BAM 421 Operations Management Unit 3 Examination

BAM 421 Operations Management Unit 3 Examination

BAM 421 Operations Management Unit 3 Examination


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<strong>BAM</strong> <strong>421</strong> <strong>Operations</strong> <strong>Management</strong> <strong>Unit</strong> 3 <strong>Examination</strong><br />

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<strong>BAM</strong> <strong>421</strong> <strong>Operations</strong> <strong>Management</strong> <strong>Unit</strong> 3 Exam<br />

1. The behavioral approach to job design that involves giving the worker a larger portion of<br />

the total task is job _______________.<br />

2. enlargement<br />

3. enrichment<br />

4. enhancement<br />

5. rotation<br />

6. involvement<br />

2. When a worker has a say in the work methods that he/she wishes to utilize, his/her job is<br />

characterized by _______________.<br />

3. skill variety<br />

4. job identity<br />

5. job significance<br />

6. feedback<br />

7. autonomy

3. Which of the following terms implies an increase in responsibility and control in the<br />

vertical direction?<br />

4. job rotation<br />

5. job enrichment<br />

6. job re-design<br />

7. job enlargement<br />

8. job satisfaction<br />

4. Which of the following statements describes job rotation?<br />

5. The job contains a larger number of similar tasks.<br />

6. The job includes some planning and control necessary for job accomplishment.<br />

7. The operator works on different shifts on a regular basis.<br />

8. The operator’s schedule is flexible.<br />

9. The operator is allowed to move, for example, from one type of CNC machine to the<br />

other.<br />

5. The difference between job enrichment and job enlargement is that ______________.<br />

6. enlarged jobs involve vertical expansion while enriched jobs involve horizontal<br />

expansion<br />

7. enriched jobs enable an employee to do a number of boring jobs instead of just one<br />

8. job enlargement is more psychologically satisfying than job enrichment<br />

9. job enrichment is suitable for all employees, whereas job enlargement is not<br />

10. enriched jobs involve vertical expansion while enlarged jobs involve horizontal<br />


6. Suppose that the allowance factor for a job is 0.10 and the normal time is 5 hours. What<br />

is the standard time?<br />

7. 4.5 hours<br />

8. 4.9 hours<br />

9. 5.1 hours<br />

10. 5.6 hours<br />

11. 50.0 hours<br />

12. A job characterized by _______________ allows a worker to use his/her dexterity,<br />

physical strength and skills to do his/her work.<br />

13. feedback<br />

14. skill variety<br />

15. job identity<br />

16. job significance<br />

17. autonomy<br />

8. Outsourcing ______________.<br />

9. transfers traditional internal activities to outside vendors<br />

10. utilizes the efficiency which comes with specialization<br />

11. lets the outsourcing firm focus on its key success factors<br />

12. None of the above are true of outsourcing.<br />

13. All of the above are true of outsourcing.<br />

9. The transfer of some of what are traditional internal activities and resources of a firm to<br />

outside vendors is ______________.<br />

10. a standard use of the make or buy decision

11. not allowed by the ethics code of the Supply <strong>Management</strong> Institute<br />

12. offshoring<br />

13. outsourcing<br />

14. keiretsu<br />

10. The Institute for Supply <strong>Management</strong> ________________.<br />

11. establishes laws and regulations for supply management<br />

12. is an agency of the <strong>Unit</strong>ed Nations charged with promoting ethical conduct globally<br />

13. publishes the principles and standards for ethical supply management conduct<br />

14. prohibits backward integration into developing economies<br />

15. All of the above are true.<br />

11. In supply-chain management, ethical issues ______________.<br />

12. are particularly important because of the enormous opportunities for abuse<br />

13. may be guided by company rules and codes of conduct<br />

14. become more complex the more global the supply chain<br />

15. may be guided by the principles and standards of the Institute for Supply <strong>Management</strong><br />

16. All of the above are true.<br />

12. Which one of the following is not a supply-chain strategy?<br />

13. negotiation with many suppliers<br />

14. vertical integration<br />

15. keiretsu

16. short-term relationships with few suppliers<br />

17. virtual companies<br />

13. A disadvantage of the “few suppliers” strategy is _______________.<br />

14. the risk of not being ready for technological change<br />

15. the lack of cost savings for customers and suppliers<br />

16. possible violations of the Sherman Antitrust Act<br />

17. the high cost of changing partners<br />

18. All of the above are disadvantages of the “few suppliers” strategy.<br />

14. In the basic EOQ model, if the cost of placing an order doubles, and all other values<br />

remain constant, the EOQ will _______________.<br />

15. increase by about 41%<br />

16. increase by 100%<br />

17. increase by 200%<br />

18. increase, but more data is needed to say by how much<br />

19. either increase or decrease<br />

15. In the basic EOQ model, if D=6000 per year, S=$100 andH=$5 per unit per month, then<br />

the economic order quantity is approximately _______________.<br />

16. 24<br />

17. 100<br />

18. 141

19. 490<br />

20. 600<br />

16. The two most basic inventory questions answered by the typical inventory model are<br />

_______________.<br />

17. timing and cost of orders<br />

18. quantity and cost of orders<br />

19. timing and quantity of orders<br />

20. order quantity and service level<br />

21. ordering cost and carrying cost<br />

17. Among the advantages of cycle counting is that it ______________.<br />

18. makes the annual physical inventory more acceptable to management<br />

19. does not require the detailed records necessary when annual physical inventory is used<br />

20. does not require highly trained people<br />

21. allows more rapid identification of errors and consequent remedial action than is possible<br />

with annual physical inventory<br />

22. does not need to be performed for less expensive items<br />

18. Which of the following is an element of inventory holding costs?<br />

19. housing costs<br />

20. material handling costs<br />

21. investment costs<br />

22. pilferage, scrap and obsolescence

23. All of the above are elements of inventory holding cost.<br />

19. Most inventory models attempt to minimize _______________.<br />

20. the likelihood of a stockout<br />

21. the number of items ordered<br />

22. total inventory based costs<br />

23. the number of orders placed<br />

24. the safety stock<br />

20. Top executives tend to focus their attention on which type of forecasts?<br />

21. short-range<br />

22. medium-range<br />

23. long-range<br />

24. weather<br />

25. the forecast for the next day’s absentee levels<br />

21. Which of the following would most likely fall under the scope of only an operations<br />

manager?<br />

22. research and development<br />

23. new product plans<br />

24. capital investments<br />

25. facility location and expansion<br />

26. setting inventory levels

22. Disaggregation _______________.<br />

23. breaks the aggregate plan into greater detail<br />

24. transforms the master production schedule into an aggregate plan<br />

25. calculates the optimal price points for yield management<br />

26. converts product schedules and labor assignments to a facility-wide plan<br />

27. is an assumption required for the use of the transportation model in aggregate planning<br />

23. Aggregate planning would entail which of the following production aspects at BMW for<br />

a 12 month period?<br />

24. number of cars with a hi-fi stereo system to produce<br />

25. number of two-door vs. four-door cars to produce<br />

26. number of green cars to produce<br />

27. total number of cars to produce<br />

28. b, c, and d are correct.<br />

24. What directly results from disaggregation of an aggregate plan?<br />

25. a master production schedule<br />

26. priority scheduling<br />

27. a transportation matrix<br />

28. a capacity-demand matrix<br />

29. detailed work schedules

25. Dependence on an external source of supply is found in which of the following aggregate<br />

planning strategies?<br />

26. varying production rates through overtime or idle time<br />

27. subcontracting<br />

28. using part-time workers<br />

29. back-ordering during high demand periods<br />

30. hiring and laying off

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