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Mali: Healthy Communities Program<br />

n WaterAid Canada embarked on an ambitious project to transform lives through water,<br />

sanitation and hygiene in the ati and la districts of central Mali. Together, thanks to<br />

generous supporters like SWW change is now happening. Toilets are being built, hygiene<br />

practices are changing and soon, even more communities will have access to safe water.<br />

n Mali and around the world midwives have a challenging role in helping to ensure the safe<br />

delivery of babies. Without access to clean water and soap in healthcare clinics, this critical job<br />

becomes much more challenging. Ami works as a midwife at the health centre in Dougouolo,<br />

Mali. She is in charge of prenatal consultations, delivery, postnatal consultations and family<br />

planning. She has seen first hand the impact that the Mali: Healthy Communities program<br />

has had on the health centre staff and patients. New water taps, washbasins and latrines were<br />

installed inside the delivery room and new taps were provided in the yard of the healthcare<br />

centre.<br />

WaterAid/B.Ouedraogo<br />

Abdou Sogoba, 50, head of<br />

household, posing with two of his<br />

children in his compound, in the<br />

Circle of Bla, Mali.<br />

“Now there is a change thanks to the project support. We have tap stands in the yard of the<br />

health centre and we have taps inside the clinic rooms for our various needs. With these taps<br />

everywhere, we can easily have clean water to drink, wash our hands and clean the materials.<br />

The maternity ward has a tap, a washbasin and clean water available inside. So there is no need<br />

for me to leave the room to seek water while a woman in is labour needs my assistance. This is<br />

a valuable improvement to our working conditions and it contributes to preventing some<br />

infections and it helps us save time and energy to take care of patients. mi<br />

Ami, 45, midwife in the health<br />

centre of Dougouolo has<br />

running water and soap now to<br />

wash her hands inside the clinic.<br />

“I decided to invest and get a good latrine”<br />

Abdou Sogoba and his family live in the village of Toukoro, Mali. They had a traditional latrine<br />

in their compound that was simply a hole enclosed by some pieces of wood. hen the wood<br />

rotted and crumbled, the family was left without a toilet. nfortunately, this scenario is not<br />

uncommon in rural ali.<br />

Abdou decided to participate in some community meetings that were happening in his village.<br />

hese meetings, part of the ommunity ed otal anitation approach, bring<br />

communities together to discuss their hygiene and sanitation situation and the effects poor<br />

hygiene has on their health. hese meetings are the first step in encouraging community-led<br />

action to build toilets and eliminate open defecation. Abdou learned about different types of<br />

latrines and realized he needed a more solid and safe option for him and his family. e<br />

decided to invest and build a new latrine with a an lat or anitation latform slab, an<br />

improvement from the traditional latrine he had before.<br />

WaterAid/B.Ouedraogo<br />

ur research has shown in several countries around the world, that the decision needs to first<br />

come from the individual that they want and see value in a toilet for their family.<br />

Abdou himself was not convinced that he wanted to invest his money in a latrine until he<br />

participated in the community meetings and in a WaterAid hygiene education session. Abdou<br />

recogni ed that he had the funds needed, he ust had been lacking the knowledge and<br />

knowhow. he crumbling of his former traditional latrine followed by the awareness he gained<br />

through the meetings motivated Abdou to invest in an improved latrine for his family.<br />

ince I got the new improved latrine built, I feel at ease using it. I m glad to use it. All the<br />

family members are proud of it. Everyone uses it. I appreciate the fact that the hole for<br />

defecation is always closed. I think that with this improved latrine, we can avoid contracting<br />

some diseases.” - Abdou

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