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GKfor<br />

Beginners<br />

Wave Theory<br />

Physics<br />

1. Sixth state of matter<br />

Fermionic condensate<br />

2. Unit of magnetic flux<br />

Weber<br />

3. Einstein proposed General theory<br />

of relativity in the year<br />

1915<br />

4. Instrument that regulates the<br />

resistance or current in a circuit<br />

Rheostat<br />

5. Photoelectric effect was<br />

discovered by<br />

Henrich Hertz<br />

6. Image formed in concave lens<br />

Virtual and erect<br />

7. Power of lens is<br />

Dioptre<br />

8. Minimum distance required for<br />

the production of Echo<br />

17 meters<br />

9. Waves used in distant photography<br />

Infrared rays<br />

10. Device used to detect heat<br />

radiation<br />

Thermocouple<br />

11. The shape of mass-acceleration<br />

graph for constant force<br />

Hyperbola<br />

Quantum Theory<br />

science<br />

12. Unit of acceleration<br />

m/s 2<br />

13. Gamma rays was discovered by<br />

Paul Williard<br />

14. Working principle of Atom Bomb<br />

Nuclear Fission<br />

15. Working principle of Hydrogen<br />

Bomb<br />

Nuclear Fusion<br />

16. Working Principle of Dynamo/<br />

Generator<br />

Electromagnetic Induction<br />

17. Device used to convert AC to DC<br />

Rectifier<br />

18. Voltage of torch cell<br />

1.5V<br />

19. Potential difference between any<br />

two phase lines<br />

400 V<br />

20. Potential difference between one<br />

phase and one neutral<br />

230 V<br />

21. Radio active element used to treat<br />

cancer<br />

Cobalt 60<br />

22. Instrument used to reproduce<br />

sound when once it is recorded<br />

Phonograph<br />

General Theorems in Physics<br />

Quantum Optic Theory<br />

Corpuscular Theory<br />

Law of Conservation of Momentum<br />

Law of Conservation of Mass<br />

Law of Gravitation<br />

Law of Conservation of Energy<br />

Electromagnetic Theory<br />

Christian Huygens<br />

Max Plank<br />

E.C.G. Sudarsan<br />

Newton<br />

Newton<br />

Lavoisier<br />

Newton<br />

Albert Einstein<br />

James Clark Max Well<br />

23. One Pico meter is equal to<br />

10 -12 m<br />

24. The change of frequency<br />

experienced by the receiver either<br />

because of the relative motion of<br />

the source or receiver or both is<br />

termed as<br />

Doppler effect<br />

25. Device used by navigators in the<br />

18 th century to determine time<br />

Chronometer<br />

26. The temperature scale which does<br />

not read negative value<br />

Kelvin<br />

27. Speed of β particle<br />

2 x 10 8 m/s<br />

28. Unit of luminous intensity<br />

Candla<br />

29. The escape velocity of moon<br />

2.4 km/sec<br />

30. Law of inertia was formulated by<br />

Galileo<br />

31. What is the working principle of<br />

nuclear reactor<br />

Nuclear Fission<br />

32. Device used to convert DC to AC<br />

Inverter<br />

33. Unit of Self Induction<br />

Henry<br />

34. Which is the strongest force in<br />

nature<br />

Nuclear Force<br />

35. Who discovered the phenomenon<br />

of Natural radio activity<br />

Henry Becqueral<br />

36. Wilhelm Rontgen discovered<br />

X-rays in<br />

1895<br />

37. Time taken by moon light to reach<br />

earth<br />

1.3 sec<br />

38. Blue colour of the sky was<br />

explained by<br />

Lord Railey<br />

39. Infrared rays were discovered by<br />

William Hershel<br />

40. Ray used to disinfect equipment<br />

used for operation<br />

UV rays<br />

Chemistry<br />

1. Planetary model of atom was<br />

proposed by<br />

Rutherford<br />

2. Phosgene is a mixture of<br />

Carbon monoxide and<br />

chlorine<br />

3. Most abundant element in earth<br />

crust<br />

Aluminium<br />

4. Isotope used for the treatment of<br />

skin cancer<br />

Phosphorus - 32<br />

5. Modern periodic table was<br />

discovered by<br />

Henry Moseley<br />

6. The first artificial element in the<br />

periodic table<br />

Technetium<br />

7. Law of Triads was put forward by<br />

Dobereiner<br />

8. Chemical name of Gypsum<br />

Calcium Sulphate<br />

9. The blue coloured mineral of<br />

aluminium<br />

Lapis Lazuli<br />

10. Bell metal is an alloy of<br />

Copper, Tin<br />

11. The fuel used in rockets<br />

Liquid Hydrogen<br />

12. The substance which is used as<br />

coolant in ice plants<br />

Ammonia<br />

13. The chemical used in photographic<br />

films<br />

Silver bromide<br />

14. The acid which is used in lead<br />

storage batteries<br />

Sulphuric acid<br />

15. The solution used to detect<br />

glucose in urine<br />

Benedict’s solution<br />

16. Glass used to make lenses and<br />

prisms<br />

Flint glass<br />

17. Artificial sweetener used by the<br />

diabetic patients<br />

Aspartame<br />

18. Chemical name of Brown coal<br />


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