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allotropes, why not use<br />

carbon in solar cells?<br />

This is how carbon<br />

nanotubes (a special form<br />

of carbon) came to be<br />

considered for tapping<br />

solar energy.<br />

Before studying about<br />

carbon nanotubes, we<br />

need to know what<br />

n a n o t u b e s a r e .<br />

Nanotubes are particles<br />

that are on the nanoscale,<br />

which is are about 1 to<br />

100 nanometres (nm) in<br />

size. For comparison, the<br />

thickness of a sheet of<br />

paper is about 100,000<br />

nm and the width of a<br />

hair, about 40,000 –<br />

80,000 nm. Materials that<br />

exhibit a dimension<br />

below 100 nm have very<br />

different and interesting<br />

properties than the bulk<br />

material. As an example,<br />

gold is a very inert metal,<br />

but below 100 nm,<br />

nanoparticles of gold<br />

possess properties that<br />

m a k e t h e m g o o d<br />

catalysts and sensors.<br />

With this in mind, let us<br />

s e e w h a t c a r b o n<br />

nanotubes are. Carbon<br />

nanotubes (CNTs) are<br />

allotropes of carbon with<br />

a c y l i n d r i c a l<br />

nanostructure. These<br />

c y l i n d r i c a l c a r b o n<br />

molecules have unusual<br />

properties, which are<br />

v a l u a b l e f o r<br />

n a n o t e c h n o l o g y ,<br />

electronics, optics and<br />

other fields of materials<br />

science and technology.<br />

So, Why use CNTs in<br />

Solar Cells?<br />

Any solar cell should<br />

have good photovoltaic<br />

properties to provide<br />

maximum number of<br />

electron-hole pairs for a<br />

g i v e n i n t e n s i t y o f<br />

incident light. The cell<br />

should be as strong as<br />

possible to improve its<br />

life and should work at<br />

maximum possible<br />

efficiency. Above all, it<br />

should be cheap. Well,<br />

CNTs have many such<br />

desirable properties that<br />

make it a potential<br />

photovoltaic material in<br />

the coming years. When<br />

light falls on a solar cell,<br />

electrons are generated<br />

and transferred to the<br />

external circuit via<br />

metallic conductors and<br />

connectors. If the photoreception<br />

part of the cell<br />

contains CNTs, a lot of<br />

positive differences can<br />

be observed. This is due<br />

t o t h e e l e c t r i c a l<br />

properties of CNTs. They<br />

are hollow cylinders and<br />

hence electrons can only<br />

flow over its surface<br />

c o m p a r e d t o t h e<br />

conventional wires. Due<br />

to this reason, CNTs<br />

offers lesser resistance to<br />

the flow of current and<br />

can help reduce losses.<br />

As for light harvesting<br />

p r o p e r t i e s , c a r b o n<br />

nanotubes possess a wide<br />

range of direct bandgaps<br />

m a t c h i n g t h e s o l a r<br />

spectrum and its strong<br />

photoabsorption from<br />

infrared to ultraviolet,<br />

allows it to absorb light<br />

belonging to different<br />

f r e q u e n c i e s a n d<br />

wavelength. It has high<br />

carrier mobility and<br />

reduced carrier transport<br />

scattering which allows<br />

C N T s t o t r a n s f e r<br />

maximum current to the<br />

external load as much as<br />

possible with minimum<br />

loss of electrons within<br />

the bulk of the cell. What<br />

good can a solar cell do<br />

if it can’t protect itself<br />

from mechanical<br />

s t r e s s e s ? C a r b o n<br />

nanotubes are the<br />

strongest and stiffest<br />

materials yet discovered<br />

in terms of tensile<br />

strength and elastic<br />

modulus respectively.<br />

Recently, SWNTs were<br />

directly configured as<br />

e n e r g y c o n v e r s i o n<br />

materials to fabricate<br />

thin-film solar cells, with<br />

nanotubes serving as<br />

both photogeneration<br />

sites and a charge carriers<br />

collecting/transport layer.<br />

The solar cells consist of<br />

a semitransparent thin<br />

f i l m o f n a n o t u b e s<br />

conformally coated on an<br />

n-type crystalline silicon<br />

substrate to create highd<br />

e n s i t y<br />

p - n<br />

heterojunctions between<br />

nanotubes and n-Si to<br />

favor charge separation<br />

and extract electrons<br />

(through n-Si) and holes<br />

(through nanotubes).<br />

Initial tests have shown a<br />

p o w e r c o n v e r s i o n<br />

efficiency of >1\%,<br />

proving that CNTs-on-Si<br />

is a potentially suitable<br />

configuration for making<br />

solar cells. For the first<br />

t i m e , Z h o n g r u i L i<br />

demonstrated that SOCl2<br />

treatment of SWNT<br />

b o o s t s t h e p o w e r<br />

conversion efficiency of<br />

S W N T / n - S i<br />

heterojunction solar cells<br />

by more than 60%. Later<br />

on the acid doping<br />

a p p r o a c h i s w i d e l y<br />

adopted in the later<br />

published CNT/Si works.<br />

Even higher efficiency<br />

can be achieved if acid<br />

liquid is kept inside the<br />

void space of nanotube<br />

network. Acid infiltration<br />

of nanotube networks<br />

significantly boosts the<br />

cell efficiency to 13.8%,<br />

as reported by Yi Jia, by<br />

reducing the internal<br />

resistance that improves<br />

f i l l f a c t o r, a n d b y<br />

f o r m i n g<br />

photoelectrochemical<br />

units that enhance charge<br />

separation and transport.<br />

The wet acid induced<br />

problems can be avoided<br />

by using aligned CNT

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