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AUSTRALIA AND THE US ASIAN <strong>ALLIANCE</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong><br />

eds, Bilateralism, Multilateralism and Asia-Pacific Security: Contending<br />

cooperation, Routledge, London and New York, 2013; Elsina Wainwright,<br />

‘Conflict Prevention in Southeast Asia and the South Pacific’, New York<br />

University Center on International Cooperation, New York, April 2010.<br />

59. Japan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ‘Japan-Philippines Joint Declaration: A<br />

Strengthened Strategic Partnership for Advancing the Shared Principles and<br />

Goals of Peace, Security, and Growth in the Region and Beyond’, Tokyo,<br />

4 June 2015; and Choe Sang-hun, ‘Japan and South Korea Settle Dispute<br />

Over Wartime “Comfort Women”’, New York Times, 28 December 2015.<br />

60. Tow, ‘Rebalancing and order building: Strategy or illusion?’, pp. 31, 46.<br />

61. Rory Medcalf, ‘Squaring the triangle: An Australian perspective<br />

on Asian security minilateralism’, National Bureau of Asia<br />

Research Special Report, December 2008, p. 28.<br />

62. Malcolm Turnbull, ‘New Responsibilities for an Enduring Partnership’, Center<br />

for Strategic and International Studies, Washington DC, 18 January 2016.<br />

63. Jim Thomas, Zack Cooper, Iskander Rehman, ‘Gateway to the<br />

Indo-Pacific: Australian Defense Strategy and the Future of<br />

the Australia-US Alliance’, Center for Strategic and Budgetary<br />

Assessments, Washington DC, 2013, pp. 13-20.<br />

64. Bates Gill, ‘The US-Australia Alliance: A Deepening Partnership<br />

in an Emerging Asia’, in Tellis et al, US Alliances and Partnerships<br />

at the Center of Global Power, at pp. 115-116.<br />

65. Bates Gill and Tom Switzer, ‘The New Special Relationship: The US-<br />

Australia Alliance Deepens’, Snapshot, Foreign Affairs, 19 February 2015.<br />

66. Mark Thomson, ‘Australia’s Future Defence Spending and its Alliance<br />

with the United States’, Alliance 21 report, United States Studies Centre<br />

at the University of Sydney, 2013; Hayley Channer, ‘Steadying the US<br />

rebalance to Asia: The role of Australia, Japan and South Korea’, Strategic<br />

Insights no. 17, Australian Strategic Policy Institute, November 2014, p. 7.<br />

67. Richard Gowan, ‘Syria, MH17, and the Art of the Possible’, The<br />

Interpreter, Lowy Institute for International Policy, 22 July 2014.<br />

68. Elsina Wainwright, Interview with James Brown, New<br />

York/Sydney, October and November 2015.<br />

69. Tara McKelvey, ’Is the US-UK’s special relationship<br />

in decline?’, BBC, 22 May 2015.<br />

70. Maren Leed, J. D. McCreary, and George Flynn, ‘Advancing<br />

U.S.-Australian Combined Amphibious Capabilities’, Center for<br />

Strategic and International Studies, Washington DC, 2015.<br />

71. Evan Medeiros, ‘35 Years of U.S.-China Relations: Diplomacy,<br />

Culture and Soft Power’, Washington DC, 21 January 2015.<br />

72. Australian Department of Defence, Defence White Paper<br />

2013, Canberra, 13 May 2013, section 6.8.<br />

73. Ashton Carter and Marise Payne, ‘Remarks With Secretary of<br />

Defense Ash Carter, Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop, and<br />

Australian Defense Minister Marise Payne’, 13 October 2015.<br />

74. Dennis Richardson, Blamey Oration: The Strategic Outlook for<br />

the Indo-Pacific, RUSI’s Third International Defence and Security<br />

Dialogue, 27 May 2015. Accessed on SMH.com.au website<br />

75. Peter Jennings, ‘The U.S. Rebalance to the Asia-Pacific: An Australian<br />

Perspective’, Asia Policy, no. 15, January 2013, pp. 38-44, at p. 41.<br />

76. Australian Department of Defence, ‘Statement: Freedom of<br />

Navigation in the South China Sea’, Canberra, 27 October 2015.<br />

77. Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, The Force Posture<br />

Agreement between the Government of Australia and the Government<br />

of the United States of America, Canberra, 2014, Article 21 section 3.<br />

78. Gregory Poling, ‘AUSMIN takes the long view of US-<br />

Australia security cooperation’, CSIS Pacific Partners<br />


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