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47 2014 Financial and Related Statements<br />

Statement of Directors’ Responsibilities<br />

IAASA performs its functions and exercises its<br />

powers through a company limited by guarantee,<br />

designated for that purpose by the Minister for<br />

Trade & Commerce.<br />

Company law requires the directors to prepare<br />

financial statements and the report of the directors<br />

for each financial year which give a true and fair<br />

view of the state of affairs of the company and of<br />

its surplus or deficit for that period. In preparing<br />

those financial statements, the directors are<br />

required to:<br />

• select suitable accounting policies in<br />

accordance with Irish generally accepted<br />

accounting practices and then apply them<br />

consistently;<br />

• make judgments and estimates that are<br />

reasonable and prudent;<br />

The directors are responsible for keeping proper<br />

books of account, which disclose with reasonable<br />

accuracy at any time the financial position of<br />

IAASA and to enable them to ensure that the<br />

financial statements comply with the 2014 Act. The<br />

directors are also responsible for safeguarding the<br />

assets of IAASA and hence for taking reasonable<br />

steps for the prevention and detection of fraud<br />

and other irregularities.<br />

Section 927(1) of the 2014 Act further provides<br />

that IAASA ‘… shall keep records of, and prepare<br />

all proper and usual accounts of –<br />

(a) all income received by it, including records of<br />

the sources of that income,<br />

(b) all expenditure incurred by it, and<br />

(c) its assets and liabilities’.<br />

• prepare the financial statements on a going<br />

concern basis unless it is inappropriate<br />

to presume that IAASA will continue in<br />

operation; and<br />

• disclose and explain any material departures<br />

from applicable Accounting Standards.<br />

Approved and authorised for issue by the Board of Directors on and signed on its behalf:<br />

Brendan Walsh<br />

Chairperson<br />

Helen Hall<br />

Chief Executive<br />

15 June 2015

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