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I now like to refer to as Holy Days). My response<br />

was always, “No”, usually followed by some<br />

snarky child-like comment filled with my thoughts<br />

on how I didn’t need God to get through life.<br />

In college my mother was filled with more grace<br />

than I’ve ever seen in another human being. The<br />

irony of the Lord: her name is Grace. I made<br />

all of the wrong choices we pray our children<br />

don’t make, yet she still showed love and shared<br />

wisdom in the kindest way possible. She traveled<br />

from out of state to help my sister pack up her<br />

things to begin her journey off to college. Mom<br />

asked if she could stay with me for the night.<br />

Sadly, I was the typical college student. I lived<br />

with three boys and we drank often. I showed my<br />

mother such little respect that evening. I texted<br />

her that day to see if she cared that I stay at a<br />

friend’s to watch a movie. She said no. It was my<br />

friend who nudged me home that night to spend<br />

time with my mom. When I got home, Mom was<br />

sitting around the campfire with my roommates.<br />

Conversation was lead to our beliefs and we<br />

each took turns sharing our thoughts on who<br />

we, as humans, are and how we got here. After<br />

embarking on a journey using drugs the week<br />

prior, I was convinced that there was someone<br />

else in the universe that was performing a large<br />

social experiment: that they had placed us all<br />

here on earth, split the land, colored our skins<br />

differently, molded us to have distinctly different<br />

facial features, and caused us to speak different<br />

languages. Yet, I didn’t believe in God. My mother<br />

started sharing her testimony and, as you can<br />

imagine, it was filled with Jesus. I begged her to<br />

stop and, with poise, she did by asking each of us<br />

to think about what we really believed. “Put some<br />

time into it and do some research,” she said.<br />

School was about to start up again and I moved<br />

closer to campus. Within a week I was poking<br />

around on the internet about religion. I remember<br />

making a list of things I wanted to do to better<br />

myself: drink more water, memorize more<br />

geography, learn about different religions, etc. I<br />

didn’t want to limit myself to Christianity. My<br />

mom had placed a curious desire in my heart; a<br />

desire to figure out the truth (although truth be told<br />

I never thought I’d find it in religion). I looked up<br />

the beliefs of all major religions and searched for<br />

biblical proofs. One night I was googling Christian<br />

artifacts and the next morning I awoke – changed.<br />

As fast as you read it, it happened. God had taken<br />

me out of my self and had made me new. He gave<br />

me the new eyes, new mind, and new heart that<br />

we talk about. If it wasn’t for that amazing mother<br />

of mine, obedient to pray for me and testify in the<br />

name of the Lord and His ways, I wonder how<br />

long it would have taken me to receive His calling.<br />

God is calling each of us. He calls all of us to<br />

believe in Him, and when we do He calls all of<br />

us to action. Shortly after coming to faith, the<br />

Lord called me to write a book for Him. It was to<br />

be titled ‘Beyond A Reasonable Doubt,’ and was<br />

to be filled with all of the Christian history and<br />

artifacts that had originally piqued my interest into<br />

the reality of faith. I spent two years fervently<br />

reading my Bible, researching, and taking notes for<br />

the book. He showed Himself to me. When He<br />

spoke I heard Him and when I called on Him He<br />

answered in miraculous God-sized ways.<br />

I never wrote the book. Life got busy and<br />

my priorities shifted away from the Lord. Just<br />

like the Israelites, I quickly lost sight of God’s<br />

wonder. A few years later, I pursued a degree in<br />

Criminal Justice and it wasn’t until then that I truly<br />

understood the meaning of my book’s title. In<br />

a criminal case, in order to find a person guilty,<br />

there must be evidence beyond a reasonable<br />

doubt. I still can’t help but think that if we took the<br />

existence of Christianity (a Creator of all things and<br />

the presence of His Spirit within Jesus the Christ)<br />

to court, there would be enough evidence to say,<br />

beyond a reasonable doubt, this is real.<br />

When the Lord places a calling on our hearts’,<br />

we are to follow. I had asked God to do things for<br />

me, to show me things, to change things, and He<br />

did. Failing to write the book that the Lord had<br />

clearly communicated for me to write wasn’t His<br />

desire. The Creator of life itself chose to talk with<br />

me, and He asked me to do something for Him!<br />

Who was I to choose not to follow His request?<br />

I chose to place more value on my desires and<br />

the criticism of those surrounding me. There’s a<br />


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