St. Clair Chamber of Commerce Directory -- 2019/2020

The St. Clair Chamber of Commerce, based in St. Clair, Michigan, is pleased to introduce its 2019/2020 business directory.

The St. Clair Chamber of Commerce, based in St. Clair, Michigan, is pleased to introduce its 2019/2020 business directory.

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<strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong><br />

<strong>Directory</strong> & Visitor’s Guide<br />

<strong>2019</strong> / <strong>2020</strong>

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong><br />

Live, work & relax!<br />

The City <strong>of</strong> <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> is home to the longest fresh water board walk in the world!<br />

Expanding 1,900 feet along the sparkling blue waters <strong>of</strong> the <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> River at<br />

Palmer Park, it is a great place to go for a morning stroll or wait for your favorite<br />

freighter to pass by in hopes <strong>of</strong> a salute.<br />

Whether you enjoy swimming, kayaking the Pine River, or grabbing your<br />

fishing pole; your break from the everyday hustle is only a few footsteps away!<br />

If getting your feet wet isn’t your thing, there are many shopping, dining and<br />

special event options to keep you entertained!<br />

We invite you to use this guide to learn more about this wonderful city and do<br />

something, or go somewhere, you never have before. Let us help you discover<br />

the many benefits <strong>of</strong> living, working and relaxing in <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong>!<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong><br />

201 North Riverside Ave.<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong>, MI 48079<br />

(810) 329-2962<br />

www.stclairchambermi.com<br />

stclairchambermi@gmail.com<br />

Cover Photo: Lori Hannon<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>Directory</strong><br />

Patti Samar, Editor/Publisher<br />

The Write Company<br />

511 La Salle Blvd.<br />

Port Huron MI 48060<br />

(810) 300 - 2176<br />


Join us!<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>:<br />

Developing a vision for economic growth and business opportunities<br />

The purpose <strong>of</strong> the <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong> is to<br />

provide <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> and the surrounding communities with<br />

the tools needed to advance the economic, industrial,<br />

pr<strong>of</strong>essional, cultural, and civic welfare.<br />

We also provide comprehensive assistance to those<br />

who wish to relocate to the area, including information<br />

regarding activities, restaurants, and more.<br />

The <strong>Chamber</strong> supports those activities believed to be<br />

beneficial to the area, serving as a coordinating and<br />

educational forum for community development.<br />

The <strong>Chamber</strong> is very involved in community events.<br />

We help promote new businesses by using a friendly,<br />

enthusiastic approach that spotlights our members<br />

through fun activities, the media, in our newsletters, and<br />

our bi-weekly networking meetings.<br />

To be concise, we make work feel like fun!<br />

Some members <strong>of</strong> the <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong> Board <strong>of</strong><br />

Directors welcome you to join us!<br />

To learn more about our active, vibrant<br />

<strong>Chamber</strong>, browse the pages <strong>of</strong> this directory,<br />

visit our website, or follow us on social media.<br />

Become a Member<br />

www.<strong>St</strong><strong>Clair</strong><strong>Chamber</strong>Mi.com<br />

New members are always welcome! Join as an<br />

individual, join to represent your employer, or join to<br />

represent your business! Membership is affordable and<br />

<strong>of</strong>fers many benefits. Visit our website for details!<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong> • stclairchambermi.com 1

<strong>2019</strong> Events<br />

June 8<br />

Cargill’s Free Canoe/Kayak Rental<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> Boat Harbor<br />

June 8<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> Recreation<br />

Cargill’s Kid’s Fishing Derby<br />

Pine River<br />

June 14<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> Recreation Summer Concert<br />

The Square Pegz – Ultimate 80s Band<br />

Palmer Park<br />

June 15<br />

Skate-Bike Park Summer Jam Event<br />

Greig Park<br />

June 15<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> Recreation Outdoor Pool Opens<br />

8th <strong>St</strong>reet & Orchard<br />

June 21<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> Recreation Summer Concert<br />

Darrin Hagel & The Burning Love Band<br />

(Elvis Tribute)<br />

Palmer Park<br />

June 22<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> Beer & Wine Fest*<br />

4:30 p.m. to 11 p.m.<br />

Riverview Plaza Courtyard<br />

June 28 - 29<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> Art Fair<br />

Palmer Park<br />

June 29<br />

Artful Dodger 5K<br />

Palmer Park<br />

July 4<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> Recreation Outdoor Pool<br />

“Free Open Swim”<br />

8th <strong>St</strong>reet & Orchard<br />

July 4<br />

Fireworks at Dusk<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> River<br />

July 5<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> Recreation Summer Concert<br />

Blue Cat Band<br />

Palmer Park<br />

July 9<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> Recreation Bike Parade<br />

6th <strong>St</strong>reet & Historical Museum<br />

July 11<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> Recreation Circus Camp<br />

Greig Park<br />

July 11<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> Recreation Kid’s Garage Sale<br />

Riverview Plaza<br />

July 12<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> Recreation Summer Concert<br />

Western Pleasures<br />

Palmer Park<br />

July 13<br />

River Classic Car Show<br />

Palmer Park<br />

July 18<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> Recreation “PARK IT” Event<br />

Music & Big Screen Movie<br />

Featured Movie: The Sandlot;<br />

Movie look-alike contest<br />

Palmer Park<br />

July 19<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> Recreation Summer Concert<br />

Lazo & Exodus – <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> Caribbean Night<br />

Palmer Park<br />

July 22<br />

East China Community Band Concert<br />

Riverview Plaza<br />

July 26 - 28<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> Riverfest<br />

Palmer Park<br />

August 4<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong> Concert<br />

Raven Rae<br />

August 11<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong> Concert<br />

Big Daddy Lackowski & The La-Dee-Da’s<br />

August 17<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> Jazz Fest<br />

Palmer Park<br />

August 18<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong> Concert<br />

Jimmy Allen<br />

August 25<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong> Open House<br />

<strong>Chamber</strong> Office & Riverview Plaza Courtyard<br />

August 25<br />

City <strong>of</strong> <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> Boardwalk Dedication<br />

Ceremony<br />

Palmer Park<br />

August 25<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong> Concert<br />

Ten Beach Drive<br />

September 26<br />

Parking Lot Party*<br />

5 p.m. to 9 p.m. (21+)<br />

Neiman’s Family Market Parking Lot<br />

September 28<br />

Whistles on the Water<br />

Palmer Park<br />

September TBA<br />

Skate-Bike Park Fall Grind Event<br />

Greig Park<br />

October 23<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> Recreation Halloween for Tots<br />

Plaza Park<br />

October 23 – 26<br />

Halloweekend (All Ages)*<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong><br />

November 15 – December 11<br />

Christmas Tree <strong>St</strong>roll*<br />

November 22<br />

Santa’s Lighted Parade<br />

Downtown <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong><br />

December 11<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> Christmas Party (21+)*<br />

Northstar Bank<br />

* These events are sponsored by the<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong><br />

2 <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong> • stclairchambermi.com

Community<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong>:<br />

Something<br />

for Everyone<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> is full <strong>of</strong> fun and<br />

interesting activities for all who<br />

reside here or visit, whether<br />

you wish to rent a kayak at the<br />

boat harbor, or walk along the<br />

boardwalk and watch freighters<br />

pass by, among many other<br />

activites.<br />

Additionally, <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> is full <strong>of</strong><br />

great shopping and dining<br />

opportunities. We have a craft<br />

brewery, a wine bar, too many<br />

great restaurants to count,<br />

waterfront dining, and more.<br />

We are also home to an everexpanding<br />

selection <strong>of</strong> unique<br />

boutiques and gift shops full <strong>of</strong><br />

jewelry, home decor, clothing,<br />

gifts with waterfront or local<br />

connections, and so much more.<br />

And downtown <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> is a very<br />

walkable community, whether<br />

you arrive by boat or car. There<br />

are picturesque sidewalks and<br />

bike trails that will help you easily<br />

walk or ride to the businesses<br />

located away from our<br />

downtown district, as well.<br />

If you are not already a resident,<br />

once you visit, we know you will<br />

want to make this your everyday,<br />

and not just a getaway.<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> Boat Harbor<br />

(Photo courtesy SCH Facebook page)<br />

Harbor<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> Boat Harbor<br />

902 S 2nd <strong>St</strong>, <strong>St</strong> <strong>Clair</strong>, MI 48079<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong>, MI 48079<br />

810-329-4125<br />

Hours <strong>of</strong> Operation:<br />

7 a.m. to 11 p.m.<br />

Reservations:<br />

(800) 447-2757<br />

Website:<br />

www.stclairboatharbor.com<br />

Email:<br />

scboatharbor@gmail.com<br />

Harbor Coordinates:<br />

42, 49, 12 degrees North;<br />

82, 29, 05 degrees West<br />

Season:<br />

April 1 to October 15<br />

Dock Attendants on Duty:<br />

7 days a week during the season<br />

Pine River Bridge:<br />

Opens on the 1/2 hour & the hour,<br />

8 a.m. to 2 a.m. by request.<br />

The bridge monitors Channel 09<br />

or call (810) 329-9420<br />

Public Safety<br />


Ambulance/Fire/Police................................ 9-1-1<br />

AMBULANCE (Non-Emergency)<br />

Tri-Hospital EMS ..........................810-985-7115<br />

FIRE DEPARTMENTS (Non-Emergency)<br />

Algonac/Clay .................................810-794-9347<br />

Ira ......................................................586-725-7771<br />

Marine City ....................................810-765-8840<br />

Marysville .......................................810-364-6611<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> ............................................810-329-3360<br />

POISON CONTROL .............800-222-1222<br />

POLICE DEPARTMENTS (Non-Emergency)<br />

Michigan <strong>St</strong>ate Police ................800-495-4677<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> County<br />

Sheriff Department .....................810-987-1700<br />

Algonac ...........................................810-794-9722<br />

Clay ...................................................810-794-9381<br />

Marine City ....................................810-765-4040<br />

Marysville .......................................810-364-6300<br />

Memphis .........................................810-392-2144<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> ............................................810-329-5710<br />


ALERT SYSTEM .......................800-292-4706<br />

ST. CLAIR (City <strong>of</strong>)<br />


City Hall ...........................................810-329-7121<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Public Works ..810-329-5277<br />



Main .................................................810-987-5300<br />

Beach Closing ...............................810-987-7253<br />

Environmental Health ................810-987-5306<br />

SUICIDE PREVENTION .......800-273-8255<br />


Search & Rescue (Non-Emergency)<br />

.............................................................810-984-2603<br />


DTE Energy ....................................800-477-4747<br />

SEMCO Energy—<br />

Gas Leaks/Emergency<br />

.............................................................888-427-1427<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong> • stclairchambermi.com 3

<strong>Chamber</strong> Members<br />

Automotive<br />

Bill MacDonald Ford<br />

www.BillMacDonaldFord.net<br />

810.329.6601<br />

Love’s Travel <strong>St</strong>ops<br />

www.Loves.com<br />

Speedy Q - Kyle Lawrence<br />

www.SpeedyQDrive.com<br />

678.701.5149<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> Chevrolet Buick GMC<br />

www.<strong>St</strong><strong>Clair</strong>Auto.com<br />

810.329.1000<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram<br />

www.<strong>St</strong><strong>Clair</strong>Auto.com<br />

810.329-2100<br />

Vantage Technologies USA<br />

www.VantageTechUSA.com<br />

248.770.0150<br />

Banking & Mortgage<br />

Advia Credit Union<br />

www.AdviaCU.org<br />

844.238.4228<br />

Chemical Bank<br />

rurban@chemicalbank.com<br />

www.ChemicalBank.com<br />

810.329.4705<br />

Crisenbery, Michelle<br />

www.ChemicalBank.com<br />

810-334-8946<br />

Northstar Bank<br />

www.NorthstarAtHome.com<br />

810.329.9500<br />

Riverview Community<br />

Federal Credit Union<br />

www.RiverviewCommunityFCU.com<br />

810.329.6638<br />

Building Services<br />

& Contracting<br />

Andy’s Lawn & Landscape, LLC<br />

Andy@Andyslandscape.com<br />

810.326.0183<br />

Bellaire Fine Homes, HM Constuction<br />

www.BuildingArtistry.com<br />

810-289-3121<br />

Biewer Lumber<br />

www.BiewerLumber.com<br />

810.329.4789<br />

Blue Water Building<br />

www.BlueWaterBuildingLLC.com<br />

810.650.2870<br />

Fresh Air One Hour Heating and Air<br />

www.FreshAirOneHour.com<br />

810.364.0052<br />

Jan Zimmer Interiors LLC<br />

www.JanZimmerInteriors.com<br />

810.434.5303<br />

Marlin Building<br />

www.MarlinBuilding.com<br />

810.329.2162<br />

S & S Excavating Inc<br />

sse3@comcast.net<br />

586-727-9402<br />

Sherman Nursery Farms<br />

www.ShermanNurseryFarms.com<br />

810.329-9466<br />

Shirkey Electric Co., Inc.<br />

www.ShirkeyElectric.com<br />

810.364.7679<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> Landscape & Irrigation – Matt<br />

www.<strong>St</strong><strong>Clair</strong>LandscapeIrrigation.com<br />

810.326.1622<br />

Church<br />

Fellowship Baptist Church<br />

www.ECFellowship.com<br />

810.765-5300<br />

First Congregational Church<br />

www.FirstCongSC.org<br />

810.329.4142<br />

Holy Family Episcopal Church<br />

www.HolyFamilyBWE.org<br />

810-329-3821<br />

Immanuel Lutheran Church-LSMS<br />

www.ImmanuelSC.org<br />

810.329.7174<br />

<strong>St</strong>. Peters Ev. Lutheran Church<br />

www.<strong>St</strong>Peters<strong>St</strong><strong>Clair</strong>.org<br />

810.329.2174<br />

Financial<br />

& Accounting<br />

Edward Jones Investments<br />

michael.alley@edwardjones.com<br />

810-300-1693<br />

Gadd Business Consultants<br />

www.GaddBiz.com<br />

810-326-0592<br />

Integrated Financial Group<br />

www.IntegratedFG.com<br />

586-439--0181<br />

Jonathan Bailey<br />

www.AquestTax.com<br />

810.329.1040<br />

Maritime Accounting & Tax, LLC<br />

www.MaritimeIncomeTax.com<br />

248.599.1280<br />

McBride, Manley & Co, P.C.<br />

www.McBrideCPA.com<br />

810.765.4700<br />

<strong>St</strong>ewart, Beauvais & Whipple, P.C.<br />

www.SBWCPA.com<br />

810.984.3829<br />

4 <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong> • stclairchambermi.com<br />

Wellington Financial <strong>St</strong>rategies Corp.<br />

www.TheWellingtonCorp.com<br />


Government<br />

& Education<br />

City <strong>of</strong> <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong><br />

www.City<strong>of</strong><strong>St</strong><strong>Clair</strong>.com<br />

810.329.7121<br />

East China School District<br />

www.EastChinaSchools.org<br />

810-676-1018<br />

Lane, Cynthia<br />

clane@stclaircounty.org<br />

810-985-2050<br />

Not Just Play<br />

www.NotJustPlay.com<br />

810-740-5049<br />

SC4 - Bonnie DiNardo<br />

www.SC4.edu<br />

810.989.5739<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> Historical Museum<br />

www.Historic<strong>St</strong><strong>Clair</strong>.com<br />

810.329.6888<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> Public Library<br />

jalef@sccl.lib.mi.us<br />

810-329-3951<br />

Housing<br />

Dutton Estates<br />

www.DuttonEstatesApts.com<br />

810.637.3330<br />

Edison Commons Condo Association<br />

sbsstclair@aol.com<br />

810-388-9300<br />

Marysville Manor Condo Association<br />

sbsstclair@aol.com<br />

810-388-9300<br />

Pinewood on the Lake<br />

www.MeritusMHC.com<br />

586-727-3611<br />

Ramblewood Condo Association<br />

sbsstclair@aol.com<br />

810-388-9300<br />

Snug Harbor Condo Association<br />

Thueme Enterprises<br />

teamerskd@gmail.com<br />

810.300.3680<br />

Riverview Plaza sculpture fountain<br />

Individuals<br />

Dan Lockwood<br />

diverdan1605@yahoo.com<br />

810-434-6500<br />

Duane K McCallister<br />

duanemccallister@bellsouth.net<br />

810-740-5008<br />

Industrial<br />

Cargill, Inc.<br />

www.Cargill.com<br />

810.989.7517<br />

DTE Energy<br />

www.DTEEnergy.com<br />

248.416.0192<br />

Foster Blue Water Oil, LLC<br />

www.FosterOil.com<br />

586.727.3996<br />

Johnson Hydraulics Inc<br />

www.JohnsonHydraulics.com<br />

810.329.6681<br />

MSC Industrial Supply<br />

www.MSCDirect.com<br />

734.612.2933<br />

Insurance<br />

AAA - Huffmaster Insurance Agency<br />

www.AAA.com/Huffmaster<br />

810.637.1200<br />

Aitken & Ormund Insurance, Inc.<br />

www.Aitken-Ormond.com<br />

586.949.5570<br />

Farm Bureau Insurance /<br />

The Rzeppa Agency<br />

www.TheRzeppaAgency.com<br />

810.326.2592<br />

Gardner Agency (Farmers Insurance)<br />

mgardner@farmersagent.com<br />

810-329-4577<br />

Law<br />

Fullmer Law Office PLC<br />

mark@fullmerlaw.com<br />

810-329-8900<br />

Medical<br />

Ascension River District Hospital<br />

www.Healthcare.Ascension.org<br />

810.329.7111<br />

Brieden Orthodontics<br />

www.DrCBrieden.com<br />

810.329.6671<br />

Distinctive Eyewear<br />

www.DistinctiveEyewear.org<br />

810-329-9725<br />

Marshall Family Chiropractic, P.C.<br />

www.MarshallChiro.com<br />

810.329.6100<br />

McLaren Port Huron<br />

www.McLaren.com<br />

810-987-5000<br />

Medilodge <strong>of</strong> <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong><br />

www.Medilodge<strong>of</strong><strong>St</strong><strong>Clair</strong>.com<br />

810.329.4736<br />

Riverview Family & Cosmetic Dentistry<br />

www.RiverviewDentalPractice.com<br />

810.328.5225<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> Chiropractic Clinic, PC<br />

www.<strong>St</strong><strong>Clair</strong>Chiropractic.com<br />

810.329.9121<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> Eye<br />

www.<strong>St</strong><strong>Clair</strong>Eye.com<br />

810.326.3937<br />

Business <strong>Directory</strong> continued on page 8<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong> • stclairchambermi.com 5

Map<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> Hwy<br />

C<br />

Bridge-to-Bay Trail<br />

King <strong>St</strong><br />

City <strong>of</strong> <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong><br />

Landmarks &<br />

Points <strong>of</strong> Interest<br />

M<br />

BP Dome Petroleum<br />

Nature Trail<br />

PIN<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> Boat Harbor<br />

Open April - October<br />

Amenities include campsites, kayak rentals,<br />

kayak launch, boat launch & fish cleaning<br />

station, full service marina & more<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> Hwy<br />

Bree<br />


Pine Shores Golf Course<br />

Open April - October<br />

City Parks<br />

Open Year Round<br />

• Palmer Park Boardwalk<br />

• Greig Park<br />

• <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> Skate & Bike Park<br />

• Sinclair Rotary Park<br />

• Diamond Pointe Park<br />

• Kletcha Park<br />

• Legacy Park<br />

• Riverview Plaza Courtyard<br />

Range Rd<br />

Catherine<br />

Riverside Ave<br />

Glendale <strong>St</strong><br />

<strong>St</strong><br />

Riverside Ave<br />

Plamer <strong>St</strong><br />

G 4<br />

Oakland Ave<br />

D<br />

Pine S<br />

Golf Co<br />

Oakland<br />

Alice W. Moore<br />

Woods & Nature Sanctuary<br />

Open Year Round<br />

6 <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong> • stclairchambermi.com

To Legacy Park<br />


G 5<br />

Rattle Run Road<br />

J<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong><br />

High School<br />

Tennis<br />

Courts<br />

Cox Rd<br />

A<br />

B<br />

C<br />

D<br />

E<br />

F<br />

Alice W. Moore Woods<br />

Nature Sanctuary<br />

Palmer Park Boardwalk<br />

Bridge-to-Bay Trail<br />

Pine Shores Golf Course<br />

Community Center/<br />

Historical Museum<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> Boat Harbor<br />

Camping<br />

Kayaking<br />

G<br />

PARKS<br />

H<br />

I<br />

J<br />

K<br />

L<br />

M<br />

1. Greig Park/<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong><br />

Skate and Bike Park<br />

2. Sinclair/Rotary Park<br />

3. Diamond Pointe Park<br />

4. Klecha Park<br />

5. Legacy Park<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Commerce</strong>/Riverview Plaza Courtyard<br />

Swimming Pool<br />

SC High School Tennis Courts<br />

City Hall/Police <strong>St</strong>ation<br />

Library<br />

BP Dome Petroleum Nature Trail<br />

Fred W. Moore Hwy<br />

15th <strong>St</strong><br />

Carney<br />

K<br />

City Hall/<br />

Police<br />

<strong>St</strong>ation<br />

G<br />

1<br />

Greig Park/<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong><br />

Skate and<br />

Bike Park<br />

Henry <strong>St</strong><br />

12th <strong>St</strong><br />

10th <strong>St</strong><br />

11th <strong>St</strong><br />

RangeRd<br />

hores<br />

ourse<br />

d Dr<br />

F<br />

9th <strong>St</strong><br />

Fort <strong>St</strong>.<br />

Juliet <strong>St</strong><br />

Frances<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong><br />

Boat Harbor<br />

Pine <strong>St</strong>.<br />

G<br />

2<br />

Cass<br />



5th <strong>St</strong><br />

3rd <strong>St</strong><br />

L<br />

E<br />

B<br />

6th <strong>St</strong><br />

4th <strong>St</strong><br />

Adams<br />

Jay <strong>St</strong><br />

Boardwalk<br />

Orchard <strong>St</strong>.<br />

Mulberry <strong>St</strong><br />

Thornapple <strong>St</strong><br />

I<br />


H<br />

6th<br />

5th <strong>St</strong><br />

4th <strong>St</strong><br />

3rd <strong>St</strong><br />

2nd <strong>St</strong><br />

Robinson <strong>St</strong><br />

2nd <strong>St</strong><br />

Benidict Av<br />

Brown<br />

Devon<br />

Riverside Ave<br />

Meldrum Crt<br />

<strong>St</strong>ratford Rd<br />

Hawthrone Rd<br />

Turnberry Rd<br />

A<br />

AliceW. Moore<br />

Woods Nature<br />

Sanctuary<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong> • stclairchambermi.com 7

Non-Pr<strong>of</strong>it<br />

American Cancer Society<br />

april.busch@cancer.org<br />

810-858-7246<br />

American Legion - Fulton Post 382<br />

FultonPost382@gmail.com<br />

810.329.2871<br />

Community Enterprise<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> County<br />

www.CESCC.org<br />

810.982.3261<br />

East China Township<br />

Historical Commission<br />

810.989.9532<br />

Friends <strong>of</strong> the <strong>St</strong> <strong>Clair</strong> River<br />

www.SCRiver.org<br />

810.730.5998<br />

K.I.D.S.<br />

www.KidsInDistressServices.org<br />

810.326.4505<br />

Lelitos Legacy Foundation<br />

www.LelitosLegacyFoundation.org<br />

810.841.8266<br />

Riverview Plaza<br />

Personal Services<br />

Great Clips<br />

daryl.jamison@greatclips.net<br />

810.740.5025<br />

Norbert Alexander Hair Design<br />

norbertalexander@sbcglobal.net<br />

810.329.9100<br />

Sonja’s Hair Salon<br />

www.SonjasHairSalon.com<br />

810.329.3055<br />

Recreation<br />

& Fitness<br />

Happy Dog Yoga<br />

www.HappyDogYoga<strong>St</strong>udio.com<br />

866.853.9274<br />

PKSA <strong>St</strong> <strong>Clair</strong><br />

www.PKSA.com<br />

810-637-8322<br />

Schneider’s Motorsports<br />

www.SchneidersMotorSports.com<br />

586.273.7411<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> Boat Harbor<br />

www.<strong>St</strong><strong>Clair</strong>BoatHarbor.com<br />

810.329.4125<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> Golf Club<br />

www.<strong>St</strong><strong>Clair</strong>GolfClub.com<br />

810.329.7300<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> Wellness Center, LLC<br />

www.<strong>St</strong><strong>Clair</strong>Wellness.net<br />

810.329.7292<br />

Rotary Club <strong>of</strong> <strong>St</strong> <strong>Clair</strong><br />

www.<strong>St</strong><strong>Clair</strong>Rotary.org<br />

810.434.1189<br />

Soaring Dreams Inc<br />

www.SoaringDreamsInc.org<br />

810.328.4107<br />

Special Dreams Farm<br />

www.SpecialDreamsFarm.org<br />

586.764.4999<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> Art Association<br />

www.<strong>St</strong><strong>Clair</strong>Art.org<br />

810.329.9576<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> Garden Club<br />

hbomber7@gmail.com<br />

810.329.3315<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> Theatre Guild<br />

www.SCTG.org<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> Women’s League<br />

rickycarolynh@yahoo.com<br />

810-334-1265<br />

Real Estate<br />

Attorney’s Title Agency L.L.C<br />

mseely@atatitle.com<br />

810.326.3900<br />

8 <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong> • stclairchambermi.com<br />

Bailey, Linda - Realtor / Sine & Monagh<br />

www.Linda4Homes.com<br />

810.326.1166<br />

Brieden Andrea - Realtor /<br />

Sine & Monagh<br />

briedena@gmail.com<br />

810.326.1189<br />

Kelly, Judi - Realtor /<br />

Coldwell Banker Pr<strong>of</strong>essionals<br />

www.JudiKelly.com<br />

586.943.6431<br />

Martin, Roger -Realtor/<br />

Real Living Kee Realty<br />

rog6766@gmail.com<br />

586-615-8453<br />

Real Living Kee Realty<br />

www.RealLiving.com/eva.vermeesch<br />

810.560.0975<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> Realty Inc<br />

www.<strong>St</strong><strong>Clair</strong>-Realty.com<br />

810-329-7100<br />

Restaurants, Hotels<br />

& Inns<br />

Anchor Point Bistro<br />

www.TheAnchorPointBistro.com<br />

Black and Bleu BBQ<br />

www.BlackandBleuBBQ.com<br />

810-289-3994<br />

Drifter’s Restaurant & Lounge<br />

sm.lacroix@yahoo.com<br />

810-329-4913<br />

Green Barn Winery<br />

www.GreenBarnWinery.com<br />

810-367-2400<br />

LaCroix’s Riverside Pub, Inc.<br />

sm.lacroix@yahoo.com<br />

810.329.9955<br />

Manina’s Wine House<br />

www.ManninasWineHouse.com<br />

810-887-8572<br />

McDonald’s Restaurant<br />

www.McDonalds.com<br />


Memories Manor<br />

www.MemoriesManor.com<br />

810.329.2800<br />

Murphy Inn<br />

www.MurphyInn.com<br />

810.329.7118<br />

Pizza Hut<br />

www.Locations.PizzaHut.com<br />

810.326.4043<br />

River Crab Restaurant & Blue Water Inn<br />

www.RiverCrabBlueWaterInn.com<br />

810.329.2261<br />

Seasoned Pitmasters LLC<br />

seasonedpitmasters@gmail.com<br />

810.294.5342<br />

Soma Enterprises/Taco Bell<br />

www.TacoBell.com<br />

810.329.2489<br />

The Regatta Bar<br />

teccllc@gmail.com<br />

810.765.8414<br />

The Voyageur<br />

www.TheVoyageur.com<br />

810.329.3331<br />

War Water Brewery<br />

www.WarWaterBrewery.com<br />

810.289.3921<br />

Retailers<br />

Blackbird Homegoods<br />

www.BlackbirdHomegoods.com<br />

313-701-4846<br />

Boomerang’s<br />

saintkimberly@comcast.net<br />

810.326.0200<br />

Cap’n Jim’s Gallery<br />

www.JClary.com<br />

810.329.7447<br />

Coughlin Jewelers/<br />

American Diamond Import<br />

www.AmericanDiamondImporters.com<br />

810.329.6866<br />

Dot’s Candy Bar LLC<br />

dotscandybar2@gmail.com<br />

810.329.2552<br />

Hers Women’s Fashions, LLC<br />

mjoellyn@sbcglobal.net<br />

810.329.3511<br />

LaserLectric Engraving {c}<br />

www.LaserLectric.com<br />

810.560.6749<br />

Neiman’s Family Market<br />

www.NeimansFamilyMarket.com<br />

810.329.4535<br />

Silk’s Flower Shop<br />

www.SilksFlowerShop.com<br />

810.329.4734<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> Homegoods & ACE Hardware<br />

www.AceHardware.com<br />

810-326-2665<br />

Suzanne’s<br />

www.SuzannesFashion.com<br />

810.364.5422<br />

The Chocolate Harbor<br />

DarciMcG@comcast.net<br />

810.329.7779<br />

The Craft L<strong>of</strong>t<br />

TheCraftL<strong>of</strong>tSC@gmail.com<br />

810.602.8926<br />

Tru Blue Boutique<br />

www.TruBlueBoutique.com<br />

Services<br />

Allegra Marketing Print Mail<br />

www.AllegraPortHuron.com<br />

810.385.9100<br />

Apex Marketing Group<br />

www.ApexMarketingGroup.net<br />

810.300.4834<br />

Betr View LLC<br />

810.989.2387<br />

Blue Water Air Compressor<br />

www.BlueWaterAirCompressor.com<br />

586.430.4158<br />

Blue Water DRP LLC<br />

www.BlueWaterDRP.com<br />

810.966.0006<br />

CanAm Consulting LLC<br />

canamconsultingllc@gmail.com<br />

810.531.3221<br />

CTV-Channel Six Cable<br />

www.WatchCTV.com<br />

810.329.5297<br />

Electronic Merchant Systems<br />

www.EMSCorporate.com<br />

586.339.4047<br />

Exlm20/20 Group LLC, Fred Latuperissa<br />

www.Exim<strong>2020</strong>.com<br />

951.704.8080<br />

Funfest Productions Inc<br />

Joe@funfestinc.com<br />

586.493.4344<br />

Golden Choice Inc<br />

www.GoldenChoiceAdv.com<br />

810.488.3123<br />

It’s My Party Rentals LLC<br />

itsmypartyrentalsllc@gmail.com<br />

810.289.9261<br />

Lantz Cleaning Service<br />

lantzcleaningservice@gmail.com<br />

810.326.3731<br />

Legal Shield<br />

www.RuthSchihl.WeAreLegalShield.com<br />

810.533.1466<br />

Malcolm Marine, Inc.<br />

www.MalcolmMarine.com<br />

810.329.9013<br />

Planet <strong>Clair</strong> LLC<br />

www.<strong>St</strong><strong>Clair</strong>Inn.com<br />

818.990.1475<br />

Radio First<br />

swashkevich@radi<strong>of</strong>irst.net<br />

810.982-9000<br />

Re<strong>St</strong>yle Marketing, LLC<br />

www.RestyleMarketing.com<br />

810-300-2201<br />

Riverview Veterinary Center<br />

www.RiverviewVetCenter.com<br />

810-329-4100<br />

Smart Shelf-Dan Cass<br />

www.SmartShelfInc.com<br />

810-637-1333<br />

SNAP<br />

www.HumaneSocietySNAP.com<br />

810.329.7627<br />

SRL Enterprises<br />

zuberduane@gmail.com<br />

616.893.5519<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> Self <strong>St</strong>orage<br />

www.Saint<strong>Clair</strong><strong>St</strong>orage.com<br />

810-637-3330<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> Travel Service Inc<br />

www.<strong>St</strong><strong>Clair</strong>Travel.net<br />

810.329.7163<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong> • stclairchambermi.com 9

Palmer Park Boardwalk<br />

Over the last year, the <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> Boardwalk has been under<br />

some major, yet exciting, construction.<br />

Thanks to our Recreation Department, the City <strong>of</strong> <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong><br />

was awarded a grant to update our beloved boardwalk over<br />

the past year.<br />

Today, the boardwalk planks are primed and polished! The<br />

pathway is flat and smooth, the benches have been replaced<br />

for a comfortable place to rest, and the life ring stations have<br />

been set in place to keep every visitor safe along the water<br />

way.<br />

As the sun rises over Michigan every morning, <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> is one<br />

<strong>of</strong> the first places in the state to say “Hello!”<br />

Whether you are jumping in the river to cool <strong>of</strong>f in the<br />

summer heat, go for a walk on a brisk fall day, or taking in the<br />

freshly frozen views, we invite you to visit the newly renovated<br />

board walk at Palmer Park any time <strong>of</strong> the year!<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> Little League<br />

Since 1952, the <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> Little League movement has taken<br />

roots and grown in our community.<br />

In 57 years <strong>of</strong> continuous growth, “Little League” have<br />

become a household words in our community.<br />

<strong>St</strong>arting in 1952 with 60 boys, the Little League mystique<br />

captured the imagination <strong>of</strong> children and their parents. It<br />

expanding beyond capacity, yet was able to sustain itself as a<br />

complete program.<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> Little League is now the largest Little League in<br />

Michigan’s District 7, which consists <strong>of</strong> 18 different leagues in<br />

the Blue Water Area.<br />

In 2005, the City <strong>of</strong> <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> and <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> Little League<br />

purchased 52 acres on Fred Moore Highway. The teams now<br />

play on nine fields, and a newly constructed 26 acre complex<br />

at Legacy Park on Fred Moore Highway.<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong> • stclairchambermi.com 13

Become a Member Today!<br />

<strong>Chamber</strong> President:<br />

Bryan Ulatowski<br />

The Wellington Financial<br />

<strong>St</strong>rategies Corp.<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong><br />

Vice President:<br />

Mike Weir<br />

Owner - PKSA Karate<br />

Treasurer:<br />

Rich Urban<br />

Manager -<br />

Chemical Bank<br />

201 North Riverside Ave.<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong>, MI 48079<br />

(810) 329-2962<br />

www.stclairchambermi.com<br />

stclairchambermi@gmail.com<br />

www.<strong>St</strong><strong>Clair</strong><strong>Chamber</strong>Mi.com<br />

Secretary:<br />

Judi Kelly<br />

Realtor - Coldwell<br />

Banker Pr<strong>of</strong>essionals<br />

Director:<br />

Kathy Nemer-Kaiser<br />

Secretary -<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong> Garden Club<br />

Director:<br />

Katherine Huffmaster<br />

Principal Agent - The<br />

Huffmaster Insurance<br />

Agency at AAA<br />

Director:<br />

Michelle Crisenbery<br />

Mortgage Loan Officer -<br />

Chemical Bank<br />

Director:<br />

Annette <strong>St</strong>urdy<br />

City Clerk -<br />

City <strong>of</strong> <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Clair</strong><br />

Director:<br />

Willie Deveny<br />

Owner - Fresh Air One Hour<br />

Heating & Air Conditioning<br />

Director:<br />

Sheila LaCroix<br />

Co-Owner - LaCroix’s<br />

Riverside Pub / Drifters<br />

Director:<br />

Lee Westrick<br />

Cargill Salt<br />

Director:<br />

Kelly Klemmer<br />

Lelito’s Legacy<br />


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