Professional JavaScript For Web Developers

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Chapter 15<br />

Because the xml property needs to be available on every type of node in a document, it’s best to add it to<br />

the Node class itself (remember, all other node types inherit from Node):<br />

Node.prototype.__defineGetter__(“xml”, function () {<br />

var oSerializer = new XMLSerializer();<br />

return oSerializer.serializeToString(this, “text/xml”);<br />

});<br />

The function assigned to the xml property is very simple, and the only change from the earlier example<br />

is that this is the first argument for the serializeToString() method (remember, in this context<br />

this refers to the node). If you include this code in a page, it’s possible to use this custom xml property<br />

in the same manner as Microsoft’s xml property:<br />

oXmlDom.load(“test.xml”);<br />

alert(oXmlDom.xml);<br />

var oNode = oXmlDom.documentElements.childNodes[1];<br />

alert(oNode.xml);<br />

This code must also be surrounded by a browser detect because it only works in<br />

Mozilla.<br />

Parsing errors<br />

When an error occurs in the parsing of an XML file, the XML DOM creates a document explaining the<br />

error. Suppose you ran the following code:<br />

var oParser = new DOMParser()<br />

var oXmlDom = oParser.parseFromString(“”);<br />

Although no error is thrown, oXmlDom shows you the error. In this case, it presents this code:<br />

<br />

XML Parsing Error: not well-formed<br />

Location: file://c:/Chapter 15/examples/MozillaXmlDomExample.htm<br />

Line Number 5, Column 1:&lt;root&gt;&lt;child&gt;&lt;/root&gt;<br />

--------------^<br />

<br />

So to determine if there’s an error in the parsing of XML code, you must test the tag name of the document<br />

element:<br />

if (oXmlDom.documentElement.tagName != “parsererror”) {<br />

//continue on, no errors<br />

} else {<br />

//do something else, there was an error<br />

}<br />


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