June 2018

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crummy if his name was Dave or something else altogether.<br />

At least his name isn’t Geoff.<br />

Regardless, Sean has a boatload of problems and hopes the evil thing that lives in the tree can help<br />

him.<br />

The evil thing that lives in the tree is named Richard. A much more sensible name than Sean. Despite<br />

being distilled evil, Richard already has a leg up on him. Sean knows this, and it rankles him.<br />

Sean is bothered by many things.<br />

To get Richard to come out of his tree, you must perform a special knock. A magic knock. Sean knows<br />

how to do this. He spent a year in Taiwan where one can purchase magic with their green tea; if they seem to<br />

be sufficiently motivated and have an interesting back story.<br />

He pounds on the rough bark three times.<br />

“Hey Richard,” he yells at the tree. “Come on out.”<br />

Real magic is profoundly unsexy and practical. This is the only spell Sean knows and he casts it<br />

flawlessly. A line forms in the tree, taking the shape of a door. After some shuffling, light swearing and the<br />

sound of many locks clicking, the door in the tree opens and Richard peers out.<br />

Sean immediately vomits. Richard is pretty goddamn grotesque. To wit:<br />

If you took every instance of every time a human was cruel and pushed all that petty cruelty into a ball<br />

and gave it a physical form, that would be Richard’s forehead.<br />

Here’s the thing about his nose. If you collected together all the people who had used the term “cold<br />

enough for ya?”, set them all on fire, filmed all the melting flesh and then projected that film onto a circus tent<br />

made from testicle flesh, you’d have an idea of what Richard's nose looked like.<br />

His eyes were ever so slightly too far apart.<br />

So, then. Vomit. It was part of the routine. Both are used to it and Richard politely waits for the<br />

sickness to pass.<br />

“Hello Sean.” He says.<br />


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