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Downstream Oil Theft: Global Modalities, Trends, and Remedies<br />

creditors including SOCAR Trading—the trading arm of<br />

Azerbaijan’s state-owned oil company—are sustaining<br />

losses from the ongoing closure of the refinery. SOCAR<br />

reported a $9 million loss in July 2016 relative to<br />

January through July of 2015. 212 As of June, the court<br />

gave Amoudi another six months to find a buyer to<br />

rehabilitate the refinery, but so far, there do not seem<br />

to be signs of success. 213<br />

Facts and Figures on SAMIR’s Refinery<br />

Location: Casablanca, Morocco<br />

Website: http://www.samir.ma/<br />

Established: 1959<br />

Capacity: 8.25 million tons/annum & 220,000 billion bpd<br />

Products: 50 Parts per Million Diesel; Unleaded<br />

Gasoline; Jet A1; Fuel Oil; Propane; Butane; Base Oil;<br />

Bitumen (see figure 1 for breakdown).<br />

According to its website:<br />

SAMIR has storage facilities of nearly 280 tanks,<br />

with a total capacity of 2 million m 3 of crude oil,<br />

intermediate and refined products distributed in<br />

three sites:<br />

• Main site (refinery): 1.51 million m 3<br />

• Mohammedia terminal: 309,000 m 3<br />

• Sidi Kacem site: 180,000 m 3<br />

SAMIR storage facility is connected to a pipeline<br />

network between the petrol terminal, the truck<br />

loading installations bays, the ONE power station in<br />

Mohammedia and the distributors’ various storage<br />

depots. Storage tanks are equipped with metering<br />

systems and gauging systems that enable optimal<br />

management of different movements (internal and<br />

external to the refinery) of petroleum products. 214<br />

Oil and Gas Imports<br />

Morocco may be Africa’s fifth-largest consumer of oil,<br />

but it is extremely difficult to obtain clear data on the<br />

breakdown of products or their quantities. Despite<br />

its stability and reputation for good governance,<br />

Morocco is incredibly opaque with regard to its<br />

oil and gas sector, and even more so now that the<br />

SAMIR refinery has shut. Statistics provided by the<br />

Massachusetts Institute of Technology indicate that,<br />

in 2014, 8.1 percent of imports consisted of refined<br />

petroleum, 4.9 percent of LPG, and 6.5 percent of<br />

212 “SOCAR Oil Production Drops 9 Percent in 7m; Gas Down<br />

7.2,” Azerbaijan News Network, August 11, 2016, http://ann.<br />

az/en/socar-oil-production-drops-9-in-7m-gas-down-72/#.<br />

V7fKqpMrK1s.<br />

213 “Moroccan Court Gives Oil Refiner Samir More Time to Restart<br />

Production,” Reuters Africa, June 21, 2016, http://af.reuters.<br />

com/article/investingNews/idAFKCN0Z71U2.<br />

214 “Storage,” SAMIR, http://www.samir.ma/en/index.<br />

php?option=com_content&view=article&id=101&Itemid=229.<br />

Figure 1. Breakdown of Products Previously<br />

Produced at SAMIR<br />

JET A1 (10,29%)<br />

GPL (1,79%)<br />

Bitume (3,32%)<br />

HB (1,16%)<br />

SUPER (7,13%)<br />

FO (35,47%)<br />

Source: www.samir.ma<br />

Gasoil (39,72%)<br />

crude petroleum; the Moroccan Office des Changes<br />

put 2015 hydrocarbons imports as 57.9 percent refined<br />

petroleum, 23 percent LPG, and 19.1 percent crude<br />

oil—numbers that, once more, precede the shutdown<br />

of SAMIR. 215<br />

Focusing exclusively on the legitimate market, it is<br />

possible to garner some information from trading<br />

partners. On the gas side, according to Trade Arabia:<br />

Morocco produces just 0.06 [billion cubic meters<br />

per annum (bcma)], and recent exploration<br />

efforts have been disappointing, yielding no<br />

significant discoveries from the 10 wells drilled<br />

since 2013. But the kingdom has been active in<br />

reforming its energy sector and in 2015 phased<br />

out all energy subsidies apart from those for LPG.<br />

In total, energy subsidies now account for 2 per<br />

cent of GDP compared with 7 per cent in 2012.<br />

Morocco currently imports 0.6bcma of pipeline<br />

gas from Algeria to feed its power plants but the<br />

construction of a 2.4 [gigawatt] combined-cycle<br />

plant in Rabat will require imports of 3.5bcma of<br />

[liquefied natural gas (LNG)]. Moroccan utility<br />

ONEE has issued a tender for the construction<br />

of a regasification terminal as part of its LNGto-power<br />

project. It has also issued tenders for<br />

the import of 2.7bcm in 2020 rising to 5bcma<br />

by 2023. Morocco’s reliance on renewables in<br />

the power sector makes its future LNG demand<br />

difficult to forecast and ONEE plans to purchase<br />

20 per cent of its requirements on the spot<br />

market. 216<br />

215 “Morocco,” The Observatory of Economic Complexity,<br />

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2016, http://atlas.media.<br />

mit.edu/en/profile/country/mar/; “Office des Changes,” 2016,<br />

www.oc.gov.ma/portal.<br />

216 “MENA: LNG’s Top Growth Market,” Trade Arabia, August 3,<br />



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