Festival Speech Synthesis System: - Speech Resource Pages

Festival Speech Synthesis System: - Speech Resource Pages

Festival Speech Synthesis System: - Speech Resource Pages


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This pocket-watch was made in 1983.<br />

would give a word relation of<br />

this pocket watch was made in nineteen eighty three<br />

Becuase the relationship between tokens and word in some cases is complex, a user function may be specified for<br />

translating tokens into words. This is designed to deal with things like numbers, email addresses, and other nonobvious<br />

pronunciations of tokens as zero or more words. Currently a builtin function<br />

builtin_english_token_to_words offers much of the necessary functionality for English but a user may<br />

further customize this.<br />

If the user defines a function token_to_words which takes two arguments: a token item and a token name, it will<br />

be called by the Token_English and Token_Any modules. A substantial example is given as<br />

english_token_to_words in `festival/lib/token.scm'.<br />

An example of this function is in `lib/token.scm'. It is quite elaborate and covers most of the common multiword<br />

tokens in English including, numbers, money symbols, Roman numerals, dates, times, plurals of symbols,<br />

number ranges, telephone number and various other symbols.<br />

Let us look at the treatment of one particular phenomena which shows the use of these rules. Consider the expression<br />

"$12 million" which should be rendered as the words "twelve million dollars". Note the word "dollars" which is<br />

introduced by the "$" sign, ends up after the end of the expression. There are two cases we need to deal with as there<br />

are two tokens. The first condition in the cond checks if the current token name is a money symbol, while the<br />

second condition check that following word is a magnitude (million, billion, trillion, zillion etc.) If that is the case the<br />

"$" is removed and the remaining numbers are pronounced, by calling the builtin token to word function. The second<br />

condition deals with the second token. It confirms the previous is a money value (the same regular expression as<br />

before) and then returns the word followed by the word "dollars". If it is neither of these forms then the builtin<br />

function is called.<br />

(define (token_to_words token name)<br />

"(token_to_words TOKEN NAME)<br />

Returns a list of words for NAME from TOKEN."<br />

(cond<br />

((and (string-matches name "\\$[0-9,]+\\(\\.[0-9]+\\)?")<br />

(string-matches (item.feat token "n.name") ".*illion.?"))<br />

(builtin_english_token_to_words token (string-after name "$")))<br />

((and (string-matches (item.feat token "p.name")<br />

"\\$[0-9,]+\\(\\.[0-9]+\\)?")<br />

(string-matches name ".*illion.?"))<br />

(list<br />

name<br />

"dollars"))<br />

(t<br />

(builtin_english_token_to_words token name))))<br />

It is valid to make some conditions return no words, though some care should be taken with that, as punctuation<br />

information may no longer be available to later processing if there are no words related to a token.<br />

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15.3 Homograph disambiguation<br />

Not all tokens can be rendered as words easily. Their context may affect the way they are to be pronounced. For<br />

example in the utterance

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