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CANCER (June 21-July 22): Your loose lips may not sink the entire ship, Cancer, but they could well<br />

ratchet up any underlying tensions between you and those with commanding influence. Mercury<br />

retrograde joins Uranus in your 10th, a combination that can incite unwitting public blunders, professional<br />

missteps, and/or the unexpected dissemination of some offhand statement you hadn't<br />

meant for everyone to hear. Of course, this same astro-influence could instead bring a sudden malfunction,<br />

rearranging, structural change, or urgent public-relations matter unrelated to anything you<br />

did wrong… but nonetheless your response will be critical to whether it's ultimately handled with<br />

panache, or if the 'solution' ends up being worse than the original problem. Whatever the case,<br />

you'll have to think on your feet, while still keeping them firmly planted on the ground. Though possible fixes or best-waysforward<br />

may magically pop into your head, you should slow the process between 'brain-flash' and 'outward divulgence'<br />

enough so that you can properly vet any idea, walking yourself through the steps of how it would actually work.<br />

LEO (July 23-August 22): Though this whole extended moment may feel like little more than a bunch<br />

of second-guessing self-doubt, Leo, it's in fact your golden chance to work out any kinks in your current<br />

life-directional course. I don't necessarily recommend sudden immersion in a far-reaching program<br />

that promises to 'put everything into perspective', last-minute unplanned-for departures to<br />

impractical and/or exotic destinations, or any abrupt turn which drops you off the radar that's been<br />

tracking a certain progress. Yet, the impulse drawing you to such divergences isn't random. That<br />

hunger for an infusion of re-inspiring determination from some radical rerouting is your clue that<br />

something about a current activity or involvement is probably sapping your inspiration, or you<br />

wouldn't be looking for greater meaning elsewhere. Though blindly following this sort of impulse could bring more chaos than<br />

clarity, paying attention to it might be a good next-step in addressing whatever's creating this undercurrent of discouraging<br />

discontentment. (Unless your problem is impatience, in which case you'll just have to wait.)<br />

VIRGO (August 23-September 22): Who can you continue to develop intimacy, trust, depth, and a<br />

mutually profitable future with, Virgo? Whose psychological tangles or unhealed wounds may be<br />

obstructing the progress? Before you point either a longing or a blaming finger at anybody else,<br />

start by assessing how answers to these questions might apply to you. Your subject-position in this<br />

is not 'observer', but 'co-participant'. I wonder if it's even possible to separate your behavior from<br />

its interplay with the whole dynamic you're playing out with this person (or entity). However, your<br />

feelings remain your own… and they alone can expertly guide this latter phase of a process that's<br />

already been underway for a couple months. The only specific 'outcome' to push towards: to the<br />

next chapter, conclusively, whatever it may be. This week, notice how any surprise disclosures or sudden turns in the conversation<br />

rouse a particular feeling in your body (e.g., excitement, dread, shame, relief, hope). Would you want more of what this<br />

glimpse-of-emotion appears to promise, should you carry on in this arrangement together?<br />

STARS OUR OURS graciously provided by Barry Pearlman<br />

Say Hello to Barry at http://www.astrobarry.com

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