Professional JavaScript For Web Developers

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Chapter 20<br />

Four methods are used to deal with the names of XML nodes:<br />

❑<br />

❑<br />

❑<br />

❑<br />

name() — Returns the qualified name of the node, which is a QName object<br />

localName() — Returns the local name of the node, which is equivalent to<br />

name().localName<br />

setName(qname) — Sets the qualified name of the node<br />

setLocalName(localname) — Sets the local name of the node<br />

Example:<br />

var oXml = Hello World!<br />

oXml.setLocalName(“msg”);<br />

//changes the code to Hello World!<br />

oXml.setName(new QName(“mess”)); //chnages the code to Hello World!<br />

Here, the XML code is changed twice, changing to and then to .<br />

The last method is text(), which returns the text (simple content) of an element:<br />

var oXml = Nicholas C. Zakas;<br />

var sName = oXml.text(); //returns “Nicholas C. Zakas”;<br />

The XMLList Class<br />

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The XMLList class, briefly introduced in the previous section, represents an array of XML objects. Just as<br />

with the XML object, you have a number of ways to create an XMLList object.<br />

First, you can use the constructor and pass in an XML string containing a number of elements that aren’t<br />

enclosed by a root element. <strong>For</strong> example:<br />

var oXmlList = new XMLList(“Nicholas C. ZakasMichael<br />

Smith”);<br />

In this example, a string of two elements is passed into the XMLList, which creates two separate<br />

XML objects and stores them. Alternately, you can use the plus sign with existing XML objects to<br />

create an XMLList:<br />

var oXml1 = Nicholas C. Zakas;<br />

var oXml2 = Michael Smith;<br />

var oXmlList = oXml1 + oXml2;<br />

These three lines perform the exact same function as the single line shown previously, creating two XML<br />

objects and storing them in a new XMLList object. But you also have one more way to create an XMLList:<br />

var oXmlList = Nicholas C. ZakasMichael Smith;<br />

This form is the XML literal for an XMLList object. The important syntax is the empty opening and closing<br />

tags, indicating this isn’t a typical XML object (empty tags are illegal in XML).<br />

As mentioned in the previous section, the XML and XMLList objects are purposely similar to blur the distinction<br />

between the two. As such, XMLList objects have all the same methods as XML objects, although<br />

they behave a bit differently.

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