October Issue 06

Editor-in-chief, creative director

Editor-in-chief, creative director


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in the U.S. The goods, workforce, and distribution facilities are all<br />

here. We’re making Los Angeles as an important city that would<br />

compliment Fashion Weeks from cities like New York, London,<br />

Milan, Paris, and Tokyo. I believe that Los Angeles is respected and<br />

noticed world-wide.<br />

JP: On the day of your show, do you get nervous? How do<br />

you stay calm and collected?<br />

AM: Oh, now that’s a tough question! I go crazy on the day of a<br />

show! (laughing). Usually on the day of the show, I wake up, not<br />

having had a lot of sleep the night before because, even though the<br />

collection is finished, I’ll have other things on my mind. It could be a<br />

number of things because we don’t live in a perfect world, so anything<br />

can go wrong. I’ll be thinking about props, accessories, or anything<br />

outside of the collection itself that is an important element to the show.<br />

I’m a Taurus, so I can be a bit stubborn and very set on something once<br />

my mind is made up. I like to make sure all the elements of the show are<br />

taken care of ahead of time because I don’t have time to create a “Plan<br />

B” on how to present my vision. On the day of my show, I make sure<br />

to take a few minutes to lock myself in a corner to be alone and quiet so<br />

that I can find my center and collect my thoughts.<br />

JP: How involved are you with the factors that go into your<br />

show such as model selections or song choice?<br />

AM: I’m very hands on with those decisions. The whole artistic concept<br />

and vision comes from me. When I create the collection, I already see<br />

the types of models I want in the garments. Even in the quietness of my<br />

atelier in the middle of the night when I finish a certain garment and<br />

it’s draped on the dress form, I will look at myself in the mirror while<br />

listening to music and figuring out a walk with the garment. The entire<br />

creative process of the show is 100% from my vision.<br />

JP: Explain the backstage experience from the designer’s<br />

perspective on the day of the show.<br />

AM: (Laughing) Now that’s a fun question! It’s a little chaotic, but I<br />

always talk to my creative team beforehand. I usually share my vision<br />

and my points of view and the looks with my stylists and beauty team.<br />

I show them the boards weeks before and then again right before the<br />

show to go over final looks with styling, hair, makeup, etc. So it’s kinda<br />

chaotic at first, but when I see that everything is done the way I want it,<br />

then I know I don’t have to throw a fit. LOL.<br />

JP: Who do you typically invite to your shows?<br />

AM: I want to make sure that all the elements of my show are balanced,<br />

and that even applies to the people in attendance. It’s important to<br />

have the right celebrities, the right buyers, and the right VIP’s attending.<br />

In short, I don’t want random riff-raff in the audience of my show. I<br />

align myself with the right production/organization that puts my show<br />

together to ensure this.<br />

JP: Is there anything that you haven’t done with your runway<br />

shows that you hope to accomplish one day?<br />

AM: I want flying models! LOL. No, but in all seriousness, I admire<br />

the craziness that I see from shows like designer, John Galliano. It’s a<br />

challenge to achieve certain things, but I like those challenges. I want<br />

to be able to bring my ideas to life rather than just leaving them in my<br />

imagination. If I can have models floating on water, elevated in the<br />

air, or descending from a capsule, I think I would like that. There’s so<br />

many crazy ideas that I can come up with to shock the audience. There’s<br />

always room for improvement, and there’s always a way to get something<br />

done.<br />


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