Equestrian Life April 2018 Issue

Your leading monthly magazine for all horse lovers and riders

Your leading monthly magazine for all horse lovers and riders


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<strong>Issue</strong> 273 <strong>April</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | £3.00<br />

East midlands & the northern counties’ best equestrian monthly magazine by far!<br />

WIN<br />

with<br />




JACKET<br />

WIN<br />




WIN AN<br />



WATCH<br />

Flying<br />

Changes<br />

The company that<br />

re-defined the<br />

British dress code!<br />

British Dressage<br />

Find out why<br />

you should join<br />

PLUS<br />

EMWPCA Spring Show<br />

EMDG One Day Event<br />

Field Farm Dressage<br />

NCPA Leics<br />

and much more…..<br />

Teaching<br />

a young<br />

horse to<br />

jump<br />

with Joanne Shaw<br />







Zoe Bateson<br />

zoe@equestrianlifemagazine.co.uk<br />


Michelle Toner<br />

07547 174015<br />

michelle@equestrianlifemagazine.co.uk<br />

www.equestrianlifemagazine.co.uk<br />


<strong>Equestrian</strong> <strong>Life</strong> Magazine<br />

RKB Media Ltd, The Loose Box<br />

Shelton Lodge, Shelton, Newark,<br />

Notts. NG23 5JJ<br />



info@equestrianlifemagazine.co.uk<br />

www.equestrianlifemagazine.co.uk<br />


Print: Buxton Press<br />

Distribution: Pineapple Media<br />

JOIN US ON<br />

<strong>Equestrian</strong> <strong>Life</strong> Magazine<br />

ELMagazineUK<br />

@equestrianlifemagazine<br />

<strong>Equestrian</strong> <strong>Life</strong> is available in a wide<br />

range of Newsagents in the East<br />

Midlands up to Scotland, can be<br />

downloaded in digital format and<br />

available on subscription for<br />

6 or 12 months.<br />

<strong>Equestrian</strong> <strong>Life</strong> Magazine actively encourages private<br />

contributions, and whilst every care is taken, no<br />

responsibility is accepted for the loss or damage to<br />

copy or photographs. To help ensure safe return,<br />

please enclose an SAE. Also, whilst every attempt is<br />

made to ensure accuracy, the opinions expressed in<br />

the magazine are not necessarily those of the Editor.<br />

The Editor also reserves the right to alter or edit<br />

material as necessary, no responsibility is accepted<br />

for inaccuracies. Full copyright applies. All rights<br />

reserved <strong>2018</strong>.<br />

Welcome<br />

Welcome to our <strong>April</strong> edition. It’s all<br />

about dressage this month and if you were<br />

thinking about joining British Dressage,<br />

you can find all the relevant information<br />

inside this issue, there’s also the chance to<br />

win Membership for the year.<br />

We are thrilled to include Flying Changes<br />

and talk to the owner, Sarah about how<br />

the idea came about and to top it off you<br />

can even enter for your chance to win one<br />

of these fabulous jackets.<br />

Equivisions are giving away one of their speaker<br />

watches, complete with a set of SD cards with tests of your choice and level so no<br />

more walking round your sitting room with a sheet, working out the moves.<br />

Anyone in eventing circles will have heard of Caroline Moore. It was great to<br />

catch up with her and find out how it all started and she came to be so prominent<br />

in eventing circles.<br />

If you are a social media fan, you may see that we now have a Facebook Group<br />

page, called <strong>Equestrian</strong> <strong>Life</strong> Magazine. You can find the link through our<br />

main page. You need to sign up to this group as we will be running regular<br />

competitions, discount codes, features and displaying the magazine on-line<br />

through this group. Simply request to join.<br />

Events have been a little thin on the ground with the ‘beast from the East’<br />

descending but hopefully the cold, snowy days are behind us as I write this. We<br />

did manage to get out and about to a few and really enjoyed the first main event<br />

of the season for us EMDG One Day Event amongst others.<br />

Happy reading and don’t forget, if you have any news please do not hesitate to<br />

contact us at editor@equestrianlifemagazine.co.uk<br />

<strong>Equestrian</strong> <strong>Life</strong> Magazine <strong>Issue</strong> 273 <strong>April</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

<strong>Issue</strong> 273 <strong>April</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | £3.00<br />

WIN<br />

with<br />

East midlands & the northern counties’ best equestrian monthly magazine by far!<br />




JACKET<br />

WIN<br />




WIN AN<br />



Flying<br />

Changes<br />

The company that<br />

re-defined the<br />

British dress code!<br />

British Dressage<br />

Find out why<br />

you should join<br />

Teaching<br />

a young<br />

horse to<br />

jump<br />

with Joanne Shaw<br />




WATCH<br />



PLUS<br />

EMWPCA Spring Show<br />

EMDG One Day Event<br />

Field Farm Dressage<br />

NCPA Leics<br />

and much more… .<br />

Zoe<br />



Emma Green and Ringston Rueben at the<br />

National Shire Show, qualifying for HOYS <strong>2018</strong>.<br />


www.equestrianlifemagazine.co.uk 3

16<br />

12<br />

42<br />

Contents<br />

<strong>April</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

6 Goodbye to Auntie Blossom<br />


7 Win Tickets to Alltech<br />

Hicktead<br />

8 A Plea From the Racehorse<br />

Sanctuary<br />

10 The Mitsubishi Motors Cup<br />

Rider Preview<br />


12 The Caroline Moore<br />

Interview<br />


16 British Dressage and how<br />

to join<br />


20 Win an Equivisions Watch<br />


26 Flying Changes – the<br />

company that redefined the<br />

British Dressage Code<br />


27 Win a Flying Changes<br />

Bespoke Jacket<br />


40 Win a bag of Speedi-Beet<br />

42 Training outside the box<br />

with Tina Canton<br />

44 How to introduce your<br />

horse to Fences with Joanne<br />

Shaw<br />

48 Harriet Morris-Baumber:<br />

Planning for the season<br />

ahead<br />

50 Confident Rider Scotland:<br />

A Case Study<br />

51 Rural <strong>Life</strong><br />

53 Junior <strong>Life</strong><br />

56 Emma Green qualifies for<br />

HOYS at the National Shire<br />

Show<br />

4 <strong>April</strong> <strong>2018</strong> <strong>Equestrian</strong> <strong>Life</strong>

10% discount available<br />

on photoshoots<br />

for all readers of <strong>Equestrian</strong> <strong>Life</strong><br />

Magazine, please quote<br />

code: EL10<br />

Professional equine and canine<br />

photographer available for<br />

portrait, event and<br />

commercial<br />

photography.<br />

44<br />

e: ponypup@outlook.com t: 07796942546<br />

www.ponypupphoto.co.uk<br />

Find us on:<br />

Bespoke handmade<br />

Scarves,Broaches,<br />

Dog Coats & Jacket<br />

Enhancements<br />

07842 615212<br />

info@equi-stitch.co.uk<br />

www.equi-stitch.co.uk<br />

27<br />

Equi Craft Ltd<br />

Affordable bridles, reins and saddle pads for<br />

the show ring!<br />

57 Veteran <strong>Life</strong><br />

60 East Midlands Welsh<br />

Pony and Cob Society<br />

Spring Show<br />

62 Field Farm Dressage<br />

64 NCPA Leics Show<br />

65 East Midlands<br />

Dressage Group One<br />

Day Event<br />

68 Diary dates<br />

Equi Pads From £199<br />

Heritage Hunter Bridle £39.99<br />

74 Competition entry<br />

form<br />

Tiny Tots Stirrup Leathers £17.99 Tiny Tots Reins £15.99<br />

www.equicraftltd.co.uk<br />

www.equestrianlifemagazine.co.uk 5

news<br />

News<br />

round-up<br />

Alltech-Hartpury Student<br />

Conference <strong>2018</strong><br />

The annual Alltech-Hartpury Equine Student Conference will take<br />

place on May 2, at University Centre Hartpury, Gloucester. Now in<br />

its eighth year, the conference aims to provide higher education<br />

students with experience of writing and submitting an abstract<br />

and going through the review and revisions process, through to<br />

delivering a theatre presentation to a full conference audience or<br />

producing a scientific poster to present.<br />

This year the conference is encouraging submissions on Equine<br />

Behaviour and Welfare; Equine Business Management; Breeding,<br />

Genetics and Stud Management; Equine Health and Therapy;<br />

Equine Nutrition and Feeding, and Rider Performance.<br />

For further information please visit www.lifeforcehorse.co.uk or<br />

telephone 01780 764512.<br />

Goodbye to<br />

Auntie Blossom<br />

06.04.1988 - 12.02.<strong>2018</strong><br />

It’s with great sadness that<br />

we said good bye to our<br />

‘Auntie Blossom’ on Monday<br />

12 February. Purchased by my<br />

father as a two year old from<br />

Lee Gap Sales, Blossom was<br />

part of the Mallender family<br />

for 28 years. Known as ‘Auntie<br />

Blossom’ due to her kind<br />

nature and ability to look after<br />

everyone and everything she<br />

needed to. She was a super<br />

brood mare, having 9 foals in<br />

her lifetime. She was also my<br />

father’s tractor prior to him<br />

investing in a Massey Ferguson!<br />

She was successful in anything<br />

that she did from ploughing<br />

fields to pony club camp.<br />

Blossom was a huge character,<br />

she would paw at her door &<br />

smack her lips, never turned her<br />

nose up at anything edible &<br />

loved a ripe banana! She always<br />

acted like she knew exactly what<br />

she was doing, even if she had<br />

never done the discipline before!<br />

The stables are quiet without<br />

her and we miss her very much.<br />

Polly Mallender<br />

Exciting New Bentley Ride<br />

and Drive Competition at<br />

The Equerry Bolesworth<br />

International Horse Show<br />

The Bentley Ride & Drive will<br />

no doubt provide a battle royal<br />

on the Saturday evening, June<br />

16 when riders will first tackle<br />

a course of jumps against the<br />

clock before jumping into a<br />

Bentley Bentayga V8 worth<br />

more than £150,000 to drive<br />

through a technical course of<br />

cones and obstacles.<br />

The Bentley Ride & Drive<br />

competition will see riders<br />

jump a traditional showjumping<br />

course against the clock and<br />

then make a quick dash into the<br />

Bentley Bentayga for the riders<br />

to drive under the guidance of<br />

a qualified instructor through<br />

the cones to try and take the<br />

winning podium position.<br />

The Bentayga V8 is unlike any<br />

other sport utility vehicle in<br />

the world. It is the fastest SUV<br />

ever built and has the most<br />

technically advanced engine in<br />

its category.<br />

The Bentley Ride & Drive<br />

competition is definitely one<br />

not to be missed with the<br />

Bentayga 4.0 litre engine<br />

achieving 0 to 60mph in 4.0<br />

seconds, accelerating to a top<br />

speed of 180mph. Without<br />

doubt spectators will witness<br />

some high-speed horsepower<br />

during the event.<br />

Sponsor Bentley Manchester<br />

are bravely trusting the show’s<br />

leading riders to compete<br />

against the clock in the most<br />

luxurious, hand-built SUV.<br />

Said Nina Barbour of<br />

Bolesworth International: “We<br />

are delighted to have Bentley<br />

Manchester supporting the Ride<br />

& Drive class, it will involve the<br />

top equestrian personalities,<br />

and it is sure to set the arena<br />

alight on the Saturday evening.”<br />

General admission tickets can be<br />

bought online at<br />

www.bolesworthinternational.com<br />

6 <strong>April</strong> <strong>2018</strong> <strong>Equestrian</strong> <strong>Life</strong>

news<br />

WIN Tickets to The<br />

Hickstead Derby<br />

Meeting with Alltech<br />

In this issue we have teamed<br />

up with leading animal<br />

nutrition company, Alltech<br />

to give one lucky reader the<br />

chance to win a pair of tickets<br />

to The Al Shira’aa Hickstead<br />

Derby Meeting (21st – 24th<br />

June).<br />

For its fourth consecutive year,<br />

Alltech are proud sponsors of<br />

a number of showing classes,<br />

where many of the top riders<br />

and producers will head to<br />

compete.<br />

The tickets up for grabs are<br />

for two guests to attend any<br />

day between Thursday and<br />

Saturday.<br />

Across the classes being<br />

supported by Alltech there are<br />

a number of Horse of the Year<br />

Show qualifying tickets on<br />

offer, and they will once again<br />

be the official sponsor of the<br />

Small Hunter Championship,<br />

the Maxi Cob, Small and Large<br />

Riding Horse classes, the<br />

Supreme Hack Championship<br />

and Working Hunter class.<br />

This legendary event held each<br />

June is a must on the calendar<br />

for any equestrian enthusiast.<br />

The <strong>Life</strong>force Range of allnatural,<br />

daily digestive aid<br />

supplements from Alltech is<br />

designed to benefit horses<br />

of every stage of life, from<br />

breeding stock to pleasure and<br />

performance animals.<br />

For further information please<br />

visit www.lifeforcehorse.co.uk<br />

or telephone 01780 764512.<br />

*All travel and accommodation<br />

arrangements are the<br />

responsibility of the winner. The<br />

tickets allow entry for any day of<br />

the event except Sunday 24th<br />

June, The Derby Day. Entries must<br />

be 18 years and over.<br />

Notts Derby Horse Show News<br />

With the season about to get<br />

underway, it has been a testing<br />

winter for all of us, and by the<br />

time you read this,<br />

we will know if we<br />

managed to host<br />

our first event of the<br />

year.<br />

We now have 11<br />

dates planned for<br />

<strong>2018</strong>, with hopefully<br />

something for you<br />

all, the extra date<br />

of Sunday 29th July has been<br />

added in as an Extra three-ring<br />

sash & dog show .<br />

Our shows have a broad and<br />

varied schedule catering for<br />

all ages and abilities of riders,<br />

young and older, also with<br />

classes for all types and breeds,<br />

Not forgetting at all shows<br />

we have a fun dog show for<br />

your canine companions of all<br />

shapes and size, with awards<br />

and treats to 6th place for<br />

them.<br />

All our dates and events can<br />

be found on our webpage and<br />

Facebook pages, where you<br />

can also check about weather<br />

conditions and see<br />

what we have been<br />

up to, we regularly<br />

host online mini<br />

competitions too,<br />

where prizes can be<br />

won.<br />

Come along and<br />

meet our small team<br />

of dedicated helpers<br />

and volunteers and become<br />

part of a group who are trying<br />

to put the fun back in showing,<br />

while giving you correct advice<br />

and confidence to take the<br />

next step up, with the help of<br />

experienced judges, a friendly<br />

team and a good ground.<br />

In the last 11 years of running<br />

we have seen competitors come<br />

right from grass roots to Horse<br />

of the Year Show, and this<br />

makes us very proud and we<br />

enjoy seeing people do so well.<br />

www.nottsderbyhorseshow.com<br />

Harper , s <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />


www.harpersequestrian.co.uk<br />

@harpersequestrian<br />

Online retailer<br />

supplying<br />

quality<br />

equestrian and<br />

country goods<br />

at low prices.<br />

We can be found on our website, Facebook,<br />

Instagram or eBay. Based in the UK<br />

Stockists of: NAF, Bareback Footwear, Bizzy Bites, WildWash,<br />

Champion Helmets, Arion Jodhpurs and other main brands.<br />

@harpersequestrian<br />

www.equestrianlifemagazine.co.uk 7

news<br />

Prevention is<br />

better than cure<br />

A Plea From The Horses To Save The<br />

Racehorse Sanctuary From Closure<br />

These magnificent creatures The Racehorse Sanctuary is<br />

have given their all for our calling on all horse lovers for<br />

pleasure and entertainment help to keep the stable doors<br />

(not to mention monetary gain) open and to save the charity<br />

during their entire lives, many which is facing imminent closure<br />

have even forfeited their lives. without your support. Please<br />

When their careers are<br />

Don’t<br />

over help The Stress<br />

Sanctuary to continue<br />

due to injury or age all they<br />

this<br />

ask to provide a vital support, welfare<br />

season use Laminaze<br />

is that we provide food, water, and a <strong>Life</strong> After Racing for some<br />

veterinary care and warmth to support of the healthy 4000 horses Laminae<br />

leaving the<br />

along with someone who cares racing industry annually.<br />

and will be there for them. NAF Not recommends The Sanctuary Laminaze relies on when<br />

a big ask in the scale of • things Horses and<br />

donations<br />

ponies<br />

and<br />

are<br />

fundraising<br />

on<br />

to<br />

and this is exactly what The restricted grass intake<br />

keep the doors open. The Charity<br />

Racehorse Sanctuary does. • Key In gut support commenced is required 2017 with cash<br />

doing so it secures their future<br />

• Healthy horn reserves growth lower needs than encouraging<br />

previous<br />

for the rest of their lives under<br />

our ownership but it costs<br />

money that we simply don’t<br />

have. Between us we must<br />

ensure that no horse ever again<br />

ends up getting to the stage<br />

shown in the picture, no horse<br />

deserves this fate.<br />

Think positive,<br />

test Cushinaze<br />

<strong>Equestrian</strong> Event<br />

Photography Specialist NAF recommends Cushinaze when<br />

• Body condition is compromised<br />

Whether youʼre a local riding club or an<br />

organiser of a large show, we<br />

•<br />

can<br />

Immune<br />

provide<br />

support is required<br />

photography for your event. • Healthy gut function needs encouraging<br />

Our services are normally free, and our<br />

images are made available to competitors and<br />

those taking part by putting them on our<br />

online shop for viewing and purchasing. A<br />

selection of images from the event are made<br />

available to the organisers free of charge for<br />

future promotions.<br />

We also carry out other work<br />

including; <strong>Equestrian</strong> Shoots on Location,<br />

Weddings, Family Portraits, Action Shots,<br />

Football Matches & School Proms.<br />

T 01472 472006<br />

M 07946 501572<br />

E info@lewsphotography.co.uk<br />

W www.lewsphotography.co.uk<br />

years due to our need to relocate<br />

to less expensive premises<br />

in the West Country. We had<br />

expected that our many summer<br />

fundraising events would enable<br />

The Sanctuary to build up our<br />

reserves and secure a solid base<br />

to take us into <strong>2018</strong>. Sadly,<br />

following the cancellation of<br />

two important events in our<br />

fundraising calendar due to<br />

lack of sponsorship, and despite<br />

all the hard work of everyone<br />

involved, this has not proved to<br />

be the case.<br />

With the flood of Political,<br />

Environmental, Educational and<br />

Medical appeals, and competition<br />

from other Animal charities<br />

there has never been a more<br />

difficult time for small charities,<br />

many of whom are fighting for<br />

survival. Our financial reserves<br />

are now at a critical level and<br />

unless we can gain enough<br />

support to fill this funding gap<br />

and rebuild reserves we will be<br />

forced to close our doors within<br />

the next few months.<br />

Ideally, we need to raise funds<br />

to finance us for a year to give<br />

The Sanctuary breathing space<br />

or at the very least give us time<br />

to rehome the current horses for<br />

which we have a duty of care.<br />

With an estimated 7 million<br />

horse lovers (and over 1 million<br />

Quorn Hunt Relay<br />

Quorn Hunt Tuesday Forest<br />

and Quorn Hunt Supporters<br />

Association present a brand<br />

new Quorn Hunt event, THE<br />


in support of Derbyshire,<br />

Leicestershire and Rutland Air<br />

Ambulance, Sunday 15th <strong>April</strong><br />

<strong>2018</strong>, at Blackhill Farm, Beacon<br />

Road, Woodhouse Eaves, near<br />

Loughborough, LE12 8XA by<br />

kind permission of Mr James<br />

Wilson.<br />

For teams of four. Two<br />

members will proceed over a<br />

course of fences and return<br />

to hand over to the next two<br />

team members. The clock starts<br />

when the first horse crosses the<br />

Contact NAF today for your<br />

line and stops when the third<br />

FREE Nutritional Consultation<br />

horse finishes. That will be the<br />

Call 0800 373 106 or email<br />

team<br />

info@naf-uk.com<br />

time.<br />

regular riders) in the UK it would<br />

take only a fraction of these<br />

to donate 1 pound to make<br />

us financially secure - or even<br />

allow us to purchase our own<br />

property in order to secure our<br />

long- term future. It would make<br />

an enormous difference were we<br />

able to acquire or rent suitable<br />

premises free of charge or at a<br />

peppercorn rent with a minimum<br />

of six stables and 20 acres in the<br />

South of England, which would<br />

also enable us to retain many of<br />

our existing loyal staff. CAN YOU<br />

HELP?<br />

Please pick up your phone<br />

and TEXT your donation to<br />

us - Whatever mobile network<br />

you’re on, you can simply text<br />

HORS20 and an amount of £1,<br />

£2, £3, £4, £5 or £10 to 70070. An<br />

example text would be: HORS20<br />

£10 making sure to send this to<br />

70070.<br />

Or visit https://www.justgiving.<br />

com/racehorsesanctuary/donate<br />

Class 1 – EXPLORERS starts at<br />

9:30am<br />

Class 2 – SWASHBUCKLERS<br />

starts at 13:30<br />

Informal Clear Round Mini<br />

Working Pony class (running in<br />

a separate ring)<br />

Forest Relay Contact is Rachael<br />

Fairbrother who can be<br />

reached at rachfairbrother@<br />

googlemail.co.uk or 07810<br />

696959. For the full schedule<br />

or to enter online go to:<br />

www.horse-events.co.uk<br />

Course will be available for<br />

walking on Saturday 14th <strong>April</strong><br />

between 14:00 and 17:00 hours.<br />

naf-equine.eu/uk<br />

Please note no dogs are allowed<br />

on site for the course walking<br />

or the event.<br />

8 <strong>April</strong> <strong>2018</strong> <strong>Equestrian</strong> <strong>Life</strong>

Prevention is is<br />

better than cure<br />

Don’t Stress<br />

this this season season use use Laminaze<br />

to to support healthy healthy Laminae<br />

NAF NAF recommends Laminaze Laminaze when when<br />

• Horses • Horses and ponies and ponies are on are on<br />

restricted restricted grass grass intake intake<br />

• Key • gut Key support gut support is required is required<br />

• Healthy • Healthy horn horn growth growth needs needs encouraging<br />

Think positive,<br />

test test Cushinaze<br />

NAF NAF recommends Cushinaze Cushinaze when when<br />

• Body • Body condition condition is compromised<br />

• Immune • Immune support support is required is required<br />

• Healthy • Healthy gut function gut function needs needs encouraging<br />

Contact Contact NAF NAF today today for your for your<br />

FREE FREE Nutritional Consultation<br />

Call Call 0800 0800 373 373 106 106 or email or email info@naf-uk.com<br />


preview<br />

Mitsubishi Motors Cup Local<br />

Riders Head to Badminton<br />

Ahead of this year’s Mitsubishi Motors Cup, taking place on<br />

1st and 2nd of May at Badminton House in Gloucestershire,<br />

we catch up with three riders who have qualified.<br />

Held on the eve of<br />

the world-famous<br />

Mitsubishi Motors<br />

Badminton Horse<br />

Trials, which attracts top horse<br />

and rider combinations from<br />

across the globe as well as<br />

visitors in excess of 150,000 over<br />

the five days of competition; the<br />

Mitsubishi Motors Cup offers<br />

amateur riders from all over<br />

the country the opportunity to<br />

qualify throughout the eventing<br />

season for these finals. Not only<br />

will riders contest to win the<br />

Mitsubishi Motors Cup trophy,<br />

presented in front of Badminton<br />

House, the pinnacle of any<br />

amateur event rider’s career,<br />

they will be vying for a chance<br />

to take home a <strong>2018</strong> vehicle of<br />

their choice from the Mitsubishi<br />

Motors range for one year, and a<br />

commemorative plaque.<br />


I am based near Burnley,<br />

Lancashire. I am lucky that my<br />

livery yard is only a couple of<br />

miles from my house and the<br />

staff are excellent and help<br />

me out enormously, especially<br />

with me working full time as<br />

a trainee solicitor – I hope to<br />

qualify in June. The facilities are<br />

also brilliant with a large indoor<br />

arena, gallops and a solarium,<br />

which ensures Millie (Curra<br />

OKO) is always fit enough for an<br />

event. This will be my first time<br />

competing at the Mitsubishi<br />

Motors Cup where I will be<br />

competing at BE90 level.<br />

I have owned Millie since<br />

July 2017, we had only been<br />

together for seven weeks when<br />

we managed to qualify for the<br />

Mitsubishi Motors Cup, she had<br />

only done three events prior<br />

to her coming to us. Millie was<br />

bought to take the pressure<br />

off my main horse who had an<br />

injury at the time, however she<br />

quite quickly became the centre<br />

of attention with how talented,<br />

trainable and willing she is.<br />

Millie is very unique as she is a<br />

chestnut mare with the world’s<br />

best nature, instead of the<br />

cliché which accompanies many<br />

chestnut mares. She would not<br />

dream of even putting her ears<br />

back or being nasty, and she just<br />

loves cuddles and kisses. The<br />

only quirk that Millie has is that<br />

she can be quite energetic if she<br />

has not been out for a while. She<br />

likes her work and to be out and<br />

about competing.<br />

Our training so far has been<br />

going very well. We have had a<br />

few trips to Somerford Park cross<br />

country schooling and have<br />

been successfully competing in<br />

British Showjumping and JAS<br />

competitions, winning our last<br />

outing at Aintree. We have been<br />

trying to significantly improve<br />

our dressage scores with<br />

dressage trainer Jess Dunn, who<br />

is based only a few miles from<br />

us, and are hoping that we<br />

should see the improvement<br />

in our scores when we get back<br />

out. We have a training camp at<br />

the end of March at Somerford<br />

Park and then a day’s training<br />

session with Chris Bartle before<br />

the Mitsubishi Motors Cup, so<br />

we are hoping that will give<br />

us a very good boost! We did<br />

have a minor blip when Millie<br />

got a splinter in her lip which<br />

got infected, however that has<br />

luckily been sorted.<br />

I am unbelievably excited to<br />

gallop in front of Badminton<br />

House and through the big lake.<br />

It will be surreal after seeing it<br />

so many times on television. I<br />

am also looking forward to being<br />

able to stay all week and soak up<br />

the atmosphere, whilst hacking<br />

Millie around the grounds.<br />

I have got a rather large support<br />

team coming with me which is<br />

great. My mum, dad, boyfriend<br />

and three dogs are coming down<br />

for most of the week, closely<br />

followed by a large gang of<br />

supporters from my livery yard,<br />

courtesy of the yard owner.<br />

My brilliant physio Ailsa Vines<br />

and one of my best friends from<br />

University are also travelling<br />

down to watch. Millie’s previous<br />

owners and rider are also<br />

coming, together with Karen<br />

Huyton who recommended<br />

Millie to me as she thought we<br />

would get on so well. – how right<br />

she was.<br />


I’m a full time Paramedic based<br />

in a little village called Scorton<br />

in Lancashire and this will be<br />

my first time competing at the<br />

Mitsubishi Motors Cup. I feel<br />

incredibly privileged for this<br />


opportunity and very excited by<br />

the prospect, I will be competing<br />

at BE90 level. I have owned<br />

Diamond After Chance for three<br />

and a half years and this will<br />

be our third season eventing<br />

together. However it did take<br />

nearly two months to be able<br />

to actually get on him after<br />

we bought him. He is quite<br />

unique, he is full Irish Draft with<br />

a quirky personality. I bought<br />

him as a just broken five year old<br />

from a local dealer. He had no<br />

name but was soon christened<br />

Dynamo as his party piece was<br />

to go from 0-60mph at the<br />

drop of a hat, he is sometimes<br />

referred to as Usain Bolt. One<br />

of his first forays into eventing<br />

featured a near elimination in<br />

the dressage as he bolted across<br />

the arena. Luckily he seemed<br />

to do this less as his eventing<br />

10 <strong>April</strong> <strong>2018</strong> <strong>Equestrian</strong> <strong>Life</strong>

do very much so needed a bit of<br />

work to get her ready for another<br />

home, but she never got that<br />

far and has been with me ever<br />

since. Dilly is now nine years<br />

old and we are having a great<br />

time together, even if a 15.3hh<br />

lightweight cob wasn’t what I<br />

was planning to event. She tries<br />

her hardest with everything she<br />

does. She unfortunately isn’t<br />

blessed with speed but has a<br />

lovely jump and is great in every<br />

way. Her only weakness would<br />

be hacking, she finds it quite<br />

exciting and can be traffic shy.<br />

education grew, however he<br />

still has the potential, so fingers<br />

crossed he keeps a lid on it at<br />

the Mitsubishi Motors Cup.<br />

Current training and<br />

preparation is going well. We<br />

are surrounded by hills and<br />

located close to the beach<br />

which provides great fitness<br />

opportunities. We have just<br />

completed a training camp held<br />

at the infamous Somerford<br />

Park and are due to be out<br />

eventing at Stafford BE<br />

in a few days’ time. If the<br />

weather delivers a wet<br />

spring we plan to use a<br />

local water treadmill to aid<br />

fitness preparation.<br />

I’m looking forward to the<br />

whole experience, from arriving<br />

at the prestigious Badminton<br />

House, to splashing through<br />

the Badminton Lake on cross<br />

country day, oh and to enjoy<br />

the celebrations following the<br />

event. I really can’t wait.<br />

I’m very lucky to be supported<br />

by great friends and family.<br />

They have named themselves<br />

“Team Dynamo”. Following<br />

a difficult 2017 I really can’t<br />

thank them enough for their<br />

continued support, eventing<br />

really is a “team” sport. We plan<br />

to stay the whole week taking<br />

the opportunity to celebrate<br />

the achievement of qualifying<br />

and also watching some of the<br />

world’s best eventers competing<br />

in the Mitsubishi Motors<br />

Badminton Horse Trials - we are<br />

all very excited.<br />


I am based in Norfolk and I will<br />

be riding my horse Just Dilly at<br />

the Mitsubishi Motors Cup. I<br />

am competing at BE90 level and<br />

as the competition draws closer<br />

I am getting increasingly more<br />

excited.<br />

I bought Dilly as a hairy yearling<br />

cob to produce and sell on when<br />

ready, so at nearly five years<br />

old I sold her and a year later I<br />

ended up buying her back. In the<br />

year she was away, she didn’t<br />

Training is going to plan apart<br />

from our planned first run at<br />

Oasby BE which was cancelled<br />

due to weather conditions but a<br />

couple of beach trips will get us<br />

back on track. My friend Rhian,<br />

who comes with me to most<br />

events, is coming with me to the<br />

Mitsubishi Motors Cup and we<br />

are looking forward to a week<br />

away ‘playing ponies.’ Some of<br />

my family are also coming to<br />

watch and I know it will be a<br />

great week whatever happens<br />

in the competition. I am not<br />

putting any pressure on Dilly, we<br />

are there to enjoy ourselves and<br />

I am proud of her for qualifying.<br />

For more information on the<br />

Mitsubishi Motors Cup visit<br />

https://mitsubishimotorscup.<br />

badminton-horse.co.uk/<br />

Spectators are welcome.<br />

Admission is free on 1 May<br />

(dressage) or £10 per person on<br />

2 May (showjumping and cross<br />

country). Timetable is provisional.<br />

Online advance tickets are £8 per<br />

person or £10 on the day. Under<br />

12s go free. It is £10 for vehicle<br />

admission per car in advance or<br />

£12 on arrival on the day. Book<br />

online at<br />

www.badminton-horse.co.uk.<br />

www.equestrianlifemagazine.co.uk 11

the Caroline Moore interview<br />


is achievable with hard work and<br />


The rise from first riding a pony on Skegness beach as a small<br />

child to becoming a 4* event rider and now GB Junior team<br />

coach for eventing is pretty meteoric, but this is just what<br />

Leicestershire-based Caroline Moore has achieved. So how<br />

did she do it? In conversation with Sally Butler, herself one of Caroline’s<br />

pupils, all is revealed. The answer soon becomes clear. Quite simply,<br />

it’s hard work and dedication. With, maybe, a few strokes of good luck<br />

thrown in too.<br />

Growing up in Skegness, Caroline was first introduced to horses at<br />

the age of 12. Her next door neighbour had a pony which led to her<br />

joining the local riding school. Here she fell in love with horses right<br />

from the word go – this was the career for her. Straight away she set<br />

about persuading her parents to buy her a pony. “I’m first generation<br />

horsey,” explained Caroline. “My parents have only seen me ride<br />

about twice. Once was at Burghley and when I told them I was going<br />

to compete at Badminton they thought it was a game involving a<br />

shuttlecock – they hadn’t a clue what it was. But they have always<br />

supported me really well.”<br />

After finishing her O levels, Caroline went straight to work at Newark<br />

<strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre run by Linda and Willie Young. This was where she<br />

started to teach and very quickly managed to achieve her BHS AI. For<br />

the next couple of years Caroline had about five further jobs all at<br />

once to make ends meet, including serving in a chip shop van!<br />

Next came a spell as a working pupil for Mrs Janet Sturrock in Rutland<br />

where she gained her BHSII and then the BHSI. Aged just 19 she<br />

rented a large equestrian centre in Spalding and ran it as her own<br />

business, turning it from a basic riding school into a good BHS exam<br />

centre. Alongside this, she did a fair bit of riding and training young<br />

horses, with the emphasis very much on show jumping, but never any<br />

competing.<br />

At 21 Caroline moved to Melton Mowbray, where she still lives today,<br />

to start work at Brooksby Agricultural College, lecturing and writing<br />

the stud management and HND courses. It was only then that Caroline<br />

was introduced to eventing, as she explains: “I was sat on a bank at<br />

Lowesby Horse trials with my friend Sue Ringrose, and I turned to her<br />

and said ‘We ought to do this, it looks really good fun’ – and that was<br />

12 <strong>April</strong> <strong>2018</strong> <strong>Equestrian</strong> <strong>Life</strong>

RIGHT, FROM TOP: Although never keen on water, Belmont Independent<br />

successfully negotiates this hurdle at Burghley in 2004; Don Giovanni and<br />

Caroline exiting the lake at Badminton 2006<br />

that.” Caroline bought a naughty, nappy horse from a dealer which<br />

she managed to get going and started competing, winning a few<br />

novice events, then bought and competed another. Now heavily<br />

into eventing, she decided to leave Brooksby.<br />


Next she rented a big yard at Cotgrave, not far from Nottingham,<br />

with Izzy Laurance, one of her former students from Brooksby.<br />

Caroline built up the establishment over the next eight years,<br />

having 30 horses between them and eventing 15 every weekend.<br />

It was then she was given a horse called Ratbag – a naughty<br />

chestnut that had been eliminated many times at pre-novice<br />

level for not going anywhere near water. Much to everyone’s<br />

disbelief this became her first 4* horse – Belmont Independent.<br />

“He was absolutely petrified of water; I nearly fell off him every<br />

time because he absolutely stalled jumping in. We almost always<br />

took him to water to get his feet wet the day before every event.<br />

But, through gaining his confidence, we got to 4* level riding at<br />

Burghley in 2004.”<br />

Competing at this level continued when, very sadly in 2005, a close<br />

friend of Caroline’s, Dr. Vanessa Lloyd-Davies, took her own life,<br />

leaving Caroline her horse, Don Giovanni (Gino) in her will. Gino<br />

had already completed both Badminton and Burghley with Vanessa<br />

on more than one occasion: “It was very emotional competing him<br />

as he was obviously so connected to Vanessa. But he was a really<br />

well-loved horse and I learnt masses from him.”<br />

The new partnership also competed at Badminton and Burghley, in<br />

addition to being invited to ride at the Beijing Olympics test event<br />

in Hong Kong. “I found it quite pressurising,” Caroline explained.<br />

“At the beginning I was really nervous of him because he was a<br />

brave horse, but a poor jumper in his technique, very dangly, and<br />

would often hit a XC fence. I loved him, I loved riding him, but<br />

it was slightly scary at the same time when you went out of the<br />

start box and wasn’t quite sure whether he would pick his feet up!<br />

Although over time we gained masses of confidence with each<br />

other.”<br />


2005 was something of a pivotal year for Caroline, as by this time<br />

Izzy and Caroline had gone their separate ways and she moved to<br />

Vale View <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre, the newly completed competition<br />

yard near Melton Mowbray, where she has been ever since.<br />

The same year she applied for the position of GB junior team coach.<br />

She failed to get the job, but instead, was put onto a coaching<br />

development team for the next three years, with training from<br />

Yogi Breisner and Ken Clawson. From 2000 onwards Ken became<br />

Caroline’s biggest mentor: “He was the one who taught me about<br />

attention to detail and accuracy. Whenever I’m teaching now I<br />

hear him teaching, it sounds really weird, but I have taken his<br />

philosophy on most definitely.”<br />

By gaining her BHS Fellowship in 2010, this took her coaching to<br />

a different place. It was then Caroline was asked to be the young<br />

rider selector, a position she held for two years, learning how the<br />

youth squad and championships work.<br />

In 2012 Caroline got the position of Junior and U18 National coach.<br />

“I’ve never really looked back. I haven’t stopped teaching right<br />

from the age of 16, and even before that – it’s always been in me.<br />



He was absolutely petrified of<br />

water; I nearly fell off him every<br />

time because he absolutely<br />

stalled jumping in

LEFT, FROM TOP: Their last 4 star event together - Caroline and Don<br />

Giovanni at Burghley in 2007; Now owner and trainer, Caroline with Ros<br />

Canter at Badminton 2017; Coaching potential members of the GB Junior<br />

<strong>2018</strong> team at Vale View in March. Photos courtesy of Frances McKim<br />

I’ve learnt masses on the way, and every day I learn something new<br />

that works for someone else. A big passion of mine is coaching<br />

other coaches; however it’s not my favourite. My favourite is<br />

definitely, without a shadow of a doubt, preparing riders for<br />

championships. It’s brilliant fun.”<br />

This year the plan is to take a group of six riders out to the Junior<br />

European Championships to be in Fontainebleau, France. Four<br />

riders will be in the team and two will compete as individuals. In<br />

the past riders would be told after the first trot up whether they<br />

would be representing GB as part of the team, or as an individual.<br />

However, that strategy has now changed, with juniors being told<br />

before they go out whether they are in the team – yet selectors<br />

can still swap riders around until an hour after the last horse has<br />

trotted up. “It’s harder to get a medal as an individual, so therefore<br />

the riders all want to be in the team.”<br />


Before becoming the Junior GB squad coach, Caroline had just<br />

started to compete a five year old gelding she bought from Vere and<br />

Clea Phillipps – All Star B – known as Alby at home. Picked entirely<br />

upon scope and spring off the ground, Caroline rode him to novice<br />

level before passing the ride to Ros Canter. “If I hadn’t got the<br />

coach’s job I would have definitely carried on riding him – I had to<br />

give the ride up because I’m a great believer that if you’re going<br />

to do something, you have to do it really well. Had I made one<br />

mistake on that horse in front of all of my junior riders, it wouldn’t<br />

bother me too much, but I don’t think it would be professional.”<br />

Alby and Ros have been a success story. Together they have worked<br />

up through the levels, achieving fifth at the senior Europeans, fifth<br />

at Badminton and fifth in the overall world rankings in 2017. “I<br />

really value Ros as a friend and rider. She is unique, her attention<br />

to detail is phenomenal. I am so proud of them; they have gone<br />

from strength to strength.”<br />

This year the pair is aiming for the World Games, in addition to<br />

Badminton. “I’m not nervous because I have masses of confidence<br />

in them. But the funny thing is they find it easy because they have<br />

such a partnership; he has so much scope and she is very good at<br />

riding him.”<br />


“I think I am completely contented in what I do – if someone asked<br />

me if I wanted to take a senior job, then I’d have to think very hard<br />

about it because I love working with the children. It’s so satisfying,<br />

because they’re so thirsty, and uneducated to a certain degree –<br />

meaning you can really push knowledge into them. Nothing gets<br />

better than seeing them have that ‘light bulb’ moment.”<br />

With only two days off between January and March, Caroline’s<br />

diary is completely booked-up as riders prepare for the coming<br />

season. Caroline explains that she feels she has a really good<br />

balance between her work and home life now, often taking a few<br />

weeks off to go diving with her partner, Greg.<br />

However, in comparison to others, her hours are crazy, and the<br />

work phenomenal. Caroline’s ambition, drive and passion for the<br />

sport is easy to see. It’s hard not to be the best when you work as<br />

hard as she does.

Only £40<br />

a year for<br />

you and<br />

your horse!<br />

Did you know that being a member of British<br />

Dressage is so much more than just riding a<br />

dressage test?<br />

Join our Club and take part in everything from<br />

sessions with top trainers and music classes to<br />

Quest and Combined Training!<br />

Join online or find out more at<br />


dressage<br />


Thinking<br />

about<br />

joining?<br />

Getting involved with dressage has<br />

never been easier! From grass roots<br />

to Grand Prix, British Dressage offers<br />

extensive training, over 2000 competitions<br />

countrywide and multiple championship<br />

opportunities designed with the everyday<br />

horse person in mind.<br />


Membership with British Dressage involves<br />

far more than simply to chance to compete<br />

your horse. When you join you become a<br />

member of one of eight BD regions; within<br />

the regions you can take part in a variety of<br />

camps and training days, each hosted with<br />

reputable, qualified accredited<br />

trainers who want to see you<br />

progress. Getting involved<br />

with your Region creates the<br />

added bonus of aiming for the<br />

Regional teams which head<br />

to competitions such as the<br />

Inter Regionals and the Home<br />

Internationals. This unique<br />

opportunity to be part of a team<br />

competition is available for both<br />

senior riders and Under 25s.<br />

The BD Regions boast brilliant camaraderie<br />

and a strong sense of enjoyment all managed<br />

by a Regional Development Officer (RDO)<br />

who will take great care in making your<br />

dressage experience one to remember.<br />

Take a look at the map to see which Region<br />

you fit into.<br />


Day to day competitions run from<br />

Introductory to Grand Prix however<br />

BD has carefully tailored a selection<br />

of competition pathways for you to take part<br />

in from Introductory and beyond.<br />

Introduced in 2014, Quest Club is one of BD’s<br />

most popular grassroots series. The relaxed<br />

competition aims to bring people together<br />

whilst improving dressage skills both<br />

inside and outside of the arena. The levels<br />

involved are Intro, Prelim and Novice with<br />

two sections to choose from: Under 21 (for<br />

riders up to the end of the year of their 21st<br />

birthday) and Open (for riders of any age).<br />

Join up with a group of friends for the Kent<br />

& Masters Team Quest Championship or go<br />

solo in the My Quest category. In Team Quest,<br />

registered groups of three or four riders will<br />

ride as individuals across any of the three test<br />

levels and the best three scores count towards<br />

an overall team total, with the highest team<br />

total winning the competition. My Quest<br />

follows the same structure as Team Quest<br />

with the rider competing as an Individual,<br />

again with sections for Open and Under 21s.<br />

You can take part in both Team Quest and My<br />

Quest as well as qualifying for multiple levels,<br />

the possibilities are endless.<br />

16 <strong>April</strong> <strong>2018</strong> <strong>Equestrian</strong> <strong>Life</strong>

Complementing the Quest competitions<br />

are the Petplan Equine Area Festival<br />

Championships. The Area Festivals are<br />

the perfect target for many BD riders<br />

looking to have a taste of the big time at<br />

a Championship–feel event. Twenty four<br />

first round Area Festivals will be held<br />

all over the UK from May to September<br />

<strong>2018</strong> with the top ten combinations from<br />

each section going on to one of the eight<br />

Area Festival Semi Finals, taking place in<br />

September and October <strong>2018</strong>, from Prelim<br />

to Inter II level.<br />

brand new to British Dressage whilst<br />

Winter memberships are a popular option<br />

for visitors from the other disciplines.<br />

A full membership opens up a host of<br />

opportunity including eligibility for<br />

our major Winter, Music and National<br />

Championships.<br />

All of our memberships offer Public<br />

Liability cover as well as access to a<br />

legal helpline. If you’d like to discuss the<br />

options available, don’t hesitate to call<br />

our membership team on 02476 698832.<br />


Website: www.britishdressage.co.uk<br />

Email: horse.registrations@britishdressage.co.uk<br />

Phone: 02476 698832<br />

Facebook: @British.Dressage<br />

Twitter: @britishdressage<br />

Instagram: @british_dressage<br />

New for <strong>2018</strong> is the Bronze<br />

Championships. The event will give<br />

Bronze riders something to aim for<br />

without the pressure of taking on the<br />

professionals at the LeMieux National<br />

Championships. Leaderboards displaying<br />

a combination’s five best scores achieved<br />

during the qualification period will<br />

provide the top 30 horses and riders<br />

qualifying for the Championships hosted<br />

at Bury Farm EC in August. The levels<br />

involved run from Prelim to Advanced<br />

Medium.<br />

Want to find out more about the<br />

competitions and championships you can<br />

take part in? Head over to our website or<br />

pick up a Championship Choices booklet<br />

from your local venue or RDO.<br />


In 2017 BD introduced Club Membership,<br />

this is an entry level registration that for<br />

only £30 allows you to compete in Quest<br />

competitions, Prelim Bronze and Gold,<br />

Music classes and Young Horse classes.<br />

Trial memberships are offered to those<br />

WIN a<br />

years full<br />

membership<br />

to BD<br />

British Dressage are offering the chance<br />

for one lucky <strong>Equestrian</strong> <strong>Life</strong> reader the<br />

chance to get 12 months FULL membership<br />

to BD.<br />

Worth £92, this prize gives the rider the<br />

following benefits:<br />

• Online community access<br />

• Monthly magazine<br />

• Monthly newsletters<br />

• Access to all levels of competition<br />

• Countless training opportunities<br />

• Members handbook<br />

• Third party insurance<br />

• Access to a legal helpline<br />

For your chance to win simply answer the<br />

following question:<br />

BD golden girl Charlotte Dujardin scored<br />

over 83% with her latest rising star in their<br />

winning Grand Prix debut together in<br />

March, what is the name of the horse?<br />

Ts and Cs: You must not already be a member of<br />

BD. This prize does NOT cover horse registration<br />

or membership. This prize cannot be transferred<br />

or substituted.<br />

www.equestrianlifemagazine.co.uk 17

dressage<br />

riderp r o fi l e<br />

Joanne Dagley<br />


I started riding lessons with my sister when<br />

I was about 5 years old, and have ridden ever<br />

since!<br />

I worked at a riding school at the weekends<br />

in exchange for lessons from around the age<br />

of 10. I got my first horse around the age of<br />

13, at which point I learnt to jump. I kept<br />

her at a riding school so continued helping,<br />

trading for lessons!<br />

At around 18, I moved yards to a friend’s<br />

yard. I decided not to go to university, so I<br />

could continue with horses so took a part<br />

time job whilst doing an Open University<br />

degree. I also studied separately and passed<br />

BHS AI exams.<br />

Aged 20 I got a job as Head Girl at a riding<br />

school and worked there for a couple of<br />

years before I realised that I needed a ‘proper<br />

job’ so aged 22 I started working in a more<br />

corporate environment.<br />

Over the next 20 years I continued to<br />

compete initially in Eventing, and then<br />

more towards Dressage as I wasn’t very<br />

brave in cross-country! I never had any huge<br />

competition success as my horses where<br />

always fairly tricky!<br />


Its really only since my surgery, and not<br />

being able to jump that I’ve concentrated<br />

on dressage. Before that I’d enjoyed all<br />

disciplines.<br />

However since joining BD I must say that the<br />

community is great - I’ve attended camps<br />

and training, and been part of the teams.<br />

You’re always made to feel welcome and I’ve<br />

made some great friends.<br />



I only have one horse that I’m competing<br />

at the moment – Michael Angelo (Stable<br />

name Miko) who I bought in February 2017.<br />

We complete in able-bodied Novice and are<br />

about to start at Elementary. In Paras, I’m<br />

now concentrating on the Grade 5 Silver<br />

Novice level.<br />

Unfortunately para shows are few and far<br />

between, so they can involve lots of travel.<br />

• March <strong>2018</strong> -Appointed to the Para<br />

Technical Committee for BD Dressage<br />

• February <strong>2018</strong> -Moulton College 1st & 2nd<br />

in Novice classes with 74.48% & 70.81%<br />

• January <strong>2018</strong> - Moulton College 1st & 2nd<br />

in Novice classes with 66.6% & 65.52<br />

*Keysoe PARA Grade 5 Intro - 1st 70.71%<br />

• September 2017 - Short Listed to represent<br />

#Teamlikit as 2017 ambassador<br />

• August 2017 - 3rd Place at the Para Grade 5<br />

National Bronze Championships<br />

• July 2017 - Represented Cambridgeshire<br />

at the British Dressage Inter-Regional<br />

competition. Placed 5th as a team. 4th<br />

Placed highest rider in my section.<br />

• June 2017 - Competed at Pet Plan Area<br />

festival final at Codham Park Farm at<br />

Novice. Placed 8th with 69.79%<br />

• May 2017 - Bluegate Hall placed 1st in<br />

18 <strong>April</strong> <strong>2018</strong> <strong>Equestrian</strong> <strong>Life</strong>

oth Novice Class’s,<br />

Houghton Hall placed 2nd in the Novice<br />

with 70%<br />

Qualified for Para Bronze Championships<br />

at Chigwell riding trust with an Average<br />

score of 70.35%<br />

• <strong>April</strong> 2017 - Para Home International team<br />

for the Eastern Region<br />

Highest scoring Grade IV Bronze rider<br />

from the teams with average of 67.08%.<br />

• March 2017 - 2nd at Keysoe Novice Silver -<br />

69.48%<br />



My personal bests of 70%+ in February<br />

of this year and coming 3rd in a National<br />

Championship in August 2017 after only<br />

having my horse for six months!<br />




At age 38 I suffered a slipped disc, which<br />

rapidly got worse and put me in hospital<br />

several times. I was severely limited in my<br />

movements and my ability to ride, and on<br />

lots of pain medication. Just a month before<br />

I was due to have my first surgery, the disc<br />

moved within my spine and compressed<br />

some of the major nerves to my legs. I was<br />

rushed to hospital unable to feel my legs and<br />

had emergency surgery. After the surgery I<br />

regained the feeling to my right leg but my<br />

left leg nerves remained damaged. I learned<br />

that the condition I now have is called Cauda<br />

Equina Syndrome. I was told that potentially<br />

the nerves COULD repair themselves but<br />

this may take up to two years. Unfortunately,<br />

that’s not happened.<br />

I have permanent pins and needles in my<br />

left foot, and frequent muscle spasms and<br />

cramps which feel like a hot poker firing up<br />

my leg! I take meditation which is designed<br />

to suppress the nerves to try and reduce<br />

these symptoms but side effects mean I can<br />

get very tired easily.<br />

I started to ride again about six months after<br />

the first surgery, but I couldn’t feel my left<br />

seat bone, and had no grip or strength in my<br />

left leg at all - meaning anything more than<br />

walking was tricky - my leg flapped about and<br />

I couldn’t keep my foot in the stirrup as I had<br />

to grip with my knees, I looked and felt like a<br />

complete beginner again!<br />

I looked for help with the RDA and got<br />

classified as a disabled rider. This allowed<br />

me to have compensatory aids which were<br />

elastic bands around my feet and stirrups<br />

to hold them in place and a stick on the left<br />

side. I also found a seat saver and silicone<br />

I had regained<br />

confidence in my<br />

ability to stay<br />

balanced, and could<br />

now sit upright<br />

seat jodhpurs helped with grip and stability.<br />

I worked hard at the gym - finding a trainer<br />

that specialised in spinal injuries has helped<br />

enormously. I had to learn to balance again<br />

and figure out how to improve my situation.<br />

I persevered for the two years hoping that at<br />

some point I would regain some feeling, but<br />

unfortunately nothing changed, other than<br />

starting to get more pain in my back again<br />

which became unbearable. We went back to<br />

the hospital and further MRIs showed that<br />

I now had spinal stenosis which meant that<br />

the bones of my spinal column had started to<br />

calcify and actually squeeze my spinal cord.<br />

So back to the operating table I went, and<br />

I imagine the surgeon dremelled away the<br />

extra bone and created enough space for my<br />

spinal cord.<br />

The difference was amazing, the pain in my<br />

back now 90% better, but unfortunately no<br />

improvement in the feeling of my leg. But at<br />

least that meant I could now be more mobile<br />

and I got straight back down the gym and<br />

was riding again within weeks.<br />

Now being more mobile in my lower back,<br />

I could progress with my riding and the<br />

couple of years in the gym and balance work<br />

I’d done meant that whilst I couldn’t feel<br />

anything, I had regained confidence in my<br />

ability to stay balanced, and could now sit<br />

upright. I’ve had to experiment with saddles<br />

and find one that has huge knee and thigh<br />

rolls so I can use my thigh to secure me into<br />

the saddle rather than gripping with my<br />

knees.<br />

I’ve found that it is a huge mental approach<br />

- I’ve had to regain my confidence and found<br />

both physio and gym work off the saddle is<br />

just as important as being on board.<br />



I became the Para Rep for the Eastern Region<br />

in December 2016, and in February 2017 have<br />

just been appointed to the BD Para technical<br />

committee too. I originally applied to be the<br />

marketing rep.<br />

I’d been a member since the start of 2016,<br />

and had attended a few camps and met the<br />

other committee members and wanted to<br />

‘do my bit’ for BD and the Eastern region.<br />

However when I applied our RDO asked<br />

if I would do the Para Rep instead, I had<br />

thought about it but at that point didn’t<br />

know anything about the Para competition<br />

structure so didn’t think I would be able too.<br />

However, I soon realised that if I didn’t,<br />

no one else would either so I took up the<br />

challenge! I started off January 2016 not<br />

having contact with any other para riders, so<br />

I quickly went out and about to shows and<br />

RDA groups to find some - and by <strong>April</strong> 2016<br />

I’d managed to get a team together for the<br />

Para Home International, where we came<br />

2nd! In 2017 we went one better sending two<br />

teams and getting placed 1st and 5th.<br />

I now have about 40 people on my list. I<br />

organise regular training for the riders,<br />

as well as ensuring we have shows in the<br />

Eastern region. I’ve been very lucky also to<br />

have the support of CU Phosco Lighting, who<br />

are based in Ware, Hertfordshire, who agreed<br />

to sponsor all the activity within the region<br />

for Para Riders - so I’m able to offer lessons<br />

with world class trainers for a fraction of the<br />

cost.<br />


PLANS FOR <strong>2018</strong><br />

My Personal goals for <strong>2018</strong> are to better my<br />

2017 achievements!<br />

• Para<br />

• Bronze & Silver National Championships<br />

(August <strong>2018</strong>) - Having placed 3rd last year<br />

at Bronze I’d like to improve on this, and<br />

get a 1st or 2nd!<br />

• I’m also on track to qualify to ride in the<br />

Silver category too.<br />

• Able-Bodied<br />

• We’re already qualified for the Summer<br />

Regionals at Novice, and I’m also looking<br />

to compete in the Area Festivals at<br />

Elementary level.<br />

www.equestrianlifemagazine.co.uk 19

competition<br />

Who are Equivisions?<br />

Equivisions was started by a Mum,<br />

Julie Geraghty so that she could<br />

work from home whilst her two<br />

girls were growing up. Her<br />

youngest is a keen dressage rider<br />

and the eldest is also very<br />

sporty.<br />

Julie herself used to compete<br />

regularly in dressage but has<br />

now taken a back seat to<br />

concentrate on the children<br />

and business. Equivisions<br />

are currently working<br />

with team GB para squad,<br />

preparing music for WEG.<br />


Equivisions is a company<br />

specialising in dressage to music<br />

production and floor pattern design. Using<br />

their extensive knowledge of editing music<br />

for dressage they have come up with a<br />

simple and invaluable solution for learning<br />

your dressage tests and are marketing these<br />

alongside an ingenious wrist speaker to wear<br />

whilst riding to play music or audio tests on<br />

You can practice the official British Dressage<br />

tests from Intro to Advanced Medium. The<br />

tests are pre-loaded onto a micro SD card to<br />

fit into the speaker watches. They are also<br />

available via mp3 download and on a CD.<br />

The official BD audio tests are only available<br />

from www.equivisions.co.uk<br />

All the tests have three recording speeds.<br />

The learning speed has no gaps between the<br />

instructions and movements so it is ideal for<br />

listening to whilst mucking out or driving.<br />

There are then two riding speeds and these<br />

are based on pony/cob and horse speed.<br />

Equivisions, having analysed hundreds<br />

of tests to come up with the two speeds<br />

solutions are confident that they will work<br />

for most combinations.<br />

The wrist speakers are also ideal for<br />

dressage to music. There’s no more<br />

dismounting to press play, getting a friend<br />

to come and operate the music player, no<br />

worries of headphones falling out your<br />

ears mid-test, you don’t need to get your<br />

car close to the arena and blast the music<br />

system. The speakers are no larger than a<br />

large watch and pack a huge 3W of power –<br />

they are amazing quality for their size. The<br />

battery is charged through a standard USB<br />

cable and lasts for up to 6 hours.<br />

WIN with<br />

Equivisions and<br />

<strong>Equestrian</strong> <strong>Life</strong><br />

Magazine<br />

This month we have teamed up with Equivisions to offer one lucky reader<br />

the chance to win a speaker watch of their choice with a set of audio<br />

tests of their choice which is worth up to £60<br />

For your chance to win, turn to our entry form to answer the following questions :<br />

Q1: Name one Olympic rider Julie has produced music for?<br />

Q2: How many models of wrist speaker are available?<br />

WIN<br />

with<br />

20 <strong>April</strong> <strong>2018</strong> <strong>Equestrian</strong> <strong>Life</strong>

Want to listen to music<br />

safely or practise your<br />

dressage tests whilst<br />

riding? Now you can!<br />

● Audio tests now available! Practise and learn the<br />

official British Dressage tests at home with your<br />

own personal test caller on your wrist!<br />

● Dressage to music - perfect for practising your<br />

freestyle with your music at your fingertips - no<br />

headphones required<br />

● Rechargable battery, listen for up to five hours.<br />

● Connects to any Bluetooth device to play music,<br />

answer a call or take a selfie!<br />

● Radio built in - listen to music whilst mucking out,<br />

grooming or riding.<br />

● Insert a Micro SD card (included) to hold loads of<br />

your favourite songs and British Dressage audio tests.<br />

* Radio is MK1 & 2 only<br />

Test downloads from £2.99, speakers from £35<br />

Order online at www.equivisions.co.uk

dressage<br />

Sheer<br />


Country & Stable of Olney are a family run equestrian business set in the heart of Olney,<br />

Buckinghamshire. They pride themselves on excellent customer service as<br />

well as having an impressive range of products for people and their<br />

four-legged pets to enjoy the great outdoors.<br />

Country & Stable pride themselves on<br />

supporting the local community, they<br />

regularly donate and provide product<br />

support to local charities, clubs and events.<br />

This month, we talk to Country & Stable’s<br />

sponsored rider, Amanda Shirtcliffe.<br />

Amanda is a Para dressage rider based in<br />

Buckinghamshire. In 2012 Amanda was<br />

diagnosed with a rare neurological movement<br />

disorder. Having taken up Para dressage in<br />

2013 and competed successfully at national<br />

and international level, Amanda was selected<br />

onto the British <strong>Equestrian</strong> Federation World<br />

Class Program in 2016 and has her sights<br />

firmly set on representing Team GB in the<br />

Tokyo 2020 Paralympics.<br />

How long have you been living with<br />

Dystonia and what does it entail.<br />

My Dystonia wasn’t officially diagnosed<br />

until 2012. Dystonia is a rare movement<br />

disorder in which you have involuntary<br />

muscle contractions that cause spasms,<br />

twisting movements or abnormal postures.<br />

Basically, the neurological mechanism that<br />

makes muscles relax when they are not in<br />

use does not function properly. Dystonia can<br />

affect just one limb or the entire body, but in<br />

my case it affects both of my legs, arms, torso<br />

and neck. My dystonia hinders my balance<br />

and affects my movement and limb function;<br />

muscle spasms are often excruciatingly<br />

painful and make everyday basic tasks a<br />

challenge to accomplish. I can walk with<br />

the use of leg callipers and crutches but I<br />

am often confined to long periods of time in<br />

a wheelchair.<br />

How do you overcome the challenges you<br />

face when riding with Dystonia?<br />

My body pretty much decided for me that<br />

I couldn’t continue to hare about the<br />

countryside on horseback, and if I wanted to<br />

carry on riding I’d have to find an alternative<br />

way to do so. Due to my involuntary<br />

muscle spasms and limited control of my<br />

legs, I find that riding without stirrups is the<br />

best way for my body to balance better when<br />

it’s in the saddle. We also train the horses to<br />

respond to my vocal commands, having the<br />

horses ‘voice activated’ really helps!<br />

Since taking up a para sport, what have<br />

you discovered about yourself?<br />

I’m not afraid to be myself, although for a<br />

while my confidence took a battering and<br />

accepting my body for what it is has taken<br />

some getting used to. I still get frustrated<br />

with the things I can’t do, the days I am bed<br />

bound are the darkest, but over time I’ve<br />

learnt to allow my body the rest it needs<br />

in order to recover and carry on living as<br />

full a life as possible. Having a disability is<br />

something I still struggle to accept, I can be<br />

a stubborn old mule at times and instead of<br />

accepting defeat I’d rather break my neck<br />

trying to prove a point! I’ve always been<br />

independent and asking for help is something<br />

even now I find hard to do. I’m naturally<br />

competitive and have found that having a<br />

disability makes me appreciate the function<br />

and movement I have left, it’s made me more<br />

determined to get my backside into gear and<br />

not let my disability beat me.<br />

What is your favourite product that<br />

Country & Stable have provided for you<br />

and your horses?<br />

Country & Stable have been a phenomenal<br />

support to me and my equestrian team,<br />

providing me with financial backing and<br />

product sponsorship to get me started in para<br />

sport.<br />

I feel so privileged that Country & Stable<br />

have supplied me with some of the best<br />

equestrian products on the market. I love all<br />

of the Eurostar range but when the weather<br />

is wet and windy, I really appreciate my warm<br />

winter breeches!<br />

For the horses it has to be Horseware<br />

Rambo rugs. Horseware make an extensive<br />

range of rugs to suit all shapes and sizes<br />

of horses. I think the Rambo collection is<br />

by far superior, they withstand all that the<br />

British weather throws at them and come<br />

with a 3yr guarantee, in short, they do what<br />

they say on the tin!<br />

Can you tell us a little about your horses?<br />

I have five competition horses, (Princess<br />

Fiona, Tottie, Magic Mike, Awesome Annie<br />

and Remi) all of which are owned by other<br />

people.<br />

I am forever grateful to the owners for<br />

lending me their four-legged friends, without<br />

their support I would struggle to compete in<br />

the sport.<br />

Who is your favourite horse and why?<br />

Princess Fiona is without a shadow of a doubt<br />

my all time favourite, although I try to treat<br />

them all equally! When Princess came to<br />

me she hadn’t had any previous dressage<br />

training and we have learned the ropes<br />

together. Last year we were crowned National<br />

Champions, that was the icing on the cake.<br />

22 <strong>April</strong> <strong>2018</strong> <strong>Equestrian</strong> <strong>Life</strong>

iderp r o fi l e<br />

Emma<br />

Mrvik<br />

Apart from riding, do you have any other<br />

hobbies?<br />

Eating! I totally live for food, not exactly<br />

the hobby to have when you need to fit<br />

into bright white skin sucking dressage<br />

breeches but I can’t ever envisage becoming<br />

a vegetarian.<br />

To me a balanced diet is chocolate in both<br />

hands! Before dystonia rudely invaded my<br />

body, I used to enjoy snowboarding, but even<br />

back then my balance was never brilliant,<br />

Bambi on ice is probably a good comparison,<br />

so it’s probably for the best that I stay away<br />

from the slopes!<br />

What advice can you give someone who<br />

wants to get into Para Dressage?<br />

Just Do it! Yes, it takes a certain amount of<br />

dedication and determination to put yourself<br />

out there and try something new, but a little<br />

bit of self-belief goes a long way. Para sport<br />

has provided me with a new found focus and<br />

challenged me to push myself further than I<br />

would have ever done before. I would never<br />

have imagined that in 4 years from when I<br />

first started in the sport I would be on the<br />

British Team and vying for a place on the<br />

Paralympic podium. By no means has it been<br />

an easy ride but I am loving every minute of<br />

the journey and I hope that it continues to be<br />

that way as I trot towards Toyko!<br />

Run when you can, walk when you have to,<br />

but never give up!<br />

Amanda Shirtcliffe; www.pararider.co.uk<br />

Dressage has always been an<br />

interest of mine, from competing at<br />

local level from around the age of<br />

seven and progressing to become<br />

a member of my local Pony Club<br />

Dressage Team. I enjoy the challenge<br />

of competing against yourself each<br />

time to achieve a better percentage.<br />

Of course it is always nice to come<br />

home with a rosette or placing, but<br />

the achievement of progression and<br />

improving the movements each time<br />

is simply fantastic. You spend all your<br />

time in training working on a set of<br />

movements or test, and then for it all<br />

to come together in a competition is a<br />

wonderful feeling. Of course it is also<br />

nice to turn up to an event and know<br />

the exact time your test will take place<br />

and not have to wait around for hours<br />

for your class!<br />

This year is my first year competing<br />

in affiliated British Dressage<br />

Competitions taking part in the My<br />

Quest and Team Quest competitions.<br />

Competitions are held at various<br />

locations in your region where you<br />

can compete as an individual or within<br />

a team to try to achieve the highest<br />

score and therefore points throughout<br />

the qualifying period. The top<br />

individuals and teams are then invited<br />

to a regional final, which is where I<br />

hope Poppy and I can make it to. It is<br />

always exciting when the leader board<br />

is updated to see how many points<br />

you have accumulated at your last<br />

competition and see where you are<br />

listed on the board.<br />

Poppy is probably not your average<br />

dressage horse, being a 12hh Welsh<br />

Section A pony, but she has taken to<br />

it brilliantly achieving some amazing<br />

scores. Poppy was bred by Janice<br />

Allen at the Larapinta Stud competing<br />

successfully in hand for many years<br />

and with the hope she would become<br />

a broodmare at the stud, however<br />

this was not to be the case as Poppy<br />

decided she didn’t like being a mum<br />

and a new career was needed! This<br />

year we are competing at Intro and<br />

Prelim level but hope to continue<br />

working up the levels as we progress.<br />

Who knows how far a little Welsh A<br />

can make it!<br />

Dressage is a sport for everyone at<br />

every level and I would encourage<br />

everyone to give it a go!<br />

Victoria Proctor<br />

Victoria Proctor started the year with<br />

a win in the Novice Freestyle to Music<br />

with just short of 70%. They then<br />

came 6th out of 34 at Bishop Burton<br />

Winter Regionals, which is a massive<br />

improvement on last year! Their aim<br />

this year is to qualify for Summer<br />

regionals at Novice as well as moving up<br />

to Pony Club Intermediate.<br />

Victoria has had her mare, Rubiks Cube<br />

(Ruby) from a three-year-old. She’s done<br />

everything herself. When they are not<br />

winning at dressage, they also compete<br />

in affiliated showing, coming 4th at<br />

Horse of the Year Show in 2016.<br />

www.equestrianlifemagazine.co.uk 23

dressage<br />

What is<br />

Dressage<br />

Anywhere?<br />

If you want to compete in dressage<br />

you need to be organised! There’s<br />

the plaiting and grooming, not to<br />

mention cleaning your tack and then<br />

transporting your horse to an event. But<br />

what if you don’t have your own horse, or<br />

your own transport? Or maybe you need<br />

some quick feedback ahead of an important<br />

competition, like an Area Festival or<br />

Regional Championship, or perhaps you’ve<br />

never competed in a dressage competition<br />

and want to know what it’s all about? What<br />

opportunities do you have to compete and<br />

train? There’s where online dressage with<br />

Dressage Anywhere comes in.<br />


Competing in dressage online is for just<br />

about anybody! Whether you’re new to<br />

dressage or an experienced competitor,<br />

there are classes and levels for everyone.<br />

Some riders with young horses find it a<br />

useful tool to get feedback on how they’re<br />

doing. Other more established partnerships<br />

just enjoy having another mechanism for<br />

competing without leaving their yard.<br />

Online dressage is perfect for riders who<br />

don’t have their own transport or even their<br />

own horse - Dressage Anywhere has many<br />

riders competing on riding school horses. It<br />

It’s a really simple<br />

concept - ride your test,<br />

have someone film it for<br />

you and then upload the<br />

video for judging.<br />

It really is as easy as that.<br />

can be a really fun way of taking part with<br />

the opportunity to win prizes and rosettes.<br />


ABOUT?<br />

Online dressage competitions have been<br />

around for a few years (Dressage Anywhere<br />

is one of the early pioneers and has been<br />

hosting online dressage classes for nearly<br />

eight years) and they’re becoming popular<br />

with riders around the world.<br />

It’s a really simple concept - ride your test,<br />

have someone film it for you and then<br />

upload the video for judging. It really is as<br />

easy as that.<br />

Registering with Dressage Anywhere is free<br />

and if you’d like to go on to qualify for and<br />

compete in the British Dressage Online<br />

Associated Championships, you’ll need to<br />

become a BD associate or club member.<br />

You’ll need to enter a competition online. If<br />

you’re not sure what level you should ride<br />

you need to assess where you are in your<br />

schooling and training. If you’re very new<br />

to dressage, have a look at the Introductory<br />

(walk and trot) and Preliminary (walk,<br />

trot and canter) levels. If you’re a more<br />

established dressage rider, then you’ll know<br />

what level you should be entering. Dressage<br />

Anywhere schedules include a summary<br />

of the movements so you can assess which<br />

online dressage test you can enter.<br />


YOU NEED?<br />

ARENA - You’ll need to make sure you have<br />

the correct sized arena for the test you’re<br />

going to ride. The details are at the top of<br />

the test sheet. If you don’t have an arena,<br />

that’s no problem at all, you can ride your<br />

test in a field marked out with arena letters.<br />

WHAT TACK? - Dressage competitions are<br />

run to British Dressage rules which require<br />

a bridle with a noseband and an English<br />

saddle. The British Dressage Rules are very<br />

comprehensive, so Dressage Anywhere<br />

includes a summary on its own Rules page.<br />

Martingales are not permitted and will<br />

result in elimination (although you’ll<br />

always have a chance to ride your test again<br />

and upload another video, time permitting).<br />

Gloves must be worn - it’s a two mark<br />

deduction if you forget them!<br />

VIDEO CAMERA - You don’t need fancy<br />

equipment to film your Dressage Anywhere<br />

24 <strong>April</strong> <strong>2018</strong> <strong>Equestrian</strong> <strong>Life</strong>

dressage<br />

test, a relatively new smartphone will do a<br />

good job. Just make sure that you can zoom<br />

in when the rider is at the far end of the<br />

arena and you can transfer the video to a<br />

computer or upload it to a website.<br />

JUDGES<br />

Dressage Anywhere works with FEI and<br />

British Dressage List 1 and 2 judges, who<br />

have gone through a rigorous education<br />

system. Many are trainers and riders<br />

who have worked through a certification<br />

programme involving further training and<br />

examinations to enable them to judge or to<br />

specialise in a specific areas such as para,<br />

RDA, eventing or young horses.<br />


Every rider will receive a scoresheet with<br />

a summary of their performance. Dressage<br />

Anywhere takes that one step further - as<br />

soon as the judge submits a scoresheet the<br />

competitor will receive an e-mail with a<br />

link to view and download their scoresheet.<br />

There’s no waiting until the end of the<br />

competition and if you think you can<br />

improve on your performance, you can ride<br />

the test again and upload a new entry for<br />

judging.<br />

When the competitions close, results are<br />

finalised on an online scoreboard and<br />

rosettes and prizes issued to all placed<br />

riders. Prizes and rosettes are awarded in<br />

accordance with British Dressage rules, so<br />

rosettes go to one in four riders and prizes<br />

are awarded to a scale dependent on the<br />

number of class entries.<br />



Dressage Anywhere offers monthly<br />

competitions, each one opens on the first<br />

day of the month and closes on the last day<br />

of the month. They run all year round and<br />

there are opportunities for teams to compete<br />

in the annual Team Challenge to win extra<br />

prizes.<br />


Dressage Anywhere runs its online dressage<br />

competitions as closely to live competitions<br />

as possible, maintaining the high standards<br />

that you would expect, but also to get those<br />

new to dressage ready for live competitions.<br />

Dressage Anywhere has eight years of<br />

experience running online dressage<br />

competitions and has a comprehensive<br />

system to automate as much of it as possible.<br />

Interdressage - A Growing<br />

Global Phenomenon!<br />

Eleven years ago this <strong>April</strong>,<br />

Interdressage.com quietly slipped<br />

its way onto the internet and into<br />

the hearts of its ever-growing band of<br />

devotees. Interdressage was the first of<br />

its kind to offer riders worldwide the<br />

opportunity to compete in dressage,<br />

jumping and showing classes, not<br />

only for rosettes and prize money<br />

but for outstanding feedback from<br />

carefully selected BD judges, showing<br />

enthusiasts, professional instructors and<br />

experts in the field of Equine Behaviour.<br />

Karina Hawkridge, Equine<br />

Physiotherapist and freelance<br />

instructor, started the site in 2007<br />

as a hobby. In possession of a large,<br />

temperamental young Warmblood and<br />

desperate for constructive advice and<br />

feedback on his work, but conscious<br />

of the fact he was big, strong and<br />

unpredictable, she searched the internet<br />

for a website that offered competition<br />

via video...and found nothing. With<br />

zero knowledge of designing or running<br />

a website, she teamed up with Glynis<br />

Mills, <strong>Equestrian</strong> Artist, Graphic<br />

Designer, BD judge and lifelong friend<br />

and between them hatched an idea<br />

which a local website designer turned<br />

into a reality.<br />

Other sites have followed, many of<br />

which have not lasted the test of<br />

time! However, Interdressage attracts<br />

increasing numbers of competitors<br />

from around the world, keen to take<br />

advantage of this economical, ethical,<br />

convenient and educational way of<br />

competing.<br />

The last eleven years have seen some<br />

major technological advancements.<br />

In 2007 all competition videos arrived<br />

at the Interdressage office on memory<br />

stick, CD or DVD. Then began the<br />

laborious task of converting, streaming<br />

and uploading. Thankfully, the rapid rise<br />

in popularity of YouTube, now means<br />

all videos are uploaded to YouTube by<br />

competitors who then email the URL<br />

links to Interdressage HQ, for inclusion<br />

on the Interdressage website.<br />

A recent site upgrade has simplified<br />

the entering and payment process.<br />

More riders than ever are now able<br />

to compete via video in monthly<br />

online Dressage, Baroque, Freestyle<br />

Jumping and Showing classes, from the<br />

convenience and safety of their own<br />

arena.<br />

The site has blossomed into a platform<br />

which caters for riders and horse owners<br />

of all abilities and covers a multitude of<br />

disciplines. Although the Dressage and<br />

Baroque style classes form the backbone<br />

of the site, there are opportunities to<br />

compete in Practical Horsemanship and<br />

Equiskills classes where the dexterity,<br />

harmony, confidence and ability of<br />

horse and rider are scored. All the tests<br />

used are unique, video friendly and<br />

written exclusively for Interdressage.<br />

There is also a small selection of<br />

‘showing’ classes with emphasis<br />

on manners, ability, performance,<br />

condition and turnout and there is even<br />

a freestyle jumping class where balance,<br />

straightness, rhythm, technique, rider’s<br />

application of aids and continuity of the<br />

course build are assessed.<br />

So, if you are looking for a cost<br />

effective, convenient and safe way to<br />

compete against riders from around<br />

the world without increasing your<br />

carbon footprint why not check out<br />

Interdressage? More details can be<br />

found at www.interdressage.com.<br />

www.interdressage.com<br />

www.facebook.com/groups/28178262381/<br />

Email. karina@interdressage.com<br />

www.equestrianlifemagazine.co.uk 25

fashion<br />

I couldn’t wait<br />

to wear my<br />

new tailcoat.<br />

I absolutely<br />

love it<br />


Flying<br />

Changes<br />

The company that re-defined the<br />

British dress code!<br />

Flying Changes, was<br />

founded in 2012 by<br />

International dressage<br />

rider and trainer Sarah<br />

Cheetham, and produces high<br />

quality, innovative custommade<br />

and ready to wear<br />

equestrian jackets and tailcoats.<br />

A revision of the dress code<br />

by the B.E.F. in 2011 sparked<br />

an, as yet untapped, talent and<br />

passion in Sarah during the<br />

process of designing a truly<br />

unique tailcoat for herself. She<br />

found a small UK tailor to work<br />

with and bought all the fabrics<br />

herself. The tailcoat was grey<br />

with a salmon pink stripe and<br />

collar. At that time something<br />

quite extraordinary!I<br />

Whilst representing GB at<br />

Hartpury CDI that year, Sarah<br />

found herself the envy of<br />

her fellow competitors and<br />

everyone wanted to know<br />

where she had bought her<br />

new tailcoat. The seed was<br />

sown, but it was not until the<br />

following year, when Sarah<br />

was sidelined due to a back<br />

injury, that the business became<br />

truly established.<br />

As a professional competitive<br />

rider herself of more than 20<br />

years, Sarah had the unique<br />

skill set to truly develop a<br />

range of products that not<br />

only conformed to the correct<br />

dress code for each discipline,<br />

but also the understanding,<br />

only gained through years of<br />

competitive experience, of<br />

how to truly accommodate<br />

the growing demands of our<br />

modern riders. It was recognised<br />

by Sarah, that equestrian<br />

sport was changing fast, riders<br />

were demanding high quality<br />

technical fabrics, but the coats,<br />

most particularly the tailcoat,<br />

still needed to have the look of<br />

traditional tailoring.<br />

This is combined with the everincreasing<br />

desire by our riders<br />

to be a little unique, to be given<br />

the ability to design a garment<br />

that expresses their own or their<br />

mounts personality or colouring,<br />

to be able to represent the<br />

colours of their sponsors or<br />

ultimately simply be able to<br />

promote their own business.<br />

26 <strong>April</strong> <strong>2018</strong> <strong>Equestrian</strong> <strong>Life</strong>

“On behalf of the Qatar Eventing<br />

Team, I would like to say a big<br />

thank you for the Teams tailcoats<br />

for the Asian Games! The Team<br />

love them!”<br />


Sarah set out to meet these<br />

challenges, not just for the<br />

professional riders but also<br />

for amateur riders as well.<br />

Not everyone will reach the<br />

dizzy heights of Charlotte<br />

Dujardin and Valegro, but<br />

everyone participating in the<br />

sport is there to have fun and<br />

look their best. Sarah and her<br />

team recognise that looking<br />

and feeling good in a jacket or<br />

tailcoat is a large part of that<br />

enjoyable experience. In fact,<br />

a correctly fitting jacket or<br />

tailcoat has been recognised<br />

for our Olympians as being<br />

performance related.<br />

So the challenges and goals<br />

were set. Sarah had a vision<br />

for her business, she was quite<br />

clear from the outset that<br />

Flying Changes would one day<br />

dress every top British Rider<br />

across all disciplines and this<br />

target was achieved in 2016 as<br />

Official Supplier to Team GBR<br />

at the Rio Olympic games. Prior<br />

to this Flying Changes had<br />

already been dressing the GB<br />

team dressage riders since 2013.<br />

But this was not all. Sarah’s<br />

desire was to produce high<br />

quality products that would be<br />

exclusive, stylish and affordable<br />

to all riders. So the concept of<br />

the design studio was born and<br />

incorporated into the website<br />

in 2013. Here the customer can<br />

truly design their own jacket<br />

or tailcoat, choose the fabrics,<br />

colour trim options, design<br />

details and buttons, creating a<br />

CAD to simply experiment with<br />

or show to their friends.<br />

“Having used Flying-Changes for<br />

the production of our Team coats<br />

for the Rio 2016 Olympic and<br />

Paralympic Games, the attention<br />

to detail, excellent service and<br />

genuine desire to produce the<br />

perfect Jacket was second to<br />

none, Sarah and her team are<br />

truly committed to producing<br />

lovely pieces, the style and fit<br />

of each and every jacket was<br />

outstanding”<br />





As Flying Changes took off,<br />

Sarah rapidly realised that<br />

managing it and running<br />

a busy dressage yard with<br />

training liveries and students<br />

was not ultimately going to be<br />

sustainable. In 2016 she made<br />

the difficult decision to give<br />

up the yard and concentrate<br />

full time on Flying Changes,<br />

keeping only her top ride,<br />

Stoiber’s Black Pearl, with<br />

whom she will be competing<br />

at the Winter Dressage<br />

Championships at Hartpury this<br />

month, as well as exhibiting<br />

Flying Changes.<br />

From small beginnings, Flying<br />

Changes has grown into a<br />

highly respected worldwide<br />

brand. In the last 5 years, it<br />

has seen over just under a<br />

300% growth in sales and<br />

Flying Changes coats have<br />

now been worn by team riders<br />

representing 5 different<br />

Nations.<br />

WIN with<br />

Flying<br />

Changes and<br />

<strong>Equestrian</strong> <strong>Life</strong><br />

We have teamed with Flying Changes for one<br />

reader to win a short jacket (like the one<br />

pictured) of their choice, in their chosen<br />

colourway. For your chance<br />

to win, please answer the<br />

following question<br />

and turn to our entry<br />

form on page 74 to enter.<br />

Q: Which of our GB riders won gold<br />

at the Rio Olympics in 2016? The answer to the<br />

question can be found on the Flying Changes website.<br />

www.equestrianlifemagazine.co.uk 27

feature<br />

William and Pippa Funnell Take Centre Stage<br />

at Bolesworth International<br />

Where do you get the<br />

chance to meet and<br />

learn from both a<br />

showjumping and eventing legend<br />

at the same time?<br />

The Equerry Bolesworth<br />

International Horse Show of<br />

course – with the organisers<br />

announcing a new and exciting<br />

Masterclass with William and<br />

Pippa Funnell.<br />

Having won countless Grand Prix’<br />

and being a part of so many British<br />

teams, William’s knowledge of<br />

producing international level<br />

showjumpers has the highest<br />

respect, while on the eventing<br />

scene Pippa has won every major<br />

championship there is and was the<br />

first winner of the Rolex Eventing<br />

Grand Slam.<br />

As if their winning ways wasn’t<br />

enough, this husband and wife<br />

team are also a major driving force<br />

behind The Billy Stud, a breeder<br />

and producer of so many talented<br />

horses across the disciplines.<br />

Said Bolesworth International<br />

Show President Nina Barbour:<br />

“William and Pippa have a wealth<br />

of knowledge when it comes to<br />

producing horses whether in the<br />

sport of show jumping or eventing.<br />

“Their success with homebred<br />

horses is phenomenal and for<br />

visitors to be able to see William<br />

and Pippa training their young<br />

horses and to learn more about<br />

their methods and philosophies is<br />

a great opportunity.”<br />

The demonstration will form<br />

part of a special British Riding<br />

Clubs day with a competition<br />

launched to find a member of the<br />

association to take part in the<br />

masterclass.<br />

The Wednesday gets even better<br />

with a fantastic ‘Wednesday Offer’<br />

that is not to be missed. Priced at<br />

£60 a head a Group Deal for 10 or<br />

more people also has 10% off the<br />

ticket price.<br />

The Wednesday offer will feature<br />

all day admission to the Equerry<br />

Bolesworth International Horse<br />

Show with VIP parking. Access to<br />

the Exclusive VIP Main ringside<br />

Hospitality marquee from 6:30pm<br />

with a drink on arrival and a<br />

delicious two course dinner.<br />

The ‘British Riding Clubs Big Night<br />

Out’ offer will also provide the<br />

fantastic opportunity to attend an<br />

William Funnell in action and left<br />

Pippa in cross-country mode<br />

exclusive post demonstration Q &<br />

A with William and Pippa and to<br />

finish the night off ticket holders<br />

will have free access to Bolesworth<br />

International’s new party facility<br />

‘The Club’ with fully licensed bar<br />

and DJ till late.<br />

VIP Hospitality experiences<br />

are available for all sessions<br />

throughout the show, and include<br />

access to the luxury ringside<br />

marquee, with high end dining<br />

included from renowned London<br />

caterers Absolute Taste. For<br />

more information and to book<br />

Hospitality packages, contact<br />

melanie@bolesworth.com<br />

General admission tickets can be<br />

bought online at<br />

www.bolesworthinternational.com<br />

Book<br />

Online to<br />

Save up to<br />

25% OFF<br />

gate prices &<br />

Free Parking<br />


★ International Show Jumping & Dressage ★ Eventing Grand Prix ★ Shopping Village ★<br />

★ Freestyle Motocross & Kids Bike Zone ★ Fairground & Kids Entertainment ★ Fine Food Pavillion ★<br />

★ Onsite camping Bars & Evening Entertainment ★ Kids Under 12 FREE ADMISSION ★<br />

Box Office: 0844 8000 509 or www.bolesworthinternational.com<br />

Groups of 10 or more – 10% off – Call: 08445617672 Venue Location: Bolesworth Castle, Chester CH3 9HQ<br />

BIHS <strong>2018</strong>-<strong>Equestrian</strong> <strong>Life</strong> Ad-APR-HI.indd 1 01/03/<strong>2018</strong> 10:38<br />

28 <strong>April</strong> <strong>2018</strong> <strong>Equestrian</strong> <strong>Life</strong>




for further details contact: Shaws <strong>Equestrian</strong> T: (+44) (0)1335 370737 E: info@shawsequestrian.com

Paddock Maintenance<br />

Breathe <strong>Life</strong> into Your<br />

Paddocks with Suregrow CSM<br />

DID you know 85% of grassland is mineral and trace element deficient?<br />

Your paddocks and<br />

grassland may look in<br />

reasonable condition<br />

but is both the soil and<br />

the grass the very best it can be?<br />

CSM from the Suregrow fertiliser<br />

range provides more than 70<br />

minerals and trace elements. A<br />

number of these enter into the<br />

plant and can be beneficial to the<br />

health of the animals eating the<br />

grass.<br />

A granular blend of calcified<br />

seaweed, CSM is from<br />

sustainable sources, sun dried<br />

sea salt and a natural source of<br />

Magnesium. This results in the<br />

formulation which is high in<br />

Calcium, Sodium, Magnesium<br />

and Chloride.<br />

The minerals in CSM have<br />

many benefits for both the grass<br />

and horses. Calcium helps the<br />

grass growth and neutralises<br />

plant cell acidity improving<br />

the palatability of the grass.<br />

Increased levels of Magnesium<br />

in the grass can have a calming<br />

effect on the horse or pony<br />

and supports the absorption of<br />

Phosphate. Sodium, improves<br />

the palatability of grass and<br />

reduces the Potassium imbalance<br />

Morley Veterinary<br />

Practice Limited<br />

24 hour Emergency Service<br />

WE OFFER: Yard visits or examinations at our clinic<br />

Vaccinations • Microchipping and Pass-porting<br />

Digital X-rays – at clinic or mobile • Ultrasound<br />

Lameness work-throughs • Endoscopy• Vettings<br />

Surgical facilities • Opthalmology • Stocks<br />

Holiday livery for your horse • In-house laboratory<br />

Parking for trailers & horseboxes<br />

Also small animal practices at 28-30 Lower Stanton<br />

Road, Ilkeston 01159 329322 and<br />

261 High Lane East,West Hallam 01159 326056<br />

Equine Clinic, Bull Pit Lane, Duffield,<br />

Derbyshire, DE56 4FQ T: 01332 843323<br />

in growing grass. Chloride’s<br />

benefit is that it supports the<br />

transportation of nutrients in<br />

the plant.<br />

CSM injects a wide range of<br />

minerals and trace elements<br />

into the soil which maximises<br />

the utilisation of Nitrogen,<br />

Phosphate, Potash and Sulphur.<br />

This totally natural product<br />

stimulates root development and<br />

strength giving a denser sward,<br />

while also improving the eating<br />

quality of grass and acts as a soil<br />

conditioner which results in a<br />

denser more vibrant turf.<br />

Said Jonathan Cox of Suregrow<br />

UK: “CSM is a very flexible<br />

product in that it can be applied<br />

all year round.<br />

“We advise and recommend the<br />

continuous use of CSM, ideally<br />

twice a year in late Spring and<br />

again in early Autumn, this will<br />

ensure an on-going supply of<br />

minerals and trace elements.<br />

“After applying CSM you can<br />

immediately turn out your horse<br />

after application, providing there<br />

is 50mm of grass so there is no<br />

need for any change of routine.”<br />

Suregrow CSM is available in<br />

20kg bags. RRP: £21.50<br />

Suregrow products include<br />

Suregrow Fertiliser, Paddock<br />

Grass Seed Mix, Fast Grass,<br />

Meadow & Laminitics Grass<br />

Mix and Traditional Wild Flower<br />

Meadow Mix.<br />

To find out more about the<br />

Suregrow range please contact<br />

Suregrow on +44(0)1423 223045<br />

or visit www.suregrowuk.com.<br />

30 <strong>April</strong> <strong>2018</strong> <strong>Equestrian</strong> <strong>Life</strong>

feed and veterinary<br />

Feeding at Grass<br />

Evie Atterby. BSc(Hons) Nutritional Advisor at NAF<br />

Many of us are<br />

fortunate enough<br />

to keep our horses<br />

at grass, for the<br />

majority of the time, stabling<br />

as we need to. Perhaps we give<br />

them hay or some chaff too, but<br />

is this actually enough for them?<br />

In the wild, pastures are hugely<br />

more varied than the typical<br />

monoculture paddocks that we<br />

have today, with herbage and<br />

different grasses providing a<br />

broad spectrum of vitamins<br />

and minerals. Our hay<br />

or haylage comes from<br />

the same, single grass<br />

pastures and the drying<br />

or ensiling process can<br />

rapidly degrade the<br />

nutritional value of the<br />

product. The temptation<br />

to top up the diet with<br />

concentrate feeding is<br />

common, however is<br />

this the best option for<br />

you and your horse?<br />

Workload is an important factor<br />

in considering the dietary<br />

requirements of any horse, as<br />

calorie excess will result in<br />

weight gain, fairly rapidly. Is<br />

my horse in hard work? Do they<br />

sweat a lot? Are they a happy<br />

hacker? These are the sorts<br />

of questions we need to ask<br />

ourselves, and be honest about.<br />

If your horse is in light work,<br />

hacking out at a leisurely pace<br />

twice weekly, that’s great for you<br />

both, but they won’t have the<br />

maintenance requirements of a<br />

point to pointer in training, so<br />

we need to assess the individual<br />

first. Horses and ponies who are<br />

being asked to work regularly<br />

at a medium level may well<br />

benefit from a supplement which<br />

offers value added condition,<br />

with a focus on high quality gut<br />

support, backed up by vitamins<br />

and minerals. Gut support<br />

enables the horse to maximise<br />

on the nutritional content of a<br />

high fibre diet, without adding<br />

excess bulk. Look for low sugar<br />

and starch content, as these<br />

are major contributing factors<br />

to weight gain, if unbalanced<br />

with workload, but they can also<br />

produce unwanted fizzing or<br />

heating which can cause reduced<br />

performance.<br />

Furthermore the method<br />

of feeding relatively large,<br />

concentrated meals is not<br />

particularly compatible with<br />

the design of the equine gut.<br />

Horses have small stomachs in<br />

comparison to their body size,<br />

the stomach being roughly the<br />

same as a rugby ball. This allows<br />

them to trickle graze efficiently,<br />

small amounts of food very often<br />

for up to 18 hours a day, however<br />

by providing larger meals this<br />

can challenge the digestive<br />

tract leading to problems. The<br />

hindgut microflora are in a<br />

delicate balance and highly<br />

digestible starch can cause<br />

chaos, increasing colic risk, if we<br />

aren’t careful. The old golden<br />

rule of feeding, make changes<br />

slowly, is golden for a reason.<br />

Gradual change is key to the<br />

health of the gut.<br />

Signs that the hindgut may<br />

be unsettled include loose<br />

droppings, a dull coat and a<br />

change in attitude. To support<br />

the beneficial microflora<br />

population feed a dietary<br />

digestibility enhancer. Within<br />

the EU the only legally approved<br />

probiotic for horses is the<br />

live yeast, Saccharyomyces<br />

cerevisiae, so look for that on<br />

the label. Prebiotics are often<br />

fed alongside probiotics, as<br />

they support the action of the<br />

live yeast whilst suppressing<br />

the growth of harmful or<br />

pathogenic bacteria. Prebiotics<br />

are listed on the label as<br />

‘Fructooligosaccharides’<br />

or sometimes<br />

‘Mannanoligosaccharides’. To<br />

ensure good daily gut health in<br />

field kept horses, particularly<br />

through the periods of changing<br />

or rapid grass growth, consider<br />

supplementing with a probiotic<br />

and prebiotic blend for gut<br />

support.<br />

Oil is a great addition to the diet<br />

of many horses, providing slow<br />

release energy in a calorie dense<br />

form. If feeding oil for energy it<br />

may be fed up to around half a<br />

pint a day, however remember to<br />

build up to that level gradually,<br />

supplementing with additional<br />

vitamin E to balance the high<br />

oil diet. Long used for numerous<br />

nutritional purposes, oil is also<br />

beneficial in the ridden horse<br />

as it helps to protect from acid<br />

splashing the sensitive stomach<br />

wall. If you have a horse who<br />

struggles to keep condition at<br />

grass, but perhaps isn’t one for<br />

eating big buckets of feed, oil<br />

can help.<br />

A fresh supply of water is a must,<br />

no matter the season or weather.<br />

When your horse sweats he loses<br />

valuable salts called electrolytes<br />

from his system, particularly<br />

sodium, potassium, calcium<br />

and magnesium, which need to<br />

be replaced in order to avoid<br />

fatigue. Electrolyte replacements<br />

are generally available in salt<br />

or liquid form and can be added<br />

to the water or feed to get to<br />

work rapidly. Electrolytes are<br />

commonly associated with the<br />

top level performance horses,<br />

but all horses can benefit from<br />

a natural, unflavoured salt lick<br />

as this enables them to selfsupplement,<br />

as required.<br />

www.equestrianlifemagazine.co.uk 31

feed and veterinary<br />

Rebecca and Indie –<br />

A Match Made in Heaven<br />

Rebecca Jago and her dun<br />

Appaloosa X Warmblood<br />

mare ‘Rowesbrook Indiana’<br />

are a match made in<br />

heaven competing in everything<br />

from Riding Club competitions to<br />

showing, dressage to music and British<br />

Eventing.<br />

Fed on Equerry Conditioning Mash,<br />

Indie as she is known at home looks<br />

a picture of health all year round and<br />

has been fed on Equerry for more than<br />

12 months.<br />

Indie is a 10-year-old, 15.1hh<br />

homebred mare out of another of<br />

Rebecca’s homebred mare’s Sunspot<br />

Tia Maria. Rebecca has always had<br />

a passion for horses since a young<br />

age and alongside her interest in<br />

breeding horses she trained as a riding<br />

instructor.<br />

However, Rebecca went off to<br />

University to become a teacher<br />

and now juggles being a full-time<br />

classroom teacher with taking part in<br />

as many competitions as she can fit in.<br />

Rebecca competes in all disciplines<br />

from Riding Club Championships to<br />

The Royal International Horse Show<br />

and British Eventing, with Equerry<br />

Conditioning Mash keeping Indie<br />

performing at and looking her best.<br />

As a duo their most memorable<br />

accomplishment was competing and<br />

qualifying in the Dressage to Music<br />

held at Bury Farm in 2016, they rode<br />

alongside another dun horse with a<br />

routine entirely to Disney Music which<br />

both Rebecca and Indie thoroughly<br />

enjoyed.<br />

Said Rebecca: “Indie is so willing and<br />

tries her hardest at everything, she is<br />

just a superstar and we have so much<br />

fun together.”<br />

Before feeding Equerry Conditioning<br />

Mash, Indie was fed straights such<br />

as barley and has since seen a huge<br />

difference. The Equerry Conditioning<br />

Mash enables Indie to stay in excellent<br />

condition whilst having enough fuel to<br />

keep her competing.<br />

Said Rebecca: “I swear by Equerry<br />

Conditioning Mash! It has helped<br />

Indie not only look great but perform<br />

her best throughout demanding times.<br />

“I am an absolute convert and Indie<br />

loves it, she is in great condition all<br />

year round.”<br />

The Equerry Conditioning Mash is a<br />

quick-soaking mash for horses that<br />

need to gain weight and condition. It<br />

is low in sugar and starch and is ‘Non-<br />

Heating’ and includes highly digestible<br />

fibre sources including sugar beet. It<br />

has a good level of protein for muscle<br />

development and topline and the high<br />

oil level and linseed in the feed helps<br />

promote condition and a shiny coat.<br />

The mash also includes a high level of<br />

yeast for a healthy digestive system<br />

and has added vitamins and minerals<br />

including magnesium.<br />

For more information contact Equerry<br />

Horse Feeds on 01845 565640 or visit<br />

www.equerryhorsefeeds.com<br />

TopSpec Launch<br />

Two New Mashes<br />

Mashes are very useful for<br />

hydrating horses and<br />

volumising their feed. The<br />

highly digestible fibre in both<br />

these mashes helps to promote<br />

the beneficial bacteria in the<br />

hindgut therefore helping to<br />

maintain a healthy digestive<br />

system. Salt, magnesium<br />

oxide and limestone are<br />

added to the blends to provide<br />

additional sodium, magnesium<br />

calcium.<br />

and<br />

TopSpec High Fibre Mash is a high fibre, low-calorie<br />

yet voluminous blend making it an ideal mash for<br />

good-doers. The mash is a blend of good quality high<br />

fibre ingredients, including oatbran. It is a cerealgrain-free,<br />

low in sugar and starch and therefore<br />

‘Non-Heating.’<br />

TopSpec Linseed Mash combines the best of<br />

traditional knowledge with modern technology.<br />

Horses fed it gleam with health. Rich in linseed and<br />

oatbran this mash contains just 12% starch yet the<br />

scattering of flaked maize and flaked peas lends a<br />

mix-like appearance to this scrumptious, flavoursome<br />

mash.<br />

The New TopSpec Linseed Mash has a good<br />

conditioning index of 13 MJ/kg, however once soaked,<br />

this figure will be reduced as fed. The formula is<br />

very high in oil and contains good fibre levels, which<br />

makes it more sympathetic to the equine digestive<br />

system than high-starch feeds.<br />

TopSpec Linseed Mash can be used in those<br />

circumstances where extra condition is required but<br />

it is important to remember that it is the weight of<br />

dry feed that contributes 13MJ/kg, not the weight of<br />

soaked feed.<br />

The mash is a blend of conditioning ingredients, with<br />

an emphasis on linseed providing substantial levels<br />

of oil and protein and including the all-important<br />

muco-polysaccharides. Oatbran provides good<br />

levels of super-fibres and has been proven to be<br />

sympathetic to the horse’s digestive system.<br />

These two new mashes are designed to be fed with<br />

any TopSpec feed balancer or an appropriate TopSpec<br />

supplement as they do not contain any added<br />

vitamins or trace-elements.<br />

TopSpec High Fibre Mash is available in 20kg -<br />

£11.95; TopSpec Linseed Mash is available in 20kg<br />

- £13.95.<br />

For further information please contact the Multiple<br />

Award-Winning Helpline on 01845 565030 or visit<br />

www.topspec.com<br />

32 <strong>April</strong> <strong>2018</strong> <strong>Equestrian</strong> <strong>Life</strong>

Quality Horse Feeds<br />

Trusted since 1675<br />

“Indie has been fed Equerry<br />

Conditioning Mash for the last year<br />

and I am an absolute convert. She<br />

is in excellent condition as well<br />

as having enough fuel in the tank<br />

to compete. I swear by Equerry<br />

Conditioning Mash! Indie loves it and<br />

it got us happily through three Riding<br />

Club Championships, The Royal<br />

International Horse Show and British<br />

Eventing. A great feed for every<br />

discipline.” Rebecca Jago<br />

Photography by Paul Dobson Photography<br />

01845 565640<br />

(062) 85401<br />


competitions<br />

WIN a session with<br />

Equisentient Coaching<br />


Your Horse Will Love You For It<br />

The Equine Touch:<br />

• Improves movement and athletic ability<br />

• Balances the musculo-skeletal system<br />

• Reduces muscle and joint pain<br />

• Releases hypertonic and tight muscles<br />

• Helps to reinstates normal joint, muscle<br />

and nerve function<br />

• Aids recovery and reduces compensation<br />

following injury or surgery<br />

• Induces deep relaxation<br />

If you would like to learn how to do the Equine Touch<br />

yourself, there is a foundation course for horse owners.<br />

It is designed for everyone wanting to improve their<br />

horses both physically and emotionally. On the course<br />

you will learn the unique Equine Touch Move on both<br />

humans and horses. You will be able to address all the<br />

muscle groups of the body, learn to find the ones under<br />

stress and we will then teach you techniques to address<br />

those common areas of concern.<br />

Course schedule:<br />

http://uk.theequinetouch.net/courses-<strong>2018</strong>/<br />

The Equine Touch is not a<br />

‘therapy’ and is non-diagnostic.<br />

The Equine Touch is not designed<br />

or intended in any way in whole or<br />

in part to be a substitute for<br />

orthodox allopathic veterinary<br />

practice.<br />

Equine Touch practitioners are based all around the UK<br />

http://uk.theequinetouch.net/training/practitioners/<br />

In this month’s edition,<br />

one reader has the<br />

chance to win a FREE<br />

45-minute reading and<br />

coaching call with Rachael<br />

Beesley of Equisentient<br />

Coaching, a prize normally<br />

worth £75.00. For your<br />

chance to win this prize,<br />

turn to the competition page<br />

and answer the following<br />

question:<br />

What animals does animal<br />

intuitive Rachael Beesley of<br />

Equisentient Coaching read<br />

for?<br />

Ever wonder<br />

what your horse<br />

wants to tell you?<br />

Equine Intuitive & Coach, Rachael Beesley enables you to hear your<br />

horse’s thoughts and feelings, connecting remotely through a<br />

photograph of them. To find out more and to book your remote<br />

Reading & Coaching call, visit www.equisentientcoaching.com<br />

rachael@equisentientcoaching.com<br />

@equisentientcoaching<br />


Keeps flies and insects off your face whilst riding,<br />

less frustration and arm wafting, without imparing visibility.<br />

Soft fabric on the face piece, comfortable to wear<br />

Fully adjustable and transferable for use with all hats<br />

34 <strong>April</strong> <strong>2018</strong> <strong>Equestrian</strong> <strong>Life</strong>

feed and veterinary<br />

Safe grazing in Spring<br />

Here at Trickle Net<br />

HQ, we can clearly<br />

see the effects of the<br />

Spring grass already.<br />

Owners are calling in everyday<br />

to purchase Trickle Nets and get<br />

advice on avoiding or managing<br />

laminitis.<br />

It’s wonderful to finally feel<br />

the sun and see the grass grow.<br />

Though you must consider, is<br />

your horse in danger? Is your<br />

horse obese? Do they have<br />

EMS or Cushing’s disease? Or<br />

have they suffered any stress<br />

or trauma recently? Have they<br />

suffered from laminitis before?<br />

If your horse or pony is in the<br />

‘at risk’ group, you need to take<br />

measures to prevent the onset<br />

of laminitis. Spring brings the<br />

sun and brighter warmer days,<br />

but with the cold nights not yet<br />

over we see dangerous levels of<br />

NSC’s in the new grass.<br />

NSC’s are Non-Structural<br />

Carbohydrates. NSCs in<br />

grass can be split into sugars<br />

(fructose, sucrose and glucose),<br />

starches and fructans (chains of<br />

fructose) Eating large amounts<br />

of NSCs can cause trouble<br />

for horses with metabolic or<br />

digestive problems.<br />

NSCs are produced through<br />

photosynthesis, the process<br />

by which plants use sunlight<br />

energy to produce sugars. This<br />

means that NSC levels will be<br />

highest at the latest sunny part<br />

of the day, around 3 to 4pm.<br />

However, if night temperatures<br />

fall below 4.5 degrees, the<br />

plant cannot use the stored<br />

energy for growth. This means<br />

frosty morning grass can be<br />

particularly high in NSCs.<br />

What can we do to reduce the<br />

risk of laminitis in our horses<br />

through Spring?<br />

Reduce sugar and starch intake.<br />

Look at the content of your<br />

horses feed, and question does<br />

he really need this? Soak hay<br />

and keep hard feed to bare<br />

minimum if any.<br />

Increase exercise. Even ten<br />

minutes daily, walking in hand<br />

can make a difference to insulin<br />

levels. Walking burns 4 times<br />

the calories of standing!<br />

If there is frost in the morning,<br />

consider turning out after it has<br />

thawed.<br />

Once the frosty nights are over,<br />

night time turnout will provide<br />

grass with lower sugar levels.<br />

Get familiar with your horse’s<br />

digital pulses. Learn how to<br />

check and monitor for changes.<br />

Use a weigh tape regularly.<br />

While it may not be very<br />

accurate, it will enable you to<br />

keep a record of any weight loss<br />

or gain and make appropriate<br />

changes.<br />

Consider grass free turnout. If<br />

you are lucky enough to have a<br />

ménage or crew yard, you can<br />

add low sugar forage in Trickle<br />

Nets to simulate grazing while<br />

keeping sugar intake minimal.<br />

If your horse is overweight, don’t<br />

rug! Horses burn calories to keep<br />

warm. Overweight horses in the<br />

UK climate do not need rugs.<br />

Consider the necessary evil<br />

which is a grazing muzzle. We<br />

don’t like them, but they do have<br />

a place.<br />

If your horse looks ‘footy’ at any<br />

time, get them off the grass and<br />

call the vet. If laminitis is caught<br />

early, management and recovery<br />

are much easier. Prognosis on a<br />

mild attack is usually favorable,<br />

but a mild attack can quickly<br />

become severe if not managed.<br />

Lastly, don’t be under the illusion<br />

that your horse or pony won’t get<br />

laminitis. ANY horse or pony can<br />

become laminitic when certain<br />

triggers are active. It’s up to you<br />

to look for those triggers and<br />

prevent them where possible.<br />

Preventing laminitis is the most<br />

successful way to manage it,<br />

guaranteed!<br />

Happy Easter everyone!<br />

For more advice on laminitis or<br />

Trickle Net products, give us a call<br />

on 01522 720972.<br />

Trickle Net UK<br />

www.tricklenet.co.uk<br />

The strongest most effective slow feeder nets!<br />

Ideal for weight management. Promotes a natural<br />

trickle of forage through the gut.<br />

FREE<br />


Recommended for horses with laminitis, ulcers or colic<br />

prone. Tough enough to use for ground feeding with<br />

barefoot equines. Eliminates wasted hay.<br />

Call 01522 720972 or visit<br />


www.equestrianlifemagazine.co.uk 35

horse health<br />

Top Tips for a<br />

Healthy Stable<br />

Environment<br />

this Spring!<br />


LEFT : Think about<br />

the whole enviroment;<br />

Improving<br />

the environment<br />

and make sure all<br />

rugs are washed<br />

and clean<br />

In this issue David Jeffrey’s of Stable<br />

Shield, The Leaders in Equine Biosecurity<br />

offers advice and tips on keeping your<br />

stable a bacteria-free zone.<br />

It is crucial that horses are kept in a clean<br />

environment as it assists with their<br />

respiratory system and overall wellbeing.<br />

Therefore it is extremely important to<br />

take every possible precaution against the<br />

spread of bugs and bacteria.<br />

Here are a few top tips to ensure your stable<br />

provides the best environment it can for your<br />

horse:<br />

Your stable is a good place to start and a<br />

thorough clean is a great way to provide a<br />

hygienic environment which is healthier for<br />

your horse.<br />

Clean stables thoroughly on a regular basis.<br />

Remember that the more often horses are<br />

kept in stables, the more they will need<br />

cleaning.<br />

Start by lifting and removing any rubber<br />

matting and thoroughly wash them using a<br />

stiff brush, water and disinfectant. Then do<br />

the same for the floor of the stable and also<br />

the walls and doors.<br />

Use a strong brush to sweep the floor. Use the<br />

brush to knock down spider’s webs and dust<br />

as well.<br />

A pressure washer is ideal for lifting dirt and<br />

grime and giving a powerful water supply to<br />

produce a great finish. Let the floor and mats<br />

dry and the stable air before replacing the<br />

mats.<br />

Add new bedding to replace any that has been<br />

removed. If there is thick rubber matting on<br />

the stable floor, bedding can be thinner.<br />

Periodically, you should completely strip the<br />

stable. You may want to put down some odour<br />

control solution or stable disinfectant. Make<br />

sure the floor is dry before you add the new<br />

bedding.<br />

Clean your horse’s water and feed buckets,<br />

removing old food and water and scrubbing<br />

the buckets.<br />

Keep on top of small jobs like squeaky doors,<br />

loose bolts and flickering lights. Simple<br />

repairs will keep you abreast of overall<br />

maintenance issues.<br />

Remember to put your tools away so they<br />

don’t create a trip hazard.<br />

Next look at your tack room and if necessary<br />

give it a clean and tidy up. It is a good idea to<br />

sort out all of your rugs and send the winter<br />

ones for washing and then bag them up to put<br />

in storage.<br />

Your equipment may need a good sort through<br />

as well, so that items that will not be used<br />

throughout the summer can be washed and<br />

put away ready for next winter and vice versa.<br />

Take out your lighter rugs and ensure they are<br />

all in good working order and ready to use.<br />

If you will be competing this summer, check<br />

your kit and make sure you have everything<br />

you need and all is in good condition.<br />

If there is a list of emergency contact details,<br />

make sure that everything is correct and alter<br />

if necessary-if you don’t have a list, it is very<br />

wise to make one.<br />

Feed rooms and hay stores can always do with<br />

a good tidy up so give them a good sweep and<br />

remove any cobwebs. Check that all feed bins<br />

are in good working order and regularly check<br />

rodent traps if you have them.<br />

If you have any plants or grass around the<br />

yard, make sure they look smart by weeding<br />

any beds and mowing the grass. Hanging<br />

baskets with dead plants in should be emptied<br />

and potted up with new ones.<br />

For a long-term solution, use new Stable<br />

Shield Anti-Bacterial paint on walls and<br />

ceilings, as it helps prevent the spread of<br />

bacteria by up to 99.8%. It is ideal for all yards<br />

including stables, tack rooms, feed rooms,<br />

newly built yards and hay barns.<br />

Stable Shield Antibacterial Paint, is a waterbased<br />

non-toxic paint that can be applied to<br />

stables to create a fully disinfected yard. The<br />

paint prevents the growth of bacteria on all<br />

applied surfaces. This in turn creates a clean<br />

environment which is crucial to help horses<br />

with their respiratory system and overall<br />

wellbeing.<br />

The range includes Stable Shield BASE,Stable<br />

Shield PLUS and Stable Shield Anti-Bacterial<br />

Stable Paint. The active ingredients last up<br />

to three and five years plus depending on the<br />

environment.<br />

For further information about Stable Shield<br />

products contact 01386 423999 or visit<br />

www.stableshield.co.uk<br />

36 <strong>April</strong> <strong>2018</strong> <strong>Equestrian</strong> <strong>Life</strong>

A variety of<br />

2nd hand, new<br />

tack and rugs for sale<br />


Top Tips for<br />

Preventing Scarring<br />

Most horse owners<br />

will, at some point<br />

find themselves in<br />

a situation where their horse<br />

has injured itself. Faced with<br />

a nasty looking wound, the<br />

primary concern is to clean the<br />

wound to prevent infection<br />

taking hold.<br />

During the healing process it<br />

is important to manage the<br />

wound to try to limit the degree<br />

of scarring. Once a scab forms<br />

it prevents the new skin tissue<br />

from growing flush with the<br />

surface of the existing skin,<br />

which results in the formation<br />

of a scar.<br />

The site of the wound can<br />

have a big influence on the<br />

likelihood of a lasting reminder<br />

of the injury. Wounds on the<br />

body have plenty of loose skin<br />

that can easily be knitted back<br />

together with a minimum of<br />

new skin formation required,<br />

causing less scarring. Injuries<br />

to the lower limbs can be more<br />

difficult to manage, as there is<br />

little or no loose flesh, which<br />

inhibits healing.<br />

Wounds heal more quickly<br />

in a moisture controlled<br />

environment. The new<br />

epithelial cells can move<br />

around more easily, allowing<br />

the damaged tissue to repair<br />

quickly.<br />

Maintain optimum temperature<br />

which is typically achieved by<br />

applying a dressing, insulating<br />

and protecting with Veterinary<br />

Gamgee® and bandaging.<br />

By ensuring faster healing this<br />

will limit the formation of a<br />

scab and reduce the likely hood<br />

of scarring.<br />

Vetalintex® is easy to apply<br />

and has excellent donation and<br />

absorption properties which<br />

have been found to maintain<br />

optimum hydration levels. The<br />

hydrogel is presented sterile for<br />

optimum infection control and<br />

has a gentle cleansing action.<br />

Robinson Animal Healthcare<br />

has a wide range of products for<br />

all your first aid requirements.<br />

• Shavings, Laysoft<br />

and Horse feed<br />

• Rug and Tack repairs<br />

• Rug washing /<br />

Reproofing<br />

• Numnahs / Bandages<br />

• Travel boots washing<br />

Dog bed washing<br />

Anything that fits into the industrial washing machine<br />

Contact us on: 07979 123 257<br />

Email: thetackshack2016@hotmail.com<br />

Or visit us at: Unit 1 Saxon Terrace,<br />

Gallamore Lane Ind Est, Market Rasen, LN8 3HA<br />

Matwork Pilates<br />

for <strong>Equestrian</strong>s<br />

• Rider Biomechanics sessions and screening<br />

• 121 sessions - Free trial session<br />

• Small group classes<br />

• Tailored development plans<br />

• Online and remote support available<br />

• Mechanical Horse Workshops<br />

To help reduce the risk of<br />

scarring it is essential to take<br />

steps to aid rapid healing.<br />

Clean the wound as soon as<br />

possible with a saline solution<br />

or a level teaspoon of salt per<br />

pint of previously boiled water.<br />

Provide a moist environment.<br />

For more information on the<br />

Robinson Animal Health<br />

Care range contact them on<br />

01909 735000 or visit www.<br />

robinsonhealthcare.com<br />

Contact Mandy Milborrow:<br />

M 07813033552<br />

E mandy@mepilates.com<br />

www.mepilates.co.uk<br />

@mepilates.co.uk me_equestrianpilates<br />

www.equestrianlifemagazine.co.uk 37

Rase<br />

EQUINE<br />


Offering a full range of veterinary<br />

services both surgical and routine<br />

Equine Facilities<br />

Ÿ Specialist equine unit with dedicated standing surgery facilities<br />

Ÿ Veterinary surgeons specialising in equine work, qualified equine nurses<br />

and onsite BAEDT/BEVA qualified equine dental technician<br />

Ÿ Dedicated equine operating theatre<br />

Ÿ Onsite laboratory and stabling<br />

Ÿ Free Equizone visit system<br />

Equine Services<br />

Ÿ Computerised digital radiography<br />

Ÿ Colic surgery, arthroscopy, upper airway surgery including standing laser<br />

hobdays and laparoscopic rig procedures<br />

Ÿ Video Gastroscopy & endoscopy<br />

Ÿ Overground scoping<br />

Ÿ Ultrasound scanning<br />

Ÿ Lameness investigation<br />

Ÿ Standing castrations<br />

Ÿ Laser sarcoid treatment<br />

Ÿ Advanced dental care<br />

Ÿ Frozen and chilled artificial insemination<br />

Ÿ Shockwave treatment<br />

Ÿ Electrocardiography<br />

Ÿ Pre-purchase examinations<br />

Ÿ Microchipping<br />

Gallamore Lane Industrial Estate<br />

Market Rasen, Lincolnshire, LN8 3HA<br />

Tel: 01673 842448<br />


Equine<br />

Hospital<br />

Stud<br />

Services<br />

Referral<br />

Centre<br />

Ambulatory<br />

Service<br />

Vaccinations, Passport ID, microchipping & dentistry<br />

Prior to purchase examinations<br />

24 hour emergency service<br />

Competitively priced yard visits<br />

MRI and Scintigraphy<br />

Specialist medicine and surgery<br />

In house lab providing rapid results<br />

Digital radiography, Ultrasonography,<br />

Endoscopy and Gastroscopy<br />

BEVA approved AI service<br />

Stallion semen collection and freezing<br />

24 hour, CCTV monitored foaling service<br />

www.oakhamvethospital.co.uk<br />

01572 722647<br />

www.equestrianlifemagazine.co.uk 39

feed and veterinary<br />

Keep them healthy with Silvermoor<br />

This year has been tough. Whether<br />

it’s been the artic conditions,<br />

paddocks turning into mud pits<br />

or that luscious grass making its<br />

appearance bringing on laminitis concerns<br />

whose horses and ponies aren’t sick of<br />

being stable bound?<br />

Are you looking for something different<br />

and healthy to keep them entertained?<br />

Silvermoor are delighted to introduce two<br />

brand new products that will bust away that<br />

boredom, they’re low in sugar and starch<br />

and perfect for all types.<br />

Silvermoor Swingers are the only hanging<br />

forage block available on the<br />

market. Made from pure dried<br />

grass and a natural binder with<br />

no added sugar, the innovative<br />

design attaches to the rope (which<br />

can be bought separately) and is hung<br />

from a height in your stable. There<br />

are no corners so horses cannot get<br />

purchase on the block ensuring they<br />

are eaten slowly over time.<br />

Made from 100% natural ingredients<br />

Silvermoor Swingers are low in sugar<br />

and low in starch. They provide a healthy<br />

addition to be used to compliment the<br />

horses’ diet and can help manage weight.<br />

They are safe to use for laminitics and good<br />

doers as well as insulin resistant horses and<br />

those suffering from EMS.<br />

Silvermoor Treatsies are a brand new treat<br />

range that are low in sugar, low in starch<br />

and high in fibre. Made<br />

using only use the very best<br />

quality natural ingredients<br />

you can be sure you are<br />

feeding something not only irresistibly<br />

delicious but healthy for your horse too.<br />

Choose from Calming Chamomile or<br />

Tremendous Turmeric both herbs have<br />

renowned holistic properties and have been<br />

used for centuries in alternative medicine.<br />

Chamomile flowers have an impressive<br />

history of being been used for their calming<br />

and comforting properties. Customers<br />

looking for something to bring some calm<br />

into your horses’ life will find these the<br />

treats they have been waiting for.<br />

Turmeric is an anti-inflammatory power<br />

house as well as having anti-oxidant<br />

properties. Horses and ponies suffering<br />

stiffness and problem joints may benefit<br />

from having more of this powerful herb<br />

in their diet. It has also been attributed to<br />

improvements in horses’ coats and skin.<br />

Silvermoor Treatsies and Silvermoor Swingers<br />

are available in retailers now. For more<br />

information please check the website www.<br />

silvermoor.com<br />

WIN a bag of Speedi-Beet<br />

Speedi-Beet: A Versatile Non-Heating Feed<br />

Speedi-Beet is a highly nutritious<br />

micronized (cooked) beet pulp<br />

feed which provides an excellent<br />

source of digestible fibre and is<br />

suitable for horses and ponies prone to,<br />

being treated for, or recovering from<br />

laminitis.<br />

Due to its unique manufacturing<br />

process, Speedi-Beet can be soaked and<br />

ready to use in just 10 minutes and is<br />

extremely palatable. It is also starch<br />

free and unmolassed, making it 95%<br />

sugar free.<br />

Feeding Speedi-Beet before turnout<br />

can help stabilise the ingestion of<br />

sugars present in spring grass.<br />

Speedi-Beet is extremely versatile and<br />

can be fed strategically to a range of<br />

different horses from overweight horses<br />

and ponies to poor doers.<br />

RRP around £12.60 for a 20kg sack.<br />

For more information on Speedi-Beet<br />

contact British Horse Feeds on 01765<br />

680300 or visit www.britishhorsefeeds.<br />

com.<br />

WIN<br />

with<br />

6 Bags<br />

up for<br />

grabs!<br />

40 <strong>April</strong> <strong>2018</strong> <strong>Equestrian</strong> <strong>Life</strong>

Silvermoor Swingers is the only hanging<br />

forage block made from pure dried grass with<br />

no added sugar.<br />

Key Benefits:<br />

Delicious and healthy, and with its unique design,<br />

Swingers will keep your horse happily munching away<br />

for hours, whilst encouraging slow grazing over time.<br />

Silvermoor Treatsies are the perfect titbit for<br />

your horse and pony made from the very best<br />

quality natural ingredients.<br />

Key Benefits:<br />

Choose from Calming Chamomile or Tremendous<br />

Turmeric both herbs have renowned holistic properties<br />

and have been used for centuries in alternative medicine.<br />

For more information visit www.silvermoor.com

training<br />


outside the box!<br />

Brace yourself - I’m going to be controversial and<br />

upset some people with this article!!<br />


You’ve only got to look on<br />

Facebook these days for a clue<br />

as to how many people are<br />

struggling with various aspects of<br />

training and managing horses. Of course,<br />

the best thing to do is get good advice from<br />

experienced riders / trainers, but often we<br />

feel like we are asking silly questions, or<br />

don’t have the luxury of a good mentor<br />

who is open to a holistic approach with<br />

managing horses. By posting on social<br />

media it is very scary what some of the<br />

keyboard warriors suggest (who often have<br />

never produced horses well!)<br />

I have long been a huge believer in looking<br />

at riding and managing horses from a ‘big<br />

picture’ point of view. Everything matters!<br />

From how much turnout suits them, to<br />

the type of exercise they enjoy and the<br />

basics of shoeing / saddle fitting. It never<br />

ceases to amaze me the number of horses<br />

who come to us with ‘problems’ that are<br />

easily traced back to how they are ridden or<br />

managed. We seem to have more and more<br />

horses with ‘behavioural’ problems such as<br />

napping / spooking etc, but often when we<br />

quiz the owners, they are fed too much, not<br />

ridden enough or don’t have enough variety<br />

in their work to challenge and channel<br />

them. Going round in circles being nagged<br />

for perfection can’t be much fun! Obviously,<br />

we need to check that basics such as<br />

dentistry has been done well and there are<br />

no underlying pain issues.<br />

So, with this in mind, I want to try to<br />

promote a growth mindset within training<br />

that every horse teaches us something.<br />

We should learn to be brave, experiment<br />

and above all listen to what the horses<br />

enjoy! We unfortunately have a lot of<br />

underworked, under-stimulated, lonely,<br />

isolated and confined horses due to modern<br />

management.<br />

It’s amazing how many<br />

people don’t lunge as part<br />

of their exercise routine,<br />

or if they do, they don’t<br />

use a gadget!<br />

Right, now I’ve upset everyone - I’d like<br />

to offer a few suggestions that have often<br />

helped us turn these ‘problem horses’ into<br />

valuable, fun competition horses who give<br />

their owners lots of fun!<br />

Firstly - when something comes into us<br />

with a government health warning on -<br />

the first thing we do is put the horse on<br />

very low energy feed and turn them out as<br />

much as possible. If they can be out with a<br />

friend even better but obviously you have<br />

to balance this against injury risk. Modern<br />

management calls for individual turnout<br />

to decrease injury risk, but if you can have<br />

horses paired up they are much happier.<br />

All my best Eventers live out at night all<br />

year round in pairs. (Even the night before<br />

a competition - they are plaited with hoods<br />

on and mud boots) Short term schooling<br />

horses we keep individually, but they always<br />

see another horse. Going out at night uses<br />

up so much ‘silly’ energy and they are much<br />

looser through their bodies moving all<br />

night - as they are designed to do!<br />

The next thing we do is work the horses<br />

from the floor to develop obedience and<br />

respect. I’m too old and broken to get<br />

straight on and risk a rodeo! This also<br />

allows you to assess the horses ability to<br />

take a correct contact, self-balance and<br />

any evasions they may have perfected. It’s<br />

amazing how many people don’t lunge<br />

as part of their exercise routine, or if<br />

they do, they don’t use a gadget! Lunging<br />

should mimic riding, so they should be<br />

worked in the correct outline with lots of<br />

transitions. It’s often at this point that any<br />

irregularities in movement can be picked<br />

up and we can look at vet intervention if we<br />

think there is a pain cause.<br />

When we start ridden work it totally<br />

depends on the horse what we do, but<br />

hacking is an integral part of any horses’<br />

routine. We are very lucky as most of ours<br />

is off-road so it must be very hard if you’re<br />

somewhere with a busy road - but you could<br />

always box up to hack. We hack in company<br />

to start and see if they are confident to go<br />

in front. If they are happy then they will go<br />

on their own. We always start everything in<br />

a neck strap as well.<br />

42 <strong>April</strong> <strong>2018</strong> <strong>Equestrian</strong> <strong>Life</strong>


We have had several arena sour horses in over<br />

the years - who have been over schooled and<br />

turn nasty or totally switched off. They hack as<br />

the majority of their work. You can do lots of<br />

transitions and lateral work out hacking and it’s<br />

the best place to teach medium trot when they<br />

are feeling jolly! With these, ground permitting,<br />

we will school them in the fields rather than the<br />

school.<br />

Behind the aids is the most common problem<br />

we get in. This can manifest itself in feeling like<br />

you would be better off, getting off and pushing<br />

to explosive spins, rears or bronking. If the horse<br />

is not ‘in front of the aids’ (ie .listening and<br />

responding quickly with a desire to go forward)<br />

then you are in trouble on some of them! With<br />

these horses it’s sometimes a confidence issue as<br />

well so it’s really important to praise when they<br />

go well or even just try a bit for you- they almost<br />

have to learn how to learn! If you are too hard on<br />

their mistakes they just give up trying for you.<br />

Some riders are such perfectionists it must break<br />

horses’ hearts. The best cure for a lot of these<br />

sour horses is to get out hunting - but you have<br />

to be confident you can deal with any behaviour!<br />

Bring pole work and jumping in with all types<br />

of horses. It can get them thinking forward and<br />

improve the canter instantly. We get a lot of<br />

young dressage horses in to get a good all-round<br />

education before they specialize. Research in<br />

human athletes has found that a broad sporting<br />

grounding when young is beneficial - apply this<br />

to our horses too.<br />

Problems with specific areas such as jumping<br />

ditches / water / banks are often best dealt with<br />

from the ground. I now start all my young horses<br />

on a lunge line for these challenges. I find that<br />

if you turn it into a game they learn to problem<br />

solve rather than block you. There is nothing<br />

worse than a horse shutting down on you! Be<br />

sure to have two people to do this - one with<br />

the lunge line and horse to ‘give a lead’ and the<br />

other to encourage from behind if needed. The<br />

lead person needs to be nimble and have eyes in<br />

the back of their head and move quick!! Be in a<br />

bridle and even have some treats to encourage<br />

them. They need to learn to associate these<br />

challenges with reward rather than punishment.<br />

Above all you should be getting on your horse<br />

everyday with the intention that it should be<br />

fun! If it isn’t seek help from someone you<br />

respect and admire (not from Facebook!!). Be<br />

prepared to either send your horse for some<br />

assessment / schooling or to think that it may<br />

not be the right horse for you.<br />

www.equestrianlifemagazine.co.uk 43

training<br />

How to<br />

Introduce<br />

your Horse<br />

to Fences<br />

Poles on the ground and small grids<br />

are useful or introducing a young<br />

horse to fences<br />


#01 One Pole on the<br />

Ground<br />

I always start my youngsters by walking over a single pole. You<br />

will find some horses will step over it without a single thought,<br />

whilst other will leap over it or not go over it at all, so be<br />

prepared for any outcome.<br />

These stages are vital to your horse’s education and you must<br />

NEVER let your horse turn away from the pole. Ride firmly and<br />

confidently to the pole and reward your horse once you are<br />

successfully on the other side!<br />

Once your horse is happy with going over the pole from both<br />

directions, you should try the same exercise in trot, and then<br />

again in canter. This I also a great exercise for the rider to test<br />

their eye in seeing a stride, and to see if the horse is approaching<br />

the pole too close, or too far away. I always find it beneficial to<br />

have a canter pole in each corner of the ménage and try and<br />

keep a balanced rhythmical canter between them all.<br />

The pattern for introducing a new<br />

horse to jumping in the same as<br />

you would flatwork… They need to<br />

be calm and in a balanced rhythm.<br />

44 <strong>April</strong> <strong>2018</strong> <strong>Equestrian</strong> <strong>Life</strong>

#3 Canter Poles<br />

#2 Trotting Poles<br />

A natural progression for me from a single<br />

pole, is to move onto multiple poles. I always<br />

bring a pole out one at a time, increasing the<br />

number gradually. Have each pole between<br />

4-5ft apart depending on your horses stride<br />

size (your horse should be able to negotiate<br />

the poles without overstretching or shortening<br />

their stride) and keep in mind the following<br />

principles when working over poles:<br />

Calmness<br />

Forward movement<br />

Rhythm (In approach and also over poles)<br />

Balance<br />

Pole work will increase suppleness as your<br />

horse will have to raise his legs, and in turn<br />

use all of his joints to clear the poles. I would<br />

always advise lunging over poles before riding<br />

over them if your horse has limited pole work<br />

experience. This way your horse does not<br />

have the restrains of a rider whilst learning to<br />

negotiate the poles, and he can find his own<br />

natural balance and rhythm.<br />

If your horse carries himself in a natural outline<br />

whilst lunging, he will find it easier to balance<br />

during this exercise. If not, you could try using<br />

some loosely applied side reins or a bungee<br />

to encourage him to drop his head and work<br />

from behind.<br />

Once lunging over trotting poles has been<br />

mastered and you can then start to introduce<br />

trotting poles whilst riding. Make sure that<br />

you stay in rising trot and maintain a light<br />

contact so as not to restrain your horse during<br />

his efforts.<br />

Later on in your horses training, raised trotting<br />

poles (by a few inches only) may be introduced<br />

to make him work even harder and even more<br />

supple. Always make sure that the first pole<br />

is not raised so that if he misjudges it, he does<br />

not fall and knock his confidence.<br />

Again, I would always advise lunging<br />

over poles before riding over them, this<br />

way your horse can find his own natural<br />

balance and rhythm before negotiating<br />

them with a rider onboard. I would<br />

recommend 4 poles on a 20m circle at: 12,<br />

3, 6 & 9 O’clock. Ask your horse to trot over<br />

them first before asking for the exercise<br />

in canter. Once he is comfortable, climb<br />

aboard and ask for the same exercise in<br />

trot and canter. Keep the rhythm going<br />

and do not allow him to break into trot,<br />

quick reactions are essential.<br />

This exercise is good practice for both<br />

horse and rider to ‘look ahead to the next<br />

fence’. As when driving anything forward<br />

eg. Car or bike, you must look ahead in the<br />

direction you want to go and this principle<br />

applies when riding your horse. If you<br />

look down, he will not know where he is<br />

supposed to go. It is crucial that this is<br />

mastered early on as when jumping a full<br />

course of fences, not looking ahead may<br />

cause you to miss the line to your fence, or<br />

your stride.<br />

To Finish: A Small up-right Fence<br />

The natural progression from the exercises outlines above is the small upright fence.<br />

The fence doesn’t need to be big, 45cm/18” is plenty. Use ground poles either side<br />

of the fence to open the fence out and encourage your horse (Ground poles should<br />

always be the same distance away from the fence, as the height of the fence).<br />

Remember the four principles mentioned above throughout all of these exercises,<br />

your horse should remain calm, rhythmic and balanced on approach to give him the<br />

best chance of clearing it. You should ride forward confidently without restricting<br />

your horse (this will make him increase his pace) and shift your balance slightly<br />

forward with the horse as he jumps the fence.<br />

Pole work and grids are not only great for setting up young horses but they are great<br />

for increasing suppleness in experienced horses too.<br />

www.equestrianlifemagazine.co.uk 45

Be a part of Galerius’<br />

journey with Sovereign<br />

<strong>Equestrian</strong>...<br />

Breeding season is once again upon us and we are delighted to announce<br />

that world-class show jumper Galerius’ frozen semen is still available.<br />

Galerius (Diamant de Semilly<br />

x Sandros Boy) was initially<br />

acquired by Sovereign<br />

<strong>Equestrian</strong> as a three year<br />

old and he has always been<br />

a horse of high potential.<br />

The Sovereign team have<br />

ensured via their meticulous<br />

preparations that Galerius has<br />

realised this early promise.<br />

As a four year old, Galerius<br />

won his first honours with<br />

impressive successes at<br />

Northcote and the Scope<br />

Festival of Showjumping,<br />

becoming four year old<br />

champion at both events.<br />

Horse: Galerius - Rider: Pippa Allen<br />

At five years old he continued<br />

this success to become<br />

Northcote Stud five year<br />

old Reserve Champion,<br />

subsequently qualifying for the<br />

World Breeding Championships<br />

in Lanakan.<br />

Sovereign <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

eventually made the difficult<br />

decision to sell Galerius as a<br />

5-year-old to Carron Nicol<br />

who has continued the good<br />

work of our team to continue<br />

Galerius’ upward trajectory<br />

and propel him to greater<br />

success. At Lanakan, Galerius<br />

demonstrated his class by<br />

Horse: Galerius - Rider: Pippa Allen<br />

jumping a double clear in both<br />

5-year-old qualifiers.<br />

Galerius didn’t stop there,<br />

with his six year old campaign<br />

proving just as successful with<br />

trademark consistency in<br />

the six year old classes at the<br />

Sunshine tour in the Costa<br />

Del Sol. He then went on to<br />

jump triple clear and win the<br />

Foxhunter Second Rounds<br />

at Keysoe <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

earning him a place at the<br />

world renowned Horse of the<br />

Year Show. This win ensured<br />

Galerius held the envious<br />

position of being the only six<br />

year old horse to be competing<br />

in the Foxhunter Final. The<br />

summer season ended on a<br />

high note, with Galerius being<br />

selected for the World Breeding<br />

Championships in Lanakan.<br />

<strong>2018</strong> has followed a similar<br />

pattern, with Galerius<br />

barnstorming his way through<br />

the Spanish Sunshine Tour,<br />

winning six classes outright<br />

and is currently standing as the<br />

leading horse of the Tour.<br />

Galerius has shown throughout<br />

his career the ability to adapt<br />

to different situations and as a<br />

standing stallion his offspring<br />

(pictured opposite) are already

showing huge potential. His<br />

first crop of offspring are<br />

coming up to 2-years-old this<br />

year and are already proving<br />

to be exciting prospects for the<br />

future. All of Galerius’ offspring<br />

possess the key components<br />

that are seen in top show<br />

jumping horses, including being<br />

good stamps, having the correct<br />

conformation and a bold<br />

powerful movement. His oldest<br />

offspring have started to be<br />

loose jumped and are proving<br />

to be just as talented.<br />

The meticulous preparation<br />

and attention to detail of the<br />

Sovereign team has been<br />

highlighted in these articles<br />

over the past few months<br />

and you can be a part of the<br />

Sovereign <strong>Equestrian</strong> success<br />

by purchasing Galerius’ frozen<br />

sperm and ensuring your foal<br />

has all the ingredients to be a<br />

top-level showjumper. As your<br />

breeding season approaches,<br />

why not consider supporting<br />

UK breeding and write your<br />

own Galerius story…<br />

Contact Charlotte of Sovereign<br />

<strong>Equestrian</strong> on 07762880800 for<br />

more information.<br />

About Sovereign <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

At Sovereign <strong>Equestrian</strong>, we train, maintain, and care for our<br />

horses so that they become exceptional performers across all<br />

disciplines. We know that a fit and healthy horse is a happy horse,<br />

and a happy horse is a successful horse. We want to share some of<br />

our techniques with you because, with the right care your horse<br />

can reach its true potential.<br />

+44 (0)7762 880800<br />

www.sovereignequestrian.co.uk<br />

Gorgeous N (Galerius x Indorado x Libro H) Glorious Blue (Galerius x Indorado x Libro H) Broadchurch N (Galerius x Verdi x Larino)

eventing<br />

Planning for the<br />

Season Ahead<br />

This month Harriet Morris-Baumber has been busy planning for<br />

the season ahead before the bad weather stopped preparations.<br />

Read on to find out how Harriet passed her time during the break<br />

from training…<br />

This month I have been busy with<br />

preparations for our first event of<br />

the season at Breckenbrough. I have<br />

been introducing a little more canter work<br />

into the horses’ programmes to help their<br />

cardiovascular fitness. It is important to<br />

work on not only their cardio fitness but also<br />

the strength and condition of their muscles,<br />

especially their ‘core strength’.<br />

Developing good core strength primarily<br />

comes from correct schooling and training<br />

in the dressage. Getting the horses to<br />

maintain correct balance and posture whilst<br />

doing other types of work such as cantering<br />

and cross-country training can be really<br />

beneficial too.<br />

I have been taking the horses to some local<br />

competitions so they are more accustomed to<br />

working and staying focused in a more buzzy,<br />

exciting environment. Working and training<br />

at home all the time in familiar surroundings<br />

can lull you into a false sense of security, so<br />

it is really important to get out and about to<br />

test their concentration and focus levels in<br />

different environments.<br />

This also gives you the opportunity to try<br />

out new tack, bits, warm-up routines and<br />

see what is going to work best. Trying these<br />

things for the first time at an event can be<br />

a risky and/or expensive way of finding out<br />

if they don’t quite work as well as you had<br />

hoped.<br />

Escofino I (Scooby) will be starting his<br />

season at Breckenbrough and Whiteasparke<br />

Caramel (Chap) will hopefully be starting his<br />

at Richmond. As Chap is a year younger I feel<br />

it will be more beneficial for him to do more<br />

cross-country training before setting out<br />

to put all three phases together. The other<br />

horse I have to compete this season is Croft<br />

Templar and he will also be aiming to start<br />

his season at Richmond.<br />

I feel very lucky that we have so many<br />

wonderful events to choose from in<br />

“Some of the hills were pretty awesome<br />

and it was great fun to be whizzing<br />

down the extremely steep slopes that the<br />

Yorkshire Wolds have to offer”<br />

Yorkshire and planning where to go with<br />

each horse can be made complicated by so<br />

many wonderful venues to choose from. It<br />

is important to consider the atmosphere,<br />

ground conditions, terrain, and travelling<br />

time when choosing suitable events. Does<br />

your horse prefer the dressage to be well<br />

away from the cross-country course or would<br />

this be an advantage and give your horse an<br />

added sparkle? How does your horse cope on<br />

undulating terrain? Is the show jumping on<br />

a surface or a lumpy bumpy field? All these<br />

factors can contribute to a successful (or less<br />

successful) day.<br />

With all the bad weather and snow over the<br />

last fortnight there were a few days where<br />

the horses had to stay in and it wasn’t safe<br />

to get the lorry out to take them to an indoor<br />

school, so I took the opportunity to go<br />

sledging which was a nice change!<br />

Some of the hills were pretty awesome and<br />

it was great fun to be whizzing down the<br />

extremely steep slopes that the Yorkshire<br />

Wolds have to offer. To have a few days off<br />

was a complete treat but I was very happy<br />

when the snow melted and the need to make<br />

snow angels at every given opportunity<br />

ceased! The snow made everything look so<br />

pretty though, so my photo stream on my<br />

phone is now full of snow pictures.<br />

Next month I can’t wait to tell you all about<br />

how the first few events have gone. Good<br />

luck to all of you who are out and about<br />

competing over the next few weeks.<br />

Harriet offers lessons in all disciplines using<br />

the fantastic facilities at her yard based<br />

at Granary Hall, near York. She has also<br />

developed the HMB Super Syndicate to make<br />

owning an event horse an affordable way<br />

anyone can share the risks and rewards of<br />

horse ownership.<br />

For further information telephone Harriet on<br />

(07795) 562745 or visit www.harriet-morrisbaumber.co.uk<br />

48 <strong>April</strong> <strong>2018</strong> <strong>Equestrian</strong> <strong>Life</strong>

feature<br />

Horse<br />

Riding with<br />

Confidence<br />

Scotland -<br />

A Case Study<br />

I<br />

first met Shannon in January 2016<br />

when she was referred to me by her<br />

riding coach for help with a drastic loss<br />

of riding confidence. Shannon was 17<br />

years old at the time, still at school and had<br />

been riding since the age of six.<br />

As a young child Shannon described herself<br />

as having been a brave rider. She got her<br />

first pony aged 10, a great jumper and they<br />

had a lot of fun together. Pony number two<br />

was more of a challenge as he was young<br />

but things went well. Then came pony<br />

number three…….and that was where the<br />

problems started. This pony was described<br />

as ‘dangerous’ and ‘a problem’ and he ended<br />

up being given away leaving Shannon’s<br />

confidence shattered.<br />

When Shannon came to see me she had a<br />

lovely 15.3 confidence giver just coming<br />

back into work after eight months off<br />

following a fractured pedal bone. When she<br />

first got this horse things had gone well<br />

but at the time of our initial consultation<br />

Shannon was frightened to trot, had<br />

thoughts that something bad was going to<br />

happen when she rode, a strong belief that<br />

she ‘couldn’t do it’ plus physical symptoms<br />

of anxiety such as tension, stomach knots<br />

and nausea. She described a feeling of<br />

disliking not being in control.<br />

Shannon’s aims of coming to see me for<br />

help were to be able to simply get on her<br />

horse and ride in a relaxed manner.<br />

We discussed what I could offer in the way<br />

of help and Shannon was immediately<br />

interested and open to the suggestions I<br />

made. We agreed on an initial series of four<br />

sessions which would include hypnotherapy<br />

along with some education about anxiety,<br />

in order to better understand what was<br />

going on, plus learning techniques for<br />

relaxation and goal setting as a way of<br />

measuring progress.<br />

Shannon made quick progress and enjoyed<br />

the hypnotherapy which helped to boost<br />

I am delighted to say that Shannon has now<br />

taken the next step and has moved her horse<br />

home, away from the safety net of a livery yard<br />

her confidence and give her a belief that<br />

things could change. In hypnosis we also<br />

worked together to help her draw a line<br />

under her experiences with pony number<br />

three so that those memories and emotions<br />

could firmly be left in the past where they<br />

belonged.<br />

By session three Shannon described a<br />

renewed feeling of actually being excited<br />

about riding rather than dreading it and on<br />

returning for session four all was going well<br />

and she was enjoying her riding and was<br />

ready to move forwards and begin to stretch<br />

herself.<br />

Shannon now had an understanding of what<br />

was causing her problems and a toolbox<br />

of ideas to use when she felt concerned or<br />

worried whilst riding.<br />

I met Shannon again in 2017 when I started<br />

working with a team of young riders who<br />

were just beginning to get out and about<br />

and enter some competitions. She now had<br />

a lovely cob called Mario and was having<br />

a lot of fun doing some jumping at home,<br />

entering some unaffliated dressage classes<br />

and going out to schooling nights with<br />

friends.<br />

I am delighted to say that Shannon has<br />

now taken the next step and has moved her<br />

horse home, away from the safety net of<br />

a livery yard. She has bought a youngster<br />

to bring on and is looking forward to the<br />

future with her horses.<br />

NB: We rarely name my clients publicly<br />

due to the importance of confidentiality.<br />

However, for this article I felt comfortable<br />

asking Shannon if I could tell her story<br />

as I knew that she had.een open about<br />

her confidence issues. Shannon says ‘Hi<br />

I’m Shannon Russell and I am happy for<br />

my name to be used within this article.<br />

Jane Brindley from Horse Riding with<br />

Confidence Scotland has made the most<br />

wonderful difference to my riding over the<br />

past couple of years, taking me from doing<br />

anything possible to avoid riding my horse,<br />

to now tackling all challenges facing us<br />

head on, with a huge smile on my face and<br />

the nerves tucked away in a box that hasn’t<br />

been opened in such a long time.’<br />

50 <strong>April</strong> <strong>2018</strong> <strong>Equestrian</strong> <strong>Life</strong>




We promise warmer days are on their way,<br />

but to fill the gap and designed to set<br />

temperatures rising are these hot new<br />

fashion drops from Paragon <strong>Equestrian</strong>.<br />

This pre-summer capsule collection brings together<br />

a collection of gorgeous basics that you’ll want to<br />

wear every day, whether you’re in the saddle, at the<br />

gym or out and about in the city.<br />

Designed to cross over from equestrian into super<br />

stylish, everyday garments you’ll love wearing; each<br />

piece brings together technical styling, comfort and<br />

fashion.<br />

Choose from their new PE Luxe Sweaters, in<br />

mouthwatering candyfloss pink, smart navy, easy to<br />

mix marl grey and graphite grey. All feature striking<br />

metallic embossed foil logos in rose gold or silver<br />

highlighted further by Swarovski metallic crystals to<br />

add some sparkle to spring wear.<br />

Their popular base layers are given a fresh update<br />

with the introduction of the Metallic Base Layer.<br />

Styled in a highly technical fabric and available<br />

in white and black again with rose gold and silver<br />

foil print detail, you also have the option to add<br />

personalisation with your name, yard or company<br />

brand name.<br />

Paragon <strong>Equestrian</strong>: Defining your look, the way<br />

you like to wear it. PE Luxe Sweater RRP: £35.<br />

Metallic Base Layer RRP: £32. Sizes: XS - L www.<br />

paragonequestrian.co.uk<br />

SHARE<br />


We’d love to hear your<br />

stories about rural life and<br />

living in the countryside.<br />

info@equestrianlife<br />

magazine.co.uk<br />

www.equestrianlifemagazine.co.uk 51

ural life<br />





Country and equestrian style brand, The Spanish Boot<br />

Company is proud to announce that they are to continue<br />

supporting the British Grooms Association for <strong>2018</strong>.<br />

The on-going relationship sees the British company offering<br />

discounts across their range of footwear to members and as MD<br />

Emma Snailham explains, they are thrilled to continue to be<br />

involved:<br />

“Our collection of boots are worn by so many equestrians and we<br />

are excited to continue to support the British Grooms Association,<br />

their valuable work and their members in this way going forward”<br />

Lucy Katan, Executive Director for the BGA is also delighted to<br />

continue with the established brand: “The BGA is committed to<br />

working with companies who share our ethos and support grooms<br />

by giving our giving members discounts on their high quality<br />

products. We are delighted to continue our relationship with<br />

Spanish Boot Company as ‘BGA Supporters’ and look forward to<br />

working closely with them in <strong>2018</strong>.”<br />

www.thespanishbootcompany.co.uk<br />

www.britishgrooms.org.uk<br />

Country Classic<br />

with a Spanish Twist<br />

The Roceiro Boots from The<br />

Spanish Boot Company are the<br />

perfect boot to bring some Latino<br />

love to your seasonal wardrobe.<br />

These authentic Spanish style<br />

boots are made in Valverde Del<br />

Camino and are styled in buttery<br />

waxed leather with Good-year<br />

welted leather sole for fashion<br />

with function.<br />

Available in unisex sizing and<br />

pull-on or full zip, these<br />

boots are the perfect<br />

Salsa to your<br />

spring/summer<br />

wardrobe<br />

Also available in wide fit sizing.<br />

Colours: Brown & Tan, Prices<br />

start at RRP: £225. www.<br />

thespanishbootcompany.co.uk<br />

New solid gold bracelets launch<br />

at Cheltenham for Hiho Silver<br />

Hiho Silver is delighted<br />

to announce the<br />

launch of two new solid<br />

gold bracelets at this year’s<br />

Cheltenham Festival.<br />

The two pieces are based on<br />

Hiho designed best sellers, but<br />

have been made entirely in gold.<br />

The Exclusive Foxy Bangle is<br />

one piece that’s now available<br />

in solid gold, and an Exclusive<br />

Cherry Roller Bangle has also<br />

been created where the Starter<br />

Bangle is also made from 9ct<br />

gold.<br />

“Gold Cup Week at the<br />

Cheltenham Festival seemed like<br />

the perfect place to launch our<br />

two new solid gold pieces,” said<br />

Emma Warren from Hiho Silver.<br />

“Both of these pieces, in their<br />

silver and gold plated forms,<br />

have been really popular with<br />

our customers, and both look so<br />

good in gold, that we decided to<br />

have them made in the UK and<br />

launch them at Cheltenham.<br />

And we’re really delighted with<br />

how both pieces have turned<br />

out.<br />

The Exclusive Solid 9ct Gold<br />

Foxy Bangle features a solid<br />

fox body mounted onto<br />

Hiho’s snaffle style bangle<br />

with a handy clip that makes<br />

it easy to put on and take<br />

off. The gold has been<br />

worked so it mimics<br />

the texture of the fox’s<br />

coat, and the fox’s mask<br />

and tail have also been<br />

beautifully crafted to give<br />

the fox that genuine detail.<br />

The Exclusive Solid 9ct<br />

Yellow Gold And Rose<br />

Gold Cherry Roller Bangle has a<br />

solid yellow gold snaffle bangle<br />

and sports alternating yellow<br />

gold and rose gold beads or<br />

rollers on the bit’s ‘mouthpiece’.<br />

All the beads are stamped with<br />

Hiho, as per all solid gold cherry<br />

roller beads.<br />

“We always have such interest<br />

in our Cherry Rollers and Foxy<br />

Bangles that we wanted to<br />

progress the range and we feel<br />

these solid gold pieces have<br />

definitely done this. We’re<br />

excited to get feedback on the<br />

pieces and to create more in line<br />

with our customers’ tastes and<br />

wants,” said Emma.<br />

The Exclusive Solid 9ct Gold<br />

Foxy Bangle retails at £2895, and<br />

the Exclusive Solid 9ct Yellow<br />

Gold And Rose Gold Cherry<br />

Roller Bangle retails at £1895.<br />

For more information, see<br />

www.hihosilver.co.uk<br />

52 <strong>April</strong> <strong>2018</strong> <strong>Equestrian</strong> <strong>Life</strong>


SHARE<br />


We’d love to hear your<br />

horse stories and<br />

memories. Email<br />

info@equestrianlife<br />

magazine.co.uk<br />


Poppy and Libby Hart<br />

www.equestrianlifemagazine.co.uk 53

junior life<br />


Codie is Isobel Ippolito’s very own super-cob, she’s had him for 6 years<br />

now and he’s definitely not going anywhere! He will turn his hoof to<br />

anything like side-saddle or working equitation and takes it all in his<br />

stride.<br />



Libby Hart is currently competing at Elementary<br />

level and moving up to Medium on her pony Poppy.<br />

They’ve just won County Champion at the NSEA<br />

County Challenge at Novice level and are off to the<br />

Championships in <strong>April</strong>.<br />

Libby is currently in the process of working hard to<br />

qualify for the Summer Regionals and has also been<br />

invited for a viewing for the U25 BD Youth County<br />

team.<br />

Her pony, Poppy, has been on long term lease to<br />

Libby since November last year. Libby is just 11<br />

years old and clearly going places.<br />

He also is great for her novice mother, who did her first intro test a few<br />

weeks ago. He really is part of the family. Isobel has learnt so much with<br />

him, and now we are jumping 80-90cm and competing at elementary level.<br />

She is aiming to affiliate and have a go at an unaffiliated medium this year,<br />

and from that see where he takes them!<br />



<strong>2018</strong> has kicked off with a great start for<br />

Jess and Buster by picking up their Royal<br />

International Horse Show Pretty Polly<br />

Heritage First Ridden ticket at their last<br />

show of 2017, which was the BSPS Heritage<br />

championship show.<br />

The day started off with a very cold and<br />

early start travelling down to Arena UK.<br />

They had finished their individual show and<br />

conformation and had tried their best, and<br />

as the results were read out, the tension<br />

was building up… the judge called out the<br />

placings in reserve order. It was all down to<br />

the last two ponies, Jess and another rider.<br />

The judge called out 2nd place to the other<br />

competitor which meant Jess and Buster<br />

had won! They then went on to take Reserve<br />

Mini Heritage Pretty Polly champion. As Jess<br />

says “What a day, which I will remember<br />

forever”.<br />


12 yr old Scarlett Marshall riding the McClarence family’s own<br />

Brynfa Jolly Roger, a 6 year old newly gelded Welsh cob. They<br />

have had much success in-hand within the WPCS and are<br />

looking forward to the junior season with Scarlett.<br />

Wexland Dafydd Du is their 15 year old Welsh cob stallion<br />

who will be contending in this year’s Veteran classes, a<br />

multiple champion previously in working hunter and flat<br />

classes, the family also await his foal this year out of Brynfa<br />

Lucky Lucie. Scarlett will ride him once she turns 14.<br />

54 <strong>April</strong> <strong>2018</strong> <strong>Equestrian</strong> <strong>Life</strong>


Charlotte Dun<br />


Charlotte Dun is 22 years old, from the<br />

Scottish Borders/Midlothian border<br />

line, is in her final year at University<br />

studying economics and accountancy and<br />

working part time at an accountancy firm.<br />

She competed in Pony Club events as well<br />

as top level showing with placings at RIHS<br />

and HOYS but has now broken into the<br />

world of point to pointing.<br />

What attracted you to point to point<br />

Mum and Dad P2P and Dad had a permit<br />

so we always had horses and I spent most<br />

weekends at the races or point to points<br />

meetings. From a very early age, I wanted to<br />

be a jockey but was told my education must<br />

come first.<br />

How do you fit point to point around<br />

your studying and working?<br />

A lot of early mornings and late library<br />

nights plus a very helpful mother!<br />

Did jumping around Hickstead set you<br />

up for attacking your first<br />

point to point course?<br />

My years of WHPs and pony<br />

club taught me so much. I<br />

still do plenty of flatwork and<br />

gymnastic jumping with my<br />

pointers. I would always get<br />

more nervous going into a<br />

workers arena than galloping<br />

into a P2P fence because I’d<br />

be more worried about having<br />

a fence down than falling off!<br />

When was your first point<br />

to point success?<br />

March 2015 on board Rolecarr<br />

who was the naughtiest but<br />

best schoolmaster I could<br />

have ever wished for. He<br />

taught me so much and gave<br />

me so much confidence. I rode my second<br />

winner in the next race on Farm Pixie,<br />

owned by my Aunt. It was a very special<br />

day.<br />

Tell us about your current rides.<br />

I’ve been very lucky to pick up a couple<br />

of spare rides this year, I have had two<br />

winners on Shantou Magic for his owner<br />

Will Ramsay, who is now hoping to take<br />

him to the Cheltenham Foxhunters. I have<br />

been riding Whisperdale for the past couple<br />

of seasons who is a fantastic, consistent<br />

little horse who jumps his socks off for<br />

three miles and always puts a smile on your<br />

face. I’ll also be riding Roderick Random<br />

who is again full of character, and our new<br />

horse Nine Altars, who had his first run in<br />

a hunters chase round Musselburgh at the<br />

beginning of February, and will hopefully<br />

to run in ladies races and hunter chases for<br />

the remainder of the season.<br />

What are your plans for <strong>2018</strong>?<br />

Keep riding nice horses, keep learning,<br />




and a few winners would be nice. Oh, and<br />

passing my uni finals would be good!<br />

For anyone thinking about point to<br />

point riding, what advice would you give<br />

them?<br />

Ride out for as many people as you can,<br />

you learn so much from riding anything<br />

from yearlings to big old handicappers. And<br />

don’t be afraid to ask for help, everyone is<br />

always really helpful.<br />

What’s your must have piece of<br />

equipment?<br />

My neckstrap. It doesn’t matter if I’m on<br />

the best jumper in the country, it never<br />

hurts to have a lifeline.<br />

What horse would you love to ride?<br />

Altior. He looks pretty special, but I think<br />

I’d need my neckstrap for some of his<br />

spectacular jumps.<br />

www.equestrianlifemagazine.co.uk 55

national shire show<br />

A winning weekend<br />

for Emma at the<br />

National Shire Show<br />

It turned out to be a<br />

fantastic three days for<br />

Emma Green and her three<br />

shires at the National Shire<br />

Show, held at Stafford in mid<br />

March.<br />


They started the weekend off in<br />

the Novice Ridden class, where<br />

Emma, riding her own four year<br />

old mare, Westfield Calendar<br />

Girl took 2nd place and her<br />

friend, Vickey Egglestone,<br />

on the young stallion, Acle<br />

Supreme took top spot.<br />

Richard Green and Gunner 6th Single Dray<br />

The best was yet to come in<br />

the Horse of the Year Show<br />

qualifier, riding Ringston<br />

Rueben. Currently just a fouryear<br />

old stallion, Emma said<br />

“he’s taken to the ridden work<br />

very easily, is a forward-moving<br />

horse and has just the right<br />

attitude and temperament”.<br />

They were absolutely delighted<br />


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Vickey Egglestone and Acle<br />

Supreme 1st Novice Ridden<br />

with their win, especially so<br />

early in the season and are<br />

looking forward to getting out<br />

at the next shows including<br />

Three Counties, Cheshire, Royal<br />

Highland and Norfolk.<br />

Emma’s husband Richard is<br />

also very much involved with<br />

the horses, himself the head<br />

horseman for Thwaites and a<br />

judge. Richard was also at the<br />

show competing in the Single<br />

Dray class, taking a respectable<br />

6th place with Gunner.<br />

Both Emma and Richard still<br />

work full-time and with a dozen<br />

heavy horses at home from<br />

Shires to Clydesdales, every<br />

morning is an early start with<br />

Richard up and feeding around<br />

5am and Emma then exercises<br />

them from 6am before getting<br />

ready for work as a distribution<br />

manager for a brewery.<br />

Richard’s parents live at the<br />

Emma Green and Westfield Calender<br />

Girl 2nd Novice Ridden<br />

farm and very much hands on<br />

as there is no running water and<br />

each day consists of ferrying<br />

water to the horses and a neverending<br />

task of filling haynets or<br />

chopping wood.<br />

Emma has ridden at top level<br />

for many years, before heavy<br />

horses she enjoyed success<br />

in Ladies Hunter classes, side<br />

saddle and also competed a<br />

coloured stallion, Apollo who<br />

was a traditional.<br />

About five years ago she got in<br />

to the heavy horses, and one of<br />

the first was Admergill Buskot<br />

back in 2012 who was sold to<br />

Russia as at that time there<br />

were not sufficient heavy horse<br />

classes or venues to go to. Last<br />

year, they had a grey shire,<br />

Burlington Park Tudor, who was<br />

sold to an Italian family and<br />

moved to Milan and then a four<br />

year old, Admergill Archie, who<br />

won Reserve Champion at the<br />

National Show and was more or<br />

less sold before leaving the ring.<br />

Despite many offers, the ridden<br />

horses are not up to sale this<br />

year as they want to enjoy the<br />

season and see where it takes<br />

them. Acle Supreme is also<br />

their stallion at stud and a crop<br />

of foals are due soon and they<br />

are loathe to part with him.<br />

56 <strong>April</strong> <strong>2018</strong> <strong>Equestrian</strong> <strong>Life</strong>


SHARE<br />


We’d love to hear your<br />

Veteran horse stories and<br />

memories. Email<br />

info@equestrianlife<br />

magazine.co.uk<br />


Make a beautiful memory with Sweet-Images<br />

Photography of your favourite horse or pony

veteran life<br />


Beverley Witty’s veteran, is her 31 year old boy,<br />

Bobby. He is a 14.2hh coloured cob. He was<br />

abandoned by his owner 16 years ago, he’s no<br />

show-stopper but the safest boy you could<br />

have.<br />

Disaster happened while in a field his<br />

companions of a few years attacked him,<br />

snapping his tendon and severely straining<br />

his other, vet called and box rest was needed<br />

not easy for a pony that hated the stable.<br />

Beverley said “we managed to keep him in<br />

for a few weeks but then had to make stable<br />

sized fields, and things went well until his<br />

tendon started to contract, pulling his fetlock<br />

forward in front of his hoof, nobody the Vets<br />

could understand how he manages to get<br />

around, cantering around the field bossing his<br />

best friends the donkeys around, he has been<br />

retired now for 6 years and I wouldn’t part with<br />

him for anything<br />


Amateur rider Avril Bartolomy has owned and ridden Clantara Shadow Play since he<br />

was an unbroken three year old and now, aged 15, he will be competing in his first<br />

veteran class. Avril grew up in Edinburgh and her mega successful Maxi cob is also<br />

Scottish bred - out of Terry and Gillian Henderson’s Percheron mare and by Fiona<br />

Reed’s famous stallion, Bollin. He has competed at top level including RIHS and<br />

HOYS, placed 7th there last year as well as winning the Supreme Amateur of the Year<br />

with BSHA. Avril says “Adding Olympia would be so much fun.”<br />


This is Carla Robertson’s little 11hh pony Toffee;<br />

she has been the most amazing children’s pony,<br />

bought as lead rein for her two daughters, she<br />

not only did that job well she then went and<br />

has taken them on to do hunter trials, she’s<br />

won at local shows in working hunter, style and<br />

appearance and show jumping. Commented<br />

Carla “She has always been foot perfect as is<br />

and always will be my children’s best friend. Not<br />

bad for a bargain pony and who is somewhere<br />

in her 20’s now”.<br />


This is Applejack, owned by Stacie Charlton, who was<br />

24 years in October, a rescue pony from SWHP. Stacie<br />

and Applejack have been together for the last 15<br />

years.<br />

They won the SEIB Novice Arena Eventing Final 2016.<br />

Last year they won the BE80 at Shelford with a dressage of 23.3. Their<br />

goals for <strong>2018</strong> include qualifying for the Horseware Ireland 80 Hunter Trial and the SEIB<br />

90 Arena Eventing Final. They are also having a go at SSADL senior veteran class with the<br />

finals held at Olympia!<br />

Says Stacie “He loves eventing and arena eventing and we will continue to keep him<br />

ticking over for as long as he is happy competing”.<br />

58 <strong>April</strong> <strong>2018</strong> <strong>Equestrian</strong> <strong>Life</strong>



SHARE<br />


We’d love to hear about what<br />

you’ve been up to this winter.<br />

Share your story about a<br />

local event. Email<br />

info@equestrianlife<br />

magazine.co.uk<br />


www.equestrianlifemagazine.co.uk 59

local events and reports<br />

Amy Simcox and Drogeda<br />

Valentino Ridden Supreme<br />

East Midlands<br />

Welsh Pony and<br />

Cob Society<br />


The East Midlands<br />

Welsh Pony and Cob<br />

Society had a fantastis<br />

season opener at<br />

Selston <strong>Equestrian</strong> for their<br />

Winter Woollies Supreme Show<br />

with some fabulous ponies and<br />

horses forward in all classes.<br />

The Inhand and Ridden<br />

Supreme went to Amy<br />

Simcox with her own Drogeda<br />

Valentino and Reserve went<br />

to S Lee’s Larnleighs Matador<br />

Handled by daughter Hannah<br />

Horton.<br />

The RoR trophy was won by<br />

Star Rebel, an award given in<br />

memory of Stevey’s Lad who<br />

was tragically lost in a road<br />

accident on his way home from<br />

HOYS a few years ago.<br />

Huge thanks goes to all<br />

exhibitors who attended and to<br />

Mr K Baskeyfield for judging.<br />

The Organisers would also like<br />

to say a big thankyou to Selston<br />

<strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre for allowing<br />

them to hold our shows and<br />

clinics there.<br />

The next EMWCPA show is<br />

on 22nd <strong>April</strong> at Newark<br />

Showground and full details can<br />

be found at www.emwpca.co.uk<br />

1st Ridden Coloured Jessie J- Tracey Richardson<br />

60 <strong>April</strong> <strong>2018</strong> <strong>Equestrian</strong> <strong>Life</strong>

1st Show Horse Hack Steven Woollands and Millwood Boy<br />

H Horton and Larnleighs Matador Reserve Inhand Supreme<br />

Star Rebel & Andrea Hodkin ROR Prize Winner<br />

P Steeples and Llwynhywel Gold<br />

Leaf 1st Reserve Inhand Supreme<br />

H Horton<br />

and<br />

Larnleighs<br />

Matador<br />

Reserve<br />

Ridden<br />

Supreme<br />

Amy Simcox and Drogeda Valentino Inhand Supreme<br />

1st Ridden Hunter Cob Paula Kirk-Ellis<br />

and Colourific & 2nd Eve Redfern and<br />

Sarns Shepherds Hill<br />

The Longhouse Delightful & S Burlaczenko<br />

www.equestrianlifemagazine.co.uk 61

local events and reports<br />

Field Farm<br />

Dressage<br />


Georgina Fielding’s horse Greenacres<br />

Alaska has turned 6yrs old, he was bred by<br />

Greenacres Stud and is part owned by their<br />

head groom Ella Taylor; it was his second<br />

dressage competition and they were so pleased with<br />

him, his first competition he got well over 70% and<br />

won at Barleyfields. Says Georgina “We are hoping<br />

to affiliate him soon. I run a yard with seven horses<br />

at the moment all competing, so we are pretty busy”.<br />

I'm affiliated Dr where I compete up to regionals and<br />

I was in the winning team of the first team quest in<br />

the open section. When not competing in dressage,<br />

Georgina can also be found out hunting side saddle<br />

and competing at county level too.<br />

Leigh Starbuck is a converted show rider! Leigh has<br />

been competing her mare WLA Alaska in dressage<br />

for two years. They are currently working towards<br />

qualification for HOYS, but find dressage helps with<br />

the showing classes.<br />

Their aim is to work at Novice level next and hope to<br />

be working at Elementary by the end of the year. Leigh<br />

says “Alaska is the most amazing mare to work with,<br />

very trainable and has the most amazing attitude to<br />

work”.<br />

Leigh’s other ride was the the stallion Bourhani<br />

Montashar, he’s a pure bred Arab stallion, bred<br />

and owned by Hannelore Bourdeaux. He’s had an<br />

incredibly successful show career already and is now<br />

enjoying a promising start in dressage. Their aim is to<br />

compete at Elementary in the next league.<br />

Both horses are going to enjoy a mixture of dressage<br />

and show classes this summer, and are aiming to<br />

qualify both horses for HOYS and the Arab Horse<br />

British Dressage championships. Says Leigh “I owe all<br />

our success to my amazing coach Julie coope”.<br />

Natasha Dobson<br />

and McCaughley<br />

1st Intro A<br />

Steph Buxton and Chess 1st Prelim 7<br />

India Keates Robinson and Coco 1st Elementary 49<br />

Georgina Murphy and Maverick 2nd<br />

Prelim 12<br />

Kate Ward and Fabio 2nd Elementary 49<br />

62 <strong>April</strong> <strong>2018</strong> <strong>Equestrian</strong> <strong>Life</strong>

Sarah Farmer<br />

and Calcourt<br />

Commotion<br />

2nd Prelim 7<br />

Sarah Nicholls and Simon 1st Novice 27<br />

Georgina<br />

Fielding and<br />

Greenacres<br />

Alaska 3rd<br />

Prelim 7<br />

Stephanie Oliver and Damasen 2nd Intro A<br />

Leigh Starbuck and Bourhani<br />

Montashar 3rd Novice 27 Carolyn Chapman and Just William 2nd Novice 27<br />

Sarah Nicholls and Simon 1st Prelim 12<br />

Alice Hewitt and Po 3rd Intro A<br />

Leigh Starbuck and WLA Alaska<br />

www.equestrianlifemagazine.co.uk 63

local events and reports<br />

Rose Cassapi-Perkins and Briars Aspen<br />

NCPA Leics<br />

Show -<br />

Brooksby<br />

Danielle Garner and Thistledown Brigadoon<br />


The NCPA Leicestershire & Rutland Spring Show<br />

was held on 25 February <strong>2018</strong> at Brooksby<br />

<strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre. Despite the cold, we had a good<br />

turn out with many competitors seeking winter<br />

qualifications.<br />

In the In hand classes, the miniature horse 'Looking<br />

Glass Freedoms Love Song' had a successful day, winning<br />

all 4 of their classes including the Light Horse in hand<br />

championship. The Coloured Traditional Cob 'Goldstone Mr<br />

Fantastic', shown by Vicky Lee lived up to his name winning<br />

both CHAPs championships - In Hand and Ridden and<br />

finishing Reserve Supreme In Hand.<br />

The overall Supreme Champion was found from the M&M<br />

classes where Cheryl Scott and Gill Cowell's young Fell colt<br />

'Hotchberry Crafty' showed himself off to be picked by judge<br />

Ms Henrietta Barton.<br />

In the ridden classes, five year old Rose Cassapi-Paskins and<br />

her Dartmoor pony 'Briars Aspen' had a day to remember<br />

when they won both their lead rein classes, the mini<br />

M&M championship and finished off with Reserve in the<br />

Supreme Ridden Championship at the end of the day. It was<br />

another M&M that took the Overall Supreme Ridden crown<br />

- Danielle Garner's young Welsh B stallion 'Thistledown<br />

Brigadoon' had earlier stood champion of the Novice M&M<br />

ridden sections.<br />

Cheryl Scott and Hotchberry Crafty<br />

Vicky Lee and Goldstone Mr Fantastic<br />

64 <strong>April</strong> <strong>2018</strong> <strong>Equestrian</strong> <strong>Life</strong>

local events and reports<br />

Alex Molesworth TAFFECHAN ROUGH DIAMOND (Winners Intro section C)<br />

Brilliant Turnout for EMDG<br />


The Organisers of the East Midlands<br />

Dressage Group One Day Event<br />

cannot believe how blessed they were<br />

for the weekend at Osberton, run with<br />

kind patronage of Mr GMT Foljambe and the<br />

Foljambe family. The early spring precursor<br />

to the eventing season; always the end of<br />

February, is as popular as ever. It was bitterly<br />

cold as the ‘beast of the East’ approached but<br />

for both days the skies remained blue and the<br />

sun graced everyone with its presence.<br />

Over 350 combinations of runners and riders<br />

had been accepted to compete over what<br />

was a well built and testing SJ course by Julia<br />

Hardy and a brilliantly built XC course by<br />

Peter Wilson (in Mark Cavell’s absence this<br />

year) and over superb ground and running<br />

conditions.<br />

Safe to say there were quite a few fresh and<br />

feisty ponies on parade but overall it produced<br />

some excellent performances in all sections<br />

and a good early season pipe opener and<br />

practice for the fast approaching eventing<br />

season.<br />

Huge thanks and admiration must go to Chloe<br />

Cavell and her Team which helped to run the<br />

ever popular weekend of eventing and which<br />

was a testament to all the tireless enthusiasm<br />

and hard work Chloe had put in both behind<br />

the scenes and at the event itself.<br />

Gracie can be very<br />

anxious so the EMDG<br />

One Day Event was ideal<br />

to start to build her<br />

confidence for this season”<br />

Let’s hope this interlude of wintry weather<br />

will blow out as fast as it blew in leaving the<br />

equestrian world ready to embrace spring and<br />

prepare for a successful season.<br />

Shari Dobson got her season off to a great<br />

start, taking top spot in Intro Section A with<br />

Amazing Missgracie aka Gracie, an 8 year<br />

old mare bred by Botters Sports Horses in<br />

France by the Eventing stallion Yarlands<br />

Summersong. Shari bought Gracie in October<br />

2016 as a project to bring on with a view to<br />

event her. She started Eventing in 2017 with<br />

a few runs finishing the season with a 3rd at<br />

Norton Disney in the BE90. Says Shari “Gracie<br />

can be very anxious so the EMDG One Day<br />

Event was ideal to start to build her confidence<br />

for this season. I was delighted with her<br />

behaviour and she was foot perfect all day!”<br />

The plan for this season is to do one more<br />

BE90 then try her first BE100 at Norton Disney<br />

then aim for a Novice at the end of the season.<br />

Sami Hodson and Micko Thriller, were in<br />

contention after the dressage but four faults<br />

in the show-jumping and a clear cross country<br />

nonetheless put them into second place in the<br />

same section. Says Sami “I bought him 6 years<br />

ago as a scruffy little Irish cob that everybody<br />

laughed at! We named him the 'bulldozer'<br />

when we first had him as he would clatter<br />

through everything! And never thought he<br />

would be capable to do a decent dressage test,<br />

we've grown together since I was 14 and even<br />

though I had knowledge with horses I didn't<br />

really 'know' a lot. Finally after a lot of hard<br />

work we started to see that my scruffy little<br />

Irish cob had a lot of potential”.<br />

www.equestrianlifemagazine.co.uk 65

local events and reports<br />

They started competing with their local riding<br />

club, Tickhill Riding Club at team events<br />

where they went to the BRC championships,<br />

hunter trials, local dressage competitions and<br />

ODE's! Sami’s aim and goal then was to start<br />

BE with him as it was something they both<br />

loved to do! However, everything changed<br />

two years ago when Mickey got an injury, a<br />

fractured splint from messing around in the<br />

field, Sami wasn't sure if she was ever going<br />

to be able to ride him again. They started box<br />

rest and just took it week by week! After a lot<br />

of hard work with him and taking everything<br />

slowly, he came back to full health and fitness!<br />

Last year he was just getting him back out<br />

and seeing the competition world again! As<br />

he is not a 'slow ' cob they’ve competed over<br />

the winter doing some showjumping, arena<br />

eventing and a bit of dressage with the aim<br />

and goal to start British Eventing this year.<br />

Nervously they entered EMDG ODE, as this<br />

was the first one of the season and he'd not<br />

seen a cross country fence on grass since last<br />

year! Mickey was totally on form though with<br />

an incredible 25.5 dressage test, one pole show<br />

jumping and a storming clear cross country,<br />

finishing in second place.<br />

Hannah Parr and Tinkers Boy, aka Colin is a<br />

15.2hh 8 year old gelding that Hannah has<br />

owned he was 4, when he came over from<br />

Ireland. He had done nothing apart from some<br />

hunting as a three year old . He's not been<br />

easy. Lives on his nerves and very quirky but<br />

a super all rounder. Not overly brave which is<br />

why they are concentrating on 80cm and 90cm<br />

sections. Says Hannah “He's had two brilliant<br />

seasons. five wins at 80cms and the rest in the<br />

top 5. Successfully completed 4 BE90s with a<br />

4th at Shelford last May”. Their Plans for <strong>2018</strong><br />

and to work hard and . To confidently move<br />

up to 90cms, maybe complete some 1m show<br />

Ellie Clarke TOBY (Winners Intro section B)<br />

Heidi Woodhead GINGER (2nd place Novice<br />

section H)<br />

jumping and head to the Grassroots three day<br />

event at Keysoe with friends.<br />

Ellie Clarke and Toby posted the best dressage<br />

score in their Intro B section, and then<br />

producing a double clear, won the section,<br />

finishing on their dressage score of 29. Toby<br />

is an 8 year old owned by Julia hardy who was<br />

doing his first event after spending most of<br />

his time being a show jumper. Commented<br />

Ellie “He is such a<br />

big character and<br />

everyone seems to<br />

have a soft spot for<br />

him!<br />

Ellie was then back<br />

with another ride,<br />

Charlotte Dennis URIX D'LEMPS<br />

(Winner Open section K)<br />

Laura Watson CROCHALLAN LOUIS (2nd place<br />

Intro section D)<br />

Lucy Scholl JUST DUNNIT (Winner Novice<br />

section H)<br />

Kristinea Hall-Jackson<br />

CMS GOOGLE (Winners<br />

Open section J)<br />

Samantha Hobbs TINKER (3rd place<br />

Novice section H)<br />

Phillipa Ward TIPPERARY WILLIAM<br />

(Winners Novice Open scetion F)<br />

66 <strong>April</strong> <strong>2018</strong> <strong>Equestrian</strong> <strong>Life</strong>

Jordan Kavanagh ECO BOY (Winners Intro section D)<br />

Flora Young POWR OF DREAMS<br />

(Winners Noivce Open section E)<br />

Lex who is owned by Helen Marsh and is the<br />

great age of 19, he felt so excited to be back<br />

out eventing and had a spring in his step!<br />

Ellie’s last ride of the weekend was Adagio<br />

who is owned and bred by Keeley Durham<br />

and has spent the winter working on his<br />

dressage to get an improved score this<br />

weekend and is always such good fun to ride<br />

in the jumping phases so it was good to have<br />

him back out and exciting to see what he can<br />

do this year!<br />

<strong>Equestrian</strong> <strong>Life</strong>’s own horse, Taffechan Rough<br />

Diamond had a fantastic season opener.<br />

Posting a 25.5 dressage and double clear, put<br />

him in top spot in Intro Section C. Known<br />

for his quirky nature, both the owner and the<br />

rider have agreed that they will quit whilst<br />

ahead with the eventing and his season will<br />

progress with dressage, M&M Workers and<br />

side saddle at which he excels!<br />

Ann White had a last-minute change of horse<br />

that proved successful as Mr Delectable<br />

posted an impressive 26.8 dressage and went<br />

double clear to take 3rd place in Intro Section<br />

C. A 10 year old old Hackney x warmblood,<br />

owned by Nicolette Forester. Commented<br />

Ann “he has joined the Manor Farm Stables<br />

and Rehab competition team and will<br />

be attending various one day events this<br />

season, including Frickley, Norton Disney<br />

and Brackenborough horse trials, hopefully<br />

aiming for some 90cms by the end of the<br />

season.<br />

Lucy Scholl, riding Just Dunnit, a 16.1hh,<br />

7 year old Holsteiner dun gelding put in a<br />

great performance in Novice Sec. H, with<br />

a 23 dressage and double clear to take top<br />

position. Says Lucy “We bought him from<br />

his breeder Jason Nunn (Pinewood Stud) as<br />

Gaby Vaughan EDWARD (2nd<br />

place Novice section I)<br />

Imogen Murray JASON (3rd place Novice section G)<br />

a just broken fiveyear-old<br />

just after<br />

Christmas 2016.<br />

This is his second<br />

Meghan Healy FRANK<br />

(2nd place Intro section C)<br />

season eventing and we won at both BE90<br />

and BE100 level last season. The aims this<br />

year are to step up to Novice and hopefully<br />

do a 1* towards the end of the year.<br />

Richard Norfolk, who we reported on last<br />

year, was delighted to at least be old enough<br />

to complete at the one day event and his ride,<br />

Henry came came off the lorry very excited<br />

to do the open class at EMDG ode. Henry<br />

was really not interested in the Dressage<br />

but Richard still managed a 36.8 which was<br />

mid table, had a silly pole showjumping for 4<br />

Sally Chamberlain GABRIEL (3rd place Novice<br />

Open section E)<br />

Isabel White DOLLY II (2nd place Noivce Open<br />

section E)<br />

Laura Hall DUNGAR BLUE MOON (3rd place Intro<br />

section D)<br />

faults and a magnificent round cross country,<br />

just 5 secs over the optimum time. Great<br />

warm up for Oasby.<br />

<strong>Equestrian</strong> <strong>Life</strong>’s eventing contributor,<br />

Tina Canton was also out in force over the<br />

weekend with three horses, all of whom<br />

finished 4th in their respective sections and<br />

all bar one, going double clear. A great start<br />

to the season for Tina.<br />

Off to a flying start with two wins from<br />

two starts was Jordan Kavanagh. His first<br />

ride was Eco Boy, who is owned by Haylay<br />

Blackburn, an 8-year-old gelding who has<br />

been competing up to Foxhunter level and<br />

has really taken to the eventing bug. A<br />

dressage of 28.8 and a double clear saw them<br />

finish on their dressage score. His second<br />

ride, Ice Man, gave them a few hair-raising<br />

moments travelling to the event but was<br />

checked over by the stewards on arrival and<br />

given the all-clear. Belonging to Christina<br />

Hall, she bought him from a field two years<br />

ago after losing her previous horse. He got<br />

a 7th, 3rd and a win in 2017 with Jordan and<br />

has proved to be consistent and reliable at<br />

both 90cms and 100s.<br />

Sara Bowe HALCYON CRUISING LADY (Winners<br />

Novice section G)<br />

Sally Butler ANNIE (2nd place Novice Open<br />

section F)<br />

www.equestrianlifemagazine.co.uk 67

Championship<br />

SHOWS <strong>2018</strong><br />

The <strong>Equestrian</strong> <strong>Life</strong><br />

Winter Show<br />

Oakridge Arena,<br />

Collingham, Newark,<br />

Notts NG23 7NZ<br />

Sunday<br />

22nd <strong>April</strong><br />

<strong>2018</strong><br />

Open to ALL Amateur,<br />

Home-Produced Combinations<br />

Competitors who have qualified<br />

or competed at Horse of the Year<br />

Show, Royal International and<br />

Olympia are eligible to compete<br />

A range of ridden and in-hand<br />

classes, all indoor on surface,<br />

good classes for Novices and new<br />

season combinations.<br />

The schedule is available<br />

to download at www.<br />

equestrianlifemagazine.co.uk/<br />

winter-championships and<br />

entries are open both online and<br />

postal.<br />

Pre entry is £10 per class and<br />

entries on the day are £15 per<br />

class, plus £3 first aid.<br />

The <strong>Equestrian</strong> <strong>Life</strong> Summer Showing<br />

and Working Hunter Championships<br />

Oakridge Arena, Collingham,<br />

Newark, Notts NG23 7NZ<br />


Sunday<br />

2nd<br />

September<br />

<strong>2018</strong><br />

OPEN SHOW, No pre-registration,<br />

No pre-qualification<br />

Open to ALL Amateur, Home-Produced<br />

Combinations<br />

Competitors who have qualified or<br />

competed at Horse of the Year Show, Royal<br />

International and Olympia are eligible to<br />

compete<br />

A wide range of classes on surface and grass,<br />

including a beautiful working hunter course<br />

Indoor evening performance for all sections<br />

Ample parking, stabling and camping<br />

available<br />

Great restaurant and spectator viewing<br />

Pre entry £10 per class and £15 on the day<br />

plus £3 first aid<br />

Schedule available soon and can be<br />

found www.equestrianlifemagazine.<br />



diary<br />

Sunday 1st <strong>April</strong><br />

Easter Showing, Quals, in Hand<br />

and Ridden<br />

Aldham Mill <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

07415985978<br />

Bsps Winter Championships Show<br />

Arena UK<br />

www.bsps.com<br />

Easter Unaffiliated Dressage<br />

Brooksby <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

www.brooksbyequestrian.co.uk<br />

01664 855333<br />

Unaffiliated Dressage<br />

Elms Farm <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

www.elmsfarmec.com<br />

07791934738 or 07867360201<br />

Unaffiliated Show Jumping<br />

Golden Valley <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

www.goldenvalleyequestriancentre.<br />

co.uk 01773604520<br />

Unaffiliated Showjumping<br />

Hargate <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.hargateequestrian.co.uk<br />

01283 734981/730606 M:07736613557<br />

Unaffiliated Dressage Sash Show<br />

Hargate <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.hargateequestrian.co.uk 01283<br />

734981/730606 M:07736613557<br />

British Show Jumping Junior<br />

Harrogate Riding Centre<br />

www.harrogateridingcentre.co.uk<br />

01423871894<br />

Legup <strong>April</strong> Dressage Event<br />

Bromley farm<br />

www.legupequestrian.co.uk<br />

01226 370679<br />

Open/club Show Long Eaton<br />

Riding Club<br />

Long Eaton Riding Club<br />

www.long-eaton-riding-club.co.uk<br />

07929 164 501<br />

Easter Showing Show and Qualifier<br />

for Royal London Show<br />

Maltby and District Riding Club, Milton<br />

<strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre Nottinghamshire<br />

www.maltbyridingclub.co.uk<br />

Trailblazers 2nd Round<br />

Showjumping<br />

Moorhouse <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre &<br />

Saddlery<br />

www.moorhouse-equestrian.co.uk<br />

01977 642109<br />

Unaffiliated Showjumping<br />

Northallerton <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

www.northallertonequestriancentre.<br />

co.uk 01609 772942<br />

Ncpa Yorkshire Branch<br />

Children's Show<br />

Northern Racing College<br />

www.ncpa-yorkshire.co.uk<br />

Unaffiliated Showjumping<br />

Port Royal <strong>Equestrian</strong> and Exhibition<br />

Centre<br />

www.portroyaleec.co.uk 07950 819267<br />

British Showjumping Cat 2<br />

Speetley EC<br />

www.speetleyec.co.uk 07531354265 /<br />

07714278097<br />

British Dressage<br />

Vale View <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.valeviewequestrian.co.uk<br />

01664 823739<br />

British Dressage Quest Club<br />

Vale View <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.valeviewequestrian.co.uk<br />

01664 823739<br />

Unaffiliated Dressage<br />

Wakefield Riding for the Disabled<br />

Association, Pennine Community<br />

www.wakefieldrda.typepad.co.uk<br />

01924 241341<br />

Dressage<br />

York and District Riding Club<br />

www.ydrc.co.uk<br />

Trailblazers and Sunshine Tour<br />

Showjumping Qualifiers<br />

Yorkshire <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre (YEC)<br />

www.yorkshireec.co.uk 07748115588<br />

Monday 2nd <strong>April</strong><br />

Easter Mini One Day Event<br />

Brooksby <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

www.brooksbyequestrian.co.uk<br />

01664 855333<br />

Cliffhollins Riding Club Unaffiliated<br />

Showjumping Qualifier<br />

Cliffhollins Lane<br />

www.cliffhollins.co.uk 01274651386<br />

Cliffhollins Riding Club Show<br />

Cliffhollins Riding School<br />

www.cliffhollins.co.uk 01274651386<br />

Easter Scavenger Hunt and<br />

Gymkhana Games<br />

Eland Lodge <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.elandlodge.com 01283 575856<br />

Arena Eventing<br />

Hallamshire Riding Society, Hallamshire<br />

Show Ground<br />

www.hallamshireridingsociety.co.uk/<br />

07813027161<br />

British Show Jumping C2<br />

Harrogate Riding Centre<br />

www.harrogateridingcentre.co.uk<br />

01423871894<br />

Ian Brown Clinic<br />

Northallerton <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

www.northallertonequestriancentre.<br />

co.uk 01609 772942<br />

Bs Seniors (Cat 1)<br />

Port Royal <strong>Equestrian</strong> and Exhibition<br />

Centre<br />

www.portroyaleec.co.uk 07950 819267<br />

British Dressage<br />

Port Royal <strong>Equestrian</strong> and Exhibition<br />

Centre<br />

www.portroyaleec.co.uk 07950 819267<br />

Unaffiliated Showjumping<br />

Speetley <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

www.speetleyec.co.uk 07531354265 /<br />

07714278097<br />

Steph Cooper Dressage Test Riding<br />

Vale View <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.valeviewequestrian.co.uk 01664<br />

823739<br />

British Dressage<br />

Witham Villa <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

www.withamvilla.co.uk 01455 282694<br />

Tuesday 3rd <strong>April</strong><br />

Graham's Show Jumping Clinic<br />

Diamond <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.diamondequestrian.co.uk<br />

07950213691<br />

Evening Novice Showjumping<br />

Eland Lodge <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.elandlodge.com 01283 575856<br />

Tuesday Evening Unaffiliated<br />

Showjumping<br />

Northallerton <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

www.northallertonequestriancentre.co.uk<br />

01609 772942<br />

British Showjumping Cat 2<br />

Speetley EC<br />

www.speetleyec.co.uk 07531354265 /<br />

07714278097<br />

Clear Round Jump Training<br />

Vale View <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.valeviewequestrian.co.uk<br />

01664 823739<br />

Wednesday 4th <strong>April</strong><br />

Evening Showjumping<br />

Eland Lodge <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.elandlodge.com 01283 575856<br />

British Showjumping Seniors<br />

Northallerton <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

www.northallertonequestriancentre.<br />

co.uk 01609 772942<br />

BHS North Lincs Evening Demo by<br />

Yogi Breisner Mbe Fbhs<br />

Lincolnshire Rural Activities Centre,<br />

Kenwick Hill<br />

http://www.bhs.org.uk/bhs-in-yourarea/east-midlands<br />

07917 734969 /<br />

07986 637089<br />

Thursday 5th <strong>April</strong><br />

Combined Training<br />

Northallerton <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre 0PQ<br />

www.northallertonequestriancentre.<br />

co.uk 01609 772942<br />

Caroline Moore Event Clinic<br />

Vale View <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.valeviewequestrian.co.uk<br />

01664 823739<br />

Friday 6th <strong>April</strong><br />

British Showjumping <strong>April</strong> Show<br />

Arena UK<br />

www.arenauk.com 01476 591 569<br />

Evening Maxi Jumping<br />

Brooksby <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

www.brooksbyequestrian.co.uk<br />

01664 855333<br />

Equine Car Boot Sale<br />

Elms Farm <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

www.elmsfarmec.com 07791934738 or<br />

07867360201<br />

Indoor Clear Round Jumping@<br />

golden Valley <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

thehorseworks-equinecoach.co.uk<br />

07957774507<br />

British Dressage<br />

Northallerton <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

www.northallertonequestriancentre.<br />

co.uk 01609 772942<br />

Caroline Moore Event Clinic<br />

Vale View <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.valeviewequestrian.co.uk<br />

01664 823739<br />

British Dressage<br />

Vale View <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.valeviewequestrian.co.uk<br />

01664 823739<br />

Yorkshire Amateur Showjumping<br />

Festival<br />

Spring House Farm<br />

www.harrogateridingcentre.co.uk<br />

01423871894<br />

Saturday 7th <strong>April</strong><br />

British Showjumping <strong>April</strong> Show<br />

Arena UK<br />

www.arenauk.com 01476 591 569<br />

Blueberry Events Can't-Jump<br />

Won't -Jump Showjumping<br />

Askham Bryan College<br />

www.blueberryeventsuk.com<br />

07872640482<br />

British Senior Showjumping<br />

Eland Lodge <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.elandlodge.com 01283 575856<br />

Trailblazers 2nd Round Combined<br />

Training<br />

Moorhouse <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre & Saddlery<br />

www.moorhouse-equestrian.co.uk<br />

01977 642109<br />

Dressage Competition<br />

Newbold Verdon <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

www.nvec.co.uk 01455 824240<br />

Unaffiliated Dressage<br />

Northallerton <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

www.northallertonequestriancentre.co.uk<br />

01609 772942<br />

Unaffiliated Showjumping<br />

Vale View <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.valeviewequestrian.co.uk<br />

01664 823739<br />

Unaffiliated Dressage<br />

Vale View <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.valeviewequestrian.co.uk<br />

01664 823739<br />

Para Intro Show<br />

Wakefield Riding for the Disabled<br />

Association<br />

www.wakefieldrda.typepad.co.uk<br />

01924 241341<br />

Sunday 8th <strong>April</strong><br />

Aire Valley Riding Club Pre-Season<br />

Show<br />

Aireview <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

07432503577<br />

Unaffiliated Dressage<br />

Aldham Mill<br />

07790 629328<br />

British Showjumping <strong>April</strong> Show<br />

Arena UK<br />

www.arenauk.com 01476 591 569<br />

British Dressage<br />

Barleyfields <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

www.barleyfields.com 01283 734798<br />

Unaffiliated Dressage<br />

Barleyfields <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

www.barleyfields.com 01283 734798<br />

Open Hunter Trial<br />

Barlow Hunt Branch Of The Pony Club<br />

www.pcuk.org/barlow<br />

07793055989<br />

Ride for Research Dressage<br />

Diamond <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.diamondequestrian.co.uk<br />

07950213691<br />

Working Hunter<br />

Golden Valley <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

www.goldenvalleyequestriancentre.<br />

co.uk 01773604520<br />

Unaffiliated Dressage<br />

Hargate <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.hargateequestrian.co.uk<br />

01283 734981/730606 M:07736613557<br />

Unaffiliated Afternoon<br />

Showjumping<br />

Hargate <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.hargateequestrian.co.uk<br />

01283 734981/730606 M:07736613557<br />

Unaffiliated Combined Training<br />

2nd Round Qualifiers<br />

Hargate <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.hargateequestrian.co.uk 01283<br />

734981/730606 M:07736613557<br />

Unaffiliated Combined Training<br />

Hargate <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.hargateequestrian.co.uk<br />

01283 734981/730606<br />

M:07736613557<br />

Unaffiliated Dressage Jrs<br />

Championship Qualifier and Ror Poi<br />

Jodhpurs <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

wwwjodhpursridingcentre.co.uk<br />

01423 358645/ mob 07913354071<br />

www.equestrianlifemagazine.co.uk 69

diary<br />


Unaffiliated Showjumping<br />

Ledston Equine Centre<br />

07827291115<br />

Trailblazers 2nd Round Dressage<br />

Moorhouse <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre &<br />

Saddlery<br />

www.moorhouse-equestrian.co.uk<br />

01977 642109<br />

An Introduction to the<br />

Biomechanics of the Seat and Rider<br />

Nancy Walker <strong>Equestrian</strong>, Bromley Farm<br />

www.nancywalkerequestrian.co.uk<br />

07739091912<br />

British Dressage<br />

Northallerton <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

www.northallertonequestriancentre.<br />

co.uk 01609 772942<br />

Notts Derby Horse Show Open<br />

Show 2<br />

Longmoor Lane Show Ground<br />

www.nottsderbyhorseshow.com<br />

07854317335<br />

Unaffliliated Dressage<br />

Raw Equine, Laughton Manor<br />

<strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

07880971711<br />

Indoor Open Spring Showjumping<br />

Show<br />

Rearsby Lodge Riding Club, Brooksby<br />

<strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

www.rearsbylodge.com 0116 2871662<br />

Unaffiliated Showjumping<br />

Speetley <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

www.speetleyec.co.uk 07531354265 /<br />

07714278097<br />

Sport Endurance Catton Park Ride<br />

Sport Endurance East Midlands Group,<br />

Derbyshire DE12 8LN<br />

www.sportendurance.co.uk/Events/<br />

Ride-Events/Catton-Park-<strong>2018</strong>.aspx<br />

01283810011<br />

Show Cross @ Yorkshire EC<br />

Yorkshire <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre (YEC),<br />

www.yorkshireec.co.uk 07748115588<br />

Monday 9th <strong>April</strong><br />

Ian Brown Clinic<br />

Northallerton <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

www.northallertonequestriancentre.<br />

co.uk 01609 772942<br />

Caroline Moore Event Clinic<br />

Vale View <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.valeviewequestrian.co.uk<br />

01664 823739<br />

Tuesday 10th <strong>April</strong><br />

Evening Novice Showjumping<br />

Eland Lodge <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.elandlodge.com<br />

01283 575856<br />

Indoor Loose School Evening<br />

Golden Valley <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

www.goldenvalleyequestriancentre.<br />

co.uk 01773604520<br />

Unaffiliated Evening Showjumping<br />

Hargate <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.hargateequestrian.co.uk<br />

01283 734981/730606<br />

M:07736613557<br />

Unaffiliated Evening Dressage<br />

Hargate <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.hargateequestrian.co.uk 01283<br />

734981/730606 M:07736613557<br />

British Show Jumping C2<br />

Harrogate Riding Centre<br />

www.harrogateridingcentre.co.uk<br />

01423871894<br />

Tuesday Evening Unaffiliated<br />

Showjumping<br />

Northallerton <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

www.northallertonequestriancentre.<br />

co.uk 01609 772942<br />

Caroline Moore Event Clinic<br />

Vale View <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.valeviewequestrian.co.uk<br />

01664 823739<br />

Wednesday 11th <strong>April</strong><br />

What the Judge Is Looking for<br />

Demo With Gail Carmichael<br />

British Horse Society North West<br />

Yorkshire, Follifoot Park Riding Centre,<br />

Harrogate<br />

www.bhs.org.uk<br />

Assisted Clear Round or Slot<br />

Jumping<br />

Brooksby Melton College<br />

www.brooksbyequestrian.co.uk<br />

01664 855333<br />

Evening Showjumping<br />

Eland Lodge <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.elandlodge.com<br />

01283 575856<br />

Combined Training Competition<br />

Northallerton <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre, Myers<br />

Lane, Yafforth, Northallerton<br />

Yorkshire DL7 0PQ<br />

www.northallertonequestriancentre.<br />

co.uk 01609 772942<br />

Summer Season Dressage <strong>2018</strong><br />

Port Royal <strong>Equestrian</strong> and Exhibition<br />

Centre<br />

www.portroyaleec.co.uk<br />

07950 819267<br />

Thursday 12th <strong>April</strong><br />

Combined Training<br />

Northallerton <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

www.northallertonequestriancentre.<br />

co.uk 01609 772942<br />

Ian Woodhead Dresssage Training<br />

Vale View <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.valeviewequestrian.co.uk<br />

01664 823739<br />

Winter Show Jumping<br />

Wellow <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

www.wellowequestrian.co.uk<br />

01623 860997<br />

Witham Villa British Riding Club<br />

Open Show<br />

Witham Villa <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

www.withamvilla.co.uk<br />

01455 282694<br />

Friday 13th <strong>April</strong><br />

Evening Mini Jumping<br />

Brooksby <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

www.brooksbyequestrian.co.uk<br />

01664 855333<br />

APRIL<br />

Monday 2nd - Indoor School<br />

Hire with Show Jumps<br />

Tuesday 3rd & 10th - Show<br />

Jumping Clinic<br />

Wednesday 4th & 11th -<br />

Half Pony Day<br />

Thursday 5th & 12th -<br />

Show Jumping Clinic<br />

Friday 6th & 13th - Full Pony Day<br />

Saturday 14th - Nervous and<br />

Novice Show Jumping<br />

Friday 20th - Riding Club Pole<br />

Work Clinic<br />

Sunday 22nd - Trailblazers 2nd<br />

Rounds Dressage<br />

Friday 27th - Friday Night<br />

show Jumping (Trailblazers<br />

qualifier)<br />

Please see website for more information.<br />

If you wish to book a place please call and pay<br />

over the phone to secure your place<br />

Please see website for more information<br />

Friday night running last Friday of month only | SCHOOL HIRE AVAILABLE £30 HOUR<br />

Schedules and info available at www.tvequestrian.co.uk<br />

01636 813588<br />

Occupation Lane, Fiskerton, Southwell, Notts<br />

SHARE<br />

YOUR<br />

STORY<br />

Do you have a Native, a<br />

Veteran or are a Junior rider?<br />

email your story to:<br />

editor@equestrianlifemagazine.co.uk<br />

70 <strong>April</strong> <strong>2018</strong> <strong>Equestrian</strong> <strong>Life</strong>


diary<br />

Horse Friday Night Show Jumping<br />

Golden Valley <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

www.goldenvalleyequestriancentre.<br />

co.uk 01773604520<br />

Novice and Nervous Evening<br />

Jumping<br />

Moorhouse <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre &<br />

Saddlery<br />

www.moorhouse-equestrian.co.uk<br />

01977 642109<br />

Sue Chadwick Show Jumping Clinic<br />

Turbury Equisport<br />

www.turburyequisport.co.uk 07789<br />

265 973<br />

Evening Showjumping @<br />

Yorkshire EC<br />

Yorkshire <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre (YEC)<br />

www.yorkshireec.co.uk 07748115588<br />

Saturday 14th <strong>April</strong><br />

Kelly Guy Clinic - Show Jumping<br />

Course<br />

Diamond <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.diamondequestrian.co.uk<br />

07950213691<br />

British Eventing<br />

Eland Lodge <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.elandlodge.com 01283 575856<br />

British Showjumping Seniors<br />

Northallerton <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

www.northallertonequestriancentre.co.uk<br />

01609 772942<br />

Summer Season Dressage <strong>2018</strong><br />

Port Royal <strong>Equestrian</strong> and Exhibition<br />

Centre<br />

www.portroyaleec.co.uk 07950 819267<br />

BD Club Quest<br />

Port Royal <strong>Equestrian</strong> and Exhibition<br />

Centre<br />

www.portroyaleec.co.uk 07950 819267<br />

Novice/nervous Showjumping<br />

Trentvalley <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

www.tvequestrian.co.uk 07821900838<br />

Unaffiliated Showjumping<br />

Vale View <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.valeviewequestrian.co.uk<br />

01664 823739<br />

Unaffiliated Dressage<br />

Vale View <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.valeviewequestrian.co.uk<br />

01664 823739<br />

Sunday 15th <strong>April</strong><br />

Spring Dressage<br />

Aire Valley Riding Club<br />

07432503577<br />

BHS Notts Flatwork Clinic<br />

Brackenhurst <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

https://www.horse-events.co.uk/<br />

horse-events/bhs-nottinghamshirepolework-clinic-cath-hake-<strong>2018</strong>/<br />

Blueberry Events Showing Show<br />

Askham Bryan College<br />

www.blueberryeventsuk.com<br />

07872 640482<br />

Gridwork Clinic<br />

Derby College <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

www.derby-college.ac.uk<br />

07970 726830<br />

British Eventing<br />

Eland Lodge <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.elandlodge.com 01283 575856<br />

Monthly Show Jumping<br />

Competition<br />

Friars Hill Stables<br />

www.friarshillridingstables.co.uk<br />

01751432758<br />

Open Show<br />

Hargate <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.hargateequestrian.co.uk 01283<br />

734981/730606 M:07736613557<br />

Unaffiliated Dressage<br />

Ledston Equine Centre<br />

07827291115<br />

Legup Little Show<br />

Bromley Farm Indoor Arenas<br />

www.legupequestrian.co.uk<br />

Score More Dressage Clinic<br />

Little London Liveries<br />

07732999920<br />

Open/club Show Long Eaton<br />

Riding Club<br />

Long Eaton Riding Club<br />

www.long-eaton-riding-club.co.uk<br />

07929 164 501<br />

Combined Training and Dressage<br />

Competition<br />

Newbold Verdon <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

www.nvec.co.uk 01455 824240<br />

Unafiliated Dressage Sunshine Tour<br />

Qualifier<br />

Northern Racing College<br />

www.northernracingcollege.com/<br />

events 01302 816006<br />

Summer Season Dressage <strong>2018</strong><br />

Port Royal <strong>Equestrian</strong> and Exhibition<br />

Centre<br />

www.portroyaleec.co.uk 07950 819267<br />

Nervous and Novice One Day Event<br />

Raw Equine, Laughton Manor<br />

<strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

07880971711<br />

Indoor Open Dressage Show<br />

Rearsby Lodge Riding Club<br />

www.rearsbylodge.com 0116 2871662<br />

Soar Valley - Non Members<br />

Welcome<br />

Farley Way<br />

www.svrc.co.uk 07872 860831<br />

Derbyshire Festival<br />

Speetley <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

07531354265 / 07714278097<br />

The Northern All Welsh Bronze<br />

Medal Show<br />

Mill Lane Stables<br />

www.northernallwelshshows.com<br />

01132689658<br />

British Dressage Quest Club<br />

Vale View <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.valeviewequestrian.co.uk<br />

01664 823739<br />

British Dressage<br />

Vale View <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.valeviewequestrian.co.uk<br />

01664 823739<br />

Breckenbrough ODE York and Ainsty<br />

North Hunt<br />

York and Ainsty North Hunt<br />

07710 460059<br />

Dressage @ Yorkshire EC<br />

Yorkshire <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre (YEC)<br />

www.yorkshireec.co.uk<br />

07748115588<br />

Monday 16th <strong>April</strong><br />

Unaffiliated Dressage League<br />

Competition<br />

Long Lane <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.longlaneequestrian.co.uk<br />

01509 674655<br />

Caroline Moore Event Clinic<br />

Vale View <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.valeviewequestrian.co.uk<br />

01664 823739<br />

Steph Cooper Dressage Test Riding<br />

Vale View <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.valeviewequestrian.co.uk<br />

01664 823739<br />

Tuesday 17th <strong>April</strong><br />

British Showjumping<br />

Arena UK<br />

www.arenauk.com 01476 591 569<br />

Evening Novice Showjumping<br />

Eland Lodge <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.elandlodge.com<br />

01283 575856<br />

Tuesday Evening Unaffiliated<br />

Showjumping<br />

Northallerton <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

www.northallertonequestriancentre.<br />

co.uk 01609 772942<br />

Caroline Moore Event Clinic<br />

Vale View <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.valeviewequestrian.co.uk<br />

01664 823739<br />

Horse and Rider Physio Clinic<br />

Wellow <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre,<br />

www.wellowequestrian.co.uk<br />

01623 860997<br />

Wednesday 18th <strong>April</strong><br />

An Introduction to Hydrotherapy:<br />

Lecture Series<br />

Brooksby Melton College<br />

www.brooksbyequestrian.co.uk<br />

01664 855333<br />


www.miltonequestrian.co.uk<br />

Also at Milton <strong>Equestrian</strong>:<br />

* We hold a range of shows from Showing to<br />

Jumping and Dressage * Indoor Arena Hire available<br />

* Lessons with our very own BSJA coach Selina<br />

Cawkwell * Livery available<br />

(Take a look at our website to find our more)<br />

Blyth Rd, Carlton Forest, Worksop, Notts S81 0TP<br />

Tel: 01909 733844<br />

WEB: www.miltonec.co.uk EMAIL: info@miltonec.co.uk<br />

Assisted Clear Round or Slot<br />

Jumping<br />

Brooksby Melton College<br />

www.brooksbyequestrian.co.uk<br />

01664 855333<br />

Evening Showjumping<br />

Eland Lodge <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.elandlodge.com<br />

01283 575856<br />

British Dressage<br />

Northallerton <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

www.northallertonequestriancentre.<br />

co.uk 01609 772942<br />

Summer Season Dressage <strong>2018</strong><br />

Port Royal <strong>Equestrian</strong> and Exhibition<br />

Centre<br />

www.portroyaleec.co.uk 07950 819267<br />

Evening Showjumping<br />

Port Royal <strong>Equestrian</strong> and Exhibition<br />

Centre<br />

www.portroyaleec.co.uk 07950 819267<br />

Thursday 19th <strong>April</strong><br />

Evening Dressage<br />

Brooksby <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

www.brooksbyequestrian.co.uk<br />

01664 855333<br />

Friday 20th <strong>April</strong><br />

Evening Maxi Jumping<br />

Brooksby <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

www.brooksbyequestrian.co.uk<br />

01664 855333<br />

www.equestrianlifemagazine.co.uk 71

diary<br />


Indoor Clear Round Jumping@<br />

golden Valley <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

thehorseworks-equinecoach.co.uk<br />

07957774507<br />

Steph Cooper Dressage Clinic<br />

Northallerton <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre,<br />

www.northallertonequestriancentre.<br />

co.uk 01609 772942<br />

Saturday 21st <strong>April</strong><br />

Winter Indoor Dressage Series<br />

Acrecliffe <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

www.acrecliffe.co.uk 07855 307291<br />

Jump Training<br />

Beatrice Stocks BHSAI, Croft Farm,<br />

Pollington, Yorkshire DN140DF<br />

Unaffiliated Dressage<br />

Brackenhurst <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

www.ntu.ac.uk/brackenhurstec<br />

01158485226<br />

Ricks Dressage Clinic<br />

Diamond <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.diamondequestrian.co.uk<br />

07950213691<br />

North Ryedale Riding Club<br />

Pleasure Ride<br />

Nawton Tower<br />

www.nrrc.co.uk 07919 541 366<br />

Be Northallerton 1<br />

Northallerton <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

www.northallertonequestriancentre.co.uk<br />

01609 772942<br />

Combined Training<br />

Port Royal <strong>Equestrian</strong> and Exhibition<br />

Centre<br />

www.portroyaleec.co.uk<br />

07950 819267<br />

BD Club Quest<br />

Port Royal <strong>Equestrian</strong> and Exhibition<br />

Centre<br />

www.portroyaleec.co.uk<br />

07950 819267<br />

Summer Season Dressage <strong>2018</strong><br />

Port Royal <strong>Equestrian</strong> and Exhibition<br />

Centre<br />

www.portroyaleec.co.uk<br />

07950 819267<br />

Ashley Ward Dressage Clinic<br />

Turbury Equisport, Far Turbury Farm<br />

www.turburyequisport.co.uk<br />

07789 265 973<br />

Unaffiliated Dressage<br />

Vale View <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.valeviewequestrian.co.uk<br />

01664 823739<br />

Unaffiliated Showjumping<br />

Vale View <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.valeviewequestrian.co.uk<br />

01664 823739<br />

Sunday 22nd <strong>April</strong><br />

One Day Event<br />

Blankney Hunt Pony Club, White Hall<br />

Farm, Norton Disney<br />

branches.pcuk.org/blankney/eventscalender/open-competitions/<br />

07807824459<br />

Blueberry Events Working Hunter<br />

Show<br />

Askham Bryan College<br />

www.blueberryeventsuk.com 07872<br />

640482<br />

Unaffiliated Showjumping<br />

Brooksby Melton College<br />

www.brooksbyequestrian.co.uk<br />

01664 855333<br />

One Day Event Training Day<br />

Eland Lodge <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.elandlodge.com 01283 575856<br />

Indoor Clinic With Craig Dillon<br />

Five Pits Horsewatch and Countryside<br />

Access Group<br />

07778978811<br />

British Dressage<br />

Hargate <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.hargateequestrian.co.uk<br />

01283 734981/730606 M:07736613557<br />

British Dressage Quest Club<br />

Hargate <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.hargateequestrian.co.uk<br />

01283 734981/730606 M:07736613557<br />

Unaffiliated Dressage Jrs<br />

Championship Qualifier and Ror Poi<br />

Jodhpurs <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

wwwjodhpursridingcentre.co.uk<br />

01423 358645/ mob 07913354071<br />

Show Jumping<br />

Maltby and District Riding Club, Milton<br />

equestrian Centre<br />

www.maltbyridingclub.co.uk<br />

Be Northallerton 1<br />

Northallerton <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

www.northallertonequestriancentre.co.uk<br />

01609 772942<br />

RC Level Pony and Horse Show<br />

Northern Lights Showing, Mill Lane<br />

Stables<br />

07827323993<br />

Hunter Trail - Novice, Inter, Pairs,<br />

Open Classes<br />

Patrington Mill<br />

www.patringtonmillshowyard.co.uk<br />

07707725792<br />

Bs Seniors (Cat 1)<br />

Port Royal <strong>Equestrian</strong> and<br />

Exhibition Centre<br />

www.portroyaleec.co.uk 07950 819267<br />

Howardian Hills 'Gentle' Ride -<br />

Grade 2<br />

Ride Yorkshire Foundation<br />

www.rideyorkshire.org 07583 451825 /<br />

07570 112010<br />

Working Hunter<br />

Speetley <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

07531354265 / 07714278097<br />

Showing Various Classes<br />

Speetley <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

07531354265 / 07714278097<br />

Sport Endurance National Forest<br />

Pink Ride<br />

Sport Endurance East Midlands Group,<br />

Derbyshire DE12 7PX<br />

www.sportendurance.co.uk/Events/<br />

Ride-Events/National-Forest-<br />

Pink-<strong>2018</strong>.aspx<br />

Open One Day Challenge<br />

Tickhill Riding Club<br />

www.tickhillridingclub.org<br />

07739311853<br />

Trailblazers Dressage<br />

Trentvalley <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

www.tvequestrian.co.uk<br />

07821900838<br />

Arena Eventing Series <strong>2018</strong><br />

Vale View <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.valeviewequestrian.co.uk<br />

01664 823739<br />

British Dressage<br />

Witham Villa <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

www.withamvilla.co.uk 01455 282694<br />

Showjumping @ Yorkshire EC<br />

Yorkshire <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre (YEC),<br />

www.yorkshireec.co.uk 07748115588<br />

Monday 23rd <strong>April</strong><br />

Ian Brown Clinic<br />

Northallerton <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

www.northallertonequestriancentre.co.uk<br />

01609 772942<br />

Tuesday 24th <strong>April</strong><br />

British Dressage<br />

Arena UK<br />

www.arenauk.com<br />

01476 591 569/ 07774 018103<br />

Evening Novice Showjumping<br />

Eland Lodge <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.elandlodge.com<br />

01283 575856<br />

Unaffiliated Evening Showjumping<br />

Hargate <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.hargateequestrian.co.uk<br />

01283 734981/730606<br />

M:07736613557<br />

Unaffiliated Evening Dressage<br />

Hargate <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.hargateequestrian.co.uk<br />

01283 734981/730606<br />

M:07736613557<br />

Tuesday Evening Unaffiliated<br />

Showjumping<br />

Northallerton <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

www.northallertonequestriancentre.<br />

co.uk 01609 772942<br />

Ian Woodhead Dresssage Training<br />

Vale View <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.valeviewequestrian.co.uk<br />

01664 823739<br />

Caroline Moore Event Clinic<br />

Vale View <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.valeviewequestrian.co.uk<br />

01664 823739<br />

Wednesday 25th <strong>April</strong><br />

Unaffiliated Dressage<br />

Arena UK<br />

www.arenauk.com 01476 591 569/<br />

07774 018103<br />

Assisted Clear Round or Slot<br />

Jumping<br />

Brooksby Melton College<br />

www.brooksbyequestrian.co.uk<br />

01664 855333<br />

Evening Showjumping<br />

Eland Lodge <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.elandlodge.com 01283 575856<br />

Evening Showjumping<br />

Port Royal <strong>Equestrian</strong> and Exhibition<br />

Centre<br />

www.portroyaleec.co.uk 07950 819267<br />

British Dressage<br />

Port Royal <strong>Equestrian</strong> and Exhibition<br />

Centre<br />

www.portroyaleec.co.uk 07950 819267<br />

Thursday 26th <strong>April</strong><br />

Be Northallerton 1<br />

Northallerton <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

www.northallertonequestriancentre.<br />

co.uk 01609 772942<br />

Caroline Moore Event Clinic<br />

Vale View <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.valeviewequestrian.co.uk<br />

01664 823739<br />

Friday 27th <strong>April</strong><br />

Evening Mini Jumping<br />

Brooksby <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

www.brooksbyequestrian.co.uk 01664<br />

855333<br />

Pony Friday Night Show Jumping<br />

Golden Valley <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

www.goldenvalleyequestriancentre.<br />

co.uk 01773604520<br />

Friday Night Show Jumping<br />

Trentvalley <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

www.tvequestrian.co.uk 07821900838<br />

Leonie Brown Dressage Clinic (In<br />

Hand/ridden/polework)<br />

Turbury Equisport<br />

www.turburyequisport.co.uk<br />

07789 265 973<br />

Barrel Racing at Yorkshire EC<br />

Yorkshire <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre (YEC),<br />

www.yorkshireec.co.uk<br />

07748115588<br />

Saturday 28th <strong>April</strong><br />

Show Jumping Clinic Indoor @<br />

golden Valley <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

www.thehorseworks-equinecoach.<br />

co.uk 07957774507<br />

British Senior Showjumping<br />

Eland Lodge <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.elandlodge.com 01283 575856<br />

Mini One Day Event<br />

Northallerton <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

www.northallertonequestriancentre.<br />

co.uk 01609 772942<br />

British Dressage<br />

Port Royal <strong>Equestrian</strong> and Exhibition<br />

Centre<br />

www.portroyaleec.co.uk 07950 819267<br />

Saturday Showjumping (Pre-<br />

Entries Only)<br />

Port Royal <strong>Equestrian</strong> and Exhibition<br />

Centre<br />

www.portroyaleec.co.uk 07950 819267<br />

Dressage Demo and Dressage to<br />

Music - Ashley Ward and Katie<br />

Turbury Equisport, Far Turbury Farm<br />

www.turburyequisport.co.uk 07789<br />

265 973<br />

Sunday 29th <strong>April</strong><br />

Barlow Hunter Trials and Cross Country<br />

Team Challenge<br />

The Kennels<br />

Barlow hunt.org.uk 0114 2851479.<br />

07765496552<br />

BHS Notts Prosecco and Sash<br />

Dressage<br />

BHS Nottinghamshire, Brackenhurst<br />

<strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

www.horse-events.co.uk<br />

Blueberry Events Unaffiliated<br />

Dressage<br />

Askham Bryan College<br />

www.blueberryeventsuk.com<br />

07872640482<br />

Outdoor Surface Eventer Trial<br />

Brooksby <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

www.brooksbyequestrian.co.uk 01664<br />

855333<br />

Unaffiliated Showjumping<br />

Eland Lodge <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.elandlodge.com 01283 575856<br />

Unaffiliated Trailblazers 2nd Round<br />

Dressage<br />

Hargate <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.hargateequestrian.co.uk 01283<br />

734981/730606 M:07736613557<br />

Unaffiliated Dressage 1st Rounds<br />

Hargate <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.hargateequestrian.co.uk 01283<br />

734981/730606 M:07736613557<br />

Unaffiliated Showjumping<br />

Hargate <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.hargateequestrian.co.uk 01283<br />

734981/730606 M:07736613557<br />

One Day Event<br />

Northallerton <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

www.northallertonequestriancentre.<br />

co.uk 01609 772942<br />

72 <strong>April</strong> <strong>2018</strong> <strong>Equestrian</strong> <strong>Life</strong>

<strong>April</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Notts Derby Horse Show Open Show 3 +<br />

Extra Affiliated Ring<br />

Longmoor Lane Show Ground<br />

www.nottsderbyhorseshow.com<br />

07854317335<br />

Arena Showcross<br />

Penistone & District Riding Club, Northern<br />

Racing College<br />

http://penistoneridingclub.org.uk/<br />

07833 794181<br />

Unaffiliated Showjumping<br />

Port Royal <strong>Equestrian</strong> and Exhibition Centre<br />

www.portroyaleec.co.uk 07950 819267<br />

British Dressage<br />

Port Royal <strong>Equestrian</strong> and Exhibition Centre<br />

www.portroyaleec.co.uk 07950 819267<br />

Dressage @ Yorkshire EC<br />

Yorkshire <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre (YEC)<br />

www.yorkshireec.co.uk 07748115588<br />

Monday 30th <strong>April</strong><br />

Ian Brown Clinic<br />

Northallerton <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

www.northallertonequestriancentre.co.uk<br />

01609 772942<br />

Caroline Moore Event Clinic<br />

Vale View <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.valeviewequestrian.co.uk<br />

01664 823739<br />

Tuesday 1st May<br />

British Dressage<br />

Arena UK<br />

www.arenauk.com<br />

01476 591 569/ 07774 018103<br />

Evening Novice Showjumping<br />

Eland Lodge <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.elandlodge.com 01283 575856<br />

Tuesday Evening Unaffiliated<br />

Showjumping<br />

Northallerton <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

www.northallertonequestriancentre.co.uk<br />

01609 772942<br />

Caroline Moore Event Clinic<br />

Vale View <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.valeviewequestrian.co.uk<br />

01664 823739<br />

Wednesday 2nd May<br />

Assisted Clear Round or Slot Jumping<br />

Brooksby Melton College<br />

www.brooksbyequestrian.co.uk<br />

01664 855333<br />

Evening Showjumping<br />

Eland Lodge <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.elandlodge.com 01283 575856<br />

British Showjumping Seniors<br />

Northallerton <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

www.northallertonequestriancentre.co.uk<br />

01609 772942<br />

Evening Showjumping<br />

Port Royal <strong>Equestrian</strong> and Exhibition Centre<br />

www.portroyaleec.co.uk<br />

07950 819267<br />

Summer Season Dressage <strong>2018</strong><br />

Port Royal <strong>Equestrian</strong> and Exhibition Centre<br />

www.portroyaleec.co.uk 07950 819267<br />

Thursday 3rd May<br />

Combined Training<br />

Northallerton <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

www.northallertonequestriancentre.co.uk<br />

01609 772942<br />

Friday 4th May<br />

Evening Maxi Jumping<br />

Brooksby <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

www.brooksbyequestrian.co.uk<br />

01664 855333<br />

Equine Car Boot Sale<br />

Elms Farm <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

www.elmsfarmec.com 07791934738 or<br />

07867360201<br />

Indoor Clear Round Jumping@golden<br />

Valley <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

thehorseworks-equinecoach.co.uk<br />

07957774507<br />

Quiz Night<br />

Wakefield Riding For The Disabled<br />

Association, Pennine Community<br />

www.wakefieldrda.typepad.co.uk<br />

01924 241341<br />

Saturday 5th May<br />

East Riding Country Fair - in Hand<br />

Showing<br />

Driffield Show Ground, Kelleythorpe<br />

www.patringtonmillshowyard.co.uk<br />

07707725792<br />

Minimus Showjumping<br />

Northallerton <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

www.northallertonequestriancentre.co.uk<br />

01609 772942<br />

Arena ODE<br />

Port Royal <strong>Equestrian</strong> and Exhibition Centre<br />

www.portroyaleec.co.uk<br />

07950 819267<br />

Arena Showcross<br />

Port Royal <strong>Equestrian</strong> and Exhibition Centre<br />

www.portroyaleec.co.uk 07950 819267<br />

Summer Season Dressage <strong>2018</strong><br />

Port Royal <strong>Equestrian</strong> and Exhibition Centre<br />

www.portroyaleec.co.uk 07950 819267<br />

Bluebells of Riccaldale Ride (North York<br />

Moors) Grade 2<br />

Ride Yorkshire Foundation<br />

www.rideyorkshire.org<br />

07583 451825 / 07570 112010<br />

One Day Event<br />

Vale View <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.valeviewequestrian.co.uk<br />

01664 823739<br />

Sunday 6th May<br />

Ardsley Horse and Pony Club Show<br />

Astley Lane<br />

www.ardsleyhpc.co.uk 07849941915<br />

Vale View <strong>Equestrian</strong>, Old Dalby, Melton<br />

Mowbray, Leicestershire LE14 3LX<br />

Sun 1 <strong>April</strong> British Dressage<br />

Sun 1 <strong>April</strong> British Dressage Quest Club<br />

Mon 2 <strong>April</strong> Steph Cooper Dressage Test Riding<br />

Tue 3 <strong>April</strong> Clear Round Jump Training<br />

Thu 5 <strong>April</strong> Caroline Moore Event Clinic<br />

Fri 6 <strong>April</strong> Caroline Moore Event Clinic<br />

Sat 7 <strong>April</strong> Unaffiliated DR including SEIB 2nd Round<br />

Trailblazer Qualifier<br />

Sat 7 <strong>April</strong> Unaffiliated SJ including SEIB<br />

2nd Round Trailblazer Qualifier<br />

Mon 9 <strong>April</strong> Caroline Moore Event Clinic<br />

Tue 10 <strong>April</strong> Caroline Moore Event Clinic<br />

Wed 11 <strong>April</strong> British Dressage<br />

Thu 12 <strong>April</strong> Caroline Moore Event Clinic<br />

Thu 12 <strong>April</strong> Ian Woodhead Dressage Training<br />

Sat 14 <strong>April</strong> Unaffiliated SJ inc SEIB Trailblazer Qualifiers<br />

Sat 14 <strong>April</strong> Unaffiliated DR inc SEIB Trailblazer Qualifiers<br />

Sun 15 <strong>April</strong> British Dressage<br />

Sun 15 <strong>April</strong> British Dressage Quest Club<br />

Mon 16 <strong>April</strong> Caroline Moore Event Clinic<br />

Mon 16 <strong>April</strong> Steph Cooper Dressage Test Riding<br />

Tue 17 <strong>April</strong> Caroline Moore Event Clinic<br />

Wed 18 <strong>April</strong> UKCC<br />

Fri 20 <strong>April</strong> British Dressage Camp<br />

Sat 21 <strong>April</strong> Unaffiliated SJ inc SEIB Trailblazer Qualifiers<br />

Sat 21 <strong>April</strong> Unaffiliated DR inc SEIB Trailblazer Qualifiers<br />

Sun 22 <strong>April</strong> Arena Eventing Series <strong>2018</strong><br />

Tue 24 <strong>April</strong> Caroline Moore Event Clinic<br />

Tue 24 <strong>April</strong> Ian Woodhead Dressage Training<br />

Thu 26 <strong>April</strong> Caroline Moore Event Clinic<br />

Sun 29 <strong>April</strong> British Dressage Para Home International<br />

Mon 30 <strong>April</strong> Caroline Moore Event Clinic<br />

Please note dates may be subject to changes at the<br />

centres discretion. All Schedules can be found on our<br />

website along with details of all our trainers.<br />

“Tuesday Clear round jumping - just come along from 1pm and buy your<br />

ticket. Tickets are £15 for 2 rounds this includes any help you may need<br />

from Caroline Moore (may be alternative trainer occasionally)<br />

Trailblazers Show jumping – starting at 65cm introductory level through<br />

to 1.05cm providing an opportunity to qualify for an Unaffiliated National<br />

Championships.<br />

Dressage – we do trailblazers, affiliated & unaffiliated classes at Vale View<br />

from walk trot introductory tests through to Grand Prix tests, you will need<br />

to enter at least 4 days before the competition and please telephone if you<br />

need to make a late entry. Payment must be made at time of booking to<br />

Please confirm note your entry, dates and is non-refundable may be subject once paid. to<br />

changes at the Centre’s discretion<br />

For more information on all of these events<br />

and more please visit our website<br />

www.valeviewequestrian.co.uk<br />

Tel: 01664 823739<br />

www.equestrianlifemagazine.co.uk 73

diary cont.<br />

competition entry form<br />

stockists<br />

British Dressage Quest Club<br />

Barleyfields <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

www.barleyfields.com 01283 734798<br />

British Dressage<br />

Barleyfields <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

www.barleyfields.com 01283 734798<br />

Unaffiliated Dressage<br />

Brooksby <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

www.brooksbyequestrian.co.uk<br />

01664 855333<br />

Ride for Research Dressage<br />

Diamond <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.diamondequestrian.co.uk<br />

07950213691<br />

East Riding Country Fair - Ridden<br />

Showing<br />

East Riding Country Fair<br />

www.patringtonmillshowyard.co.uk<br />

07707725792<br />

Unaffiliated One Day Event<br />

Eland Lodge <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.elandlodge.com 01283 575856<br />

Unaffiliated Showjumping<br />

Hargate <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.hargateequestrian.co.uk<br />

01283 734981/730606 M:07736613557<br />

Unaffiliated Dressage<br />

Hargate <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.hargateequestrian.co.uk<br />

01283 734981/730606 M:07736613557<br />

High Moor Show<br />

Cinder Lane<br />

www.highmoorshow.co.uk<br />

01246 270748<br />

Unaffiliated Dressage<br />

Ledston Equine Centre<br />

Ledston Equine Clinic 07827291115<br />

Notts Derby Horse Show Open Show 4<br />

Double Points Trophy Show<br />

Longmoor Lane Show Ground<br />

www.nottsderbyhorseshow.com<br />

07854317335<br />

Soar Valley Riding Club- Non Members<br />

Welcome<br />

Farley Way, Quorn<br />

www.svrc.co.uk 07872 860831<br />

Unaffiliated Combined Training/<br />

eventers Ct<br />

Speetley EC<br />

www.speetleyec.co.uk 07531354265 /<br />

07714278097<br />

British Dressage<br />

Vale View <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.valeviewequestrian.co.uk<br />

01664 823739<br />

British Dressage Quest Club<br />

Vale View <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.valeviewequestrian.co.uk 01664<br />

823739<br />

Unaffiliated Dressage Competition -<br />

Sunshine Tour Quals<br />

West Yorkshire Horseplay, Hazlehead<br />

<strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

www.wyhp.co.uk 07946892713<br />

Dressage<br />

York and Distirct Riding Club<br />

www.ydrc.co.uk<br />

Tick the prizes you would like to win...<br />



ANSWER: ..........................................................................................................................<br />


ANSWERS: Q1..................................................... Q2........................................................<br />


ANSWER: ........................................................................................................................<br />


ANSWER: .......................................................................................................................<br />


Name IN CAPITALS:<br />

Address:<br />

Email:<br />

Telephone (inc STD Code):<br />

Postcode:<br />

Please tell us where you purchased your magazine:<br />

Please send the completed form to - <strong>Equestrian</strong> <strong>Life</strong> Competitions,<br />

The Loose Box, Shelton Lodge, Shelton, Nr. Newark, Notts NG23 5JJ<br />

Send in by 30th <strong>April</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Please tick here if you DO NOT wish your details to be forwarded<br />

to third parties. No purchase necessary. All entrants must complete<br />

EVERY SECTION, clearly and legibly.<br />


Bit World<br />


A shop stocking a wide selection of bits and accessories.<br />

Tel 01664 812298 | Email admin@bitworld.co.uk<br />

Church Lane Grimston Melton Mowbray Leics le14 3by<br />

www.bitworld.co.uk<br />

✃<br />



4B Market St, Draycott,<br />

Derby DE72 3NB<br />

Tel: 01332 897644<br />


Salmon House/Salmon Lane<br />

Nottingham NG17 9LA<br />

Tel: 01623 756342<br />


Well known for our saddle<br />

fitting Parklands and <strong>Equestrian</strong> sales services Centre,<br />

Worksop both Rd, new Aston, and Sheffield used, S26 2AD<br />

covering Tel: 0114 a huge 287 range 5278 of<br />

brands including Parklands<br />

own Intouch saddles.<br />

Buckaroo Saddlery Advert February (March edition).pdf 1 11/02/2016 09:40<br />


Derby stables Rd, and Risley, trial paddocks Derby<br />

DE72 3SY<br />

Tel: 0115 939 2516<br />

We are situated adjacent to j25 on the m1 & are<br />

very accessible from all parts of the country! We<br />

have 2600 sq feet of retail area, so stocks are<br />

extensive. Parking is no problem and we have<br />

We have an extensive range of stock and have around<br />

500 bits from 3” – 7”. Our fine english bridles and<br />

saddles are available in sizes extra small through to<br />

extra extra extra full, in three colours; havana,<br />


Main Rd, Westwood, Nottingham<br />

NG16 5HU<br />

Tel: 01773 607411<br />


Nottingham Ln, Old Dalby, Melton<br />

Mowbray LE14 3LX Tel: 01664 823739<br />

Sam our sad<br />

fitter travel<br />

homes and yard<br />

can see customers<br />

their horses on site. W<br />

more than 30 ye<br />

experience there's<br />

a size or shap<br />

hasn't s<br />

bef<br />

black<br />

To discuss<br />

& aussie nut.<br />

your<br />

Riding<br />

requirements<br />

hats, jodhpurs, show and<br />

or<br />

hacking<br />

to arrange a fitting call Sam<br />

jackets, riding boots the list is endless.<br />

07715 004199<br />

Personalised embroidery service with over 300 motifs<br />

to choose from and a large selection of jackets,<br />

saddlecloths, hoodies, polo shirts & rugs available for<br />

embroidery. Fast turnaround rug washing and repairs. Hay,<br />

straw, feed and bedding is always available.<br />

Clipper servicing and blade<br />

sharpening. We have a<br />

selection of dog rugs to fit all<br />

shapes and sizes and<br />

accessories for your four<br />

legged friend<br />

or call our shop 0114 2875278<br />

Risley Saddlery, Risley, Derbyshire DE723SY.<br />

Tel; 01159392516 Email; info@risleysaddlery.co.uk<br />

www.Risleysaddlery.co.uk<br />

74 <strong>April</strong> <strong>2018</strong> <strong>Equestrian</strong> <strong>Life</strong>


The Mill, Mansfield Rd, Edingley<br />

NG22 8BG<br />

Tel: 01623 882260<br />

GABLESTOCK Witham Mill,<br />

Valley Lane, Long Bennington,<br />

Nottinghamshire, Newark NG23 5EE<br />

Tel: 01400 281337<br />

Harriet Haivers<br />

The Newark Saddler<br />

Tack & Rug Repairs<br />

Bridlework Made to Measure<br />

Saddle Fitting & Reflocking<br />


Willow Farm, Hawton,<br />

Newark NG24 3RR<br />

www.harriethaivers.co.uk<br />

Tel: 01636 678006<br />

Used English Saddles & Tack For Sale<br />

Rug Washing and Re-proofing<br />

Willow Farm, Hawton, Newark, Notts NG24 3RR<br />

Tel: 01636 678006 - Mobile: 07932 233219<br />

Email: hahahaivers@hotmail.co.uk<br />


Mill Lane Garden Centre, Breaston<br />

Derbys DE72 3AX Tel: 07838 769173<br />

Martins Farm<br />

431 Calverton Rd, Arnold,<br />

Nottingham NG5 8PU<br />

Tel: 0115 926 8703<br />

Millside <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

Southwell Rd, Nottingham NG14 7HG<br />

Tel: 01636 831111<br />


Blyth Road, Worksop<br />

S81 0TP<br />

Tel: 01909 733844<br />


2-4 Chesterfield Rd, Tibshelf,<br />

Alfreton DE55 5NL<br />

Tel: 01773 590777<br />


Waltham Rd, Waltham on the Wolds, Melton<br />

Mowbray LE14 4SD Tel: 01664 465000<br />

Hull Road, Hemingbrough, Selby, North<br />

Yorkshire YO8 6QJ Tel: 01757 638555<br />


Barrow House/Woodcotes Lane,<br />

Newark NG22 0TH Tel: 01777 229195<br />


The Oaklands, Costock Road,<br />

Wysall NG12 5QT<br />

Tel: 01509 889040<br />


Barrow House Farm/Woodcotes Lane,<br />

Newark NG22 0TH<br />

Tel: 01777 228260<br />


The Mill, High St, Swanwick, Alfreton<br />

DE55 1AA Tel: 01773 602466<br />


OF SOUTH<br />



Wingfield Mill, Church Ln, South<br />

Wingfield, Alfreton DE55 7NJ<br />

Tel: 01773 832631<br />

HORSE & HEN<br />

HORSE & HEN<br />

142 Brookfield Way<br />

Tansley DE4 5ND<br />

Tel: 01629 55084<br />

WANT TO<br />

STOCK<br />

Call 01949 851555<br />

or email<br />

info@equestrianlifemagazine.co.uk<br />


Leverton Boston Lincolnshire<br />

PE22 0AS<br />

Tel: 01205 870236<br />


Bigby Road, Brigg<br />

DN20 8RA<br />

Tel: 01652 600690<br />


Dunston Rd, Chesterfield S41 9QD<br />

Tel: 01246 260336<br />


Main Road, Belton,<br />

Grantham NG32 2LX<br />

Tel: 01476 590077<br />

To advertise call Tel: 07547 174015 or<br />

email michelle@equestrianlifemagazine.co.uk<br />

FRANKS<br />



Broadholme Rd, Saxilby, Lincoln<br />

LN1 2NE Tel: 01522 703551<br />


Lane End Farm, Markfield Ln, Newtown<br />

Linford, Leicester LE6 0AB<br />

Tel: 01530 242214<br />

www.equestrianlifemagazine.co.uk 75

service directory<br />


To Advertise your business contact us on<br />

01949 851555 or info@equestrianlifemagazine.co.uk<br />





(Hons) PG Dip AM MAA<br />

Regd. Like people, horses<br />

can suffer from back, neck,<br />

pelvic and musculoskeletal problems, and<br />

can benefit from McTimoney treatment.<br />

Treatment involves careful analysis and<br />

assessment of the spine, pelvis and any<br />

other relevant joints and precise, rapid<br />

adjustments are given to problem areas.<br />

Consider taking advice if you notice changes<br />

in performance, movement, assymmetry,<br />

unexplained resistance or uneven muscle<br />

development. Falls, accidents and slips are<br />

ofter a common cause and competition<br />

places even more strain upon their skeletal<br />

structure. Horses also receive great benefit<br />

from preventative treatment and<br />

McTimoney can help them perform at their<br />

best. Kerry is based in Lincolnshire and<br />

obtains requests directly from owners and<br />

referrals from veterinary practices. Kerry is<br />

fully insured and MAA registered. Contact<br />

details : 07725 267837 or 01522 811937<br />

email kerrydunford@hotmail.co.uk<br />

Facebook<br />

www.facebook.com/kerrydaveymctimoney<br />



AND CAKES. Finest Belgian<br />

Chocolate imported then<br />

handmade by us into an<br />

exclusive equine line of<br />

Horseshoes & Pony shoes sculpted using<br />

new shoes from the farrier so lifelike<br />

representations. Horse head and Dog<br />

head chocolates also available along with<br />

many others. Top Farm House, Shelton,<br />

Newark, Notts, 07776 233539, www.<br />

cathyschocolatesandcakes.co.uk, www.<br />

facebook.com/CathysChocolatesandCakes<br />


R&R COUNTRY. With<br />

over 15 years experience<br />

R&R Country is the largest<br />

equestrian and country<br />

superstore in the Yorkshire area with<br />

a fabulous second store near Melton<br />

Mowbray, Leicestershire. Open 7 days a<br />

week offering thousands of sq. feet of<br />

exciting shopping packed with everything<br />

for the horse, rider and country enthusiast<br />

from clothing, safety wear, footwear tack,<br />

saddlery, pet, feed, bedding, country<br />

clothing, horse wear - plus much more. We<br />

also provide a full saddle fitting service by<br />

a qualified SMS saddle fitter. R&R Country<br />

is a recognised BETA qualified stockist of<br />

riding hats & body protectors therefore<br />

we can advise on the correct fitting of the<br />

safety item. R&R Country is the place to visit.<br />

R&R Country - Hull Road, Hemingbrough,<br />

Selby, YO8 6QJ, Tel: 01757 638555 | R&R<br />

Country (Melton) - Waltham Road, Thorpe<br />

Arnold, Melton Mowbray, LE14 4SD, Tel:<br />

01664 465000. Shop online with us at www.<br />

randrcountry.co.uk<br />




Suppliers of equestrian<br />

and country products, rider and leisurewear,<br />

animal feed and supplements, saddlery and<br />

stable equipment, pet and poultry supplies<br />

etc. Hat and back protector fitting service.<br />

Licensed to sell horse, cat and dog wormers.<br />

Situated off the A612 Southwell Road,<br />

Thurgarton, Notts, NG14 7GP. Any enquiries<br />

please tel<br />

01636 831111 www.millsidecountrystore.<br />

com<br />



COURSE. Refurbished course available for<br />

private schooling/events/hunter trials /<br />

driving shows and clinics. We have fences to<br />

suit the very young and the more advanced<br />

horse/rider. Open 7 days a week. Livery<br />

also available with full use of the course<br />

included.<br />

www.danethorpehillxc.co.uk Sharon<br />

Applewhite 07966458116/01636 703980<br />




DEFRA/Royal College<br />

of Veterinary Surgeons<br />

Qualified, Member of Worldwide Association<br />

of Equine Dentists, 14 years experience with<br />

all types of horses, Midlands based. Tel:<br />

07771783938<br />



Fully qualified and<br />

insured equine sports<br />

massage therapist. Equine sports massage is<br />







SHOP OPEN MON-FRI 7.00am – 5.00pm SAT 8.00am – 4.30pm<br />

For all of the above products and more.<br />

Delivery available please ask for details.<br />


Witham Mill, Valley Lane, Long Bennington, Newark, Notts NG23 5EE<br />

Tel: 01400 281421 or 281337 – Fax 01400 281851<br />

Email: gablestock@hotmail.co.uk<br />

the application of soft tissue manipulation<br />

in order to achieve release of tension,<br />

spasm, & reduce pain in muscle group areas.<br />

Regular treatments can also prevent injury<br />

through detecting problems in the early<br />

stages and aid recovery following injury.<br />

Equine Sports Massage is recommended by<br />

vets & trainers around the world. Massage<br />

is a non-invasive complimentary therapy<br />

which promotes the natural healing<br />

process, enhances circulation, relieves<br />

tension, assists recovery & enhances a<br />

range of movement. The use of sports<br />

massage is renowned for its physiological<br />

& psychological benefits. 07584629044<br />

kbowers87@hotmail.co.uk www.<br />

kbequinesportsmassage.co.uk<br />



ESMT.<br />

Massage<br />

techniques utilised<br />

amongst others to<br />

enhance muscle<br />

tone, prevent<br />

injuries, prepare<br />

the body for athletic activity and maintain<br />

it in optimum condition. In addition to<br />

reducing muscular tension and soreness,<br />

improving lymphatic flow and lactate<br />

clearance - all horses can benefit from<br />

massage therapy from the happy hacker to<br />

elite eventer. For a friendly and professional<br />

approach, providing tailored treatments<br />

for the individual. Tel - 07946 934 932<br />

efrostesmt@yahoo.com<br />



- DIP.FTST, ESMT,<br />

SMA. Equine/Canine<br />

Sports Massage<br />

& Neuromuscular<br />

Manipulation.<br />

A specialist in soft tissue injury &<br />

rehabilitation. Also offers Deep Oscillation &<br />

Therapeutic Ultrasound (with vet approval)<br />

Tel: 07909-990445 Certified courses are also<br />

available: Equine Sports Massage Diploma<br />

(for professionals) and Equine Massage<br />

Certificate (for Horse Owners)<br />

www.equi-therapyuk.com<br />

76 <strong>April</strong> <strong>2018</strong> <strong>Equestrian</strong> <strong>Life</strong>

service directory<br />



fully qualified and registered<br />

farrier relocating back to<br />

Chesterfield and now taking<br />

on new customers in North Derbyshire,<br />

South Yorkshire and surrounding areas. All<br />

types of work undertaken from elite<br />

competition horses to happy hackers and<br />

everything in between. Working together<br />

with vets, physiotherapists and trainers to<br />

ensure your horse performs to the best of<br />

their ability. Use of modern and traditional<br />

methods of shoeing and trimming including<br />

specialist plastic shoes and bespoke<br />

hand-made steel shoes where required.<br />

Remedial work also undertaken following a<br />

consultation with examples of work<br />

available on request. Tel: 07584 068441;<br />

Email: grovehouseforge@gmail.com;<br />

Web: www.farrierliam.co.uk<br />



Carlton in Lindrick, Nr Worksop. Quality<br />

livery yard, DIY, part or full. Large indoor<br />

and outdoor arenas. Extensive cross-country<br />

courses, regular competitions and annual<br />

camp. Unlimited hacking and all year turnout.<br />

24hr supervision and security. Contact<br />

Lorna and Bill Walker on 01909 730247.<br />


on the edge of Clumber<br />

Park has limited vacancies<br />

for DIY/Assisted DIY/Part/<br />

Full liveries. British Horse Society approved<br />

yard - Secure yard with alarmed tack room<br />

and CCTV - Owners live on site, late night<br />

check and lock up - Rest room, toilet and<br />

wash facilities - Separate locker room -<br />

Portable hot/cold shower unit (small fee)<br />

- Floodlit 40mx40m manege with mirrors<br />

and jumps - Grass jumping arena with a<br />

range of jumps - All year turnout. Optional<br />

24/7 summer turnout - 55 acres of paddocks<br />

on sand based soil - Summer and winter<br />

paddocks - Horses 2 max to a paddock with<br />

automatic filling water troughs - On site<br />

instructor available for lessons - Assisted<br />

services available for holidays, sickness,<br />

work commitments - No yard politics, just<br />

friendly faces here to ride. Come and view<br />

the superb facilities for yourself. Call Alison/<br />

Nick on 01909 472413 www.clumberlivery.<br />

co.uk<br />


. FULL, PART OR<br />

HUNT LIVERIES. Small<br />

professionally run yard in the<br />

beautiful village of Norwell.<br />

Close to Newark with easy access to A1 for<br />

Showground, Arena Uk etc. Full, Part and<br />

Hunter Livery tailored to suit you and your<br />

horse to the very best standard. Facilities<br />

include: Indoor stables; All year round;<br />

turnout; Outdoor Manage; Secure tack<br />

room. Claxhill Farm, Carlton Lane, Norwell,<br />

Newark. NG23 6LF, Tel. 07977 629504<br />


Established, well run DIY livery yard situated<br />

on an arable farm, 8 miles from Nottingham.<br />

Use of well-known cross-country course,<br />

40m x 30m sand and rubber manege,<br />

show jumps and direct access to an<br />

off-road toll ride with miles of traffic-free<br />

hacking. All year turn-out in individual<br />

paddocks, separate summer and winter<br />

grazing on free-draining land. The yard<br />

now implements the “Intelligent Worming<br />

Programme”. Individual choice of farrier, Vet,<br />

instructor etc. Contact Carole Fisher<br />

Tel: 01949 20235 / Mob: 07772 533256<br />


by woodland, just off<br />

A46 between Lincoln<br />

and Newark. DIY, part<br />

or full livery, all stables<br />

have rubber matting and<br />

water drinkers, 60x25 floodlit arena with<br />

cushion-ride surface , full set of show-jumps<br />

on grass , wash room and secure tack room<br />

, lorry and trailer parking. Please call Kath<br />

07957754260<br />


Kneesall’s finest equestrian centre has<br />

fabulous facilities<br />

awaiting you<br />

and your horse<br />

including 40x20<br />

waxed indoor arena with mirrors, 60x30<br />

outdoor arena, full set of show jumps,<br />

Monarch stabling, covered walker, lunge<br />

pen, stocks, solarium, hot/cold wash-box,<br />

post and rail fenced paddocks and indoor<br />

turnout. Fully qualified and insured staff<br />

on site 24hrs. Specialising in livery and<br />

training solutions for horses and riders of all<br />

abilities, backing and producing youngsters<br />

and re-educating ‘problem’ horses. Contact<br />

Rebekkah 07791 792711 or Andrew 07746<br />

168813.<br />



A fresh approach to problem solving, all<br />

horses helped without force or fear. For info<br />

on private visits, courses and clinics, email:<br />

info@truehorsemanship.com or call 01623<br />

407634 / 07974 214990.<br />

www.truehorsemanship.com<br />


HARRIET HAIVERS. Willow Farm, Hawton,<br />

Newark, Notts NG24 3RR. Tack and rug<br />

repairs - English saddles bought and sold -<br />

Bridlework made to order - Saddle fitting<br />

and reflocking. Now Open Weekdays 9am -<br />

5pm; Saturday 9am - 1pm. Tel: 01636<br />

678006 / 07932 233219.<br />



Teardrops Equine Memorial Jewellery<br />

We offer the following<br />

services to you the client<br />

• Horse hair bracelets<br />

• Horsehair pendants<br />

• Horsehair keyrings<br />

• Resin jewellery<br />

• Cufflinks<br />




stabilises the pelvis, aligns<br />

spine and strengthens<br />

shoulders to give core<br />

strength and a balanced position in the<br />

saddle. Top event rider Tina Canton is now recommending<br />

it to her pupils as a clever way to<br />

enhance their riding, both at her Newark yard<br />

and to students at Nottingham Trent University.<br />

“I am immensely grateful to have found<br />

this gilet and I can thoroughly recommend<br />

it”, says Tina. With most riders suffering bad<br />

backs, the brace is just the thing for riding and<br />

stable work, and a bonus that it looks just like<br />

a regular waistcoat. Angel Med Ltd., (Orthotics<br />

Manufacturer) 01476 516200/07968 510452<br />

www.angelmed.co.uk<br />




SADDLE FITTER. Purpose<br />

built Saddlefit centre near the<br />

Newark showground or home visits. Excellent<br />

Range of both New and secondhand<br />

saddles available. All Reflocking and aftercare<br />

to saddles undertaken. Te 07787532601<br />

/ 01636701790<br />

We sell<br />

• Sterling silver jewellery<br />

• Equine themed gifts<br />

including horseshoe<br />

memorial plaques.<br />

• Urns<br />

• Memorial picture frames.<br />

t 07922 799236 | e teardropsjewellery@outlook.com<br />




Vale View <strong>Equestrian</strong> Centre<br />

Old Dalby, Melton Mowbray<br />

Leicestershire LE14 3LX.<br />

Qualified with the Society of<br />

Master Saddlers (SMS) and<br />

also a Master Saddle Fitting Consultant<br />

(MSFC). Nicola was the first in the country<br />

to gain both of these qualifications. New<br />

and second-hand saddles, including Equipe,<br />

Kent & Masters and our very own made to<br />

measure Sovereign saddles. Onsite flocking<br />

and alterations. Yard visits or fittings at Vale<br />

View <strong>Equestrian</strong>. Discounts available fitting/<br />

checking for multiple horses on the same<br />

yard. 0845 3003566<br />

Sales@buckarooequine.co.uk<br />



Society of Master Saddlers<br />

qualified Saddle Fitter. We<br />

undertake saddle fitting throughout the<br />

East Midlands area. New, second-hand<br />

leather and synthetic saddles always in<br />

stock. Repairs expertly undertaken.<br />

Ring 01526 860436. E: john@tandcrobinson.co.uk<br />

To advertise here call Tel: 07547 174015 or<br />

email michelle@equestrianlifemagazine.co.uk<br />

www.equestrianlifemagazine.co.uk 77

service directory<br />



T R A I N I N G<br />

Mrs Julie E Blanchard<br />

Cedar Lodge, Ninegates Farm,<br />

Todds Lane, Ellerker,<br />

East Yorkshire, HU15 2DS<br />

Email: ninegates@btinternet.com<br />


www.facebook.com/JBDressageTraining/<br />



Mobile saddle fitting service, Stocking a wide range of new<br />

and used saddles from around £150 to made to measure<br />

starting at £650.<br />

Saddle fitter for The Saddle Company, saddle reflocking,<br />

repairs and tree adjustments made on site.Experienced,<br />

friendly and reliable service.<br />

Strengthening the Partnership<br />

between Horse and Rider<br />

Jake Fowles<br />

Wellow <strong>Equestrian</strong><br />

Scotts Farm , Rufford Lane, Wellow,<br />

Nottinghamshire NG22 0EQ<br />

07967133817 | office@wellowequestrian.co.uk<br />

www.wellowequestrian.co.uk<br />

UKCC BE Accredited Coach. Jake has ridden & produced horses to BE International<br />

and Advanced Competition; placings at HOYS; BD adv-med; on self-produced horses.<br />

Jake has a wealth of knowledge from ex race horses to sports horses. He offers<br />

coaching from a wide experience enabling you to fulfil your potential.<br />




Contact Teresa on 07892 880197 or 01773 860121<br />

We stock a wide range of<br />

equipment for horse and rider.<br />

• Riding hats and body protectors expertly fitted.<br />

• Good choice of jodphurs, boots and chaps<br />

for adult and child.<br />

• Summer turnouts, fly rugs and fly repellents in stock.<br />

• Rug washing, reproofing and repairing.<br />

All saddlery repairs on site by Society of Master Saddlers Saddler<br />

Sadddle fitting checks and saddle sales by SMS Qualified saddle fitter<br />

Open: Mon-Fri 9am-5.30pm and Saturday 9am-4pm<br />

The Tack Box, 43 - 45 Chieftain Way, Tritton Rd, Lincoln, LN6 7RY<br />

Telephone: 01522 533822<br />



Est.1992<br />

so a wealth of<br />

experience to<br />

offer<br />

Easy parking<br />

Sandy 07967660655<br />

info@equineendo.co.uk<br />


Faecal worm egg counts, for horses and other large animals. At Equine Endo it is our priority to assist you in<br />

making sure that your horse is happy, healthy and free from endo (internal) parasites. We will work with you<br />

the owner to ensure that you are able to select the correct targeted worming programme for your horse,<br />

following on from a worm egg count and the Equisal Tapeworm test.<br />

Friendly professional service. Always happy to give free advice.<br />


Backing, starting and schooling your<br />

youngster couldn’t be easier at Kneesall’s<br />

finest equestrian centre. Don’t miss out<br />

on the limited places available. Fabulous<br />

facilities awaiting you and your horse<br />

including 40x20 waxed indoor arena with<br />

mirrors, 60x30 outdoor arena, full set of<br />

show-jumps, Monarch stabling, covered<br />

walker, lunge pen, stocks, solarium,<br />

hot/cold wash-box, post and rail fenced<br />

paddocks plus indoor turnout. Fully<br />

insured and qualified staff on site 24hrs.<br />

Specialising in schooling and training<br />

solutions for horses and riders of all<br />

abilities, back & producing youngsters<br />

and re-educating ‘problem’ horses.<br />

Contact Rebekkah 07791 792711 or<br />

Andrew 07746 168813.<br />

HARRIET HAIVERS. Willow Farm, Hawton,<br />

Newark, Notts NG24 3RR. Tack and rug<br />

repairs - English saddles bought and sold<br />

- Bridlework made to order - Saddle fitting<br />

and reflocking. Open Weekdays 9am - 5pm<br />

(closed Mondays); Sat 9am - 1pm. Tel:<br />

01636 678006 / 07932 233219.<br />

S. MILNER & SON. 2 Society of Master<br />

Saddlers qualified saddle fitters. Saddle<br />

fittings at the shop or at your yard. Over<br />

200 saddles in stock, new & 2nd hand. Call<br />

01664 454839 for an appointment.<br />








As a Physiotherapists I am highly trained<br />

and experienced. I’m an expert in the<br />

field of gait analysis, manual therapies,<br />

electrotherapies, exercise prescription, and<br />

rehabilitation in order to decrease pain and<br />

restore function.<br />

Physiotherapy can help improve<br />

performance, prevent injury, and enhance<br />

mobility and suppleness. Physiotherapy<br />

also assists in rehabilitation following injury<br />

and/or surgery with the aim of restoring<br />

the animal back to full function. It is not<br />

just for the elite competition horse or agility<br />

dog; every animal will benefit from being<br />

pain free, having symmetrical muscle mass,<br />

good range of joint movement, and supple<br />

muscles to enable them to move, work, and<br />

perform at their optimum level. It is good<br />

practice to have your animals routinely<br />

checked, and should be included in their<br />

overall management routine, even if there<br />

is no specific injury or trauma. Therefore<br />

small problems can be detected early and<br />

prevented from turning into a serious issue.<br />

Tel: 07760444547 Email:<br />

kellyedwardsvetphysio@gmail.com Website:<br />

www.kevetphysio.co.uk<br />

78 <strong>April</strong> <strong>2018</strong> <strong>Equestrian</strong> <strong>Life</strong>


For all your country & equestrian needs this Spring<br />

Competition Turnouts Lightweight Jacket & Gilets<br />

*Terms & Conditions Apply. For further details see our website or call.

Flying-Changes<br />

NEW!<br />

We now have a<br />

fabulous ready to<br />

wear collection<br />

Bespoke Jackets<br />

&<br />

Tailcoats<br />

www.flying-changes.com<br />

- Visit us at Badminton Horse Trials -<br />

2nd - 6th May <strong>2018</strong><br />

Supplier to Team GBR 2013-2017

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