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voltage across the<br />

critical load.<br />

So far, three generations<br />

o f E S s h a v e b e e n<br />

developed. The first<br />

generation, consisting of<br />

a single-phase inverter<br />

w i t h a c a p a c i t o r<br />

installed on the dc-link<br />

side, is connected in<br />

series with a non-critical<br />

load and drawback is its<br />

limited reactive power<br />

c o m p e n s a t i o n<br />

capability. The second<br />

generation is proposed<br />

and it replaces the<br />

capacitor with a battery,<br />

which enables the active<br />

p o w e r r e g u l a t i o n .<br />

However, the battery<br />

brings other problems<br />

such as larger size,<br />

shorter service life and<br />

higher cost. The third<br />

generation solves the<br />

battery problem using<br />

t w o b i d i r e c t i o n a l<br />

inverters connected<br />

back-to-back through a<br />

dc bus, but additional<br />

transformers are<br />

required to isolate the<br />

inverters from the grid.<br />

It is expected that the<br />

ES, as a decentralised<br />

approach, can also be<br />

used to improve the<br />

power quality of the<br />

d i s t r i b u t i o n ( l o w -<br />

voltage) power grids.<br />

Conventionally, single<br />

centralised techniques<br />

such as the series and<br />

s h u n t V A R<br />

compensators are used<br />

at the high voltage level<br />

t o i m p r o v e t h e<br />

performance of AC<br />

p o w e r s y s t e m s b y<br />

p r o v i d i n g 1 ) l o a d<br />

compensation and 2)<br />

voltage support.<br />

There is a growing<br />

interest in using dc<br />

power systems and<br />

micro grids for our<br />

electricity transmission<br />

a n d d i s t r i b u t i o n ,<br />

particularly with the<br />

increasing penetration<br />

of photovoltaic power<br />

systems. ES’s Dispersed<br />

throughout the<br />

distribution system can<br />

provide a strong and<br />

cost effective<br />

m e c h a n i s m f o r<br />

distributed voltage<br />

control that emerged as<br />

a novel way of DSM on<br />

the real time basis.<br />

******<br />

Positive Emotions<br />

and Math<br />

-Learning Reinforce each<br />

other<br />

Positive emotions and success at<br />

learning in math reinforce each<br />

other, according to a new study by<br />

Ludwig-Maximilians University in<br />

Munch on students emotional<br />

attitudes to mathematics.<br />

Research shows that learning and<br />

cognitive performance of students<br />

can b influenced by emotional<br />

reactions to learning, like<br />

enjoyment, anxiety and boredom.<br />

The finding appears in the journal<br />

Child Development.<br />

“ We f o u n d t h a t e m o t i o n s<br />

i n f l u e n c e d s t u d e n t s ’ m a t h<br />

achievement over the years “,<br />

explains Prof. Reinhard Pekrun,<br />

who led the research. “Students<br />

with higher intelligence had better<br />

grades and test scores, but those<br />

who also enjoyed and took pride<br />

i n m a t h h a d e v e n b e t t e r<br />

achievement. Students who<br />

experienced anger , anxiety,<br />

shame, boredom, or-hopelessness<br />

had lower achievement”

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