

life together, they devote themselves more<br />

wholeheartedly in the brotherhood of disciples<br />

sharing the one vision.<br />

Seminarians (from left): Tom Green, Jack Elkazzi and<br />

David Sebastian.<br />

If you feel as though God may be<br />

calling you to the priesthood, the Diocese<br />

welcomes the opportunity to help you with<br />

your discernment. The Director for Priestly<br />

Vocations, Rev Warren Edwards, is the first<br />

point of contact.<br />

Fr Warren is always available to listen, offer<br />

guidance and explain the four-step admissions<br />

process:<br />

• Inquiry;<br />

• Discernment;<br />

• Aspirancy; and<br />

• Recommendation and acceptance.<br />

To find out more about priesthood, please<br />

contact Fr Warren tel 0409 172 700 or send an<br />

email to vocations@parra.catholic.org.au<br />

Every third Thursday of the month at 7pm<br />

a holy hour takes place in St Patrick’s Cathedral<br />

to pray for vocations. This is a time of prayer<br />

and reflection before the Blessed Sacrament in<br />

adoration and concluding with benediction.<br />

The next holy hour will be on Thursday 17<br />

<strong>March</strong>.<br />

Rev Mr Leon Decena<br />

Deacon assisting Mary<br />

Immaculate Parish, Quakers<br />

Hill, and the Filipino Chaplaincy<br />

Rev Mr Anthony Hoban<br />

Deacon assisting Christ the<br />

King Parish, North Rocks<br />

Rev Mr Joseph Ledang<br />

Holy Family Parish, Granville,<br />

and the Vietnamese Chaplaincy<br />

Rev Mr Willy Limjap<br />

Deacon assisting St Patrick’s<br />

Cathedral Parish, Parramatta<br />

Rev Mr Robertus Kim<br />

remains on leave for a further<br />

12 months<br />

Mr Joe Cashman<br />

Acting Chief Executive Officer<br />

of <strong>Catholic</strong>Care Social Services<br />

Proud photography partner of <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong><br />

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<strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong> | MARCH <strong>2016</strong> 5


PROJECT COMPASSION <strong>2016</strong>: Learning more, creating change in Malawi<br />

The launch of Project Compassion in the Diocese of<br />

Parramatta took place at St Mark’s <strong>Catholic</strong> College at<br />

Stanhope Gardens on 8 February. Project Compassion is<br />

Caritas Australia’s annual Lenten appeal.<br />

This year’s overseas guest was Martin Mazinga from Malawi.<br />

Martin spent the morning with students and staff, sharing how<br />

donations to Project Compassion are making a real difference to<br />

the people of Malawi.<br />

Martin joined diocesan Caritas Director Sr Louise McKeogh<br />

FMA and students for a pancake toss, heralding the start of Lent<br />

on Ash Wednesday.<br />

Lent is a penitential period of penance, abstinence and<br />

almsgiving. Making pancakes is traditionally a way of using up<br />

the household butter and eggs that are associated with rich food<br />

before Ash Wednesday.<br />

Running each year throughout Lent, Project Compassion<br />

is Caritas Australia’s annual fundraising and awareness-raising<br />

appeal that links thousands of Australians in solidarity with<br />

the women, children and men most vulnerable to poverty and<br />

injustice, who are rich in the eyes of Jesus.<br />

This year marks 50 years of Project Compassion. Every year<br />

since 1965, members of the Caritas family across Australia,<br />

have supported the six-week Lenten appeal in an extraordinary<br />

demonstration of faith, love, generosity and compassion. You<br />

can show your support for Project Compassion with the hashtag<br />

#projectcompassion<br />

Year round, Caritas Australia’s team works with dedicated<br />

partners, inspiring program beneficiaries, and compassionate<br />

supporters to end poverty, promote justice and uphold dignity.<br />

Every year, Caritas Australia staff and their international<br />

partners take time to visit Australian schools and parishes to<br />

share their experiences with the people who make their work<br />

possible.<br />

Martin Mazinga is the National Programs Coordinator of the<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> Development Commission in Malawi (CADECOM),<br />

Caritas Australia’s local partner. Martin oversees Caritas<br />

Australia’s initiatives under the Australian NGO Cooperation<br />

Program (ANCP), and the Australia Africa Community<br />

Engagement Scheme (AACES) supported by the Australian<br />

Government.<br />

Martin began working with CADECOM in 2012. He brings<br />

a wealth of experience in project management, community<br />

engagement, capacity building and research from his roles at the<br />

Women’s Legal Resources Centre, the University of Malawi, and<br />

the <strong>Catholic</strong> University of Malawi.<br />

Martin and his team at CADECOM ensure that Caritas<br />

Australia’s programs create meaningful and sustainable<br />

development opportunities for the most marginalised<br />

communities. With a focus on food and water security, Martin’s<br />

work tackles inequality at its roots, empowering people to<br />

develop livelihoods, earn an income, to learn new skills and<br />

access education.<br />

Martin is passionate about working at the grassroots. To<br />

him, Malawi has some of the richest communities in the world.<br />

Through Caritas Australia’s partnership with CADECOM,<br />

Martin works with communities to harness their unique<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> Super – providing superannuation<br />

services for more than 40 years<br />

Martin Mazinga and Sr Louise McKeogh FMA joined students at St Mark’s <strong>Catholic</strong> College for the launch of Project Compassion in the Diocese of<br />

Parramatta. Photo: Elizabeth McFarlane.<br />

strengths, skills and natural resources and to realise their vision<br />

of a just and equal world.<br />

This year, Project Compassion celebrates learning and<br />

Caritas’ work with local partners to ensure all children, women<br />

and men can harness the power of education, training and<br />

shared knowledge.<br />

As Pope Francis says: “Education is an act of hope.” Project<br />

Compassion is a reminder of how education can empower the<br />

most vulnerable communities to realise their hopes for peace,<br />

equality, dignity and justice.<br />

To make a donation to Project Compassion pick up a<br />

collection box from your parish or <strong>Catholic</strong> school or visit:<br />

www.caritas.org.au/projectcompassion<br />

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Make a connection this Easter – you can do it!<br />

By Richard McMahon, Director of Pastoral Planning & Implementation<br />


An elderly lady rang me<br />

recently. Her husband passed<br />

away last year and she is very<br />

isolated. She just wants to connect<br />

with someone. We all know someone<br />

who needs a friend: at work, in our<br />

family circle, in our neighbourhood.<br />

But we sometimes get stuck when it<br />

comes to the next step.<br />

Here are some tips that may help<br />

you to invite them to an Easter cup of<br />

tea (offer to assist your parish, school,<br />

workplace or neighbourhood group<br />

to organise something). You may also<br />

invite them to an Easter Mass, or just<br />

to share a conversation. By the way, if<br />

you are feeling isolated, the following<br />

applies to you too!<br />

No more excuses<br />

I am too shy. Maybe they will<br />

reject me if I make contact with<br />

them. Maybe someone else is better<br />

placed to make a connection. All<br />

these things may be true. But deep<br />

down, they are all excuses. The truth<br />

is, if you have noticed someone, or<br />

have been thinking about someone,<br />

then they have already connected<br />

with you on some level. Maybe if you<br />

don’t make the connection, no one<br />

will.<br />

Pray for support<br />

Okay, it can take lots of courage<br />

to make that first step. Ask God to be<br />

with you. Start praying for the person<br />

you have in mind to approach.<br />

Make a commitment<br />

Commit to God your decision<br />

to connect and tell a close friend.<br />

Ask them to hold you to account.<br />

Be specific. Set a day and a time for<br />

making contact.<br />

Be safe<br />

If you are approaching a person<br />

from your parish who you don't<br />

know well, do so in a public place<br />

and let someone know what you are<br />

doing. If you are uncomfortable in<br />

an encounter, politely break it off or<br />

don’t initiate it. Your safety comes<br />

first.<br />

What will you say?<br />

If you don't know the person,<br />

introduce yourself. Seek common<br />

ground. Are you at the same place for<br />

a reason such as sport, Mass or work.<br />

Ask their opinion: “What do you like<br />

best about living around here?” is<br />

better than, “Have you lived in the<br />

area long?”<br />

What are you inviting them to do?<br />

People are naturally suspicious.<br />

Be quick to explain the purpose of<br />

making contact. You may invite them<br />

to an event, share a prayer card (see<br />

top right), or just make a connection.<br />

If inviting them to an event such<br />

as Easter Mass, Easter cup of tea,<br />

street party, be sure to give clear<br />

instructions. People usually want to<br />

know what to wear, what to bring,<br />

if it costs anything, how long it will<br />

be. Also reassure them you will meet<br />

them there and sit with them. On the<br />

day, introduce them to two or three<br />

others if possible.<br />

Worried about if they ask faith<br />

questions?<br />

If we identify ourselves as a<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong>, we can sometimes fear<br />

getting questions we may not know<br />

how to answer. It is okay to respond<br />

by affirming their questions and<br />

experiences, for example, “That is a<br />

good question. To be honest, while<br />

I love God and my faith, I don’t<br />

know the answer to that. If you are<br />

interested, I could find out more.”<br />

Or “I am sorry to hear that you have<br />

had a bad experience. I understand if<br />

you don’t want to come to the Easter<br />

cup of tea. But I would still like you<br />

to come.”<br />

Using our Year of Mercy cards<br />

One great initiative is the pocketsized<br />

Year of Mercy cards available<br />

at your parish and also in some<br />

diocesan schools. Each card comes<br />

with a beautiful image and quote,<br />

and a space for someone’s name, your<br />

name and a short message to tell<br />

someone you are praying for them<br />

for a certain reason.<br />

How would an approach work?<br />

It’s a simple idea that allows us in a<br />

non-threatening way to share our<br />

faith, for example, “Hi Emily. You<br />

were telling me about your brother<br />

being sick recently and I thought<br />

of you with one of these message<br />

cards. It’s just something to let you<br />

know that I’m keeping you and your<br />

brother in my prayers.” Think of<br />

people outside of the faith/Church<br />

circle and write a special message on<br />

these cards as an appealing way to<br />

share your faith.<br />

Following up<br />

It is best to keep follow-up<br />

contact as natural as possible. Jesus<br />

invites us to love one another. He<br />

does not ask us to force people or<br />

pretend to be their friend. Once we<br />

#mercyhasaface<br />

mercyhasaface.org.au<br />

have made initial contact, sometimes<br />

a wave or a “hello” helps keep the<br />

connection going, rather than racing<br />

across for an in-depth chat every<br />

time. Allow the connection to grow<br />

at its own pace.<br />

As we prepare for Easter, let us<br />

bring the resurrection to one other<br />

person through the simplest of<br />

interactions! Smile and say “hello” to<br />

someone new.<br />

If your parish would like a<br />

workshop on ways to reach out,<br />

contact the Pastoral Planning Office<br />

tel (02) 9831 4911, rmcmahon@<br />

parra.catholic.org.au<br />

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<strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong> | MARCH <strong>2016</strong> 7


Fr Fernando: The Mexican with the amazing lexicon<br />

By Joseph Younes<br />

While living in Hong Kong, Fr Fernando was invited to<br />

Australia in 2006 by the then Bishop of Parramatta,<br />

Bishop Kevin Manning. The invitation was simple<br />

enough, to lead the Chinese Chaplaincy in the Diocese of<br />

Parramatta.<br />

Fr Fernando took up the offer and quickly settled into his<br />

dual role at St Monica’s Parish, North Parramatta, initially as<br />

assistant priest under Fr Brian Rooney and by 2008 as parish<br />

priest.<br />

“Initially, I struggled with the Australian language, people<br />

speak so fast here,” the jovial Fr Fernando said.<br />

Fr Luis Fernando Montano Rodriguez MG, affectionately<br />

known as Fr Fernando to his parishioners, has a well-travelled,<br />

multilingual history.<br />

Ordained a priest in 1991 by the Guadalupe Missionaries<br />

(see panel below), Fr Fernando was born into a devoutly <strong>Catholic</strong><br />

family in Mexico City, Mexico. He recalls his tender upbringing<br />

as laying the foundation for him wanting to become a priest.<br />

“From a young age, I knew I wanted to be a priest. The idea<br />

of being a priest was natural as I come from a devout practising<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> family. This was normal, like someone wanting to<br />

become a lawyer or an engineer, I wanted to become a priest,” Fr<br />

Fernando said.<br />

“I want people to know who God is and what God can do for<br />

them. People need to know who Jesus is.”<br />

Undeterred by his initial hurdle in trying to understand<br />

Australian English, Fr Fernando puts his language skills to good<br />

use in his “highly, highly diverse, very highly diverse” parish.<br />

“We are small in geography, but a tight-knit community. I<br />

have people from all over the world; Australians, Europeans,<br />

South Americans, Lebanese, Indians, Sri Lankans, Filipinos,<br />

Chinese,” Fr Fernando said.<br />

“I speak Cantonese, Spanish, English, and Chinese signlanguage.<br />

My parish and chaplaincy are very close. We are a<br />

friendly <strong>Catholic</strong> community and are proud of being <strong>Catholic</strong>.”<br />

Fr Fernando’s ability to speak many languages is a gift to his<br />

parishioners at St Monica’s and the 300 faithful who make up his<br />

Chinese <strong>Catholic</strong> community.<br />

“People want to pray in their own language. The number<br />

of people from Hong Kong and, more recently, from China has<br />

The Guadalupe Missionaries<br />

The Guadalupe Missionaries ‘MG’ (Spanish: Misioneros de Guadalupe) are<br />

a missionary society from Mexico City, Mexico. Founded in 1949, they are<br />

dedicated to foreign missions around the world and have a presence through<br />

150 priests in Mexico City, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Kenya, Angola,<br />

Mozambique, Brazil, Cuba and Peru.<br />

“As Guadalupe Missionaries we go to countries in need. As a society, we are<br />

dedicated to giving out of the little we have,” Fr Fernando Montano MG said.<br />

“Our work is in foreign countries where there is a need.”<br />

Fr Fernando Montano MG. Photos: Elizabeth McFarlane<br />

increased. Me speaking to them in their own language is a huge<br />

experience, especially as some people have not heard the Gospel<br />

preached in their native tongue before,” Fr Fernando said.<br />

As for his chaplaincy work, Fr Fernando believes “there is<br />

always a need to minister”. “Language is important for people to<br />

speak to God. All chaplaincies are trying to be a bridge between a<br />

local ethnic community and the Church in Australia.”<br />

As a priest, Fr Fernando believes his work is about Jesus and<br />

His message of love, regardless of who the person is. “I want to<br />

help Jesus establish the Kingdom,” Fr Fernando said.<br />

What’s the secret to his ability to communicate with so many<br />

different groups of people with seemingly little in common other<br />

than a shared faith?<br />

“People come to church to hear the word of God, and for<br />

me, it’s about how I break down that message to such a diverse<br />

community. I try and use plain, simple, language” Fr Fernando<br />

said with a smile.<br />

Fr Fernando with the Southern Lion mask.<br />

The lion dancers pose for the 'eye opening' ceremony.<br />

Fr Fernando is the sole MG representative in Australia.<br />

Sr Angeles Melero MN practising using chopsticks.<br />

Music of<br />

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8 <strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong> | MARCH <strong>2016</strong><br />



Chinese community<br />

welcomes New Year<br />

By Elizabeth McFarlane<br />

The Chinese community gather in St Monica’s Church, North Parramatta.<br />

Krystal Au and Tony Ng.<br />

Young families attended the celebration.<br />

There was a flurry of noise and colour as the Chinese<br />

New Year celebrations unfolded in St Monica’s Church,<br />

North Parramatta, on 14 February.<br />

St Monica’s Parish Priest and Chinese Chaplain, Rev<br />

Luis Fernando Montaño Rodriguez MG, was the principal<br />

celebrant for the Mass, which was concelebrated by Mons John<br />

Boyle and Rev Clement Hill.<br />

The church was adorned with the sights and sounds of<br />

China, with hanging Chinese lanterns adding a splash of red<br />

and orange to the milieu.<br />

Members of the Chinese community welcomed each other<br />

with a Happy New Year greeting: “Kung Hei Fat Choy!”<br />

A banquet lunch followed at Phoenix Restaurant located in<br />

Westfield Shopping Centre, Parramatta.<br />

“It was a big celebration of life, joy, community spirit and<br />

the richness of the Chinese culture,” Fr Fernando said.<br />

In China, families gather for the New Year to take part<br />

in a 15-day festival and enjoy meals, gift exchanges, parades,<br />

fireworks and theatre.<br />

Making wishes for luck, prosperity and good fortune, and<br />

warding off evil spirits, are central to the Chinese New Year<br />

celebration.<br />

Every year, a zodiac animal is featured; <strong>2016</strong> is the year of<br />

the fire monkey.<br />

Enjoying the cultural experience of the Lunar New Year<br />

festivities and dressed in Chinese attire, Fr Fernando took<br />

part in the traditional Chinese ‘eye opening’ ceremony of the<br />

dramatic lion dance.<br />

There was a burst of sound in the restaurant as the Chinese<br />

drum rolled.<br />

Two young women donned helmet doll masks, as two<br />

others stepped into the lion costume.<br />

As the lion sat on the ground, Fr Fernando dotted the lion’s<br />

eyes to wake him from his slumber and imbue his spirit.<br />

The Southern Lion represented in the performance is<br />

associated with the legend of a mythical monster called Nian.<br />

The lion worked its way around the tables, interacting with<br />

diners. The rhythmic and sprightly music continued as the lion<br />

operators danced in unison.<br />

Spectators fed the lion with red envelopes filled with<br />

money to help fundraise for the youth of the Chinese<br />

community attending World Youth Day in Krakow, Poland, in<br />

July.<br />

Tony Ng and Krystal Au represented the youth and<br />

directed the running of the day.<br />

The day’s activities not only offered an up-close and<br />

personal view of the country’s customs and culture, but also<br />

provided a hands-on opportunity for the non-Chinese present<br />

to practise eating with chopsticks.<br />

Sr Angeles Melero MN of the Missionary Daughters of<br />

the Holy Family of Nazareth and her fellow Spanish Sisters<br />

relished the opportunity.<br />

Guided by onlookers, they learnt quickly, diving into the<br />

bowls of delicious Chinese cuisine with the chopsticks at hand.<br />

Originally from Mexico, Fr Fernando is the first non-<br />

Chinese Chaplain for the Chinese <strong>Catholic</strong> community at St<br />

Monica’s.<br />

He speaks Spanish, English and Cantonese, and knows<br />

Chinese sign language.<br />

As he engaged with those who attended the New Year<br />

lunch, he could be heard speaking all three languages.<br />

Parishioners were eager to get a photo with the energetic<br />

young priest.<br />

Allison Hamilton, Parish Secretary of St Monica’s, said<br />

Fr Fernando makes the parish unique. “He is very clever. He<br />

is brilliant in everything that he does. He gets involved with<br />

everyone,” she said.<br />

“He is the best boss I have ever had. He is so caring and he<br />

would do anything for anyone!”<br />

The parish is a cultural hub with 40% of the congregation<br />

being Chinese. Mass in Chinese is celebrated every Sunday at<br />

11.30am in St Monica’s Church, North Parramatta.<br />

To view a gallery of photos from the event, visit<br />

www.flickr.com/parracatholic/albums<br />


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<strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong> | MARCH <strong>2016</strong> 9

FAMILY & LIFE www.parrafamlife.org.au @parrafamlife parrafamlife<br />

Mercy: Not just a matter for<br />

judges but for families as well<br />

By Ben Smith, Director of the Family & Life Office<br />

To help families enter more deeply into the Year of Mercy<br />

it is important that we unpack the meaning of the word<br />

mercy. In our popular culture, the word mercy is often<br />

used in association with pleas for clemency for people facing<br />

the death penalty.<br />

This use of the term mercy is connected with the idea that<br />

someone who has power shows compassion by reducing the<br />

level of a person’s punishment.<br />

In this context, mercy can be seen by some as a form of<br />

judicial weakness stemming from a ‘bleeding heart’.<br />

However, this understanding of mercy only captures a<br />

small part of its full biblical meaning.<br />

The Old Testament used two particular words to express<br />

the mercy of God: hesed and rahamim.<br />

Hesed refers to God’s faithful love of Israel and is connected<br />

with a form of generous love that does not depend on whether<br />

it is deserved.<br />

It is also related to a self-sacrificial love that remains<br />

strong despite the challenges that might test the relationship.<br />

This aspect of mercy is associated with the image of God as a<br />

bridegroom who loves Israel His bride.<br />

Rahamim is a word that means womb-compassion. It is<br />

connected with the heartbreaking love that a mother has for<br />

her children. This sense of mercy portrays a feminine aspect<br />

to the mercy of God. It is also an aspect of mercy that is<br />

connected with strong feeling that springs from deep within a<br />

person.<br />

These two aspects enable us to gain a deeper appreciation<br />

of the word mercy if we apply this richer meaning to works of<br />

mercy. One dimension (the hesed dimension) of these actions<br />

is that as all human beings are created in the image and likeness<br />

of God, they have a dignity that needs to be respected.<br />

Consequently, as we are all human beings we have a<br />

responsibility to care for each other, especially the vulnerable.<br />

This care for the vulnerable should not stop at just an annual<br />

donation to Project Compassion or the Diocesan Works Fund.<br />

The rahamim dimension of a work of mercy is that it<br />

should also be heartfelt. The more personal a work of mercy is,<br />

the more this dimension can operate.<br />

For most people, it is in the family that we become acutely<br />

aware of the suffering of others. Our familial bonds make a call<br />

on us to provide help, but sometimes it can be harder to show<br />

mercy in our families compared to a stranger. The old saying<br />

“charity begins at home” also applies to mercy.<br />

Pope Francis recently identified the family as “the first and<br />

most important school of mercy, in which we learn to see God’s<br />

loving face and to mature and develop as human beings.”<br />

He sees that the family provides an antidote to<br />

individualism that creates a “kind of indifference towards our<br />

neighbours which leads to viewing them in purely economic<br />

terms.”<br />

Family life is extremely busy but we should regularly make<br />

some time as a family to visit the less fortunate in our extended<br />

family or our local community.<br />

This exposure will help form our children so that they will<br />

be less likely to spend too much time on Facebook and give<br />

mercy a face in the family and the community.<br />

For some ideas on how your family can perform works<br />

of mercy check out: www.parrafamlife.org.au/lent<strong>2016</strong>/<br />

worksofmercy<br />

Polyptych with the Seven Works of Charity, Master of Alkmaar.<br />

Source: Rijksmuseum (www.rijksmuseum.nl)<br />

Our Our Lady of of the Rosary Parish, Kellyville<br />

Sunday 3 rd April<br />

1:00pm Eucharistic Procession<br />

Rosary Rosary in 5 in 5 languages in in church for those who cannot join the procession<br />

Blessed Sacrament street procession<br />

with the Relic of St. Faustina<br />

Exposition of the<br />

Blessed Sacrament<br />

Divine Mercy Novena<br />

Divine Mercy Chaplet<br />

Benediction<br />

Confessions<br />

Holy Mass 3:00pm<br />

Jesus I I Trust in You<br />

+ Veneration + Veneration of of St. St. Faustina’s Faustina’s Relic Relic<br />

+ Religious items items will will be be on on<br />

takes<br />

takes<br />

place<br />

place<br />

after<br />

after<br />

Mass.<br />

Mass.<br />

sale<br />

sale and<br />

and<br />

blessed<br />

blessed<br />

after<br />

after<br />

Mass.<br />

Mass.<br />

St.<br />

St.<br />

Faustina’s<br />

Faustina’s<br />

Relic<br />

Relic<br />

permanently<br />

permanently resides<br />

resides<br />

at<br />

at<br />

Our Our Lady Lady of of the the Rosary Rosary Parish, 8 Diana Ave, Ave, Kellyville Kellyville<br />

Bring your family and friends, refreshments afterwards<br />

Bring your family and friends, refreshments afterwards<br />

Enquiries: Steve Boland 0405 206 695<br />

Enquiries: Steve Boland 0405 206 695<br />

10 <strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong> | MARCH <strong>2016</strong><br />


www.safeguarding.org.au<br />


Driving a cultural shift: ‘Child protection is everybody’s business’<br />

By Elizabeth McFarlane<br />

Claire Pirola is the new Manager of the<br />

Office for Safeguarding and Professional<br />

Standards. She comes to the Diocese of<br />

Parramatta from the <strong>Catholic</strong> Education Office<br />

in the Archdiocese of Sydney, where she worked<br />

for three years as part of the Safety, Wellbeing<br />

and Professional Services Team.<br />

Claire’s role includes general oversight of the<br />

Diocese’s engagement with external authorities<br />

including the NSW Ombudsman’s Office, the<br />

Office of the Children’s Guardian and NSW<br />

Police.<br />

“I have a passion for being a voice for<br />

minorities and for those who are vulnerable,”<br />

Claire said. “Children are one of a number of<br />

vulnerable people in our community. I want to<br />

ensure that they are seen and they are heard.”<br />

Claire said she wants to be part of the vision<br />

of the Office of Safeguarding and Professional<br />

Standards. “It is breaking new ground in setting<br />

up structures and models that I have not seen<br />

elsewhere.”<br />

The needs and the work of the office are<br />

constantly changing and Claire said one of<br />

their main roles is to drive a cultural shift in the<br />

community.<br />

“We can do the best that we can here but<br />

unless that’s supporting a shift in the community<br />

and in our parishes, then nothing much is going<br />

to change. “We all have a responsibility. Child<br />

protection is everybody’s business.<br />

“The only way we’re going to see a cultural<br />

shift is by giving a voice to survivors and the<br />

people who are close to them. They hold us<br />

accountable and tell us what we missed or have<br />

done wrong previously.”<br />

Claire Pirola: “The only way we’re going to see a cultural shift is by giving a voice to survivors and the people who<br />

are close to them.” Photo: Elizabeth McFarlane.<br />

Claire’s role has its emotional and personal<br />

challenges, but it’s the growth she can see in the<br />

community and in survivors that affirms her<br />

work.<br />

“Listening to people and walking with those<br />

who have suffered trauma is hard. We need to<br />

ensure that that sharing is not immobilising but<br />

that it mobilises us.<br />

“When you see a change in how people<br />

respond to the topic it is affirming. People<br />

can now talk about abuse and the abuse in the<br />

Church. Only by being able to talk openly about<br />

it can we begin to prevent it.<br />

“Many people identify with the Church<br />

and so when they see people in the Church<br />

have abused children or covered up abuse, and<br />

the reputation of the Church is harmed, it is<br />

personal for them. They personally feel harmed<br />

or their own personal faith feels harmed.<br />

“We have to acknowledge that this is part of<br />

our Church and who we are – as painful as that<br />

may be.<br />

“The change in the community is two-fold in<br />

that there is now a conversation about the abuse<br />

in the Church and because of that survivors<br />

are now able to seek healing and the Church<br />

leadership has opportunities to make change.”<br />

Claire said that because of the Royal<br />

Commission into Institutional responses to<br />

Child Sexual Abuse it was now permissible to<br />

talk about abuse. “Some people haven’t spoken<br />

about it for almost 50 years. We need to invite<br />

people to come forward and support them when<br />

they do.”<br />

Claire’s role will involve responding to<br />

referrals or calls from people within the<br />

community who have concerns about abuse and<br />

to report any allegations of abuse.<br />

“We assess the issue and we look at the most<br />

appropriate response. It’s about managing that<br />

and making sure it goes to the correct authorities<br />

and avenues within the Church and outside the<br />

Church.”<br />

Claire is looking forward to getting to<br />

know the different parishes and agencies in the<br />

Diocese.<br />

“I’m not from the Diocese so I don’t know<br />

everyone yet. I’m looking forward to working<br />

with and getting to know the parishes and<br />

agencies to see how best to support them in<br />

achieving the vision of a cultural shift and clearer<br />

response.<br />

“I won’t be working alone. We’ll be working<br />

closely with the other dioceses and looking state<br />

wide and nationally so that people don’t slip<br />

through systems. It’s a global issue and we are<br />

working to stand together.<br />

“The team here is fantastic and it’s been an<br />

easy transition. They have made me feel very<br />

welcome.”<br />

Celebrate the Holy Year of Mercy by supporting<br />

priests, religious sisters and brothers wherever<br />

the Church is poor, persecuted or threatened<br />

A priest visiting the<br />

sick in Peru<br />

Through their hands, God’s hand caresses the earth ...<br />

Priests and religious are above all the apostles of Divine<br />

Mercy - and not merely during the extraordinary Year of<br />

Mercy that Pope Francis has proclaimed for the whole<br />

Church. They feed the hungry, comfort the grieving, endure<br />

injustice. They promote reconciliation and absolve the<br />

repentant from their sins. Day by day, through the works<br />

of spiritual and corporal mercy, they show people the Face<br />

of the Merciful God. ‘They’ are the priests and religious<br />

of the <strong>Catholic</strong> Church. Pope Francis has proclaimed an<br />

Extraordinary Year of Mercy, which is intended to be “a<br />

time of grace for the Church and to help render the witness<br />

of the faithful stronger and more effective.” It is surely also<br />

an occasion to reflect with great gratitude on the witness of<br />

those who proclaim this Mercy with their whole lives.<br />

Throughout the world wherever the Church is poor, persecuted or threatened, there are<br />

tens of thousands of priests and religious daily living the ‘Yes’ they have already given<br />

to God. It is vital that the indispensable work of priests and religious in Christ’s Holy<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> Church and throughout the missions worldwide continues. You can help this<br />

important work by donating online to the <strong>Catholic</strong> charity Aid to the Church in Need.<br />

A complimentary ‘Year of Mercy’ rosary designed<br />

by the Vatican Rosary makers and blessed by<br />

Pope Francis will be sent out to all those who<br />

donate $15.00 or more to help this cause.<br />

The inspiration behind the rosary design<br />

Every confessor must accept the faithful as the father in<br />

the parable of the prodigal son. Confessors are called<br />

to embrace the repentant son who comes home and to<br />

express the joy of having him back. Chosen to be the<br />

Mother of God, Mary from the outset was prepared by<br />

the love of God to be the Ark of the Covenant between<br />

God and man. She treasured divine mercy in her heart in<br />

perfect harmony with her Son Jesus. The red and white<br />

beads represent the rays of light of the Divine Mercy.<br />

Donate on line at www.aidtochurch.org<br />


now for 2017<br />

Catherine McAuley is a <strong>Catholic</strong> girls' secondary<br />

school, located at Westmead. Our broad curriculum<br />

encourages young women to pursue independent<br />

lifelong learning.<br />


Tuesday 15 <strong>March</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />

4.00pm - 7.00pm<br />

This school open event will give visitors the opportunity to tour the school and<br />

view facilities as well as meet our School Principal and School Leadership Team<br />


APPLICATIONS CLOSE 1ST APRIL <strong>2016</strong><br />

Catherine McAuley, 2 Darcy Road, Westmead | www.mcauley.nsw.edu.au<br />

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Everything’s<br />

Connected<br />

When Pope Francis’<br />

long-awaited encyclical,<br />

Laudato si’, was published<br />

last year, media reports<br />

tended to focus on its<br />

strong environmental<br />

message. Yet Pope Francis’<br />

key focus, ‘Everything<br />

is connected’ is much<br />

broader: “Concern for<br />

the environment … needs<br />

to be joined to a sincere<br />

love for our fellow human<br />

beings and an unwavering commitment to resolving the<br />

problems of society,” the Holy Father teaches.<br />

On 21 January, school leaders from across Western<br />

Sydney and the Blue Mountains gathered at Rosehill<br />

Gardens for ‘Everything’s Connected’, an inspirational<br />

System Leadership Day. The event featured speakers<br />

including Rev Chris de Souza PP; Neal Murphy, Director<br />

of Mission at St John of God Health Care and former<br />

student and Triple J newsreader Nas Campanella.<br />

Together we watched a powerful short film on the<br />

inclusion of people with disability, The Interview,<br />

featuring local actor Gerard O’Dwyer. It’s available on<br />

YouTube from Bus Stop Films and it’s a must-watch.<br />

Inclusion of people with disability is an important feature<br />

of Pope Francis’ message: “When we fail to acknowledge<br />

as part of reality the worth of a poor person, a human<br />

embryo, a person with disabilities – to offer just a few<br />

examples – it becomes difficult to hear the cry of nature<br />

itself; everything is connected.”<br />

As Neal Murphy from St John of God Health Care<br />

reminded us, the experience of belonging (including<br />

in school communities) is often denied to people with<br />

disability. Neal’s passion about schools’ role in the<br />

healing mission of Christ is an inspiration.<br />

We also had a real-life example of the power of inclusion<br />

in Nas Campanella, a graduate of Sacred Heart Primary,<br />

Mt Druitt; St Agnes <strong>Catholic</strong> High School, Rooty Hill,<br />

and Loyola Senior High, Mt Druitt. Triple J newsreader<br />

Nas, who is blind, shared her personal story of the lifechanging<br />

impact of teachers.<br />

Pope Francis has also declared <strong>2016</strong> the 'Year of Mercy'.<br />

We had the opportunity to reflect on mercy in our<br />

communities and were asked three searching questions:<br />

How will you be the merciful face of Christ to students,<br />

colleagues, parents and community; when will our<br />

students and teachers experience mercy this holy year;<br />

and when will our students be the merciful face of Christ<br />

to others?<br />

It’s a call not just to be Christ-like but to see Christ in all<br />

members of our communities, especially those on the<br />

fringes. That’s why I asked every school leader to love<br />

most those so-called ‘difficult’ students, who struggle to<br />

belong not just in the playground and classroom but in<br />

everyday life.<br />

I’ve often said that the time for improvement in<br />

education has passed, that our focus must be<br />

transformation. Pope Francis’ vision of connectedness<br />

is a sublime challenge to educators, to really transform<br />

schools and ‘Our Common Home’, the earth.<br />

A challenge to create communities without outsiders, to<br />

see Christ in the other, especially when it’s tough. I think<br />

it’s a challenge that we’re not just equal to, but made for!<br />

Greg Whitby<br />

Executive Director of Schools<br />

@gregwhitby<br />

blog: bluyonder.wordpress.com<br />

Everything’s Connected at S<br />

Rev Chris de Souza, Delegate of the Diocesan Administrator, focused on what leaders need to be thinking about in their work as <strong>Catholic</strong> school leaders<br />

and educators.<br />

More than 450 school and education office<br />

leaders in the Diocese of Parramatta gathered<br />

at Rosehill Gardens on 21 January <strong>2016</strong><br />

for the annual system leadership day, prior to the<br />

commencement of the new school year.<br />

Opening the day with a focus on student diversity,<br />

Executive Director of Schools Greg Whitby said the<br />

theme ‘Everything’s Connected’ was taken from Pope<br />

Francis’ encyclical on the environment, Laudato si’,<br />

which calls for humanity to accept shared responsibility<br />

for the care of nature and our human relationships in a<br />

changing world.<br />

At the end of last year, Greg spoke at the Vatican World<br />

Congress in Rome delivering a keynote address, ‘How<br />

do we sing the Lord’s song in a strange land’. He shared<br />

some of the key points with school leaders, highlighting<br />

the need for <strong>Catholic</strong> schools to transform learning and<br />

teaching, not just improve.<br />

“We’re learning to sing a new song in a strange land but<br />

we’ll be well positioned in the work that we do,” Greg<br />

said.<br />

“Improvement has had its time, we now need to talk<br />

about transformation – to go about the re-imagination<br />

process,” he said.<br />

Greg launched the System Strategic Direction <strong>2016</strong>-19<br />

outlining five key priorities:<br />

• Forming committed disciples of Jesus Christ;<br />

• Focus learning and teaching to meet the needs of<br />

each student;<br />

• Build capacity to use data to inform teaching and<br />

system decision making;<br />

• Develop new ways to partner with parents and<br />

families; and<br />

• Develop innovative learning environments.<br />

Rev Chris de Souza PP, Delegate of the Diocesan<br />

Administrator, focused on what leaders need to be<br />

thinking about in their work as <strong>Catholic</strong> school leaders<br />

and educators.<br />

“We need to ask ourselves, do I see everything; engage<br />

with everything; have I left anything out; can I do that<br />

through engaging with colleagues – what do you hear;<br />

what do you understand?” Fr Chris said.<br />

“(The) challenge to be inclusive means everything is new<br />

and the gift that is Jesus can keep on challenging us to<br />

see new possibilities in the present moment,” he said.<br />

A highlight of the day was the moving address from<br />

keynote speaker Neal Murphy, Director of Mission<br />

at St John of God Health Care, ‘To belong, I have to<br />

be missed’. Neal shared his vision of schools’ work<br />

towards the healing mission of Jesus Christ through<br />

involving disabled students and their families in school<br />

communities.<br />

Neal, who works with children and young people with<br />

disability and their families on a regular basis, challenges<br />

established mindsets about disability education.<br />

His address provided meaningful insights into the<br />

daily struggles families advocating for a disabled child<br />

experience. “Parents are always asking ‘why are people<br />

not interested in my child belonging?’,” Neal said.<br />

“To be successful as teachers, we have to see inclusion as<br />

an act of love,” he said.<br />

Describing himself as ‘an encourager’, Neal’s message to<br />

school leaders is that inclusion is not easy but achievable.<br />

Schools have a powerful role to play in modelling the<br />

inclusion of people with a disability with dignity in<br />

mainstream education and society.<br />

Team Leader Student Services Mary Creenaune spoke<br />

about the work of schools in making ‘diversity the norm’.<br />

“I am inspired by passion in schools to create ‘Diversity<br />

is the Norm’,” Mary said.<br />

12 <strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong> | MARCH <strong>2016</strong><br />


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ystem Leadership Day <strong>2016</strong><br />

Keynote speaker Director of Mission at St John of God Health Care Neal<br />

Murphy challenged leaders’ established mindsets about disability education.<br />

The Executive Director of Schools Greg Whitby launched the System Strategic Direction <strong>2016</strong>-2019.<br />

Triple J newsreader and graduate of <strong>Catholic</strong> schools in the Diocese of<br />

Parramatta Nastasia Campanella.<br />

“Leaders need to consciously continue to create an<br />

inclusive culture for students seeking a <strong>Catholic</strong><br />

education that is attainable for students with disability.<br />

“I urge leaders to recognise each person as unique, rather<br />

than being identified by their disability,” she said.<br />

Triple J newsreader Nastasia Campanella is a graduate of<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> schools in the Diocese of Parramatta. Nastasia,<br />

who was blind from the age of six months, spoke to<br />

educators and leaders about managing diversity from a<br />

student perspective.<br />

From her own experience of being blind and unable<br />

to read Braille due to Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease,<br />

which affected the sensation in her hands, Nas recalled<br />

the challenges she overcame in her schooling and<br />

professional life.<br />

Nas was introduced to screen-reading software called Job<br />

Access with Speech (Jaws) and the use of audio books to<br />

help her to read.<br />

"Suddenly that child who hated<br />

reading and used to cry herself to<br />

sleep every night for feeling like a<br />

failure, wanted to do nothing more<br />

than sit with a book."<br />

"I hope that from having me as a student my teachers<br />

have learnt how to be resilient and creative in their<br />

teaching.<br />

“I can’t stress enough how important the beginning of<br />

term meetings were to me; they allowed us to set goals<br />

and discuss issues honestly and openly, and at the end of<br />

the term have another meeting to evaluate the strategies<br />

that we had used and to evaluate how we could do things<br />

better.<br />

“I was asked every step of the way what I wanted and I<br />

believe that has contributed to my success,” she said.<br />

Director of Evangelisation and Religious Education Ian<br />

Smith spoke about the Year of Mercy.<br />

“Pope Francis has reminded us that we are living in the<br />

time of Mercy, the time to heal wounds,” Ian said.<br />

Ian asked attendees to reflect upon times God has shown<br />

His mercy, and attendees will be the merciful face of<br />

Christ to their students, colleagues, parents and the<br />

community during the Jubilee Year.<br />

Throughout the year, school leaders and education staff<br />

will have further opportunities to participate in their<br />

professional learning such as the Principals Masterclass<br />

and the <strong>Catholic</strong> Education, Ann D Clark lecture.<br />

For more school news, visit:<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong>EdParra<br />

@<strong>Catholic</strong>EdParra<br />

www.parra.catholic.edu.au<br />


WEEK 6-12 MARCH <strong>2016</strong><br />

I belong. You belong. We belong.<br />

Find a <strong>Catholic</strong> school near you, visit catholicschools.nsw.edu.au<br />

Proudly supported by<br />



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Hub Schools provide pathways for creative and<br />

performing arts<br />

CAPTIVATE Hub Schools provide pathways for Music, Dance and Drama students.<br />

In 2015 <strong>Catholic</strong> Education Diocese of Parramatta established Hub Schools, providing<br />

pathway for deep learning in Music, Dance and Drama for students in years Years 7-10.<br />

CAPTIVATE’s Artistic Director David Russell said the courses are designed to bring together<br />

students interested in excellence in performance.<br />

“They are highly practical courses with a heavy emphasis on learning through performance<br />

preparation,” David said.<br />

“Theoretical knowledge and technical skills are developed, however assessment is on the<br />

practical demonstration of knowledge and skill as a performer,” he said.<br />

For more information about CAPTIVATE Hub Schools, visit http://captivate.parra.catholic.<br />

edu.au/hub-schools<br />

More Reading Recovery teachers to support literacy<br />

On 3 December 2015, the Reading<br />

Recovery Graduation ceremony<br />

was held at St Francis of Assisi<br />

Primary, Glendenning, where<br />

33 teachers completed their first<br />

year of training and 38 completed<br />

their second year and received<br />

their registration number. Seven<br />

teachers also graduated with L2<br />

qualifications, which are integrated<br />

with Year 2 comprehension and<br />

writing.<br />

Reading Recovery teachers at their graduation.<br />

Reading Recovery is an early<br />

literacy intervention that provides<br />

one-to-one teaching for children who need greater assistance in learning to read and write<br />

following their first year at school.<br />

Our Lady of the Angels Primary’s Reading Recovery teacher Frances Eisenhuth said that<br />

when reflecting on the group's learning she was reminded of the story of the butterfly who<br />

was assisted out of its cocoon by a well-meaning human cutting the cocoon open, making it<br />

easy for the butterfly to escape its confines.<br />

“We know not to cut their ‘cocoons’ but work with them to develop a self-extending system,”<br />

Frances said.<br />

“Teachers aim to produce independent readers whose reading and writing improve whenever<br />

they read and write,” she said.<br />

St Patrick’s Marist student wins UNSW Women in<br />

Science 50:50 award<br />

St Patrick’s Marist College,<br />

Dundas Year 12 student In Hee<br />

(Christy) Baek.<br />

St Patrick’s Marist College, Dundas, Year 12 student In Hee<br />

(Christy) Baek won the University of NSW (UNSW) Women in<br />

Science 50:50 competition for 2015.<br />

Christy developed a filter mask and skin lotion that reduces the<br />

level of micro-dust penetration.<br />

The UNSW Women in Science 50:50 award meant Christy also<br />

received $4000.<br />

Christy thanked St Patrick’s Marist College’s Leader of Learning<br />

for Science Michael McFarland for teaching her science for two<br />

years.<br />

Michael said it was a wonderful achievement. “It is wonderful to<br />

see Christy win this prestigious prize,” Michael said.<br />

“The skill set that she has developed at St Patrick's Marist has<br />

certainly come to the fore,” she said.<br />

Religious Education leadership program forms ‘disciples’<br />

Religious Education Coordinator graduates of the Forming Intentional<br />

Disciples in Every School (FIDES) Leadership Program.<br />

On Monday 30 November<br />

2015, 33 Religious Education<br />

Coordinators graduated from the<br />

Forming Intentional Disciples in<br />

Every School (FIDES) leadership<br />

program.<br />

The ceremony was led by Director<br />

of Evangelisation and Religious<br />

Education Ian Smith who said<br />

FIDES was a transformational<br />

program.<br />

“FIDES focuses on Christian<br />

discipleship, collaborative leadership, evangelisation, mentoring and formation,” Ian said.<br />

“This annual program includes eight days of professional learning, an intensive pilgrimage<br />

and being partnered with a peer-mentor,” he said.<br />

Holy Family’s Maths Challenge Club<br />

Holy Family’s Maths Challenge Club.<br />

On 2 December 2015, Holy Family<br />

Primary, Emerton’s Math Challenge<br />

Club had their end-of-year celebration<br />

after a successful year of Maths<br />

Challenges.<br />

Teaching Educator (Numeracy)<br />

Tammy Roosen said this year students<br />

from Stage 3 at Holy Family chose<br />

to join Maths Challenge Club every<br />

Wednesday after school.<br />

“The weekly one-hour session<br />

was run by tutors from Australian<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> University, as a way to create<br />

a partnership between the school<br />

community and the university,”<br />

Tammy said.<br />

“Students enjoyed the club and were able to describe how learning during Maths Challenge<br />

Club helped with their classwork,” she said.<br />

<strong>2016</strong><br />

Calendar<br />

Parents Representative Council, Parramatta Diocese (PRC)<br />


Term Meeting Date & Time Venue Presentation Topic Presenters<br />

1 Mon 29 Feb <strong>2016</strong>, 7pm Patrician Brothers’ College, Blacktown Setting up for Success for your child in <strong>2016</strong><br />

Sue Veling, Principal Our Lady of the Way Primary, Emu Plains<br />

Kathy Ferrari, Teaching Educator, <strong>Catholic</strong> Education,<br />

Santo Passarello, Principal, Patrician Brothers’ College, Blacktown<br />

2 Mon 30 May <strong>2016</strong>, 7pm Diocesan Assembly Centre, Blacktown<br />

Special Needs classes in our schools including<br />

ASPECT Western Sydney School Satellite Classes<br />

ASPECT Western Sydney School<br />

3 Mon 22 Aug <strong>2016</strong>, 7pm Nagle College, Blacktown Helping your child manage Anxiety<br />

Anoushka Houseman, Clinical Psychologist/Lead counsellor,<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> Education<br />

4 Mon 14 Nov, <strong>2016</strong>, 7pm Diocesan Assembly Centre, Blacktown Future Directions/Where we’re heading Greg Whitby, Executive Director of Schools, <strong>Catholic</strong> Education<br />

14 <strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong> | MARCH <strong>2016</strong><br />

www.catholicoutlook.org<br />

ALL presentations occur during the PRC General Meeting

www.ccss.org.au CCSSParramatta<br />


Providing compassionate, professional and relevant support to the people in our diverse community<br />

Offices at Blacktown, Emerton, Parramatta, Penrith, Springwood, call (02) 8822 2222<br />

Baulkham Hills Family Day Care<br />

Are you looking for high quality and<br />

affordable accredited child care?<br />

Baulkham Hills Family Day Care (BHFDC) has been<br />

providing child care to the local community since<br />

1979. Providing individualised education and care for<br />

children, BHFD supports the provision of home-based<br />

child care.<br />

Family Day Care offers childcare for children aged from<br />

six weeks to 12 years. Care is provided in the homes of<br />

registered educators, who are trained, supported and<br />

monitored by the qualified staff in the coordination unit.<br />

Family Day Care provides children with the opportunity<br />

to play and learn in a small home-like environment.<br />

Activities provided are targeted at children's interests<br />

and needs. Children are able to interact socially within<br />

a small group as well as establishing a one-on-one<br />

relationship with the individual educator.<br />

May is one of many BHFDC Educators who has been<br />

praised on numerous occasions. One client commented:<br />

“May is an amazing educator and carer. My two love<br />

going to May’s every day. May is not just an educator, she<br />

is like a second mum and she treats all her kids like they<br />

were her own. We can't speak highly enough of May.”<br />

Flexible hours, overnight care, weekend care, and care<br />

for school-aged children is available. Child care benefit<br />

is available to assist with childcare fees, and parents are<br />

also eligible to receive the Child Care Rebate.<br />

Educators provide an educational program for children,<br />

and are working within the National Quality Standards,<br />

which include the Education and Care national<br />

regulations and Education and Care National Law<br />

and Early Years learning Framework and School years<br />

Framework.<br />

Family<br />



When life presents challenging personal, family or unexpected events,<br />

the experienced and qualified counsellors at <strong>Catholic</strong>Care’s Family<br />

Relationship Service are there to provide support, counselling and<br />

education to individuals, couples, parents and their children.<br />

Children are able to interact socially within a small group.<br />

BHFDC covers the Baulkham Hills Shire area including:<br />

Winston Hills, Baulkham Hills, Bella Vista, Kellyville,<br />

Rouse Hill, Stanhope Gardens, Beaumont Hills, Rouse<br />

Hill, Castle Hill, Kenthurst and Glenwood.<br />

This is an expanding service and we are currently<br />

looking to increase our areas of operation. Any inquiries<br />

are welcome, whether you are seeking care for your<br />

child or children, or interested in becoming an educator.<br />

Please contact (02) 9639 1346 for further information.<br />




For men and women who grieve the death of<br />

their spouse or partner.<br />


Responsible Gambling Support Group ̶ this group is free<br />

and is held every Saturday, 9.30am-11am. CCSS Centre, 38<br />

Prince St, Blacktown. Tel (02) 8822 2222.<br />

Financial Literacy for Youth ̶ would you like to know more<br />

about managing your money and strategies to achieve your<br />

financial goals? <strong>Catholic</strong>Care Social Services in partnership<br />

with The Hills Community Aid & Information Service Inc<br />

and Blacktown Youth Services Association are holding<br />

sessions on 'Financial Literacy for Youth'. 9 & 16 <strong>March</strong>,<br />

3.30pm-5pm, 15 First Ave, Blacktown. Tel (02) 9639 8620.<br />

Couple Evening ̶ 'Text, Twitter, Tweet - Couples, the<br />

Internet and Social Media', Friday, 18 <strong>March</strong> at 7.30pm.<br />

Shane Smith, Director of Prepare/Enrich Australia and<br />

Vice President of the Marriage and Relationship Educators<br />

Association of Australia, will give an address on the impact<br />

of the internet, mobile technology and social media on<br />

couple relationships, and how digital technology matters<br />

in the lives of Australian couples. Free event. St Paul the<br />

Apostle Parish Hall, 40 Buckley's Rd, Winston Hills. Light<br />

supper served. To register tel (02) 8822 2222, marriage@<br />

ccss.org.au<br />

Blacktown Neighbour Aid ̶ can you volunteer one hour<br />

a fortnight to brighten the life of an elderly person in<br />

Blacktown? To find out more tel (02) 8822 2222, bna@ccss.<br />

org.au<br />

Stepping Beyond – Post Separation Support is on the last<br />

Tuesday of the month, 7.30pm-9.30pm. CCSS Centre, 38<br />

Prince St, Blacktown. Fee: $5 per meeting. Tel (02) 8822<br />

2222, soloparentservices@ccss.org.au<br />

Younger Widowed Support Group ̶ third Tuesday of<br />

each month, 7pm-9pm. OLOL Parish Centre, 1 Canyon Rd,<br />

Baulkhan Hills. Fee $5 per meeting. Tel (02) 8822 2222,<br />

soloparentservices@ccss.org.au<br />

Bereavement Support Program ̶ for men and women who<br />

grieve the death of their spouse or partner. Fortnightly on<br />

Tuesdays, 10.30am-12.30pm. CCSS Centre, 38 Prince St,<br />

Blacktown. Fee $5 per meeting. Bookings essential. Tel (02)<br />

8822 2222, soloparentservices@ccss.org.au<br />

Natural Fertility Awareness Evening ̶ learn about natural<br />

fertility methods. Wednesday 4 May, 7.30pm, Holy Spirit<br />

Parish, St Clair, 5 Todd Row, cnr Moore St, St Clair. Free<br />

event, supper provided. To register tel (02) 8822 2222,<br />

nfs@ccss.org.au<br />

Circle of Security ̶ program designed to enhance<br />

attachment security between parents and children.<br />

Help parents raise their children with love, warmth and<br />

emotional intelligence. Thursdays from 28 April – 16 June,<br />

10am-12.30pm, Blacktown CCSS Centre, 38 Prince St,<br />

Blacktown. Tel (02) 8822 2222.<br />

Our Groups Include<br />

KEEPING KIDS IN MIND (KKIM) for separated parents.<br />

Next group starts Wednesday 11 May in Parramatta for 5 weeks<br />

MY KIDS AND ME for parents whose children are in kinship or<br />

out-of-home care. Next group starts Friday 29 April <strong>2016</strong> in Penrith<br />

ROLLERCOASTERS FOR KIDS support primary-aged children and<br />

their families struggling with family separation. Next group starts Monday<br />

23 May at Blacktown<br />

COOL KIDS for primary and pre-school children experiencing anxiety<br />

Next group starts Wednesday 11 May in Springwood.<br />

For further information on any of the groups, please contact<br />

Trish Nowland | Phone: (02) 8822 2222<br />

A series of eight workshops providing<br />

an opportunity for those who are<br />

widowed to further understand the<br />

ways grief impacts on their lives.<br />


5 April - 12 July <strong>2016</strong><br />

10.30am to 12.30pm<br />

38 Prince Street (cnr First Ave)<br />

Blacktown<br />


Ph (02) 8822 2222<br />

or email soloparentservices@ccss.org.au<br />

Springwood Drop-in Centre ̶ Drop in for a cup of tea<br />

and a chat, public use computers, WiFi and study space,<br />

community information, volunteering and bushfire support,<br />

counselling services and referral. Open Monday to Friday,<br />

10am-4pm. To arrange an appointment for counselling tel<br />

(02) 4751 4956 or visit the Drop-in Centre, Shop 3/163<br />

Macquarie Rd, Springwood.<br />

Recover Wellbeing ̶ recovery oriented program and<br />

support groups for people living with depression and<br />

bipolar and their families. Monthly get togethers 4<br />

Wellbeing include Drum4Wellbeing, Dance4Wellbeing,<br />

Sew4Wellbeing, Create4Wellbeing, Splash4Wellbeing.<br />

Further information tel (02) 8822 2222, julie.webster@<br />

ccss.org.au<br />

CreateAbility Day Options ̶ provides a service for people<br />

with disability. Offers opportunities and programs tailored<br />

to fulfil individual needs and aspirations. For further<br />

information tel (02) 9670 5321, createabilityenquiries@<br />

ccss.org.au<br />

www.catholicoutlook.org<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong> | MARCH <strong>2016</strong> 15


Maria Lette celebrates 100 years of life<br />

By Elizabeth McFarlane<br />

The lines on her face tell the<br />

story. It was her smile that<br />

drew me in, shortly followed<br />

by her piercing blue eyes.<br />

Maria Christina Lette has<br />

an enduring gaze and her wispy,<br />

silver hair can be said to match her<br />

silver-tongue.<br />

After another flash of the<br />

camera, she quipped: “Have you got<br />

your money’s worth yet?”<br />

It was a lively jest.<br />

Maria’s youngest child, Theresa<br />

Brazell, and her second eldest,<br />

Alphons Lette, quickly chimed in.<br />

Maria Christina Lette celebrated her 100th birthday last month with more than 200 family<br />

members. Maria’s secret to a long life could be a large and loving family.<br />

Photo: Elizabeth McFarlane.<br />

“She’s always had such a<br />

great sense of humour!” Theresa<br />

exclaimed.<br />

“She’s never given up the fun,”<br />

Alphons said with a chuckle.<br />

Maria celebrated her 100th<br />

birthday on 6 February at St<br />

Anthony’s Church, Toongabbie, with<br />

more than 200 family members. She<br />

was presented with a Papal Blessing<br />

from the Parish Priest, Rev Arthur<br />

Bridge.<br />

With 12 children, 56<br />

grandchildren and 99 greatgrandchildren<br />

(and the 100th on<br />

the way), Maria’s secret to a long life<br />

could very well be a large and loving<br />

family.<br />

“We mix so much together. To<br />

keep in touch with each other we<br />

had a family newsletter going out<br />

every fortnight for quite a few years,”<br />

Alphons said.<br />

Maria was born in 1916 in<br />

the Netherlands, growing up in a<br />

town called Hengelo, which is east<br />

of Amsterdam and close to the<br />

German border.<br />

Her parents, Maria and Hendrick<br />

Boevink, had 11 children.<br />

It was a different time. Maria<br />

grew up hearing the clattering<br />

hooves of horses pulling bread and<br />

milk carts in the early morning.<br />

She would ride her bike around<br />

the town, passing corner stores and<br />

the market in the town square where<br />

her family would buy fruit and<br />

vegetables.<br />

She was 19 when she attended<br />

the local dance hall and met<br />

Herman, the love of her life and the<br />

father of her 12 children. Herman<br />

was a machinist who made silk<br />

stockings.<br />

When Maria was 23 they married<br />

and went on to raise 10 children<br />

before deciding to migrate to<br />

Australia.<br />

“In the mid-1950s, nylon was<br />

invented. It went from silk stockings<br />

to nylon stockings and the factory<br />

my Dad was working in started to<br />

install the new machines," Alphons<br />

said.<br />

"But that meant they would need<br />

less than half of the staff. Six of the<br />

machinists, including my Dad, came<br />

to Australia because Holeproof<br />

in Sydney was still making silk<br />

stockings."<br />

Once in Australia, Maria and<br />

Herman had two more children<br />

and in 1959 they bought a house in<br />

Toongabbie, just a 10-minute walk<br />

from St Anthony’s Church.<br />

“We’re very involved in the<br />

parish. Prayer and church were<br />

foremost with both our parents.<br />

Toongabbie Parish means a lot to<br />

us,” Theresa said.<br />

Almost all of Maria’s children<br />

were married in St Anthony’s<br />

Church, as well as many of her<br />

grandchildren. Even some of<br />

her great-grandchildren have<br />

been baptised and received other<br />

sacraments in the parish.<br />

Maria and Herman were married<br />

for 32 years before Herman died of a<br />

heart attack in 1971 at the age of 57.<br />

“It was sudden. I was 11,” Theresa<br />

said.<br />

“Mum did it pretty rough at the<br />

time,” Alphons said. “But she kept us<br />

all together."<br />

Theresa said Maria's biggest<br />

regret was that Herman was not<br />

there to share this special occasion.<br />

"She always says, ‘My family is<br />

wonderful but Dad should be here<br />

with me,’” she said.<br />

Maria’s 100th birthday was an<br />

opportunity for her extended family<br />

to come together to celebrate her<br />

long and blessed life.<br />

“There was a lot of catching up<br />

to do between the cousins and the<br />

grandkids,” Alphons said.<br />

The celebrations concluded<br />

with lunch at a restaurant in Seven<br />

Hills where Maria was presented<br />

with congratulatory letters from<br />

the Queen, the Prime Minister,<br />

the Governor-General, the NSW<br />

Premier, and other political<br />

dignitaries from both houses of<br />

parliament.<br />

Diocesan Development Fund<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> Diocese of Parramatta<br />

Supporting the<br />

growing needs of the<br />

institutions and agencies within<br />

the <strong>Catholic</strong> Diocese of Parramatta<br />

www.parra.catholic.org.au/ddf<br />

Disclosure Statement<br />

The Diocesan Development Fund <strong>Catholic</strong> Diocese of Parramatta (DDF) is not subject to the provisions of the Corporation Act 2001 nor has it been examined or approved<br />

by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission.<br />

Deposits with the DDF are guaranteed by CDPF Limited, a company established by the Australian <strong>Catholic</strong> Bishops Conference for this purpose.<br />

We welcome your investment with the DDF rather than with a profit oriented commercial organisation as a conscious commitment by you to support the Charitable,<br />

Religious and Educational works of the <strong>Catholic</strong> Church.<br />

Neither the DDF nor the Trustees of the Roman <strong>Catholic</strong> Church for the Diocese of Parramatta are prudentially supervised by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority;<br />

contributions to the DDF do not obtain the benefit of the depositor protection provisions of the Banking Act 1959; the DDF is designed for investors who wish to promote<br />

the charitable purposes of the DDF.<br />



Weekend Masses<br />

Saturday 8am, 9:30am<br />

(Mass in the Extraordinary Form – Latin),<br />

6pm (Vigil) Sunday 8am, 9.30am (Family<br />

Mass), 11am (Solemn Mass), 6pm<br />

Weekday Masses<br />

Monday to Friday 6.45am,12.30pm<br />

Public Holidays 8am<br />

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament<br />

Monday to Friday 11.15am-12.20pm<br />

First Friday of the month 6pm-7pm<br />

Sacrament of Penance<br />

Weekdays 11.15am-12.20pm<br />

Saturdays 8.30am-9am, 5pm-5.30pm<br />

Devotions<br />

Morning Prayer of the Church<br />

Monday to Friday 6.30am<br />

Saturday and Sunday 7.30am<br />

Angelus<br />

Monday to Friday noon<br />

Rosary<br />

Monday to Friday after Angelus at noon<br />

Canticle of Our Lady’s Marian Movement<br />

Friday 1pm<br />

Christian meditation<br />

Tuesday 9.30am-10.15am<br />

Baptism - Sunday 12.45pm by appointment<br />

Marriages - By appointment<br />

Contact the Parish Secretary<br />

tel (02) 8839 8400 or email<br />

1 Marist Place, Parramatta<br />

16 <strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong> | MARCH <strong>2016</strong><br />



<strong>Catholic</strong>YouthParra @cyp_parramatta @<strong>Catholic</strong>YouthParra<br />



By James Camden, Director of <strong>Catholic</strong> Youth Parramatta<br />

Parra-Matters! Strengthen your team for <strong>2016</strong><br />

In late February, we gathered a number of team leaders from<br />

various <strong>Catholic</strong> youth teams that provide youth ministry<br />

services to schools, parishes and movements in Sydney.<br />

Their wisdom and experiences gave much-needed formation<br />

on how to foster a positive team approach and get the right<br />

people in the right jobs for our important ministry with young<br />

people. A great way to start <strong>2016</strong>! Thanks to the young people<br />

of St John XXIII Parish, Glenwood-Stanhope Gardens, for a<br />

wonderful evening.<br />

Palm Sunday & Good Friday Night Walk<br />

Join us on Palm Sunday at Parramatta Town Hall at 5.15pm<br />

when Church Street will be closed as we process to St Patrick’s<br />

Cathedral on 20 <strong>March</strong>. Following the Mass, there will be an<br />

event in the cloister celebrating World Youth Day and the WYD<br />

<strong>2016</strong> raffle will be drawn.<br />

The Good Friday Night Walk will again begin at St Patrick’s<br />

Church in Blacktown at 10pm. The Youth Council has developed<br />

a program that will deepen our appreciation of the Year of Mercy<br />

in the context of Holy Week and the Passion of our Lord.<br />

LIFTED Live! Fr Rob Galea and his Band<br />

LIFTED Live! is the new name for our large-scale<br />

evangelisation events for young people here in the Diocese.<br />

We’re proud to announce that we will be hosting Fr Rob Galea<br />

and his Band for a two-hour concert at the Riverside Theatre on<br />

Friday 8 April. The concert is open to people of all ages. Tickets<br />

are $30 and selling fast. Make sure you don’t miss out! Book<br />

online at: www.riversideparramatta.com.au<br />

The Youth Mission Team at St Patrick’s Cathedral. Photo: Elizabeth McFarlane.<br />

Welcome to the Sydney Youth Mission Team<br />

Members of the Youth Mission Team are giving up a year<br />

of their lives to take the Gospel to our high schools. They’ve<br />

put work, their career or tertiary study on hold for the sake of<br />

reaching out to young Australians. The Sydney team resides in St<br />

Michael’s Parish in Baulkham Hills.<br />

Each team member commits to living with their teammates<br />

in a radical lifestyle of prayer, simplicity and mission for one year<br />

at a time.<br />

They spend two days a week in the regular workforce and<br />

pool their wages to cover their basic living expenses, leaving<br />

Wednesday to Sunday available for full-time ministry in schools<br />

and youth groups and on retreats and camps.<br />

This year’s team consists of Peter Dominish (manager),<br />

Jacqui Holden (Sydney), Jenelle Xerri (Melbourne), Eric Della<br />

Bosca (Melbourne), Catherine Lee (Adelaide), Paul Fam<br />

(Sydney) and Grace Barclay (Canberra).<br />

We look forward to working alongside these talented and<br />

generous young adults as they carry out the mission of the<br />

Church here in Sydney. For more information, check out<br />

www.ymt.com.au<br />

WYD <strong>2016</strong> Krakow Poland Update<br />

There has been a remarkable response to our pilgrimages<br />

with registrations and deposits coming in every day. We now<br />

expect in excess of 300 pilgrims making this epic journey of<br />

faith.<br />

Our current projections indicate that the two pilgrimages<br />

will consist of approximately:<br />

• 120 young adults from 22 parishes;<br />

• 90 Year 11 school students;<br />

• 70 young teacher pilgrims (under 35YO) from primary &<br />

secondary schools; and<br />

• 50 support staff, Diocesan Leaders and Chaplains.<br />

As the WYD raffle will be drawn on Palm Sunday, we<br />

encourage parishes to support young people in selling their<br />

tickets at Mass up to a week before.<br />

To be in the barrel for the draw, all purchased ticket butts<br />

must be returned to Tony Jose, diocesan Director of Financial<br />

Services & Development, at the Chancery by Monday 14 <strong>March</strong>.<br />

Follow us on @cyp_parramatta<br />

Join us on <strong>Catholic</strong> Youth Parramatta<br />



Put those you love<br />

in the hands<br />

of those who care<br />




FRIDAY 8 APRIL <strong>2016</strong><br />

7.30PM<br />




TICKETS $30.00*<br />






8839 3399<br />






Sydney (02) 9519 5344 | Parramatta (02) 9687 1072<br />

wnbull@wnbull.com | www.wnbull.com.au<br />

www.catholicoutlook.org<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong> | MARCH <strong>2016</strong> 17


Palm Sunday Procession<br />

WYD Mass & After Party<br />

Friday <strong>March</strong> 25<br />

Sunday 20 <strong>March</strong><br />

5pm Blessing of Palms at<br />

Parramatta Town Hall<br />

5.30pm Procession through<br />

the Parramatta CBD<br />

6pm World Youth Day Mass<br />

followed by an After<br />

Party with Filipino<br />

and Polish Food,<br />

Dancing, WYD updates<br />

and Drawing of the<br />

WYD Raffle<br />

Good Friday Night Walk<br />

10pm Gather in St Patrick’s Church,<br />

51-59 Allawah St, Blacktown<br />

Overnight Walk overnight from Blacktown to<br />

Parramatta<br />

6.30am Arrive at St Patrick’s Cathedral for<br />

pancake breakfast<br />

get updates on <strong>Catholic</strong> Youth Parramatta<br />

James Camden - CYP Director<br />

tel (02) 8838 3428, JCamden@parra.catholic.org.au<br />

www.parrawyd.org<br />

Gala dinner raises more<br />

than $100,000 for WYD16<br />

pilgrim project in Philippines<br />

A<br />

rebuilding project on the<br />

earthquake-devastated<br />

island of Bohol in the<br />

Philippines was the focus of a<br />

fundraising dinner hosted by<br />

the Diocese of Parramatta on 19<br />

February.<br />

More than 600 people filled<br />

the Grand Ballroom of the<br />

Westella Renaissance Reception<br />

House at Lidcombe. On the night,<br />

over $100,000 was raised due to<br />

enthusiastic support for a silent<br />

auction, the purchase of Year of<br />

Mercy candles and ticket sales.<br />

Money raised will directly<br />

fund a Learning Centre at the<br />

Sacred Heart Academy and other<br />

smaller projects in the Parish of<br />

Loon.<br />

The work will be undertaken<br />

in July this year by 350 young<br />

people taking part in the Diocese<br />

of Parramatta’s pilgrimage<br />

to World Youth Day (WYD)<br />

in Krakow, Poland, via the<br />

Philippines.<br />

In welcoming guests, the<br />

Diocesan Administrator Very<br />

Rev Peter Williams said that<br />

participation in WYD had been<br />

life changing for many pilgrims.<br />

“To engage in a pilgrimage<br />

is a very ancient practice of the<br />

Church, and for many it is not so<br />

much the destination that matters,<br />

but rather the journey to get<br />

there,” he said.<br />

“For one group of pilgrims<br />

this will involve a ‘stational’<br />

experience in the Philippines.<br />

Many of you will be aware of the<br />

recent devastation in parts of the<br />

Philippines due to the earthquake.<br />

“The destruction has seen<br />

essential infrastructure destroyed<br />

and, in particular, parish churches<br />

and schools.<br />

“In supporting this evening,<br />

you will make it possible for<br />

young people from our Diocese to<br />

participate in a rebuilding project<br />

that will have a lasting effect upon<br />

one Filipino community.”<br />

The after-dinner address was<br />

given Hon Madam Mayor Leonila<br />

Montaro of Panglao Island. Guests<br />

included Madam Anne Jalando-<br />

On Louis, the Philippines’ Consul-<br />

General in Australia; and Rev Fr<br />

Joel A Ruyeras, Parish Priest of<br />

Our Lady of Light Parish in Loon<br />

in the Diocese of Tagbilaran.<br />

Entertainment was provided<br />

by singer and comedian Adam<br />

Scicluna.<br />

"In supporting this<br />

evening, you will<br />

make it possible for<br />

young people from our<br />

Diocese to participate<br />

in a rebuilding project<br />

that will have a lasting<br />

effect upon one<br />

Filipino community."<br />

Background to the project<br />

On the morning of 15 October<br />

2013, when many residents were<br />

on their way to work and school<br />

on Bohol Island, a 7.2 magnitude<br />

earthquake, energy equivalent to<br />

32 Hiroshima bombs, shook the<br />

region.<br />

The earthquake killed 222<br />

people, with eight declared<br />

missing and more than 900<br />

injured. As well as the human toll,<br />

73,000 buildings were damaged –<br />

14,500 destroyed. Many parishes<br />

and schools in the region were<br />

completely devastated.<br />

As part of the first leg of<br />

our diocesan WYD pilgrimage,<br />

pilgrims will assist seven of the<br />

parishes in most need and will be<br />

working alongside Filipino youth;<br />

teaching, mentoring, painting,<br />

preparing vegetable gardens,<br />

feeding malnourished children<br />

and completing minor repairs.<br />

The major project is the<br />

building of a learning centre for<br />

Sacred Heart Academy with 756<br />

students in Our Lady of Light<br />

Parish. Students in schools in the<br />

area are still receiving lessons in<br />

makeshift classrooms.<br />

Diocese of Parramatta<br />

pilgrimages<br />

The Diocese will be taking two<br />

pilgrimages to WYD in Krakow –<br />

one via the Philippines and one via<br />

Poland, the homeland of St John<br />

Paul II.<br />

Current projections indicate<br />

that the two pilgrimages will<br />

consist of approximately:<br />

• 120 young adults from 22<br />

parishes;<br />

• 90 Year 11 school students;<br />

• 70 young teacher pilgrims<br />

(aged under 35) from primary<br />

and secondary schools; and<br />

• 50 support staff, Diocesan<br />

Leaders and Chaplains.<br />

Full travel details, including<br />

pricing, are now available online.<br />

Young people aged 16-35 are<br />

invited to register at http://<br />

parrawyd.orwg/the-pilgrimage/<br />

For more information contact<br />

Mark Tuffy, Executive Officer<br />

for WYD <strong>2016</strong> in the Diocese<br />

of Parramatta: mtuffy@parra.<br />

catholic.edu.au<br />

James Camden, Director of<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> Youth Parramatta:<br />

JCamden@parra.catholic.org.au<br />

To view a gallery of photos from<br />

the evening, visit www.flickr.com/<br />

parracatholic/albums<br />

theLMent.com<br />

Our retired Priests have always been a part of<br />

your FAMILY,<br />

in your celebrations, unions,<br />

happiness & sadness<br />


In their retirement,<br />

they can still remain a part of your<br />

FAMILY<br />


Please support our sick and<br />

retired Priests through the Clergy<br />

Support Foundation.<br />

Donations are welcome at any<br />

time – amounts of $2 or more are<br />

tax deductible.<br />

If you are preparing or changing<br />

a Will you may consider<br />

bequeathing a donation to the<br />

Foundation.<br />

For more information please call<br />

(02) 9639 0598 or donate online<br />

at www.parra.catholic.org.au<br />

18 <strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong> | MARCH <strong>2016</strong><br />


<strong>Catholic</strong>YouthParra @cyp_parramatta @<strong>Catholic</strong>YouthParra<br />



THANKS<br />

Guests included: Hon Madam Mayor Leonila Montaro of Panglao Island; Madam Anne Jalando-On Louis, Philippines' Consul-General in<br />

Australia; and Rev Fr Joel A Ruyeras, Parish Priest of Our Lady of Light Parish in Loon in the Diocese of Tagbilaran. Photos: Alfred Boudib.<br />

Fr Joel A Ruyeras (left), Parish Priest of Our Lady of Light Parish,<br />

with Fr Ruben Elago MSP, Parish Priest of Mary Immaculate Parish,<br />

Quakers Hill.<br />

James Camden, Director of <strong>Catholic</strong> Youth Parramatta.<br />

Hon Madam Mayor Leonila Montaro of Panglao Island<br />

Sr Rosie Drum, Deputy Director of <strong>Catholic</strong> Youth Parramatta.<br />

Dinner guests purchased Mercy Has a Face candles.<br />

The Diocese of Parramatta is grateful to the sponsors and<br />

supporters of the WYD Gala Dinner on 19 February. Their<br />

generosity made it possible to raise more than $100,000 for<br />

our WYD pilgrim project in the Philippines.<br />

The money will directly fund a Learning Centre at the Sacred<br />

Heart Academy and other smaller projects in the Parish of<br />

Loon on Bohol Island.<br />

Diamond sponsors<br />

Deloitte, ME Document Solutions, Patrician Brothers’ College<br />

Blacktown, Terry Shields Toyota, FAL Construction Group,<br />

Western Sydney Plumbing, Celestin, Oz Fashions, Cisco Secure<br />

Agility, Austwide Property Maintenance Services, Diocese of<br />

Parramatta, Diocesan Development Fund, <strong>Catholic</strong> Education<br />

Diocese of Parramatta<br />

Platinum sponsors<br />

Reitsma Constructions<br />

Gold sponsors<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> Commission for Employment Relations, Cingle Vue<br />

Silver sponsors<br />

Dance Fever Multisport, Friends of Bohol,<br />

Emmaus <strong>Catholic</strong> College, Kemps Creek<br />

Our thanks to<br />

Westella Renaissance, the Institute for Mission, CAPTIVATE and<br />

Parramatta Marist High, Westmead students and staff for their<br />

support on the night.<br />

To those who made donations<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> Church Insurance, CPL Architecture, Baxter Bus Lines,<br />

Australian Turf Club, Parramatta Leagues Club & Parramatta Eels,<br />

St Dominic's College Kingswood, HelloWorld Tamworth, GWS<br />

Giants, Hawkesbury Fine Dental, St Bernadette's Primary, Dundas,<br />

Master Bathrooms & Kitchens, St Aidan's Primary, Rooty Hill, and<br />

El-Phoenician Restaurant.<br />

Diamond sponsor Oz Fashions is providing our WYD pilgrim merchandise.<br />

Hawkesbury Youth Parish Action (HYPA) Group is seeking a motivated and enthusiastic part-time<br />

Youth Ministry Leader who will be responsible for leading the faith formation program for youth in the<br />

Hawkesbury area.<br />

The successful applicant must have a strong desire to develop a successful youth ministry program<br />

within the Hawkesbury parishes and be a practising <strong>Catholic</strong> who is knowledgeable in his/her faith.<br />

The applicant should also possess excellent communication and organisational skills needed to work<br />

both independently and cohesively with parish and diocesan organisations, schools and families.<br />

Demonstrated experience in youth ministry or currently studying/completed study in a relevant field<br />

would be an advantage.<br />

For further details and an application package send an email to irenegalea@bigpond.com<br />

Applications close Friday 11 <strong>March</strong> <strong>2016</strong>.<br />

Child protection legislation requires preferred applicants to be subject to employment screening.<br />

www.catholicoutlook.org<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong> | MARCH <strong>2016</strong> 19


Parramatta YCW putting new life into old computers<br />

By Elizabeth McFarlane<br />

"...the service fulfils<br />

a greater mission<br />

than simply reducing<br />

waste. It engages<br />

young people to<br />

use their gifts and<br />

talents to help others.<br />

The more suppliers<br />

we have, the more<br />

volunteers we will<br />

need."<br />

Greg Tsiamoulis, Rafael Tordilla and Phillip Tsiamoulis hope the services will help to transform lives.<br />

Photos: Elizabeth McFarlane.<br />

Phillip Tsiamoulis and Greg Tsiamoulis (right) have a passion for computers and volunteering.<br />

The Parramatta Young Christian Workers<br />

(YCW) is calling on parishes, schools and<br />

organisations to donate older or unwanted<br />

computers that can be refurbished for re-use.<br />

The demand for refurbished computers is high<br />

but the service requires suppliers to be able to<br />

run.<br />

Located at 25 Union Street, Granville, the<br />

Parramatta YCW House is filled with the gentle<br />

hum of computers.<br />

Every Saturday, young volunteers can be found<br />

inspecting the cavities of old machines.<br />

They are currently refurbishing old computers<br />

from St Joseph’s Parish in Kingswood to send to<br />

East Timor where 60% of the population is under<br />

25 years of age. The majority of these young<br />

people are considered unemployed.<br />

One young woman who will benefit from the<br />

refurbished computers is Elia, whose university<br />

studies were interrupted when she gave birth and<br />

became a single parent.<br />

When she is able to work, it is low paid or<br />

unpaid work in the hospitality industry.<br />

The refurbished computers will be utilised<br />

to provide Elia with support in monitoring job<br />

advertisements, updating her resume, writing<br />

applications for relevant jobs and preparing for<br />

interviews.<br />

The YCW is also running similar services in<br />

our Diocese in Parramatta and Granville.<br />

The YCW is a <strong>Catholic</strong> movement with the<br />

mission to engage young people and form them<br />

in the faith through community action, reflection<br />

and review.<br />

Rafael Tordilla, the Project Worker for the<br />

Parramatta YCW, coordinates Computer Classes<br />

and Job Club Services in Parramatta Library<br />

and Granville Library, as well as the Computer<br />

Refurbishment service.<br />

The services work to transform the lives<br />

of disadvantaged people in the community.<br />

Together they provide resources, training in the<br />

use of those resources and insight into how to use<br />

those new skills to find employment.<br />

“The Computer Refurbishment service aims<br />

to make sure nothing goes to waste and that the<br />

resources go to a good place,” Rafael said.<br />

“But the service fulfils a greater mission than<br />

simply reducing waste. It engages young people<br />

to use their gifts and talents to help others. The<br />

more suppliers we have, the more volunteers we<br />

will need.<br />

“It is important to engage with more young<br />

people so that we can support them in reflection<br />

on how their faith plays out in the volunteer work<br />

they undertake.”<br />

Without the dedicated volunteers, the services<br />

would not run and it is their willingness to<br />

give up their time to give back that Rafael finds<br />

inspiring.<br />

Shrine of Our Lady of Mercy<br />

Penrose Park<br />

Fatima Day: Sunday <strong>March</strong> 13<br />

Principal Celebrant: Fr Suresh Kumar<br />

Assistant Priest at Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish, Greystanes<br />

Divine Mercy Devotions - First Sunday of the Month<br />

Fatima Family Sunday: <strong>March</strong> 20<br />

“We need passionate and dedicated volunteers.<br />

The services wouldn’t exist without them. The<br />

services belong to them. The way they run and<br />

how they are organised is largely dependent on<br />

them,” he said.<br />

“I see their faith being put into action. They<br />

choose to be here on a Saturday morning and<br />

that passion to make a difference is inspiring.”<br />

One of the key volunteers is Phillip Tsiamoulis,<br />

a software developer for the Australian Securities<br />

and Investments Commission (ASIC).<br />

“Phillip is basically the lynchpin for the<br />

service. If he ever goes, he will be very<br />

difficult to replace. His skills are not limited to<br />

computing. He has electrical skills and he trains<br />

other volunteers to sustain the service,” Rafael<br />

explained.<br />

Phillip has a great passion for computers and<br />

volunteering.<br />

“Computers have always been a part of me. It’s<br />

just something I really enjoy. The fact that I can<br />

share what I enjoy with other people and that<br />

they also want to learn is rewarding,” he said.<br />

Phillip installs open source software on to old<br />

hardware. This allows the old computers to run<br />

smoothly.<br />

“To put it simply, open source software<br />

means you’re provided with all of the code so<br />

you can develop the operating system. Linux<br />

is free open source software, and you can run<br />

multi-functional operating systems like Zorin OS<br />

on it,” he said.<br />

“Once installed, you can use old hardware.<br />

Microsoft is closed and therefore you can’t see<br />

how it runs. It’s also more expensive and more<br />

susceptible to viruses.<br />

“This refurbishment revitalises old hardware<br />

and overrides all of the issues associated with<br />

using Microsoft on old hardware.”<br />

But volunteering for the Computer<br />

Refurbishment service does not require a<br />

thorough understanding of operating systems.<br />

“It helps if you know a bit about the<br />

components of a computer. But having said that,<br />

if you’re dedicated, a good listener and have some<br />

Lego-building skills, you can volunteer for this<br />

service,” Rafael said.<br />

“The issue is not the number of volunteers we<br />

have. We have the volunteers. We need suppliers<br />

to maintain this service.”<br />

For more information on the services provided<br />

by the Parramatta Young Christian Workers,<br />

please contact:<br />

Rafael Tordilla<br />

Project Officer<br />

Parramatta YCW<br />

E-mail: rafael.tordilla@ycw.org.au<br />

Tel: (02) 9682 6719<br />

Mobile: 0412 536 753<br />

Upcoming celebrations in Our Shrine:<br />

Passion Play starts at 11am on Good Friday 25 <strong>March</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />

The moving Re-enactment of Our Blessed Lord’s sufferings will<br />

commence at the front entrance of the Shrine. Please note that the<br />

gates will close at 10.45am so the Passion play may begin without<br />

traffic coming through.<br />

Address: 120 Hanging Rock Rd, Sutton Forest, NSW, 2577<br />

For map please see our website www.penrosepark.com.au<br />

Pauline Father’s Monastery<br />

Address: 120 Hanging Rock Road, Berrima, NSW, 2577 Phone: 02 4878 9192<br />

Email: paulinefathers@yahoo.com.au<br />

Website: www.penrosepark.com.au<br />

20 <strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong> | MARCH <strong>2016</strong><br />


Liturgical Ministry Formation<br />

Course commences<br />

By Sr Mary Louise Walsh ISSM, Liturgy Educator in the Office for Worship<br />


Are you called to a<br />

ministry of pastoral care<br />

in hospitals?<br />

By Joy Bowen, Hospital Liaison Manager<br />

The first participants commenced the course at the Institute for Mission in Blacktown. Photos: Adrian Middeldorp.<br />

Last month’s diocesan Mass for World Day of the Sick was an acknowledgement of carers<br />

and those for whom they care. Photo: Alfred Boudib.<br />

During the course the participants develop practical and pastoral skills.<br />

A<br />

course that provides<br />

participants with the<br />

opportunity to deepen their<br />

faith through their understanding of<br />

liturgy and ministry commenced in<br />

Blacktown and Penrith last month.<br />

The Liturgical Ministry<br />

Formation Course in the Diocese of<br />

Parramatta focuses on formation for<br />

readers of the Word, extraordinary<br />

ministers of Communion,<br />

Communion to the sick either at<br />

home, in a nursing home or hospital,<br />

adult altar servers (senior servers)<br />

and acolytes.<br />

Participants from across Western<br />

Sydney commenced the course at<br />

two venues: the Institute for Mission<br />

at Blacktown and St Nicholas of Myra<br />

Parish at Penrith.<br />

Hills<br />

Lounge && Sofas<br />

C ome C ome and and see see the the furniture experts<br />

During the course the<br />

participants develop practical and<br />

pastoral skills. The awareness of<br />

duties involved in these ministries is<br />

also covered.<br />

The ministry of acolyte, available<br />

to male applicants, provides the<br />

participants with a practical<br />

understanding of how to assist the<br />

celebrant at the Eucharist.<br />

The preparation for this role also<br />

includes preparation for the ministry<br />

of the Word as the role of the acolyte<br />

demands that the person ministering<br />

as an acolyte is also responsible to<br />

ensure that the reader knows exactly<br />

how and what to do during the<br />

liturgy of the Word.<br />

In a similar way, the acolyte<br />

must be aware of the role of the<br />


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The awareness of duties involved in these<br />

ministries is also covered.<br />

extraordinary minister of the<br />

Eucharist. Therefore, the candidate<br />

for this role will complete the whole<br />

course.<br />

Senior servers (who may be<br />

females) will also need to know and<br />

understand the roles of extraordinary<br />

minister of the Eucharist and the<br />

participants in the ministry of the<br />

Word.<br />

The Liturgical Ministry<br />

Formation Course is held twice a<br />

year. The next course will take place<br />

in August <strong>2016</strong>.<br />

For further information contact<br />

the Office for Worship tel (02) 9831<br />

4911 or ofw@ifm.org.au<br />

If you would like to consider<br />

being involved in liturgical ministry,<br />

please contact your parish priest.<br />

$1299<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> pastoral care volunteers<br />

and extraordinary ministers<br />

of the Eucharist visit<br />

hospitals throughout the Diocese of<br />

Parramatta, providing comfort and<br />

care to <strong>Catholic</strong> patients and others.<br />

Many of our volunteers have been<br />

committed to this ministry for years.<br />

Would you like to join the team?<br />

If you are a person who loves<br />

practical learning, gathering with<br />

like-minded people and meeting new<br />

friends, this course is for you. You<br />

can make a very real difference, while<br />

earning a recognised qualification.<br />

The NSW Department of Health,<br />

recognising the importance of this<br />

ministry, asks that prospective<br />

volunteers undertake 40 hours of<br />

training in order to minister to those<br />

in public hospitals.<br />

At present, this is the only<br />

40-hour course officially endorsed<br />

by the Civil Chaplaincies Advisory<br />

Committee and the Diocese of<br />

Parramatta.<br />

The course is open to those<br />

who already volunteer in a hospital<br />

context, those who might be deciding<br />

if they are suited to this ministry or<br />

anyone who just wants to improve<br />

their life skills.<br />

The first step for each participant<br />

is to speak with their Parish Priest<br />

and have him complete a letter of<br />

recommendation. A template can be<br />

provided.<br />

The program is organised by<br />

Ms Joy Bowen, a Hospital Liaison<br />

Manager who has worked for more<br />

than 15 years in chaplaincy, including<br />

as a full-time chaplain at Westmead<br />

Adults Hospital and The Children’s<br />

Hospital at Westmead.<br />

The course is offered over five<br />

evenings and is complemented by<br />

written tasks and course readings.<br />

For further information, please<br />

call Joy on 044 88 22 625.<br />

To register for the program,<br />

please send an email to JBowen@<br />

parra.catholic.org.au<br />

Course dates for <strong>2016</strong><br />

Five Mondays: 4, 11 and 18 April,<br />

2 and 9 May <strong>2016</strong>.<br />

Time: 7pm-9.30pm. Cost: $50<br />

Venue: St Nicholas of Myra<br />

Parish Meeting Room, 326 High<br />

Street, Penrith.<br />

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www.catholicoutlook.org<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong> | MARCH <strong>2016</strong> 21


Divine Mercy Holy Year in<br />

Upper Blue Mountains<br />

Church network<br />

critical to Fiji response<br />

The Parish of St Mary of the<br />

Cross MacKillop, Upper<br />

Blue Mountains, has entered<br />

into the Jubilee Year of Mercy with<br />

various celebrations.<br />

Before every Mass on Sundays<br />

and weekdays the Divine Mercy<br />

prayers are said. On the first Sunday<br />

of every month beginning at 3pm<br />

there is a 90-minute Divine Mercy<br />

celebration at St Bonaventure’s<br />

Church at Leura, with song, music,<br />

prayer, readings and at times a<br />

special talk, all before the Blessed<br />

Sacrament exposed.<br />

A first-class relic of St Faustina<br />

is often present. It ends with<br />

benediction in time for the Sunday<br />

evening Mass at 5pm.<br />

Every Friday at 5.15pm there is<br />

a special 30-minute Divine Mercy<br />

devotion at St Bonaventure’s Church<br />

at Leura. During Lent there are<br />

weekly Stations of the Cross in both<br />

St Canice’s Church at Katoomba<br />

and St Francis Xavier’s Church at<br />

Wentworth Falls.<br />

The several Lenten groups have<br />

the divine mercy as their theme, and<br />

daily Confessions are available.<br />

On 20 February, the parish<br />

hosted a day-long seminar at Leura,<br />

presented by a special Divine Mercy<br />

team from Sydney.<br />

As a follow-on, on 4-5 <strong>March</strong><br />

the parish will celebrate 24-hours<br />

for the Lord. Planning has begun to<br />

take the Divine Mercy to the streets<br />

on Winter Magic Day in the Blue<br />

Mountains in June.<br />

In preparation for Divine Mercy<br />

Sunday on 3 April, the Divine<br />

Mercy Novena will begin in the<br />

parish on Good Friday. On Divine<br />

Mercy Sunday the special afternoon<br />

of celebration at St Bonaventure’s<br />

Church at Leura will start at<br />

3pm, and all visitors will be most<br />

welcome.<br />

There will be exposition of<br />

the Blessed Sacrament, prayer,<br />

praise, music, organ and choir,<br />

adoration and sung chaplet of<br />

Divine Mercy. Confessions will<br />

be available throughout, finishing<br />

with benediction and then the Feast<br />

Day Mass at 5pm. There will be<br />

refreshments and conviviality in the<br />

parish hall after Mass.<br />

A new parish initiative for<br />

the Year of Mercy is a monthly<br />

series of faith-formation seminars<br />

at Katoomba, featuring visiting<br />

speakers.<br />

This series was launched on<br />

6 February with four Sydney<br />

speakers: Robert Haddad, Charbel<br />

Raish, Madeline Vella and Simon<br />

Carrington. All visitors are welcome<br />

for these monthly seminars.<br />

On Saturday 19 <strong>March</strong>, we<br />

will welcome Sarah Swafford, the<br />

first of our international speakers.<br />

Sarah is from the US and has been<br />

seen regularly on the international<br />

EWTN <strong>Catholic</strong> network and is<br />

featured in the Chastity Project<br />

range, available through Parousia<br />

Media in Australia.<br />

Sarah Swafford event in<br />

St Canice’s Parish Hall:<br />

10am: Mass in St Canice’s<br />

Church, Katoomba.<br />

11am: Talk 1 – Emotional<br />

Virtue. Men and women today<br />

are faced with a constant<br />

assault on their emotions from<br />

the media or the environment<br />

around them. Sarah targets this<br />

battle within by setting forth<br />

a vision for virtue in the 21st<br />

Century, one that focuses on<br />

beginning with the end in mind<br />

and building what will last.<br />

12.40pm: Lunch (BBQ at the<br />

parish hall)<br />

1.20pm: Talk 2 –<br />

Understanding Emotional<br />

Virtue by parents and friends.<br />

As a parent, relative, friend,<br />

or anyone close to a young<br />

woman or man passing<br />

through stages of life, it can be<br />

hard to watch your loved ones<br />

go through this challenging<br />

time. How can someone help<br />

and not just stand by? Sarah<br />

offers an understanding of<br />

Emotional Virtue for the friend<br />

or carer.<br />

3pm: Finish.<br />

Time for some sights at<br />

Katoomba, with Sunday<br />

Vigil Mass at 5pm in St<br />

Bonaventure’s Church at Leura.<br />

Our parish churches<br />

St Canice’s Church, 158<br />

Katoomba Street, Katoomba;<br />

St Bonaventure’s Church, cnr<br />

Railway Parade & Hartley<br />

Esplanade, Leura; and<br />

St Francis Xavier’s Church, Day<br />

Street, Wentworth Falls.<br />

Tropical Cyclone Winston left<br />

a trail of destruction in Fiji<br />

and the Tongan islands of<br />

Vava'u and Ha'apai last month. The<br />

category five storm is thought to be<br />

one of the strongest to have hit the<br />

Southern Hemisphere with winds<br />

gusting to 300km per hour.<br />

In Fiji, the Archdiocese of Suva<br />

through the Commission for Justice<br />

and Development is assessing the<br />

damage and planning a coordinated<br />

response.<br />

Shelter is a major priority<br />

and there are an estimated 750<br />

evacuation centres around the<br />

country.<br />

The <strong>Catholic</strong> Church, supported<br />

by Caritas Oceania agencies<br />

including Caritas Australia and<br />

Caritas Aotearoa NZ, is responding.<br />

The Caritas network, part of<br />

one of the largest humanitarian<br />

networks in the world, remains<br />

ready to respond in Fiji as needs<br />

become clearer.<br />

Caritas Australia’s Pacific<br />

Programs Manager, Stephanie Lalor,<br />

said preparing communities to be<br />

first-responders in emergencies was<br />

a fundamental part of the overseas<br />

aid and development agency’s<br />

humanitarian work.<br />

“Our thoughts and prayers are<br />

with all the communities, friends<br />

and partners in Fiji and the region<br />

where the cyclone has made landfall.<br />

We remain in close contact with<br />

our partner organisations on the<br />

ground, ready to provide support<br />

where necessary,” she said.<br />

Caritas Australia’s partner<br />

Peoples Community Network<br />

(PCN) in Fiji, works in informal<br />

settlements where many of the<br />

poorest and most marginalised have<br />

been impacted. PCN is urgently<br />

assessing the damage but initial<br />

reports indicate these low-lying<br />

communities have been hit hard.<br />

The Church plays a key role in<br />

reaching out to the most vulnerable<br />

Supported by Caritas Australia, education<br />

and training gave Eric and Ma the tools they<br />

needed to overcome a life of uncertainty in<br />

Fiji. Photo: Caritas/Drew Morrison.<br />

communities, particularly those on<br />

the margins in the outlying islands.<br />

Iosefo Nainima, the Archdiocese<br />

of Suva’s Director for Justice and<br />

Development, said Cyclone Winston<br />

had caused extensive damage to<br />

homes, public offices, businesses,<br />

trees, crops, roads, electricity lines,<br />

telephones and bridges.<br />

“Most of the villages along its<br />

path are completely destroyed with<br />

sea walls washed away. The most<br />

immediate need is for tarpaulins,<br />

blankets, food, farming equipment<br />

and seedlings for vegetables,” he<br />

said.<br />

After responding to immediate<br />

needs following the cyclone,<br />

Caritas Australia is committed to<br />

accompanying Fiji and Tonga and<br />

other Pacific nations that remain<br />

vulnerable through the cyclone<br />

season.<br />

“We are encouraging our<br />

supporters to raise funds for the<br />

current Project Compassion Lenten<br />

Appeal, which helps vulnerable<br />

Pacific communities such as Tonga<br />

and Fiji respond to emergencies<br />

build back stronger and prepare for<br />

future disasters,” Ms Lalor said.<br />

You can make a donation<br />

today at: www.caritas.org.au/<br />

projectcompassion<br />

Thursday 17 <strong>March</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />

Holy Hour for Vocations<br />

St Patrick’s Cathedral, 1 Marist Place, Parramatta<br />

Everyone is welcome to join the Holy Hour for Vocations from<br />

7pm-8pm on the 3rd Thursday of each month for an hour of<br />

adoration, prayer, music and quiet time in the Blessed Sacrament<br />

Chapel in St Patrick’s Cathedral.<br />

To find out more about priesthood in the Diocese of Parramatta<br />

contact Fr Warren Edwards, Director of Priestly Vocations<br />

Tel 0409 172 700 or email vocations@parra.catholic.org.au<br />

Calling for nominations<br />

for 3 diocesan awards<br />

Nominations are now open for three diocesan awards:<br />

The Diocesan Medal of Honour<br />

The Diocesan Medal of Honour seeks to encourage<br />

and recognise outstanding contribution and service<br />

by members of the Parramatta diocesan community<br />

in work on behalf of the Church and society. The<br />

Diocesan Medal of Honour is awarded for outstanding<br />

service to parish, Diocese and community.<br />

The Diocesan Citation of Merit for Youth<br />

The Diocesan Citation of Merit for Youth seeks to<br />

encourage and recognise youth between the ages of 18<br />

and 25 who have shown outstanding contribution and<br />

service to the parish, Diocese and community.<br />

The Diocesan Certificate of Recognition<br />

The Diocesan Certificate of Recognition seeks to<br />

encourage and recognise outstanding contribution by<br />

non-<strong>Catholic</strong> members of the Diocese of Parramatta<br />

community, for work supporting the parish, Diocese<br />

and community.<br />

An overview for how to make a nomination and<br />

notations are available from:<br />

Rev Dr Arthur Bridge AM PP<br />

Chairman of the Diocesan Honours<br />

Committee<br />

Tel (02) 9631 3316<br />

arthurbridge@arsmusica.org.au<br />

22 <strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong> | MARCH <strong>2016</strong><br />


The inter-church law service was held in St Patrick’s Cathedral. Photos: Elizabeth McFarlane.<br />

Inter-church service for law year<br />

An inter-church service to<br />

mark the commencement of<br />

the <strong>2016</strong> law year was held in<br />

St Patrick’s Cathedral in Parramatta<br />

on 3 February. The service is an<br />

opportunity to pray for guidance for<br />

those seeking or dispensing justice<br />

during the coming year.<br />

Participants included magistrates,<br />

judges and members of the legal<br />

fraternity, Members of Parliament<br />

and other civic leaders and<br />

dignitaries, members of the NSW<br />

Police Force, representatives and<br />

members of local Christian churches<br />

in the Parramatta region.<br />

The Dean of St Patrick’s<br />

Cathedral, Very Rev Bob Bossini,<br />

presided at the service. The readings<br />

were proclaimed by Rev Neil Atwood,<br />

representing Rt Rev Ivan Lee, Bishop<br />

of the Western Region, Anglican<br />

Diocese of Sydney, and His Honour<br />

Justice Foster.<br />

The Gospel was proclaimed by<br />

Rev Keith Hamilton, Senior Minister,<br />

Uniting Church in Australia, and<br />

Group CEO of Parramatta Mission.<br />

The prayer of intercession was<br />

prayed by Supt Dean Smith of NSW<br />

Police and Mr Chris Maley.<br />

Other participants included<br />

Most Rev Kevin Manning, Bishop<br />

Emeritus of Parramatta, and Rev<br />

Fr Chris de Souza, Delegate of the<br />

Diocesan Administrator, Very Rev<br />

Peter Williams.<br />

The address was given by Rev<br />

Fr Paul Roberts, Director of the<br />

Institute for Mission in the <strong>Catholic</strong><br />

Diocese of Parramatta. Fr Paul spoke<br />

of the relationship between justice<br />

and mercy as “not two contradictory<br />

realities but two dimensions of a<br />

single reality that lead us higher”.<br />

He said that in encouraging a<br />

Jubilee Year of Mercy, Pope Francis<br />

stresses justice as both a necessity<br />

for civil society and as that which is<br />

rightly due to each person.<br />

“In his background document,<br />

Misericordiae Vultus, … he also<br />

highlights, as in our religious history,<br />

that law as legalism rather than for<br />

serving and embracing a higher<br />

possibility misses the boat,” Fr Paul<br />

said.<br />

“Francis paints a picture of<br />

religious leaders whose righteousness<br />

lacks any abandonment to the higher<br />

gift that is the source of good. Mercy<br />

on the other hand is the way of<br />

reaching out gratuitously to offer<br />

transformation.”<br />

Fr Paul went on to say that “Pope<br />

Francis makes the big call that if God<br />

limited Himself to only justice, He<br />

would cease to be God, and would<br />

instead be like those who ask merely<br />

that the law be respected.<br />

Superintendent Dean Smith of NSW Police<br />

chats to Fr Paul Roberts.<br />

Rev Neil Atwood proclaims the first reading.<br />

“And limited only to this<br />

appeal he points out will lead to the<br />

destruction of the law, for it needs<br />

also the transformation it serves.<br />

So from a faith perspective, God<br />

doesn’t deny justice but holds it and<br />

then surpasses it with mercy and<br />

forgiveness.”<br />

“Let’s ask blessing on the<br />

endeavors of our work; especially the<br />

various roles and works of the law<br />

that are represented here and likewise<br />

by our networks of colleagues and<br />

friends,” Fr Paul said.<br />

“For most people exercising<br />

these roles and works there was an<br />

ideal that led them there, a hope that<br />

life would be influenced and made<br />

different, lifted and imbued with<br />

possibility. And yet the shine can<br />

quickly dull and the pressure or even<br />

the mundane can overwhelm.<br />

“And may our service of others,<br />

in the midst of their hopes and goals,<br />

and our service of others amidst some<br />

of their more dramatic and broken<br />

experiences of life, hold and continue<br />

to reorient them.”<br />

Members of the legal profession<br />

joined together in praying the prayer<br />

of commitment.<br />

To view photos from the<br />

service, visit www.flickr.com/<br />

parracatholic/albums<br />

11<br />

12<br />

17<br />

19<br />

21<br />

23<br />

8-10<br />



The Church recognises the Call to Continuing Conversion of<br />

Candidates who are preparing for Confirmation and/or Eucharist<br />

or Reception into the Full Communion of the <strong>Catholic</strong> Church.<br />

Time: 7.30pm in St Patrick's Cathedral, Parramatta, followed by<br />

supper.<br />


The Anima Women’s Network invites you to explore how women<br />

can make a unique contribution to the Year of Mercy. Speaker<br />

Karen Doyle is the co-founder of CHOICEZ MEDIA, an author<br />

and speaker. She is also the co-founder of Sisterhood, a national<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> women’s movement. From 9.30am-noon in St Patrick’s<br />

Cathedral Hall, Parramatta. Cost: $5 students & $10 adults. RSVP<br />

by 9 <strong>March</strong>: famlife@parra.catholic.org.au Details: http://goo.<br />

gl/2nFQFp<br />


Everyone is welcome to join the Holy Hour for Vocations from<br />

7pm-8pm for adoration, prayer, music and quiet time in the<br />

Blessed Sacrament Chapel in St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta.<br />


Learning from St Joseph – Living purity of heart in a porn<br />

saturated culture. Speaker Paul Ninnes is the Managing Director<br />

of Real Talk Australia, an organisation that focuses on the topics<br />

of sex, relationships and personal identity from a Christian<br />

perspective. Mass at 8am in St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta,<br />

followed by breakfast with speaker, ends 10.30am with morning<br />

tea. Cost: $15 students, $20 adults. RSVP 16 <strong>March</strong>: famlife@<br />

parra.catholic.org.au www.parrafamlife.org.au/category/events/<br />


Join the Diocesan Administrator, Very Rev Peter Williams, for<br />

a special meditation liturgy during Holy Week. Tenebrae is a<br />

Liturgy of Psalms, Chanting, Motets and Scripture celebrated in<br />

the shadows of candlelight at 7.30pm in St Patrick's Cathedral,<br />

Parramatta.<br />


The Apostolic Nuncio will preside at this year’s Chrism Mass. The<br />

Oil of the Catechumens and the Oil of the Sick will be blessed<br />

and the Oil of Chrism consecrated. These holy oils will then be<br />

given to the parishes for use during the year. During the Mass,<br />

the priests renew their commitment to priestly service. Everyone<br />

is welcome. Mass at 7.30pm in St Patrick’s Cathedral.<br />



The National Association of <strong>Catholic</strong> Families is hosting a family<br />

conference at Merroo Christian Centre, Kurrajong, with talks and<br />

activities for all ages. Speakers include Bishop Peter A Comensoli.<br />

Family catechesis and prayer, evening social entertainment and<br />

the company of other <strong>Catholic</strong> families. Registration closes 11<br />

<strong>March</strong>. Details: nacf.sydney@hotmail.com or tel Mary (02) 9875<br />

3664 or Karen 0413 539 378. Register at: www.trybooking.<br />

com/159690<br />

For more events visit: http://catholicoutlook.org/event/<br />

Free e-book for computer, e-reader, tablet or iPhone<br />

Son of God:<br />

The Daily Gospel Year C-2<br />

This e-book is authored by Father Ted Tyler, Parish Priest of St<br />

Mary of the Cross MacKillop Parish, Upper Blue Mountains. Copies<br />

may be downloaded free of charge to a computer or e-reader or<br />

tablet.<br />

The e-book offers the Gospel for every day of this Liturgical Year<br />

C-2 (Sundays Year C, weekdays Year 2), together with a reflection<br />

of some 750 words on each daily Gospel. This Liturgical Year C-2<br />

continues till November <strong>2016</strong>.<br />

The e-book contains the Gospel passages not only for this present<br />

Liturgical Year, but for any C-2 Liturgical Year in the future,<br />

together with their reflections.<br />

It may be passed on to friends or acquaintances as desired. It<br />

carries the Imprimatur of Most Rev Anthony Fisher OP, Archbishop<br />

of Sydney.<br />

Son of God: The Daily Gospel Year C-2 may be accessed at:<br />

www.catholic-thoughts.info/ebook/<br />

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<strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong> | MARCH <strong>2016</strong> 23

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