Professional JavaScript For Web Developers

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javascript for learners.


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Chapter 14<br />

Determining the type of error<br />

Despite being limited to only one catch clause per try...catch statement, you have a couple of easy<br />

ways to determine the type of error that was thrown. The first is to use the name property of the Error<br />

object:<br />

try {<br />

eval(“a ++ b”); //causes SyntaxError<br />

} catch (oException) {<br />

if (oException.name == “SyntaxError”) {<br />

alert(“Syntax Error: “ + oException.message);<br />

} else {<br />

alert(“An unexpected error occurred: “ + oException.message);<br />

}<br />

}<br />

The second way is to use the instanceof operator and use the class name of different errors:<br />

try {<br />

eval(“a ++ b”); //causes SyntaxError<br />

} catch (oException) {<br />

if (oException instanceof SyntaxError) {<br />

alert(“Syntax Error: “ + oException.message);<br />

} else {<br />

alert(“An unexpected error occurred: “ + oException.message);<br />

}<br />

}<br />

Raising exceptions<br />

426<br />

The third edition of ECMAScript also introduced the throw statement to raise exceptions purposely. The<br />

syntax is the following:<br />

throw error_object;<br />

The error_object can be a string, a number, a Boolean value, or an actual object. All the following<br />

lines are valid:<br />

throw “An error occurred.”;<br />

throw 50067;<br />

throw true;<br />

throw new Object();<br />

It is also possible to throw an actual Error object. The constructor for the Error object takes only one<br />

parameter, the error message, making it possible to do the following:<br />

throw new Error(“You tried to do something bad.”);<br />

All the other classes of Error are also available to developers:<br />

throw new SyntaxError(“I don’t like your syntax.”);<br />

throw new TypeError(“What type of variable do you take me for?”);<br />

throw new RangeError(“Sorry, you just don’t have the range.”);<br />

throw new EvalError(“That doesn’t evaluate.”);

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