Multi-Parameter Monitoring 2

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<strong>Multi</strong>-<strong>Parameter</strong> <strong>Monitoring</strong><br />

Steven Lewis<br />

Clinical Engineering<br />

United Lincolnshire Hospital Trust

<strong>Multi</strong>-parameter Monitors<br />

<strong>Multi</strong>-parameter Monitors are intended to be used for monitoring, displaying, reviewing, storing<br />

and the transferring of multiple physiological parameters including, ECG, heart rate (HR),<br />

respiration (Resp), temperature (Temp), SPO 2 (pulse oxygen saturation), pulse rate (PR), noninvasive<br />

blood pressure (NIBP), invasive blood pressure (IBP), cardiac output (C.O.), airways<br />

gases such as; carbon dioxide (CO 2), oxygen (O 2), anaesthetic gas (AG).<br />

<strong>Monitoring</strong> vital signs for example; a patient’s blood pressure, pulse rate, and respiration rate is<br />

a crucial aspect of patient care in hospital. Vital signs indicate a patient’s clinical condition, are<br />

necessary to calculate national early warning scores (NEWS) and used to determine the<br />

monitoring, escalation and interventions that are required subsequently.<br />

In a hospital setting, patient monitoring is used in operating theatres, intensive care and critical<br />

care units, and many other critical and non-critical areas.<br />

Continuous multi-parameter monitoring has shown to be an effective mechanism for triggering<br />

early detection of changes in a patient’s condition by notifying the nursing staff that the patient<br />

needs attention. This is beneficial as by assessing the situation sooner and making the right<br />

clinical decision to intervene as appropriate.<br />

In addition to monitoring patients on an individual basis, the remote observation of multiple<br />

patients is possible through central patient monitoring systems. These monitoring systems are<br />

typically made up of networked machines consisting of one or more sensors, display devices,<br />

processing components, and communication links for displaying or recording the results<br />

elsewhere through the network. For portable monitors or in areas where a hard wired network<br />

is not practical wireless monitors are used, the signal is sent from the telemetry unit and picked<br />

up by aerial’s located around the hospital. This is particularly useful for areas such as Accident &<br />

Emergency and Coronary Care Unit or where multiple areas need to monitor the same patient at<br />

the same time or while a patient is being transported from one area to another.<br />

In non-critical areas the signs being monitored will predominantly be Heart Rate, SPO 2, Blood<br />

Pressure and ECG. In a critical care area such as ICU or an operating theatre, further signs will<br />

be monitored these may include; Invasive Blood Pressure (IBP), Respiration Rate and airways<br />

gases such as CO 2, O 2, and other gases that may be respired such as anaesthetic gases during a<br />

surgical procedure.<br />

Respiration Rate<br />

The function of the respiratory system is to supply adequate oxygen to the tissues and to<br />

remove the waste product carbon dioxide. This is achieved with the inspiration and expiration<br />

of air. With each breath there is a pause after expiration. The rate of respiration will vary with<br />

age and gender. A respiratory rate of 12-18 breaths per minute in a healthy adult is considered<br />

normal. Rates outside of this normal range can be classed as;<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Tachypnoea: the rate is regular but over 20 breaths per minute.<br />

Bradypnoea: the rate is regular but less than 12 breaths per minute.<br />

Apnoea: there is an absence of respiration for several seconds - this can lead to<br />

respiratory arrest.<br />

Dyspnoea: difficulty in breathing, the patient gasps for air.<br />

Cheyne-Stokes respiration: the breathing gets increasingly deeper then shallower,<br />

very slow and laboured with periods of apnoea. This type of breathing is often seen in<br />

the dying patient.

Hyperventilation: patients may breathe rapidly due to a physical or psychological<br />

cause, for example if they are in pain or panicking. Hyperventilation reduces the carbon<br />

dioxide levels in the blood, causing tingling and numbness in the hands; this may cause<br />

further distress. In adults, more than 20 breaths a minute is considered moderate, more<br />

than 30 breaths is severe. (Mallett & Dougherty, 2004)<br />

<strong>Multi</strong>-parameter monitors have a function to measure the respiration rate of the patient. This is<br />

the number of breaths the patient takes per minute. Most multi-parameter monitors record this<br />

by monitoring the resistance between two ECG electrodes connected to the patient. As the<br />

patient breaths in and the chest expands the resistance between the two electrodes increases<br />

and then decreases as the patient exhales and the chest contracts. Others ways to monitor<br />

respiration could be using capnography which involves CO 2 measurements, referred to as EtCO 2<br />

or end-tidal carbon dioxide concentration. The respiratory rate monitored as such is called<br />

AWRR or airway respiratory rate. Other monitors may record spirometry flow volume loops,<br />

which will show the flow, volume and time taken to inhale and exhale, or it may be monitored<br />

by simply counting the number of breaths in one minute by recording how many times the chest<br />

rises.<br />

Capnography<br />

Capnography is the measurement of carbon dioxide (CO 2) in exhaled breath; capnography gives<br />

medical professionals another tool for determining whether blood is flowing to vital organs like<br />

the heart and brain. CO 2 levels reflect cardiac output and pulmonary blood flow; as the gas is<br />

transported by the venous system to the right side of the heart and then pumped to the lungs by<br />

the right ventricles.<br />

Capnography is particularly important during surgery, where patients are continuously<br />

monitored while under anaesthesia to ensure safety. In addition to its use in surgical settings,<br />

capnography can help physicians and emergency medical personnel determine whether a<br />

patient is having a heart attack or hyperventilating. It can also help them determine whether<br />

CPR is working.<br />

The two primary methods used for measuring CO 2 in expired air are mass spectroscopy and<br />

infrared spectroscopy. In mass spectroscopy gases and vapours of different molecular weights<br />

are separated and a breakdown of what gases and percentages can be displayed.<br />

End tidal Carbon Dioxide (EtCO 2) is the partial pressure or maximal concentration of carbon<br />

dioxide at the end of an exhaled breath, which is expressed as a percentage of CO 2 or in mmHg.<br />

Infrared (IR) spectroscopy uses an EtCO 2 sensor to continuously monitor the carbon dioxide<br />

that is inspired and exhaled by the patient. It is usually presented as a graph of expiratory CO 2<br />

against time, or less commonly against expired volume.<br />

The EtCO 2 sensor consists of an infrared source, a chamber through which the gas sample<br />

passes, and a photo-detector. When the expired CO 2 passes between the beam of infrared light<br />

and photo-detector it leads to a reduction in the amount of light falling on the sensor, this is due<br />

to the principle that CO 2 absorbs infrared radiation. The absorbance is proportional to the<br />

concentration of CO 2 in the gas sample. (Physio-Control, 2013)<br />

Capnometers can be categorised based on the sensing device location. The gas samples can be<br />

analysed by mainstream or side-stream techniques.

Mainstream capnometers are in-line with the patient tubing; the housing is heated to prevent<br />

condensation. The advantage of mainstream analysis is that it gives a real-time measurement<br />

(i.e., an immediate response rate of

eat, and a waveform (a graph of pressure against time) can be displayed.<br />

The components of an intra-arterial monitoring system can be viewed as three main parts:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

The measuring apparatus<br />

The transducer<br />

The monitor<br />

The measuring apparatus consists of an arterial cannula connected to tubing containing a<br />

continuous column of saline. The pressure waveform of the arterial pulse is transmitted via the<br />

column of fluid, to a pressure transducer, in the case of intra-arterial monitoring the transducer<br />

consists of a flexible diaphragm which in turn moves strain gauges converting the pressure<br />

waveform into an electrical signal. Monitors amplify the output signal from the transducer, filter<br />

the noise and also display the arterial waveform in real time on a screen. They also usually give<br />

a digital numeric display of systolic, diastolic and mean arterial blood pressure (MAP).<br />

The arterial line is also connected to a flushing system consisting of a bag of saline pressurised<br />

to 300 mm/Hg via a flushing device.<br />

Fig 3 – Invasive Blood Pressure being monitored<br />

For a pressure transducer to read accurately, atmospheric pressure must be discounted from<br />

the pressure measurement. This is done by exposing the transducer to atmospheric pressure<br />

and calibrating the pressure reading to zero. A transducer should be zeroed several times per<br />

day to eliminate any baseline drift.<br />

The pressure transducer must be set at the appropriate level in relation to the patient in order<br />

to measure blood pressure correctly. This is usually taken to be level with the patient’s heart.<br />

Failure to do this results in an error due to hydrostatic pressure (the pressure exerted by a<br />

column of fluid – in this case, blood) being measured in addition to blood pressure. This can be<br />

significant – every 10cm error in levelling will result in a 7.4mmHg error in the pressure<br />

measured; a transducer too low over reads, a transducer too high under reads.<br />

IBP monitoring has numerous advantages; IBP allows continuous ‘beat-to-beat’ blood pressure<br />

monitoring. This is useful in patients who are likely to display sudden changes in blood pressure<br />

(e.g. vascular surgery), patients who require close control of blood pressure (e.g. head injured<br />

patients), or in patients receiving drugs to maintain blood pressure.<br />

The IBP technique also allows accurate blood pressure readings at very low pressures, for<br />

example in shocked patients.<br />

An invasive blood pressure reading could also allow for improvement of patient comfort if blood<br />

pressure monitoring is required for a long period of time. IBP monitoring avoids the trauma of<br />

repeated cuff inflations.<br />

Other advantages include that the arterial cannula is convenient for repeated arterial blood<br />

sampling, for instance for arterial blood gases. (Jones, 2009)

Maintenance & Service Procedures<br />

Invasive Blood Pressure<br />

This is checked using a patient simulator at various pressures, it is essential that a zeroing<br />

procedure is performed before any measurements are taken.<br />

Respiration Rate<br />

This is also checked using a patient simulator at various rates to ensure accuracy.<br />

Capnography & Airways Gases<br />

Capnograpy can be tested by attaching an ETCO 2 circuit and breathing into the airway adapter at<br />

a set rate, the rise and fall of the CO 2 graph will be displayed on the monitor. The accuracy of<br />

any measured airways gases is also to be checked by attaching a cylinder filled with various<br />

gases such as; O 2, CO 2, nitrogen and typically an anaesthetic gas at set percentages. The monitor<br />

should show the levels of the various gases, if the values displayed are not correct a calibration<br />

procedure should be carried out.

Bibliography<br />

EBME, 2014. Capnography. [Online]<br />

Available at: http://www.ebme.co.uk/articles/clinical-engineering/16-capnometrycapnography<br />

[Accessed December 2015].<br />

Fukuda Denshi UK, 2014. DS-8500 System Maintenance Manual V.09 (2014). V 9 ed. Tokyo:<br />

Fukuda Denshi.<br />

Jones, A., 2009. Physical Principles of Intra-Arterial Blood Pressure Measurements, Salford: s.n.<br />

Mallett , J. & Dougherty, L., 2004. The Royal Marsden Hospital Manual of Clinical Nursing<br />

Procedures. 6th ed. Oxford: Blackwell Science.<br />

Paramedicine, 2000. End Tidal CO2. [Online]<br />

Available at: http://www.paramedicine.com/pmc/End_Tidal_CO2.html<br />

[Accessed October 2015].<br />

Physio-Control, 2013. Lifepak® 20e Defibrillator Service/User manual.<br />

Tilakaratna, P., 2014. How Equipment Works. [Online]<br />

Available at: http://www.howequipmentworks.com/capnography/<br />

[Accessed December 2015].

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