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12 Lead ECG Recorders<br />

Steven Lewis<br />

Clinical Engineering<br />

United Lincolnshire Hospital Trust

Electrocardiography (ECG)<br />

The heart is responsible for pumping blood around the body by repeated, rhythmic<br />

contractions. The functional unit of the heart is the cardiac muscle cell or cardiomyocyte. Each<br />

cardiomyocyte maintains an electrical charge or potential across its cell membrane and<br />

contracts when this potential is discharged. In order for all of the cardiomyocytes to contract at<br />

the same time and produce an effective muscular contraction, the heart also maintains its own<br />

electrical conducting system which coordinates the electrical activity of the heart.<br />

Fig 1 – The Human Heart<br />

The electrical impulses take a specialised conduction pathway.<br />

This pathway is made up of 5 elements:<br />

1. The Sino-Atrial (SA) node<br />

2. The Atrio-Ventricular (AV) node<br />

3. The bundle of His<br />

4. The left and right bundle branches<br />

5. The Purkinje fibres<br />

Fig 2 – The Human Heart

The SA node is the natural pacemaker of the heart. Pacemakers and Temporary Pacing Wires<br />

(TPWs) are used when the SA node has ceased to function properly.<br />

The SA node releases electrical stimuli at a regular rate; this rate is dictated by the needs of the<br />

body. Each stimulus passes through the myocardial cells of the atria creating a wave of<br />

contraction which spreads rapidly through both atria.<br />

The heart is made up of around half a billion cells; the majority of the cells make up the<br />

ventricular walls. The rapidity of atrial contraction is such that around 100 million myocardial<br />

cells contract in less than one third of a second. The electrical stimulus from the SA node<br />

eventually reaches the AV node and is delayed briefly so that the contracting atria have enough<br />

time to pump all the blood into the ventricles. Once the atria are empty of blood the valves<br />

between the atria and ventricles close. At this point the atria begin to refill and the electrical<br />

stimulus passes through the AV node and Bundle of His into the Bundle branches and Purkinje<br />

fibres.<br />

The Purkinje fibres spread widely across the ventricles. In this way all the cells in the ventricles<br />

receive an electrical stimulus causing them to contract.<br />

As the ventricles contract, the right ventricle pumps blood to the lungs where carbon dioxide is<br />

released and oxygen is absorbed, whilst the left ventricle pumps blood into the aorta from<br />

where it passes into the coronary and arterial circulation.<br />

At this point the ventricles are empty, the atria are full and the valves between them are closed.<br />

The SA node is about to release another electrical stimulus and the process is about to repeat<br />

itself. The SA node recharges whilst the atria are refilling, and the AV node recharges when the<br />

ventricles are refilling. In this way there is no need for a pause in heart function. Again, this<br />

process takes less than one third of a second.<br />

The times given for the 3 different stages are based on a heart rate of 60 bpm, or 1 beat per<br />

second.<br />

The term used for the release (discharge) of an electrical stimulus is "depolarisation", and the<br />

term for recharging is "repolarisation".<br />

The sum total of the simultaneous electrical discharging and re-charging of all the<br />

cardiomyocytes in the heart is sufficient to be detected by sensing probes placed on the exterior<br />

of the body at various positions around the heart. The ECG records the vector sum and produces<br />

a combined trace. This is the principle behind the electrocardiograph or ECG which can be used<br />

to monitor the rhythm of the heart.<br />

Injured cardiomyocytes such as those suffering from lack of oxygen during a heart attack leak<br />

electrical current rather than discharge it in a coordinated manner, the altered electrical signal<br />

of the injured heart results in a characteristic ECG pattern which can lead to the diagnosis of<br />

acute myocardial infarction (Heart Attack).<br />

In contrast, dead cardiomyocytes or scarred cardiac muscle does not carry or maintain an<br />

electrical charge, and this absence of electrical activity is also detectable by ECG. Therefore, a<br />

previously unrecognised or "silent" heart attack can be diagnosed by electrocardiogram, and<br />

even localised to a particular area of the heart by using multiple sensing probes or ECG leads.<br />

(EBME, 2011)<br />

An ECG trace may be obtained with the electrodes attached in a variety of positions, however,<br />

the system of positioning leads for performing a 12-lead ECG is universal. This helps to ensure<br />

that, when a person's ECGs are compared, any changes on the ECG are due to cardiac injury, not<br />

a difference in placement of leads, this is extremely important with the increasing use of foreign<br />

travel. There are universal standards in place throughout the world.

These positions may differ slightly when a patient is on continuous cardiac monitoring. The<br />

leads routinely attached to wrists and ankles will be placed on shoulders and lower abdomen so<br />

that movement of limbs has minimal effect on the rhythm trace. These positions may also differ<br />

if a patient is shaking (maybe due to Parkinson's disease or hypothermia) or has muscle<br />

tremors. In this situation the leads may be moved onto the thighs and forearms.<br />

There are 10 wires on an ECG machine that are connected to specific parts of the body. These<br />

wires break down into 2 groups:<br />

1. 6 chest leads<br />

2. 4 limb or peripheral leads (one of these is "neutral")<br />

Fig 3 – 12 Lead ECG Placement<br />

The 6 leads are labelled as "V" leads and numbered V1 to V6. They are positioned in specific<br />

positions on the rib cage.<br />

Limb leads are made up of 4 leads placed on the extremities: left and right wrist; left and right<br />

ankle.<br />

Fig 4 – ECG Placement on a patient lying down.

Each of the 12 leads represents a particular orientation in space, as indicated below (RA = right<br />

arm; LA = left arm, LL = left foot):<br />

Bipolar limb leads (frontal plane):<br />

Lead I: RA (-) to LA (+) (Right Left, or lateral)<br />

Lead II: RA (-) to LL (+) (Superior Inferior)<br />

Lead III: LA (-) to LL (+) (Superior Inferior)<br />

Augmented unipolar limb leads (frontal plane):<br />

Lead aVR: RA (+) to [LA & LL] (-) (Rightward)<br />

Lead aVL: LA (+) to [RA & LL] (-) (Leftward)<br />

Lead aVF: LL (+) to [RA & LA] (-) (Inferior)<br />

Unipolar (+) chest leads (horizontal plane):<br />

Leads V1, V2, V3: (Posterior Anterior)<br />

Leads V4, V5, V6:(Right Left, or lateral)<br />

The "aV" stands for Augmented Vector, the last letter refers to a position, which are as<br />

follows:<br />

aV R Augmented Vector Right Right wrist/shoulder<br />

aV L Augmented Vector Left Left wrist/shoulder<br />

aV F Augmented Vector Foot Left foot/lower abdomen<br />

These 3 leads create a triangle with the heart in the middle, as below. The lines into the centre<br />

indicate the line of sight of these leads.<br />

Fig 5 – Einthoven’s Triangle.<br />

The 2 leads situated on the right and left wrist (or shoulders), aV R and aV L respectively, and the<br />

lead situated on the left ankle (or left lower abdomen) aV F, make up a triangle, known as<br />

"Einthoven’s Triangle.

ECG Leads have colour coded bands so that they can be easily identified.<br />

The ECG below shows where these leads are when printed.<br />

Fig 6 – ECG Printout<br />

The ECG is usually recorded on a time scale of 0.04 seconds/mm on the horizontal axis and a<br />

voltage sensitivity of 0.1mV/mm on the vertical axis.<br />

On standard ECG recording paper, 1 small square represents 0.04 seconds and one large square<br />

0.2 seconds.<br />

In the normal ECG waveform the P wave represents atrial depolarisation, the QRS complex<br />

ventricular depolarisation and the T wave ventricular repolarisation.<br />

The P - R Interval is taken from the start of the P wave to the start of the QRS complex. The Q - T<br />

interval is taken from the start of the QRS complex to the end of the T wave. This represents the<br />

time taken to depolarise and repolarise the ventricles. The S - T segment is the period between<br />

the end of the QRS complex and the start of the T wave. All cells are normally depolarised<br />

during this phase.

Fig 7 – ECG Waveforms<br />

ECG Normal Values<br />

P - R interval - 0.12 - 0.2 seconds (3-5 small squares of standard ECG paper)<br />

QRS complex - duration less than or equal to 0.1 seconds (2.5 small squares)<br />

Q - T interval- corrected for heart rate (QTc) QTc = QT/ RR interval less than or equal to 0.44<br />

seconds.<br />

Interference<br />

(EBME, 2012)<br />

There are a number of reasons for ECG rhythm disturbance, which could either be down to the<br />

patient, the leads or down to the environment the patient is being nursed in.<br />

Muscle tremor is something that can occur for a number of reasons, such as:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Shivering due to cold<br />

Rigors<br />

Parkinson’s disease<br />

This can cause the ECG trace to look like the below image.<br />

Fig 8 – ECG Trace showing Muscle Tremor

Another disturbance, emanating directly from the surrounding environment, is electrical<br />

interference. The ECG machine is designed to pick up electrical activity within the heart but<br />

it could pick up electrical activity from other sources, causing a trace as below.<br />

Fig 9 – ECG Trace showing Electrical Interference<br />

Artefact is the name given to disturbances in rhythm monitoring caused by movement of the<br />

electrodes<br />

The movement can be caused in a number of ways.<br />

Fig 10 -ECG Trace showing Artefact<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

If the electrodes have been in place for a prolonged period of time, the moist inner pad<br />

can dry up and the connection becomes poor.<br />

The weight of the leads can pull the electrode away from the skin and contact is lost<br />

intermittently, such as when the patient leans or roles over.<br />

The electrode has come away from the skin and is stuck to an item of clothing<br />

The patient is fiddling with the electrodes.<br />

When the skin is sweaty/dirty/hairy the electrodes may not stick well, resulting in an<br />

unstable trace<br />

However, the machine can also mistake artefact for fatal arrhythmias. In this case the machine<br />

will release a "fatal arrhythmia" alarm.<br />

The cables from the electrodes terminate in a single cable, which is plugged into the port on the<br />

ECG Monitor and are electrically isolated for patient safety. Circuitry also protects the monitor<br />

from any high voltages produced by a defibrillator or electro-cautery signals. The signal is<br />

filtered, amplified, conditioned and processed for display. Pulse rate is also calculated and<br />

displayed, with high and low alarms set with the standard being 150bpm high, 50bpm low.<br />

(The University of Nottingham, 2015)

Maintenance and Service Procedures<br />

Firstly check the ECG leads for noise, this is done by connecting the leads to a patient/ECG<br />

simulator and gently flexing the leads while watching the screen carefully for any noise. If any<br />

noise occurs the leads should be replaced.<br />

The lead select function must then be checked to ensure the monitor switches between all<br />

available leads.<br />

Lead fault detection must then be checked this is done by removing a lead from the simulator,<br />

the ECG machine must recognise this as a lead becoming detached and alarming this to ensure<br />

users don’t mistake a lead becoming detached for a clinical problem.<br />

Check heart rate calibration, set simulator to various rates and ensure monitor reads within<br />

specification, Clinical engineering general specification is for rates under 160bpm ±2bpm and<br />

for rates over 160bpm ±3bpm.<br />

Visually inspect screen gain and scroll rates, also perform a print out and check this.<br />

The 50Hz Filter is checked.<br />

The audible alarms are then checked by lowering and raising the rate on the simulator below<br />

and above the heart rate limits to ensure all alarms are working as expected.<br />

If applicable pacer detection is checked, to do this heart activity and pacer signals are simulated<br />

the monitor should display the heart rate that has been applied and also the pacer signal should<br />

be visible in the waveform. Then set the simulator to only give the pacer signal, the monitor<br />

should recognise this as the pacer signal and heart rate should read as zero.<br />

An Electrical Safety Test is then carried out.

Bibliography<br />

EBME, 2011. EBME - Cardiology. [Online]<br />

Available at: http://www.ebme.co.uk/articles/clinical-engineering/10-cardiology<br />

[Accessed Febuary 2014].<br />

EBME, 2012. EBME - Cardiac Monitoring. [Online]<br />

Available at: http://www.ebme.co.uk/articles/clinical-engineering/20-cardiac-monitoring<br />

[Accessed March 2014].<br />


s.l.: s.n.<br />

The University of Nottingham, 2015. Cardiology Teaching Resource. [Online]<br />

Available at:<br />

http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/nursing/practice/resources/cardiology/function/index.php<br />

[Accessed June 2015].

Defibrillators<br />

Steven Lewis<br />

Clinical Engineering<br />

United Lincolnshire Hospital Trust

Defibrillation<br />

Electrical cardioversion and defibrillation have become routine procedures in the management<br />

of patients with cardiac arrhythmias. Cardioversion is the delivery of energy that is<br />

synchronised to the QRS complex, while defibrillation is the non-synchronised delivery of a<br />

shock randomly during the cardiac cycle.<br />

Most defibrillators are energy-based, meaning that the device charges a capacitor to a selected<br />

voltage and then rapidly delivers a pre-specified amount of energy in joules (J) to the<br />

myocardium to treat cardiac arrhythmias. The capacitance of a capacitor is the amount of<br />

electric charge it can store for every volt applied to it. With regard to defibrillators the amount<br />

of energy stored in a capacitor is very important. It can be calculated using the formula<br />

E = ½CV 2 , where E is the energy in joules, C the capacitance in farads and V the voltage<br />

measured in volts. This energy is dissipated in the patient’s body over a small time interval,<br />

about 10 milliseconds or one hundredth of a second.<br />

If the capacitance is 1000 μF and the voltage is 500 V then the stored energy is 125J.<br />

[E = ½ CV 2 ]<br />

E= ½ (1000 × 10 -6 ) x (500 2 ) = 125 J.<br />

Current European Society of Cardiology and AHA guidelines suggest the following initial energy<br />

selection for specific arrhythmias:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

For atrial fibrillation, 120 to 200 joules for biphasic devices and 200 joules for<br />

monophasic devices.<br />

For atrial flutter, 50 to 100 joules for biphasic devices and 100 joules for monophasic<br />

devices.<br />

For ventricular tachycardia with a pulse, 100 joules for biphasic devices and 200 joules<br />

for monophasic devices.<br />

For ventricular fibrillation or pulseless ventricular tachycardia, at least 150 joules for<br />

biphasic devices and 360 joules for monophasic devices.<br />

They also incorporate an inductor to prolong the duration of the delivered current, and a<br />

rectifier to convert alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC). (Knight, 2014)<br />

A defibrillator can deliver a controlled electrical shock to a heart that has a life-threatening<br />

rhythm, such as ventricular fibrillation (VF). In VF, the heart's chaotic activity prevents blood<br />

from pumping adequately or at all. Voltage stored by the defibrillator conducts electrical<br />

current (a shock) through the chest by way of electrodes or paddles placed on the chest. This<br />

brief pulse of current halts the chaotic activity of heart, by depolarising a large part of the heart<br />

muscle terminating the dysrhythmia allowing normal sinus rhythm to be re-established by the<br />

body’s internal pace maker located in the sinoatrial node of the heart, giving the heart a chance<br />

to re-start with a normal rhythm.<br />

Many factors affect the chance of defibrillation success including; placement of the electrode<br />

pads, time elapsed before the first shock is given, and certain health conditions. Successful<br />

defibrillation requires that enough current be delivered to the heart muscle during the shock. If<br />

the transthoracic impedance level is high the heart may not receive enough current for<br />

defibrillation to be successful. Impedance is the body's resistance to the flow of current; some<br />

people naturally have higher impedance than others. Therefore, it may take more current, a<br />

longer shock duration, and/or increased voltage to ensure success. (EBME, 2003)

The shock is delivered via two electrode pads/paddles placed as shown below.<br />

Fig 1 – Placement of Electrode Pads/Paddles<br />

Modern defibrillators may be manual or automated; they generally produce biphasic waveforms<br />

as opposed to monophasic waveforms, which increase safety and efficacy. Miniature<br />

implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICD) may be used in patients with recurrent lifethreatening<br />

arrhythmias. (Chaudhari, 2005)<br />

Monophasic Waveforms<br />

This is a type of defibrillation waveform where current flows in one direction. In this waveform,<br />

there is no ability to adjust for patient impedance, and it is generally recommended that all<br />

monophasic defibrillators deliver 200 - 300 J of energy to a maximum of 360J, applied to adult<br />

patients with the assumed average impedance of 50 ohms, to ensure maximum current is<br />

delivered which in the graph below is ≈ 45 amps.<br />

Biphasic Waveforms<br />

Fig 2 – Graphical representation of a Monophasic Waveform<br />

With biphasic shocks, the direction of current flow is reversed near the halfway point of the<br />

electrical defibrillation cycle. Biphasic waveforms were initially developed for use in<br />

implantable defibrillators and have since become the standard in external defibrillators. With<br />

biphasic waveforms there is a lower defibrillation threshold (DFT) that allows reductions of the<br />

energy levels administrated and may cause less myocardial damage.<br />

While all biphasic waveforms have been shown to allow termination of VF at lower current than<br />

monophasic defibrillators, there are two types of waveforms used in external defibrillators.

The waveforms are shown below and will have the desired effect at current values ranging from<br />

approx. 15 – 35 amps.<br />

Fig 3 – Graphical representation of two Biphasic Waveforms<br />

Types of Defibrillator<br />

Automated External Defibrillator (AED)<br />

AEDs are highly sophisticated, microprocessor-based devices that analyse multiple features of<br />

the surface ECG signal including frequency, amplitude, slope and wave morphology. They<br />

contain various filters for QRS signals, radio transmission and other interferences, as well as for<br />

poor electrode contact. Some devices are programmed to detect patient movement.<br />

The typical controls on an AED include a power button, a display screen on which trained<br />

rescuers can check the heart rhythm and a discharge button. Certain defibrillators have special<br />

controls for internal paddles or disposable electrodes.<br />

In AED Mode, the Defibrillator analyses the patient’s ECG and advises you whether or not to<br />

deliver a shock. Voice prompts guide you through the defibrillation process by providing<br />

instructions and patient information. Voice prompts are reinforced by messages/pictures that<br />

appear on the display. (Lozano, 2013)<br />

Manual Defibrillator<br />

Manual defibrillators are designed to give full control to the clinical users. The defibrillator<br />

records the patients ECG, the user then assess the ECG and selects the appropriate level of<br />

energy for defibrillation.<br />

Capnography<br />

End tidal Carbon Dioxide (EtCO 2 ) is the partial pressure or maximal concentration of carbon<br />

dioxide (CO 2) at the end of an exhaled breath, which is expressed as a percentage of CO 2 or<br />

mmHg. The normal values are 5% to 6% CO 2, which is equivalent to 35-45 mmHg. CO 2 reflects<br />

cardiac output and pulmonary blood flow as the gas is transported by the venous system to the<br />

right side of the heart and then pumped to the lungs by the right ventricles. When CO 2 diffuses<br />

out of the lungs into the exhaled air, a device called capnometer measures the partial pressure<br />

or maximal concentration of CO 2 at the end of exhalation.

Capnography uses an EtCO 2 sensor to continuously monitor the carbon dioxide that is inspired<br />

and exhaled by the patient. It is usually presented as a graph of expiratory CO 2 against time, or<br />

less commonly against expired volume. The sensor employs infrared (IR) spectroscopy to<br />

measure the concentration of CO 2 molecules that absorb infrared light. This consists of a source<br />

of infrared radiation, a chamber containing the gas sample, and a photo-detector. When the<br />

expired CO 2 passes between the beam of infrared light and photo-detector, the absorbance is<br />

proportional to the concentration of CO 2 in the gas sample. The gas samples can be analysed by<br />

the mainstream (in-line) or side-stream (diverting) techniques. (Physio-Control, 2013)<br />

During CPR, the amount of CO 2 excreted by the lungs is proportional to the amount of<br />

pulmonary blood flow; therefore capnography can be used to monitor the effectiveness of CPR<br />

and as an early indication of the Return of Spontaneous Circulation (ROSC).<br />

It has been shown that when a patient experiences ROSC the first indication is often a sudden<br />

rise in EtCO 2 as the rush of circulation washes un-transported CO 2 from tissues, likewise a<br />

sudden drop in EtCO 2 may indicate that the patient has lost pulse and CPR may need to be<br />

restarted. (Paramedicine, 2000)<br />

Maintenance & Service Procedures<br />

Defibrillators are serviced annually, during the service functional checks of all controls, displays<br />

and sound outputs are performed. ECG functions are checked including heart rate calibration<br />

and lead off detection, most defibrillators can detect whether the paddles/pads are connected<br />

or disconnected and this should also be checked.<br />

An analyser is used to ensure output energy levels are within specification and a check of all<br />

functions/analysis is performed when in AED mode.<br />

Pacer function and pacer detection are both tested, a functional check of the capnography (if<br />

applicable) and finally an electrical safety test is performed.<br />

There is also scheduled battery and patient lead replacement, the expiry dates on the pads<br />

should be checked to ensure they are still ok to use. If they are past there expiry date the ward<br />

staff should be informed and the pads removed from use and replaced.<br />

During maintenance & service procedures it is vital to ensure a defibrillator is never left alone<br />

charged. When repairing or opening the case for any reason it is important to follow the<br />

manufacturer’s guidelines for discharging the capacitor to ensure no harm comes to yourself or<br />


Bibliography<br />

Chaudhari, M., 2005. Anaesthesia Journal. [Online]<br />

Available at: http://www.anaesthesiajournal.co.uk/article/S1472-0299(06)00175-5/abstract<br />

[Accessed September 2015].<br />

EBME, 2003. EBME - Biphasic Defibrillator. [Online]<br />

Available at: http://www.ebme.co.uk/articles/clinical-engineering/12-biphasicdefibrillation?showall=&start=3<br />

[Accessed September 2015].<br />

Knight, B. P., 2014. UpToDate. [Online]<br />

Available at: http://www.uptodate.com/contents/basic-principles-and-technique-ofcardioversion-and-defibrillation<br />

[Accessed September 2015].<br />

Lozano, I. F., 2013. Principles of External defibrillators. [Online]<br />

Available at: http://www.heartrhythmcharity.org.uk/www/media/files/InTech-<br />

Principles_of_external_defibrillators.pdf<br />

[Accessed September 2015].<br />

Paramedicine, 2000. End Tidal CO2. [Online]<br />

Available at: http://www.paramedicine.com/pmc/End_Tidal_CO2.html<br />

[Accessed October 2015].<br />

Phillps Medical Systems, 2005. M4735A (ELD) Heartstream XL Defibrillator Service/User Manual,<br />

Physio-Control, 2013. Lifepak® 20e Defibrillator Service/User manual.

Diagnostic Ultrasound<br />

Steven Lewis<br />

Clinical Engineering<br />

United Lincolnshire Hospital Trust

Diagnostic Ultrasound<br />

Ultrasound is the term used to describe sound of frequencies above 20 kilohertz (kHz), at this<br />

frequency it is beyond the range of human hearing.<br />

Diagnostic ultrasound is an imaging technique used for visualising all body regions that are not<br />

situated behind expanses of bone or air-containing tissue, such as the lungs. Examinations<br />

through thin, flat bones are possible at lower frequencies. It is also possible to bypass obstacles<br />

with endoscopes (endoscopic sonography). Frequencies of 2–20 Megahertz (MHz) are typical<br />

for diagnostic ultrasound.<br />

Transcutaneous ultrasound is used mainly for evaluating:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Neck: thyroid gland, lymph nodes, abscesses, vessels (angiology).<br />

Chest: wall, pleura, peripherally situated disorders of the lung, mediastinal tumours<br />

(The mediastinum is the cavity that separates the lungs from the rest of the chest. It<br />

contains the heart, esophagus, trachea, thymus, and aorta), and the heart as a whole<br />

(echocardiography).<br />

Abdomen: The abdominal cavity is the space bounded by the vertebrae, abdominal<br />

muscles, diaphragm, and pelvic floor. The intraperitoneal space located within the<br />

abdominal cavity, but wrapped in peritoneum (membrane that forms the lining of the<br />

abdominal cavity). The structures within the intraperitoneal space e.g. the stomach.<br />

The structures in the abdominal cavity that are located behind the intraperitoneal space<br />

"retroperitoneal" e.g. the kidneys, and those structures below the intraperitoneal space<br />

called "subperitoneal" or "infraperitoneal" e.g. the bladder and small pelvis: organs, fluid<br />

containing structures, gastrointestinal tract, great vessels and lymph nodes, tumours<br />

and abnormal fluid collections.<br />

Extremities (joints, muscles and connective tissue, vessels).<br />

Obstetric sonography is commonly used during pregnancy.<br />

Diagnostic ultrasound imaging depends on the computerised analysis of reflected ultrasound<br />

waves, which non-invasively build up fine images of internal body structures.<br />

Higher frequencies have a shorter wavelength and are therefore capable of reflecting and<br />

scattering off smaller structures giving higher resolution, however, the use of high frequencies<br />

is limited by their greater attenuation (loss of signal strength) in tissue and thus shorter depth<br />

of penetration limiting the depth when producing an image. Lower frequencies produce less<br />

resolution but image deeper into the body. For this reason, different ranges of frequency are<br />

used for examining different parts of the body values typically used are:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

2.5 MHz - deep abdomen, obstetric and gynaecological imaging<br />

3.5 MHz - general abdomen, obstetric and gynaecological imaging<br />

5.0 MHz - vascular, breast, pelvic imaging<br />

7.5 MHz - breast, thyroid<br />

10.0 MHz - breast, thyroid, superficial veins, superficial masses, musculoskeletal<br />

imaging.<br />

15.0 MHz - superficial structures, musculoskeletal imaging.<br />

(Morgan, 2015)

Transducer<br />

Ultrasound waves are produced by a transducer (a hand-held probe), which can both emit<br />

ultrasound waves, as well as detect the ultrasound echoes reflected back. The probe produces<br />

the ultrasound waves and receives the echoes using a principle called the piezoelectric effect.<br />

Inside the probe there are one or more piezoelectric crystals, piezoelectric crystals are able to<br />

produce sound waves when an electric current passes through them, but can also work<br />

in reverse, producing electricity when a sound wave hits them. This happens as the mechanical<br />

and electrical energy causes them to change shape, by contracting or expanding.<br />

When used in an ultrasound scanner, the transducer sends out a directed beam of sound waves<br />

into the body, and the sound waves are reflected back to the transducer from the tissues and<br />

organs in the path of the beam. When these echoes hit the transducer, they generate electrical<br />

signals that the ultrasound scanner converts into images of the tissues and organs.<br />

The probe has a sound absorbing substance to eliminate back reflections from the probe itself,<br />

and an acoustic lens to help focus the emitted ultrasound waves.<br />

Ultrasound Techniques<br />

The echo principle forms the basis of all common ultrasound techniques. The distance between<br />

the transducer and the reflector or scatterer in the tissue is measured by the time between the<br />

emission of a pulse and reception of its echo. Additionally, the intensity of the echo can be<br />

measured. With Doppler techniques, comparison of the Doppler shift of the echo with the<br />

emitted frequency gives information about any movement of the reflector. The various<br />

ultrasound techniques used are described below.<br />

A-mode<br />

A-mode (A-scan, amplitude modulation) is a one-dimensional examination technique in which a<br />

transducer with a single crystal is used. The echoes are displayed on the screen along a time<br />

(distance) axis as peaks proportional to the intensity (amplitude) of each signal. The method is<br />

rarely used today, as it conveys limited information, e.g. measurement of distances. For an<br />

example, ophthalmologists can use it to measure the diameter of the eye ball<br />

B-mode<br />

B-mode (brightness modulation) is a similar technique, but the echoes are displayed as points of<br />

different grey-scale brightness corresponding to the intensity (amplitude) of each signal.<br />

B-scan, 2D<br />

The arrangement of many (e.g. 256) one-dimensional lines in one plane makes it possible to<br />

build up a two-dimensional (2D) ultrasound image (2D B-scan). The single lines are generated<br />

one after the other by moving (rotating or swinging) transducers or by electronic multi-element<br />

transducers.<br />

Electronic transducers are made from a large number of separate elements arranged on a plane<br />

(linear array) or a curved surface (curved array). A group of elements is triggered<br />

simultaneously to form a single composite ultrasound beam that will generate one line of the<br />

image. The whole two-dimensional image is constructed step-by-step, by stimulating one group<br />

after the other over the whole array.<br />

The lines can run parallel to form a rectangular (linear array) or a divergent image (curved<br />


Three- and four-dimensional techniques<br />

The main prerequisite for construction of three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound images is very fast<br />

data acquisition. The transducer is moved by hand or mechanically perpendicular to the<br />

scanning plane over the region of interest.<br />

The collected data are processed at high speed, so that real-time presentation on the screen is<br />

possible. This is called the four-dimensional (4D) technique (4D = 3D + real time). The 3D image<br />

can be displayed in various ways, such as transparent views of the entire volume of interest or<br />

images of surfaces, as used in obstetrics and not only for medical purposes. It is also possible to<br />

select two-dimensional images in any plane, especially those that cannot be obtained by a 2D B-<br />

scan.<br />

M-mode or TM-mode<br />

Fig 1 - 3D Ultrasound scan Image<br />

M-mode or TM-mode (time motion) is used to analyse moving structures, such as heart valves.<br />

The echoes generated by a stationary transducer (one-dimensional B-mode) are recorded<br />

continuously over time.<br />

The ultrasound images can show:<br />

Presence, position, size and shape of organs.<br />

Stasis, concretions and dysfunction of hollow organs and structures.<br />

Tumour diagnosis and differentiation of focal lesions.<br />

Inflammatory diseases.<br />

Metabolic diseases causing macroscopic alterations of organs.<br />

Abnormal fluid collection in body cavities or organs, including ultrasound-guided<br />

diagnostic and therapeutic interventions;<br />

Evaluating transplants;<br />

Diagnosis of congenital defects and malformations.<br />

Additionally, ultrasound is particularly suitable for checks in the management of chronic<br />

diseases and for screening, because it is low risk, comfortable for patients and cheaper than<br />

other imaging modalities. (World Health Organization, 2011)<br />

Signal Processing and image capture<br />

The main ultrasound system takes care of processing signals from the ultrasound probe and<br />

capturing and recording images. The computer based system runs dedicated software that<br />

controls the ultrasound probes, processes the signal returned from the probe, displays the<br />

image and allows the image to be captured on internal storage or sent through the hospital<br />


Maintenance & Service Procedures<br />

A visual inspection paying attention to the case, cables, any foot pedals and the ultrasound<br />

probe should be carried out, also checking that any ventilation grilles are free from dust/debris.<br />

The ultrasound system should be running quietly when switched on and a check that all the<br />

buttons are functioning and the screen displays a clear image.<br />

Check for ‘dropout’ (i.e. crystal failure) on all probes using a paperclip ensuring that it is<br />

displayed as expected. If an ultrasound phantom is available confirm the following;<br />

<br />

<br />

Image quality (uniformity, no axial banding, excessive noise etc.)<br />

Ultrasound phantom targets imaged as expected.<br />

An EST should then be performed on the system with the probe placed in a saline solution with<br />

the applied part lead.

Bibliography<br />

Morgan, D. M. A., 2015. Ultrasound Frequencies, s.l.: NIBIB.<br />

NIBI, 2012. National Institute of Biomedical Imaging. [Online]<br />

Available at: http://www.nibib.nih.gov/science-education/science-topics/ultrasound<br />

[Accessed 2016].<br />

Stern, B., 2016. Basic Concepts of Utrasound Scanning. [Online]<br />

Available at: http://www.yale.edu/ynhti/curriculum/units/1983/7/83.07.05.x.html<br />

[Accessed 2016].<br />

World Health Organization, 2011. Manual of Diagnostic Ultrasound. 2nd ed. Geneva: WHO Press.

Electro-Surgery Equipment<br />

Steven Lewis<br />

Clinical Engineering<br />

United Lincolnshire Hospital Trust

Electro-Surgery<br />

Electro-surgery is the application of a high-frequency electric current to biological tissue as a<br />

means to cut, coagulate (form blood clots), desiccate (remove water), or fulgurate (destroy and<br />

remove) tissue. Its benefits include the ability to make precise cuts with limited blood loss.<br />

Electrosurgical devices are frequently used during surgical operations in hospital operating<br />

rooms or in outpatient procedures.<br />

Electro-surgery is performed using an electrosurgical generator (also referred to as a power<br />

supply or waveform generator), in a circuit made up of an active electrode, the patient and an<br />

active return electrode. The tissue is heated by an AC current; the AC current is used to directly<br />

heat the tissue itself, whereas in electro-cautery the tip of the instrument is heated.<br />

Fig 1 – Mono-polar Electro-surgery<br />

Fig 2 – Bi-polar Electro-surgery<br />

Standard electrical current alternates at a frequency of 50Hz, at this frequency the current<br />

transmitted to the body tissue would cause excessive neuromuscular stimulation and possibly<br />

electrocution. Nerve and muscle stimulation cease at 100 kHz so at frequencies above this,<br />

typically 200 kHz – 3.3 MHz, electro-surgery can be performed with the energy passing through<br />

the patient with minimal neuromuscular stimulation and no risk of electrocution meaning<br />

electro-surgery can be performed safely.

Mono-polar<br />

Mono-polar is the most commonly used electro-surgical mode. In mono-polar electro-surgery,<br />

the active electrode is in the surgical site, with the patient return electrode somewhere else on<br />

the patient’s body. The current passes through the patient as it completes the circuit from the<br />

active electrode to the return electrode. The return electrode placement should be on<br />

conductive tissue over a large surface area to prevent a build-up of heat which could potentially<br />

cause a burn. Other factors that may cause the return electrode to be compromised are<br />

excessive hair, adipose tissue (fat), bony prominences, fluid invasion, metal implants and scar<br />

tissue.<br />

Fig 3 – Patient return electrode placement<br />

Return Electrode Contact Quality Monitoring (RECQM)<br />

RECQM was developed to protect patients from burns due to inadequate contact of the return<br />

electrode pad site by using a split plate system. RECQM equipped generators actively monitor<br />

the amount of impedance between the two split plates. If the impedance is high, due to poor<br />

contact on either side of the split plate, the electrosurgical unit will alarm to warn the clinical<br />

user of the problem. If the impedance between the two plates is very high or not symmetrical<br />

the unit will alarm and the system will deactivate the generator before an injury can occur<br />

Fig4 – Return Electrode Contact Quality Monitoring<br />


Bi-polar<br />

In bipolar electro-surgery, both the active electrode and return electrode functions are<br />

performed at the site of the surgery. The tines of the forceps perform the active & return<br />

electrode with only the tissue being grasped included in the circuit. As one of the tines of the<br />

forceps performs the return function no patient return electrode is needed. Bipolar diathermy<br />

is perceived to be safer as the current pathway is much shorter than that utilised in mono-polar<br />

diathermy. Bipolar diathermy is generally utilised in the following situations:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

When coagulation only is required.<br />

When coagulation is required in peripheral areas of the body such as hands or feet or<br />

other areas where channelling (tissue damage caused by heat) may occur.<br />

In procedures where pinpoint or micro coagulation is required.<br />

When a patient has a pacemaker in situ.<br />

Electrosurgical Modes<br />

Electrosurgical generators are able to produce a variety of electrical waveforms. As waveforms<br />

change, so will the corresponding tissue effects. Using a constant waveform, like cut, the<br />

surgeon is able to vaporize or cut tissue. This waveform produces heat very rapidly.<br />

Using an intermittent waveform, like coagulation, causes the generator to modify the waveform<br />

so that the duty cycle (on time) is reduced. This interrupted waveform will produce less heat.<br />

Instead of tissue vaporization, a coagulum is produced.<br />

A blended current is not a mixture of both cutting and coagulation current but rather a<br />

modification of the duty cycle. In the example below, as you go from Blend 1 to Blend 3 the<br />

duty cycle is progressively reduced. A lower duty cycle produces less heat. Consequently, Blend<br />

1 is able to vaporize tissue with minimal haemostasis whereas Blend 3 is less effective at cutting<br />

but has maximum haemostasis.<br />

Fig 5 – Electrosurgical Modes<br />

The only variable that determines whether one waveform vaporizes tissue and another<br />

produces a coagulum is the rate at which heat is produced. High heat produced rapidly causes<br />

vaporization. Low heat produced more slowly creates a coagulum.<br />

Any one of the five waveforms can accomplish both tasks by modifying the variables that impact<br />

tissue effect.

The electrosurgical generator or unit can produce three distinct surgical effects, known as<br />

fulguration, desiccation and cutting. The electrosurgical generator creates different wave forms<br />

which are determined by the setting on the machine, universally known as COAG, CUT and<br />

BLEND. The settings and desired effects are linked as follows:<br />

Cutting<br />

The CUT waveform is a continuous waveform at a lower voltage but higher current than COAG.<br />

This creates a high density of current in a specific tissue area within a short period of time<br />

causing cellular fluid to burst into steam and disrupt the structure which results in vaporisation<br />

of tissue. This results in cell explosion due to the localised but intense heat<br />

Coagulation<br />

Fig 6 – Electrosurgical Cut<br />

Coagulation is performed using waveforms with a lower average power, generating insufficient<br />

heat for explosive vaporisation, but performing a thermal coagulum instead.<br />

Fulguration<br />

When the COAG waveform is used at a high power setting it will create the effect known as<br />

fulguration. The high power generates sparks which create intermittent heating of tissue<br />

causing cells to dry out quickly rather than explode into steam. In fulguration mode the<br />

electrode is held away from the tissue so that when the air gap between the electrode and the<br />

tissue is ionised an electric arc discharge develops. Fulguration coagulates and chars the tissue<br />

over a wide area. In this application the burning of the tissue is more superficial; therefor this<br />

technique is used for very superficial or protrusive lesions such as skin tags.<br />

Desiccation<br />

Fig 7 – Electrosurgical Coagulate<br />

Electrosurgical desiccation occurs when the electrode is in direct contact with the tissue.<br />

Desiccation is achieved most efficiently with the cutting current. By touching the tissue with the<br />

electrode, the current concentration is reduced. Less heat is generated and no cutting action<br />

occurs. The cells dry out and form a coagulum rather than vaporize and explode.

Many surgeons routinely cut with the coagulation current. Likewise, you can coagulate with the<br />

cutting current by holding the electrode in direct contact with tissue. It may be necessary to<br />

adjust power settings and electrode size to achieve the desired surgical effect. The benefit of<br />

coagulating with the cutting current is that you will be using far less voltage. Likewise, cutting<br />

with the cut current will also accomplish the task with less voltage. This is an important<br />

consideration during minimally invasive procedures.<br />

Variables Impacting Tissue Effect<br />

In addition to waveform and power setting, other variables impact tissue effect. They include:<br />

Size of the electrode: The smaller the electrode, the higher the current concentration.<br />

Consequently, the same tissue effect can be achieved with a smaller electrode, even though the<br />

power setting is reduced.<br />

Time: At any given setting, the longer the generator is activated, the more heat is produced. And<br />

the greater the heat, the farther it will travel to adjacent tissue (thermal spread).<br />

Manipulation of the electrode: This can determine whether vaporization or coagulation<br />

occurs. This is a function of current density and the resultant heat produced while sparking to<br />

tissue versus holding the electrode in direct contact with tissue.<br />

Type of Tissue: Tissues vary widely in resistance.<br />

Eschar: Eschar (dead tissue produced by a thermal burn) is relatively high in resistance to<br />

current. Keeping electrodes clean and free of eschar will enhance performance by maintaining<br />

lower resistance within the surgical circuit.<br />

Fig 8 – Electrosurgical Mode Effects

Argon-Enhanced Electro-surgery<br />

Argon-enhanced electro-surgery incorporates a stream of argon gas to improve the surgical<br />

effectiveness of the electrosurgical current.<br />

Argon gas is inert and non-combustible, making it a safe medium through which to pass<br />

electrosurgical current. Electrosurgical current easily ionizes argon gas, making it more<br />

conductive than air. This highly conductive stream of ionized gas provides the electrical current<br />

an efficient pathway.<br />

There are many advantages to argon-enhanced electrosurgical cutting and coagulation.<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Non-combustible<br />

Decreased smoke & odour<br />

Non-contact in coagulation mode<br />

Decreased blood loss.<br />

Decreased tissue damage<br />

Fig 9 – Argon enhanced electro-surgery<br />

Surgical Smoke<br />

Surgical smoke is created when tissue is heated and cellular fluid is vaporized by the thermal<br />

action of an energy source. Viral DNA, bacteria, carcinogens and irritants are known to be<br />

present in electrosurgical smoke. Universal precautions indicate a smoke evacuation system<br />

should be used. The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and the<br />

Centre for Disease Control (CDC) have also studied electrosurgical smoke at length. The<br />

organisations concluded: “Research studies have confirmed that this smoke plume can contain<br />

toxic gases and vapours such as benzene, hydrogen cyanide, formaldehyde, bio-aerosols, dead<br />

and live cellular material (including blood fragments) and viruses.”<br />

When electro-surgery is used in the context of minimally invasive surgery, it raises a new set of<br />

safety concerns. Two of these are insulation failure and direct coupling of current.<br />

Direct Coupling<br />

Direct coupling occurs when the user accidentally activates the generator while the active<br />

electrode is near another metal Instrument (scopes, graspers, etc.). Electrical current will flow<br />

from the first conductor into the secondary one and energize it. This energy will seek a pathway<br />

to complete the circuit to the patient return electrode. There is potential for significant patient<br />


Insulation Failure<br />

Many surgeons routinely use the coagulation waveform. This waveform is comparatively high<br />

in voltage. This voltage can spark through compromised insulation. Also, high voltage can cause<br />

breaks in weak insulation. Breaks in insulation can create an alternate route for the current to<br />

flow. If this current is concentrated, it can cause significant injury. Also radio frequency is not<br />

always confined by insulation and current leakage does occur. It is recommended that Cords<br />

not be wrapped around metal instruments and Cords not be bundled together.<br />

Fig 10 – Possible injury through compromised<br />

insulation<br />

Further precautions to take for safe use are; the electrosurgical device should not be used in the<br />

presence of flammable agents such as alcohol and /or tincture based (alcoholic extract of plant<br />

or animal) agents.<br />

Use of electrosurgical devices should be avoided in oxygen enriched environments<br />

Active electrodes should be placed in clean, dry, well insulated safety holsters when not in use<br />

to avoid any accidental injury if the generator is accidently activated.<br />

Maintenance and service procedures<br />

Maintenance procedures should include a thorough visual inspection of all elements of the<br />

electrosurgical device.<br />

Error logs should be checked and any regular or serious errors should be rectified.<br />

The system that checks pad resistance should be checked to ensure the correct errors occur at<br />

the correct resistances.<br />

The power output should be checked across all setting at various levels and effects.<br />

Argon plasma units should be checked alongside the correct electrosurgical device.<br />

Flow rates of the argon gas output should be measured. All functions should be checked.<br />

A full electrical safety test should be carried out, it is important to consult the service manual/<br />

protocol to ensure the unit is in the correct mode to ensure the output relays are all closed for<br />

the duration of the safety test.

Bibliography<br />

Covidien, 2014. Principles in Electro-surgery. [Online]<br />

Available at: http://www.asit.org/assets/documents/Prinicpals_in_electrosurgery.pdf<br />

[Accessed July 2015].<br />

EBME, 2009. EBME - Apnoea Alarms. [Online]<br />

Available at: http://www.ebme.co.uk/articles/clinical-engineering/6-apnoea-alarms<br />

[Accessed March 2014].<br />

Gov.uk, 2014. Electro-surgery Equipment Safety. [Online]<br />

Available at:<br />

https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/403384/Ele<br />

ctro-surgery_equipment_safety_poster.pdf<br />

[Accessed July 2015].<br />

MHRA, n.d. Electrosurgical Module. [Online]<br />

Available at: info.mhra.gov.uk/learning/ESUGenericModule/player.html<br />

[Accessed July 2015].<br />

NATN, 2013. Electro-surgery managing the risk – National Association of Theatre Nurses. [Online]<br />

Available at: www.afpp.org.uk/filegrab/electrosurgeryguidance.pdf?ref=5<br />

[Accessed July 2015].

Multi-Parameter Monitoring<br />

Steven Lewis<br />

Clinical Engineering<br />

United Lincolnshire Hospital Trust

Multi-parameter Monitors<br />

Multi-parameter Monitors are intended to be used for monitoring, displaying, reviewing, storing<br />

and the transferring of multiple physiological parameters including, ECG, heart rate (HR),<br />

respiration (Resp), temperature (Temp), SPO 2 (pulse oxygen saturation), pulse rate (PR), noninvasive<br />

blood pressure (NIBP), invasive blood pressure (IBP), cardiac output (C.O.), airways<br />

gases such as; carbon dioxide (CO 2), oxygen (O 2), anaesthetic gas (AG).<br />

Monitoring vital signs for example; a patient’s blood pressure, pulse rate, and respiration rate is<br />

a crucial aspect of patient care in hospital. Vital signs indicate a patient’s clinical condition, are<br />

necessary to calculate national early warning scores (NEWS) and used to determine the<br />

monitoring, escalation and interventions that are required subsequently.<br />

In a hospital setting, patient monitoring is used in operating theatres, intensive care and critical<br />

care units, and many other critical and non-critical areas.<br />

Continuous multi-parameter monitoring has shown to be an effective mechanism for triggering<br />

early detection of changes in a patient’s condition by notifying the nursing staff that the patient<br />

needs attention. This is beneficial as by assessing the situation sooner and making the right<br />

clinical decision to intervene as appropriate.<br />

In addition to monitoring patients on an individual basis, the remote observation of multiple<br />

patients is possible through central patient monitoring systems. These monitoring systems are<br />

typically made up of networked machines consisting of one or more sensors, display devices,<br />

processing components, and communication links for displaying or recording the results<br />

elsewhere through the network. For portable monitors or in areas where a hard wired network<br />

is not practical wireless monitors are used, the signal is sent from the telemetry unit and picked<br />

up by aerial’s located around the hospital. This is particularly useful for areas such as Accident &<br />

Emergency and Coronary Care Unit or where multiple areas need to monitor the same patient at<br />

the same time or while a patient is being transported from one area to another.<br />

In non-critical areas the signs being monitored will predominantly be Heart Rate, SPO 2, Blood<br />

Pressure and ECG. In a critical care area such as ICU or an operating theatre, further signs will<br />

be monitored these may include; Invasive Blood Pressure (IBP), Respiration Rate and airways<br />

gases such as CO 2, O 2, and other gases that may be respired such as anaesthetic gases during a<br />

surgical procedure.<br />

Respiration Rate<br />

The function of the respiratory system is to supply adequate oxygen to the tissues and to<br />

remove the waste product carbon dioxide. This is achieved with the inspiration and expiration<br />

of air. With each breath there is a pause after expiration. The rate of respiration will vary with<br />

age and gender. A respiratory rate of 12-18 breaths per minute in a healthy adult is considered<br />

normal. Rates outside of this normal range can be classed as;<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Tachypnoea: the rate is regular but over 20 breaths per minute.<br />

Bradypnoea: the rate is regular but less than 12 breaths per minute.<br />

Apnoea: there is an absence of respiration for several seconds - this can lead to<br />

respiratory arrest.<br />

Dyspnoea: difficulty in breathing, the patient gasps for air.<br />

Cheyne-Stokes respiration: the breathing gets increasingly deeper then shallower,<br />

very slow and laboured with periods of apnoea. This type of breathing is often seen in<br />

the dying patient.

Hyperventilation: patients may breathe rapidly due to a physical or psychological<br />

cause, for example if they are in pain or panicking. Hyperventilation reduces the carbon<br />

dioxide levels in the blood, causing tingling and numbness in the hands; this may cause<br />

further distress. In adults, more than 20 breaths a minute is considered moderate, more<br />

than 30 breaths is severe. (Mallett & Dougherty, 2004)<br />

Multi-parameter monitors have a function to measure the respiration rate of the patient. This is<br />

the number of breaths the patient takes per minute. Most multi-parameter monitors record this<br />

by monitoring the resistance between two ECG electrodes connected to the patient. As the<br />

patient breaths in and the chest expands the resistance between the two electrodes increases<br />

and then decreases as the patient exhales and the chest contracts. Others ways to monitor<br />

respiration could be using capnography which involves CO 2 measurements, referred to as EtCO 2<br />

or end-tidal carbon dioxide concentration. The respiratory rate monitored as such is called<br />

AWRR or airway respiratory rate. Other monitors may record spirometry flow volume loops,<br />

which will show the flow, volume and time taken to inhale and exhale, or it may be monitored<br />

by simply counting the number of breaths in one minute by recording how many times the chest<br />

rises.<br />

Capnography<br />

Capnography is the measurement of carbon dioxide (CO 2) in exhaled breath; capnography gives<br />

medical professionals another tool for determining whether blood is flowing to vital organs like<br />

the heart and brain. CO 2 levels reflect cardiac output and pulmonary blood flow; as the gas is<br />

transported by the venous system to the right side of the heart and then pumped to the lungs by<br />

the right ventricles.<br />

Capnography is particularly important during surgery, where patients are continuously<br />

monitored while under anaesthesia to ensure safety. In addition to its use in surgical settings,<br />

capnography can help physicians and emergency medical personnel determine whether a<br />

patient is having a heart attack or hyperventilating. It can also help them determine whether<br />

CPR is working.<br />

The two primary methods used for measuring CO 2 in expired air are mass spectroscopy and<br />

infrared spectroscopy. In mass spectroscopy gases and vapours of different molecular weights<br />

are separated and a breakdown of what gases and percentages can be displayed.<br />

End tidal Carbon Dioxide (EtCO 2) is the partial pressure or maximal concentration of carbon<br />

dioxide at the end of an exhaled breath, which is expressed as a percentage of CO 2 or in mmHg.<br />

Infrared (IR) spectroscopy uses an EtCO 2 sensor to continuously monitor the carbon dioxide<br />

that is inspired and exhaled by the patient. It is usually presented as a graph of expiratory CO 2<br />

against time, or less commonly against expired volume.<br />

The EtCO 2 sensor consists of an infrared source, a chamber through which the gas sample<br />

passes, and a photo-detector. When the expired CO 2 passes between the beam of infrared light<br />

and photo-detector it leads to a reduction in the amount of light falling on the sensor, this is due<br />

to the principle that CO 2 absorbs infrared radiation. The absorbance is proportional to the<br />

concentration of CO 2 in the gas sample. (Physio-Control, 2013)<br />

Capnometers can be categorised based on the sensing device location. The gas samples can be<br />

analysed by mainstream or side-stream techniques.

Mainstream capnometers are in-line with the patient tubing; the housing is heated to prevent<br />

condensation. The advantage of mainstream analysis is that it gives a real-time measurement<br />

(i.e., an immediate response rate of

eat, and a waveform (a graph of pressure against time) can be displayed.<br />

The components of an intra-arterial monitoring system can be viewed as three main parts:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

The measuring apparatus<br />

The transducer<br />

The monitor<br />

The measuring apparatus consists of an arterial cannula connected to tubing containing a<br />

continuous column of saline. The pressure waveform of the arterial pulse is transmitted via the<br />

column of fluid, to a pressure transducer, in the case of intra-arterial monitoring the transducer<br />

consists of a flexible diaphragm which in turn moves strain gauges converting the pressure<br />

waveform into an electrical signal. Monitors amplify the output signal from the transducer, filter<br />

the noise and also display the arterial waveform in real time on a screen. They also usually give<br />

a digital numeric display of systolic, diastolic and mean arterial blood pressure (MAP).<br />

The arterial line is also connected to a flushing system consisting of a bag of saline pressurised<br />

to 300 mm/Hg via a flushing device.<br />

Fig 3 – Invasive Blood Pressure being monitored<br />

For a pressure transducer to read accurately, atmospheric pressure must be discounted from<br />

the pressure measurement. This is done by exposing the transducer to atmospheric pressure<br />

and calibrating the pressure reading to zero. A transducer should be zeroed several times per<br />

day to eliminate any baseline drift.<br />

The pressure transducer must be set at the appropriate level in relation to the patient in order<br />

to measure blood pressure correctly. This is usually taken to be level with the patient’s heart.<br />

Failure to do this results in an error due to hydrostatic pressure (the pressure exerted by a<br />

column of fluid – in this case, blood) being measured in addition to blood pressure. This can be<br />

significant – every 10cm error in levelling will result in a 7.4mmHg error in the pressure<br />

measured; a transducer too low over reads, a transducer too high under reads.<br />

IBP monitoring has numerous advantages; IBP allows continuous ‘beat-to-beat’ blood pressure<br />

monitoring. This is useful in patients who are likely to display sudden changes in blood pressure<br />

(e.g. vascular surgery), patients who require close control of blood pressure (e.g. head injured<br />

patients), or in patients receiving drugs to maintain blood pressure.<br />

The IBP technique also allows accurate blood pressure readings at very low pressures, for<br />

example in shocked patients.<br />

An invasive blood pressure reading could also allow for improvement of patient comfort if blood<br />

pressure monitoring is required for a long period of time. IBP monitoring avoids the trauma of<br />

repeated cuff inflations.<br />

Other advantages include that the arterial cannula is convenient for repeated arterial blood<br />

sampling, for instance for arterial blood gases. (Jones, 2009)

Maintenance & Service Procedures<br />

Invasive Blood Pressure<br />

This is checked using a patient simulator at various pressures, it is essential that a zeroing<br />

procedure is performed before any measurements are taken.<br />

Respiration Rate<br />

This is also checked using a patient simulator at various rates to ensure accuracy.<br />

Capnography & Airways Gases<br />

Capnograpy can be tested by attaching an ETCO 2 circuit and breathing into the airway adapter at<br />

a set rate, the rise and fall of the CO 2 graph will be displayed on the monitor. The accuracy of<br />

any measured airways gases is also to be checked by attaching a cylinder filled with various<br />

gases such as; O 2, CO 2, nitrogen and typically an anaesthetic gas at set percentages. The monitor<br />

should show the levels of the various gases, if the values displayed are not correct a calibration<br />

procedure should be carried out.

Bibliography<br />

EBME, 2014. Capnography. [Online]<br />

Available at: http://www.ebme.co.uk/articles/clinical-engineering/16-capnometrycapnography<br />

[Accessed December 2015].<br />

Fukuda Denshi UK, 2014. DS-8500 System Maintenance Manual V.09 (2014). V 9 ed. Tokyo:<br />

Fukuda Denshi.<br />

Jones, A., 2009. Physical Principles of Intra-Arterial Blood Pressure Measurements, Salford: s.n.<br />

Mallett , J. & Dougherty, L., 2004. The Royal Marsden Hospital Manual of Clinical Nursing<br />

Procedures. 6th ed. Oxford: Blackwell Science.<br />

Paramedicine, 2000. End Tidal CO2. [Online]<br />

Available at: http://www.paramedicine.com/pmc/End_Tidal_CO2.html<br />

[Accessed October 2015].<br />

Physio-Control, 2013. Lifepak® 20e Defibrillator Service/User manual.<br />

Tilakaratna, P., 2014. How Equipment Works. [Online]<br />

Available at: http://www.howequipmentworks.com/capnography/<br />

[Accessed December 2015].

Neonatal Phototherapy<br />

Steven Lewis<br />

Clinical Engineering<br />

United Lincolnshire Hospital Trust

Neonatal Phototherapy<br />

Jaundice is one of the most common conditions needing medical attention in newborn babies.<br />

Jaundice refers to yellow colouration of the skin and the sclerae (white outer coat of the<br />

eyeball). The yellow coloration of the skin and sclera in newborns with jaundice is the result of<br />

an accumulation of unconjugated bilirubin. In most infants, unconjugated bilirubin reflects a<br />

normal transitional phenomenon. However, in some infants, serum bilirubin levels may rise<br />

excessively, a condition known as hyper-bilirubinaemia, which can be cause for concern<br />

because unconjugated bilirubin is neurotoxic and can cause death in newborns and lifelong<br />

neurologic complications (bilirubin encephalopathy) in infants who survive. The term<br />

kernicterus is used to denote the clinical features of acute or chronic bilirubin encephalopathy.<br />

Newborns are especially vulnerable to hyper-bilirubinemia induced neurological damage and<br />

therefore must be carefully monitored for alterations in their serum bilirubin levels. (GOSH,<br />

2014)<br />

Neonatal phototherapy is a widely used and accepted form of treatment for neonatal hyperbilirubinaemia.<br />

Effective phototherapy needs to satisfy three important criteria; effective<br />

spectrum, sufficiently high irradiance and large effective treatment area. The aim of<br />

phototherapy is to lower the concentration of circulating bilirubin or keep it from increasing.<br />

Phototherapy achieves this by using light energy to change the shape and structure of bilirubin,<br />

converting it to molecules that can be easily excreted.<br />

Fig 1 – Effect of Blue Light on Bilirubin<br />

Bilirubin absorbs light most strongly in the blue region of the spectrum near 460nm. Only<br />

wavelengths that penetrate tissue and are absorbed by bilirubin have a phototherapeutic effect.<br />

Phototherapy units with outputs predominantly in the 460-490nm blue region of the spectrum<br />

are the most effective for treating hyper-bilirubinaemia.<br />

Blue light (400-480nm) has the potential to cause photochemical induced retinal injury, usually<br />

during therapy the neonate’s eyes will be covered using commercial or in-house eye protection.<br />

The baby’s temperature must also be carefully monitored during treatment because there may<br />

be increased heat from the phototherapy lamps. (Wentworth, 2005)

Maintenance and Service Procedures<br />

Phototherapy units require a thorough visual inspection, a light output check every 3-6 months<br />

and a filter clean and electrical safety test. During service or maintenance procedures it is<br />

important to wear the correct PPE; in this case the most important piece is the correct eye<br />

protection, and safety glasses that block the blue light from entering the eye should be worn.<br />

Fig 2 – Example of Blue Light Blocking Glasses (Amber Lens)<br />

Bibliography<br />

GOSH, 2014. GOSH - Neonatal Jaundice and Phototherapy. [Online]<br />

Available at: http://www.gosh.nhs.uk/health-professionals/clinical-guidelines/neonataljaundice-and-phototherapy<br />

[Accessed August 2015].<br />

NHS, 2013. Jaundice Newborns & Phottherapy. [Online]<br />

Available at: http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/jaundice-newborn/pages/treatment.aspx<br />

[Accessed August 2015].<br />

NICE, 2014. NICE Guidance. [Online]<br />

Available at: https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/cg98/chapter/Introduction<br />

[Accessed August 2015].<br />

Wentworth, S. D., 2005. Neonatal Phototherapy, Cardiff: Rookwood.

Video Stacks & Endoscopy<br />

Systems<br />

Steven Lewis<br />

Clinical Engineering<br />

United Lincolnshire Hospital Trust

Endoscopy Systems & Video Stacks<br />

Endoscopy is a minimally invasive medical procedure directly visualising any part of the inside<br />

of the body using an endoscope, this will be used with a stack containing various equipment<br />

such as a monitor, light source, insufflator, camera, and printer all connected through an<br />

isolation transformer. These stacks are used in theatres and various clinics, such as Ear, Nose,<br />

and Throat (ENT).<br />

Endoscopes<br />

An endoscope is a long, thin, rigid or flexible tube that consists of two or three main optical<br />

cables, each of which comprises up to 50,000 separate optical fibres (made from optical-quality<br />

glass or plastic). One or two of the cables carry light down into the patient's body; another one<br />

carries reflected light (the image of the patient's body) back up to the physician's eyepiece (or<br />

into a camera, which can display it on a monitor).<br />

The optics of an endoscope are similar to those in a telescope. At the remote (distal) end, there<br />

is an objective lens, which links to one or more bendy sections of fibre-optic cable that carry the<br />

light back out of the patient's body to a second lens in an eyepiece or to a camera, which can be<br />

manipulated to adjust the focus.<br />

Endoscopes can be inserted into the body through a natural opening, such as the mouth and<br />

down the throat, or through the anus. Alternatively, an endoscope can be inserted through a<br />

small surgical cut made in the skin (known as keyhole surgery). Images of the inside of the body<br />

are relayed to a Monitor. The instrument may not only provide an image for visual inspection<br />

and photography, but may also be capable of taking biopsies or the retrieval of foreign objects.<br />

Some of the most commonly used types of endoscope include:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Colonoscopes: used to examine the large intestine (colon).<br />

Gastroscopes: used to examine the oesophagus and stomach.<br />

Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP): used to check for<br />

gallstones.<br />

Broncoscopes: used to examine the lungs and airways.<br />

Other types of endoscope include:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Arthroscopes: used to examine joints.<br />

Hysteroscopes: used to examine the womb (uterus).<br />

Cystoscopes: used to examine the bladder.<br />

Endoscopy can involve;<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

The Gastrointestinal Tract (GI tract): oesophagus, stomach and duodenum<br />

(esophagogastroduodenoscopy), small intestine, colon, (colonoscopy, proctosigmoidoscopy).<br />

The Respiratory Tract: the nose (rhinoscopy), the lower respiratory tract<br />

(bronchoscopy), the urinary tract (cystoscopy).<br />

The Female Reproductive System: The cervix (colposcopy), the uterus<br />

(hysteroscopy), the Fallopian tubes (Falloscopy).<br />

Normally closed body cavities (through a small incision): the abdominal or pelvic<br />

cavity (laparoscopy), the interior of a joint (arthroscopy), Organs of the chest<br />

(thoracoscopy and mediastinoscopy).

An endoscopy is normally carried out while a patient is conscious. It is not usually painful, but<br />

can be uncomfortable, so a local anaesthetic or sedative may be given.<br />

The exception is keyhole surgery, such as a laparoscopy or an arthroscopy, which are performed<br />

under general anaesthetic. (Martin, 2014)<br />

Endoscopy procedures are usually safe, and the risk of serious complications is low. Possible<br />

complications of an endoscopy include an infection in the part of the body that the endoscope is<br />

used to examine, damage to the body part which may in turn cause excessive bleeding.<br />

Monitors<br />

Monitors used on modern video stacks are high quality high definition (HD) flat panel screens,<br />

with excellent colour reproduction and a wide viewing angle. Most will have various video<br />

connections on the back such as S-Video, BNC, DVI, HDMI, etc. Some older video stacks may<br />

have a non HD flat panel monitor or a CRT monitor.<br />

Light Source & Lamps<br />

The light source may form part of a video or endoscopic stack, be a stand-alone unit often used<br />

in ENT procedures, or be attached to a microscope providing illumination to the area under<br />

investigation, the light is usually transmitted via a fibre optic cable to the lens end of a scope.<br />

High-Intensity Discharge Lamps<br />

High Pressure Sodium (HPS), Metal Halide, Mercury Vapour and Self-Ballasted Mercury Lamps<br />

are all high intensity discharge lamps (HID). Compared to fluorescent and incandescent lamps,<br />

HID lamps produce a large quantity of light from a relatively small bulb.<br />

HID lamps produce light by striking an electrical arc across tungsten electrodes housed inside a<br />

specially designed inner glass tube. This tube is filled with both gas and metals. The gas aids in<br />

the starting of the lamps, then, the metals produce the light once they are heated to a point of<br />

evaporation. High intensity discharge lamps, such as xenon, are ubiquitous within the field of<br />

endoscopy for minimally invasive surgery and diagnosis. Coupling light into a small diameter<br />

fibre bundle is difficult, so an extremely bright light source is required. Historically, the light<br />

source of choice has been the 180 to 300 W xenon lamp, which could deliver 1,000+ lumens of<br />

light at the distal end of the fibre bundle. While xenon bulbs achieve the technical requirements<br />

for endoscopy, they have a very short life, 500 - 1,000 hours, and can be expensive.<br />

LED Lighting<br />

The medical device industry is constantly changing. New technologies and products enter the<br />

market, replacing outdated or inefficient equipment. LED lighting is one of these, and there are<br />

numerous benefits in using LEDs for medical illumination applications including; longer life, less<br />

heat, dynamic control, lower energy consumption, and in many cases, lower cost. LED<br />

technology has improved significantly over the years, and is currently being integrated into<br />

medical devices, including surgical lighting, exam lights, phototherapy, and endoscopy. Ongoing<br />

advancements in LEDs that are driving the technology’s use in medical devices include<br />

improvement in light intensity, product size and weight; long-term reliability, and<br />

heat/temperature management, a line of high performance LEDs optimised to displace xenon<br />

technology for endoscopy have been developed.

Fibre Optic<br />

The light in a fiber-optic cable travels through the core by constantly bouncing from the<br />

cladding (mirror-lined walls), a principle called total internal reflection. The cladding does not<br />

absorb any light from the core, enabling the light wave to travel great distances.<br />

Fig 1 - Fibre Optic Cable<br />

Light source intensity is either adjusted manually via a dial or slider on the unit. If a camera and<br />

processor are attached they can monitor the amount of light at the scope end and adjusts the<br />

intensity automatically.<br />

Different wavelengths of light are needed for different procedures;<br />

Auto Fluorescence Imaging (AFI) is based on the detection of natural tissue fluorescence<br />

emitted by endogenous molecules (fluorophores) such as collagen, flavins, and porphyrins.<br />

After excitation by a short-wavelength light source, mucosal tissue emits a green fluorescence.<br />

A difference in the intensity of this fluorescence is seen between healthy and unhealthy tissue.<br />

These colour differences in fluorescence emission can be captured in real time during<br />

endoscopy and used for lesion detection or characterisation.<br />

Narrow Band Imaging (NBI) is a powerful optical image enhancement technology that<br />

improves the visibility of blood vessels and other structures on the bladder mucosa. This makes<br />

it an excellent tool for diagnosing bladder cancer during cystoscopy.<br />

White light is composed of an equal mixture of wavelengths. The shorter wavelengths only<br />

penetrate the top layer of the mucosa, while the longer wavelengths penetrate deep into the<br />

mucosa. NBI light is composed of just two specific wavelengths that are strongly absorbed by<br />

haemoglobin.<br />

The shorter wavelength in NBI is 415 nm light, which only penetrates the superficial layers of<br />

the mucosa. This is absorbed by capillary vessels in the surface of the mucosa and shows up<br />

brownish on the video image. This wavelength is particularly useful for detecting tumours,<br />

which are often highly vascularised. The second NBI wavelength is 540 nm light, which<br />

penetrates deeper than 415 nm light. It is absorbed by blood vessels located deeper within the<br />

mucosal layer, and appears cyan on the NBI image. This wavelength allows a better<br />

understanding of the vasculature of suspect lesions. (Olympus, 2014)<br />

Fig 2 – Absorption of Narrow Band Illumination

Insufflator<br />

An Insufflator provides distension of the required cavity for diagnostic or operative procedures.<br />

The insufflator pumps CO 2 into the cavity to a set pressure, this stretches the area being worked<br />

on making it easier to manipulate tools, assess the surgical site or perform the operative<br />

procedure. The maximum pressures of cavity’s should be observed when using an insufflator to<br />

prevent any problems, for example, Prolonged intra-abdominal pressures greater than 20mmHg<br />

should be avoided as they can cause any of the following problems;<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Decreased respiration due to pressure on the diaphragm.<br />

Decreased venous return.<br />

Decreased Cardiac output.<br />

CO 2 is now preferred over air as CO 2 is absorbed 150 times faster than the nitrogen in air, and is<br />

promptly eliminated via the lungs. This also means that patients are not subjected to extended<br />

discomfort from bloating and cramping.<br />

Camera System<br />

The camera on a video stack consists of two parts, the camera head, where scopes and light<br />

guides are attached, and a processer unit which feeds the image taken by the camera to a<br />

monitor, image capture device or printer.<br />

The aperture opens and closes to control how much light travels from the subject through a<br />

series of curved lens and through coloured filters focused on a digital sensor, which converts it<br />

into a digital (numerical) format. This is then processed and fed to the image capture system,<br />

monitor and printer.<br />

Image Capture System<br />

Image capture systems are image management systems that have the ability to record images<br />

and videos to their internal hard drive. They can also be connected to the hospital network<br />

where they can be integrated with PACS and other similar systems.<br />

Many image capture systems are generally windows based systems with a dedicated user<br />

interface. Very little maintenance of this system is required, at ULHT the only thing in the way<br />

service and repair we carry out is to take an image of the hard-drive at acceptance in case of any<br />

faults during its life, functional and visual checks and electrical safety testing.<br />

Isolation Transformer<br />

An isolation transformer is a transformer used to transfer electrical power from a source of<br />

alternating current (AC) power to some equipment or device while isolating the powered device<br />

from the power source, usually for safety reasons. Isolation transformers are used to protect<br />

against electric shock, to suppress electrical noise in sensitive devices, or to transfer power<br />

between two circuits which must not be connected. All true transformers are isolating as the<br />

primary and secondary are not connected physically but only by induction. However, in an<br />

isolation transformer the windings are completely insulated from each other to ensure good<br />


In a normal supply the earth conductor is referenced to the neutral<br />

connector at source, which gives a potential voltage between live<br />

and earth of 240V. This means that touching either the live or<br />

neutral makes you part of the return path and can result in<br />

electrocution.<br />

With an isolation transformer the output voltage is not referenced<br />

to ground, so you could safely touch the live conductor and ground<br />

and not received a shock. This system is safer but if there is a fault,<br />

the operator touched both live and neutral connections or there<br />

was capacitive coupling between the secondary windings and<br />

earth. This would allow current to flow from either of the<br />

secondary connections through the operator/ patient to ground<br />

and electrocution could still occur.<br />

Maintenance & Service Procedures<br />

Endoscopes<br />

These are generally managed by the user, this includes cleaning.<br />

Cameras and Image Capture devices<br />

Cameras should have visual inspection and function test, checking image quality and focus also<br />

ensuring the various buttons work as they should.<br />

Image capture devices should also be visually inspected paying attention to the screen and case<br />

all functions should then be checked including the touch screen responds if applicable. This<br />

should then be safety tested.<br />

Light Sources<br />

A thorough visual inspection to include the case, mains lead, and the bulb for any<br />

damage/pitting should be performed. A filter clean/change and an electrical safety test are<br />

often all that is required.<br />

Light sources that used arc lamps or HID lamps require a scheduled lamp change, usually at<br />

approx. 500 hours of use.<br />

Before HID lamps are disposed of in an appropriate manner the xenon gas should be discharged.<br />

Insufflators<br />

A Visual inspection should be performed taking special care to inspect any gas connections and<br />

hoses including the pin index.<br />

A Check of output pressure and flow rates for conformity and accuracy against manufacturer’s<br />

specification. Check all controls work and that any alarms sound, including excess pressure and<br />

empty cylinder alarm.<br />

An Electrical Safety Test (EST) should then be completed to the appropriate standard.

Bibliography<br />

Blackwell Publishing, 2014. Basic Endoscopic Equipment. [Online]<br />

Available at: https://www.blackwellpublishing.com/xml/dtds/4-<br />

0/help/10003420_chapter_1.pdf<br />

[Accessed December 2015].<br />

Martin, T., 2014. Principles of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. Surgery (Oxford), 32(3), pp. 139-144.<br />

Olympus, 2014. Olympus - Narrow Band Imaging. [Online]<br />

Available at:<br />

http://www.olympus.co.uk/medical/en/medical_systems/applications/urology/bladder/narro<br />

w_band_imaging__nbi_/narrow_band_imaging__nbi_.html<br />

[Accessed Febuary 2014].<br />

ustudy, 2011. Endoscopy Working Principle. [Online]<br />

Available at: http://www.ustudy.in/node/5066<br />

[Accessed December 2015].

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